;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns backend-tests.rpc-access-tokens-test (:require [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [app.db :as db] [app.http :as http] [app.storage :as sto] [app.rpc :as-alias rpc] [backend-tests.helpers :as th] [clojure.test :as t] [mockery.core :refer [with-mocks]])) (t/use-fixtures :once th/state-init) (t/use-fixtures :each th/database-reset) (t/deftest access-tokens-crud (let [prof (th/create-profile* 1 {:is-active true}) team-id (:default-team-id prof) proj-id (:default-project-id prof) atoken (atom nil)] (t/testing "create access token" (let [params {::th/type :create-access-token ::rpc/profile-id (:id prof) :name "token 1" :perms ["get-profile"]} out (th/command! params)] ;; (th/print-result! out) (t/is (nil? (:error out))) (let [result (:result out)] (reset! atoken result) (t/is (contains? result :id)) (t/is (contains? result :created-at)) (t/is (contains? result :updated-at)) (t/is (contains? result :token)) (t/is (contains? result :perms))))) (t/testing "get access token" (let [params {::th/type :get-access-tokens ::rpc/profile-id (:id prof)} out (th/command! params)] ;; (th/print-result! out) (t/is (nil? (:error out))) (let [[result :as results] (:result out)] (t/is (= 1 (count results))) (t/is (contains? result :id)) (t/is (contains? result :created-at)) (t/is (contains? result :updated-at)) (t/is (contains? result :token)) (t/is (contains? result :perms)) (t/is (= @atoken result))))) (t/testing "delete access token" (let [params {::th/type :delete-access-token ::rpc/profile-id (:id prof) :id (:id @atoken)} out (th/command! params)] ;; (th/print-result! out) (t/is (nil? (:error out))) (t/is (nil? (:result out))))) (t/testing "get access token after delete" (let [params {::th/type :get-access-tokens ::rpc/profile-id (:id prof)} out (th/command! params)] ;; (th/print-result! out) (t/is (nil? (:error out))) (let [results (:result out)] (t/is (= 0 (count results)))))) ))