app: penpot-pr-{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }} # TODO move to staging cluster when ready env: prod namespace: penpot deploy: event: pr cleanup: event: branchDeleted app: penpot-pr-{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }} chart: name:{{ .BRANCH }}&path=/.gimlet/k8s/penpot/ values: redis: replica: replicaCount: 0 global: # Try use the existing redis redisEnabled: false imagePullSecrets: - name: ghcr-login-secret postgresql: # use the existing db enabled: false owner: penpot database: penpot # Assumed specified in infra secret: db-penpot-secrets superUser: db-penpot-superuser-secret config: assets: storageBackend: assets-s3 s3: bucket: assets endpointURI: http://minio.penpot.svc.cluster.local:80 existingSecret: penpot-assets-user-0 secretKeys: accessKeyIDKey: CONSOLE_ACCESS_KEY secretAccessKey: CONSOLE_SECRET_KEY # - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= # - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= # - PENPOT_ASSETS_STORAGE_BACKEND=assets-s3 # - PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_ENDPOINT=http://penpot-minio:9000 # - PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_BUCKET= smtp: enabled: true host: mailslurper tls: false port: 1025 publicURI: https://{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }} redis: host: penpot-redis-master.penpot.svc.cluster.local postgresql: # note that this is unchanged host: penpot-db-rw database: penpot existingSecret: db-penpot-secrets secretKeys: usernameKey: username passwordKey: password backend: image: pullPolicy: Always repository: tag: 'backend-pr-{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }}' exporter: # Unlikely to be used enabled: false frontend: labels: portService: tokens-studio-for-penpot image: pullPolicy: Always repository: tag: 'frontend-pr-{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }}' ingress: enabled: true annotations: letsencrypt-prod hosts: - host: "{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }}" tls: - secretName: tls-penpot hosts: - "{{ .BRANCH | sanitizeDNSName }}"