;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns token-tests.token-test (:require [app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.token :as wtt] [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true])) (t/deftest token-applied-test (t/testing "matches passed token with `:token-attributes`" (t/is (true? (wtt/token-applied? {:id :a} {:applied-tokens {:x :a}} #{:x})))) (t/testing "doesn't match empty token" (t/is (nil? (wtt/token-applied? {} {:applied-tokens {:x :a}} #{:x})))) (t/testing "does't match passed token `:id`" (t/is (nil? (wtt/token-applied? {:id :b} {:applied-tokens {:x :a}} #{:x})))) (t/testing "doesn't match passed `:token-attributes`" (t/is (nil? (wtt/token-applied? {:id :a} {:applied-tokens {:x :a}} #{:y}))))) (t/deftest tokens-applied-test (t/testing "is true when single shape matches the token and attributes" (t/is (true? (wtt/shapes-token-applied? {:id :a} [{:applied-tokens {:x :a}} {:applied-tokens {:x :b}}] #{:x})))) (t/testing "is false when no shape matches the token or attributes" (t/is (nil? (wtt/shapes-token-applied? {:id :a} [{:applied-tokens {:x :b}} {:applied-tokens {:x :b}}] #{:x}))) (t/is (nil? (wtt/shapes-token-applied? {:id :a} [{:applied-tokens {:x :a}} {:applied-tokens {:x :a}}] #{:y}))))) (t/deftest name->path-test (t/is (= ["foo" "bar" "baz"] (wtt/token-name->path "foo.bar.baz"))) (t/is (= ["foo" "bar" "baz"] (wtt/token-name->path "foo..bar.baz"))) (t/is (= ["foo" "bar" "baz"] (wtt/token-name->path "foo..bar.baz....")))) (t/deftest tokens-name-map-test (t/testing "creates a a names map from tokens" (t/is (= {"border-radius.sm" {:name "border-radius.sm", :value "10"} "border-radius.md" {:name "border-radius.md", :value "20"}} (wtt/token-names-map [{:name "border-radius.sm" :value "10"} {:name "border-radius.md" :value "20"}]))))) (t/deftest tokens-name-tree-test (t/is (= {"foo" {"bar" {"baz" {:name "foo.bar.baz", :value "a"}, "bam" {:name "foo.bar.bam", :value "b"}}}, "baz" {"bar" {"foo" {:name "baz.bar.foo", :value "{foo.bar.baz}"}}}} (wtt/token-names-tree {:a {:name "foo.bar.baz" :value "a"} :b {:name "foo.bar.bam" :value "b"} :c {:name "baz.bar.foo" :value "{foo.bar.baz}"}})))) (t/deftest token-name-path-exists?-test (t/is (true? (wtt/token-name-path-exists? "border-radius" {"border-radius" {"sm" {:name "sm"}}}))) (t/is (true? (wtt/token-name-path-exists? "border-radius" {"border-radius" {:name "sm"}}))) (t/is (true? (wtt/token-name-path-exists? "border-radius.sm" {"border-radius" {:name "sm"}}))) (t/is (true? (wtt/token-name-path-exists? "border-radius.sm.x" {"border-radius" {:name "sm"}}))) (t/is (false? (wtt/token-name-path-exists? "other" {"border-radius" {:name "sm"}}))) (t/is (false? (wtt/token-name-path-exists? "dark.border-radius.md" {"dark" {"border-radius" {"sm" {:name "sm"}}}}))))