(ns app.components-basic-test (:require [app.common.data :as d] [app.common.geom.point :as gpt] [app.common.pages.helpers :as cph] [app.main.data.workspace :as dw] [app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl] [app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers :as dwlh] [app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh] [app.test-helpers.events :as the] [app.test-helpers.libraries :as thl] [app.test-helpers.pages :as thp] [beicon.core :as rx] [cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]] [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true] [clojure.stacktrace :as stk] [linked.core :as lks])) (t/use-fixtures :each {:before thp/reset-idmap!}) ;; Test using potok #_(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-shape (t/testing "test-add-component-from-single-shape" (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"})) store (ptk/store {:state state}) stream (ptk/input-stream store) end? (->> stream (rx/filter #(= ::end %)))] (->> stream (rx/take-until end?) (rx/last) (rx/do (fn [] (let [new-state @store shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1) [[group shape1] [c-group c-shape1] component] (thl/resolve-instance-and-main new-state (:parent-id shape1)) file (dwlh/get-local-file new-state)] (t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name group) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name component) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name c-group) "Component-1")) (thl/is-from-file group file)))) (rx/subs done #(throw %))) (ptk/emit! store (dw/select-shape (thp/id :shape1)) (dwl/add-component) ::end))))) ;; FAILING #_(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-shape (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"}))] (->> state (the/do-update (dw/select-shape (thp/id :shape1))) (the/do-watch-update dwl/add-component) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1) [[group shape1] [c-group c-shape1] component] (thl/resolve-instance-and-main new-state (:parent-id shape1)) file (dwlh/get-local-file new-state)] (t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name group) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name component) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name c-group) "Component-1")) (thl/is-from-file group file)))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) ;; FAILING #_(t/deftest test-add-component-from-several-shapes (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"}) (thp/sample-shape :shape2 :rect {:name "Rect 2"}))] (->> state (the/do-update (dw/select-shapes (lks/set (thp/id :shape1) (thp/id :shape2)))) (the/do-watch-update dwl/add-component) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1) [[group shape1 shape2] [c-group c-shape1 c-shape2] component] (thl/resolve-instance-and-main new-state (:parent-id shape1)) file (dwlh/get-local-file new-state)] ;; NOTE: the group name depends on having executed ;; the previous test. (t/is (= (:name group) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 2")) (t/is (= (:name component) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name c-group) "Component-1")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 2")) (thl/is-from-file group file)))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) #_(t/deftest test-add-component-from-group (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"}) (thp/sample-shape :shape2 :rect {:name "Rect 2"}) (thp/group-shapes :group1 [(thp/id :shape1) (thp/id :shape2)]))] (->> state (the/do-update (dw/select-shape (thp/id :group1))) (the/do-watch-update dwl/add-component) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [[[group shape1 shape2] [c-group c-shape1 c-shape2] component] (thl/resolve-instance-and-main new-state (thp/id :group1)) file (dwlh/get-local-file new-state)] (t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 2")) (t/is (= (:name group) "Group-1")) (t/is (= (:name component) "Group-1")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 2")) (t/is (= (:name c-group) "Group-1")) (thl/is-from-file group file)))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) (t/deftest test-rename-component (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"}) (thp/make-component :instance1 [(thp/id :shape1)])) instance1 (thp/get-shape state :instance1)] (->> state (the/do-watch-update (dwl/rename-component (:component-id instance1) "Renamed component")) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [file (dwlh/get-local-file new-state) component (cph/get-component (:component-id instance1) (:component-file instance1) file {})] (t/is (= (:name component) "Renamed component"))))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) (t/deftest test-duplicate-component (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect-1"}) (thp/make-component :instance1 [(thp/id :shape1)])) instance1 (thp/get-shape state :instance1) component-id (:component-id instance1)] (->> state (the/do-watch-update (dwl/duplicate-component {:id component-id})) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [new-component-id (->> (get-in new-state [:workspace-data :components]) (keys) (filter #(not= % component-id)) (first)) [[instance1 shape1] [c-instance1 c-shape1] component1] (thl/resolve-instance-and-main new-state (:id instance1)) [[c-component2 c-shape2] component2] (thl/resolve-component new-state new-component-id)] (t/is (= (:name component2) "Rect-2"))))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) (t/deftest test-delete-component (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"}) (thp/make-component :instance1 [(thp/id :shape1)])) instance1 (thp/get-shape state :instance1) component-id (:component-id instance1)] (->> state (the/do-watch-update (dwl/delete-component {:id component-id})) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [[instance1 shape1] (thl/resolve-instance new-state (:id instance1)) file (dwlh/get-local-file new-state) component (cph/get-component (:component-id instance1) (:component-file instance1) file {})] (t/is (nil? component))))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) (t/deftest test-instantiate-component (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect-1"}) (thp/make-component :instance1 [(thp/id :shape1)])) file (dwlh/get-local-file state) instance1 (thp/get-shape state :instance1) component-id (:component-id instance1)] (->> state (the/do-watch-update (dwl/instantiate-component (:id file) (:component-id instance1) (gpt/point 100 100))) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [new-instance-id (-> new-state wsh/lookup-selected first) [[instance2 shape2] [c-instance2 c-shape2] component] (thl/resolve-instance-and-main new-state new-instance-id)] (t/is (not= (:id instance1) (:id instance2))) (t/is (= (:id component) component-id)) (t/is (= (:name instance2) "Rect-3")) (t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect-1")) (t/is (= (:name c-instance2) "Rect-2")) (t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect-1"))))) (rx/subs done #(throw %)))))) (t/deftest test-detach-component (t/async done (let [state (-> thp/initial-state (thp/sample-page) (thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"}) (thp/make-component :instance1 [(thp/id :shape1)])) instance1 (thp/get-shape state :instance1) component-id (:component-id instance1)] (->> state (the/do-watch-update (dwl/detach-component (:id instance1))) (rx/do (fn [new-state] (let [[instance1 shape1] (thl/resolve-noninstance new-state (:id instance1))] (t/is (= (:name "Rect 1")))))) (rx/subs done #(throw %))))))