/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL */ 'use strict'; import { CharacterMetadata, EditorState, CompositeDecorator, SelectionState, Modifier } from "draft-js"; import {Map} from "immutable"; function isDefined(v) { return v !== undefined && v !== null; } function mergeBlockData(block, newData) { let data = block.getData(); for (let key of Object.keys(newData)) { const oldVal = data.get(key); if (oldVal === newData[key]) { data = data.delete(key); } else { data = data.set(key, newData[key]); } } return block.merge({ data: data }); } export function createEditorState(content, decorator) { if (content === null) { return EditorState.createEmpty(decorator); } else { return EditorState.createWithContent(content, decorator); } } export function createDecorator(type, component) { const strategy = (block, callback, content) => { return block.findEntityRanges((cmeta) => { const entityKey = cmeta.getEntity(); return isDefined(entityKey) && (type === content.getEntity(entityKey).getType()); }, callback); }; return new CompositeDecorator([ {"strategy": strategy, "component": component} ]); } function getSelectAllSelection(state) { const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const firstBlock = content.getBlockMap().first(); const lastBlock = content.getBlockMap().last(); return new SelectionState({ "anchorKey": firstBlock.getKey(), "anchorOffset": 0, "focusKey": lastBlock.getKey(), "focusOffset": lastBlock.getLength() }); } function getCursorInEndPosition(state) { const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const lastBlock = content.getBlockMap().last(); return new SelectionState({ "anchorKey": lastBlock.getKey(), "anchorOffset": lastBlock.getLength(), "focusKey": lastBlock.getKey(), "focusOffset": lastBlock.getLength() }); } export function selectAll(state) { return EditorState.forceSelection(state, getSelectAllSelection(state)); } function modifySelectedBlocks(contentState, selectionState, operation) { var startKey = selectionState.getStartKey(); var endKey = selectionState.getEndKey(); var blockMap = contentState.getBlockMap(); var newBlocks = blockMap.toSeq().skipUntil(function (_, k) { return k === startKey; }).takeUntil(function (_, k) { return k === endKey; }).concat(Map([[endKey, blockMap.get(endKey)]])).map(operation); return contentState.merge({ "blockMap": blockMap.merge(newBlocks), "selectionBefore": selectionState, "selectionAfter": selectionState }); } export function updateCurrentBlockData(state, attrs) { const selection = state.getSelection(); let content = state.getCurrentContent(); content = modifySelectedBlocks(content, selection, (block) => { return mergeBlockData(block, attrs); }); return EditorState.push(state, content, "change-block-data"); } export function applyInlineStyle(state, styles) { let selection = state.getSelection(); if (selection.isCollapsed()) { selection = getSelectAllSelection(state); } let content = null; for (let style of styles) { const [p, k, v] = style.split("$$$"); const prefix = [p, k, ""].join("$$$"); content = state.getCurrentContent(); content = removeInlineStylePrefix(content, selection, prefix); if (v !== "z:null") { content = Modifier.applyInlineStyle(content, selection, style); } state = EditorState.push(state, content, "change-inline-style"); } return state; } export function splitBlockPreservingData(state) { let content = state.getCurrentContent(); const selection = state.getSelection(); content = Modifier.splitBlock(content, selection); const blockData = content.blockMap.get(content.selectionBefore.getStartKey()).getData(); const blockKey = content.selectionAfter.getStartKey(); const blockMap = content.blockMap.update(blockKey, (block) => { return block.set("data", blockData); }); content = content.set("blockMap", blockMap); return EditorState.push(state, content, "split-block"); } export function addBlurSelectionEntity(state) { let content = state.getCurrentContent(state); const selection = state.getSelection(); content = content.createEntity("PENPOT_SELECTION", "MUTABLE"); const entityKey = content.getLastCreatedEntityKey(); content = Modifier.applyEntity(content, selection, entityKey); return EditorState.push(state, content, "apply-entity"); } export function removeBlurSelectionEntity(state) { const selectionAll = getSelectAllSelection(state); const selection = state.getSelection(); let content = state.getCurrentContent(); content = Modifier.applyEntity(content, selectionAll, null); state = EditorState.push(state, content, "apply-entity"); state = EditorState.forceSelection(state, selection); return state; } export function getCurrentBlock(state) { const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const selection = state.getSelection(); const startKey = selection.getStartKey(); return content.getBlockForKey(startKey); } export function getCurrentEntityKey(state) { const block = getCurrentBlock(state); const selection = state.getSelection(); const startOffset = selection.getStartOffset(); return block.getEntityAt(startOffset); } export function removeInlineStylePrefix(contentState, selectionState, stylePrefix) { const startKey = selectionState.getStartKey(); const startOffset = selectionState.getStartOffset(); const endKey = selectionState.getEndKey(); const endOffset = selectionState.getEndOffset(); return modifySelectedBlocks(contentState, selectionState, (block, blockKey) => { let sliceStart; let sliceEnd; if (startKey === endKey) { sliceStart = startOffset; sliceEnd = endOffset; } else { sliceStart = blockKey === startKey ? startOffset : 0; sliceEnd = blockKey === endKey ? endOffset : block.getLength(); } let chars = block.getCharacterList(); let current; while (sliceStart < sliceEnd) { current = chars.get(sliceStart); current = current.set("style", current.getStyle().filter((s) => !s.startsWith(stylePrefix))) chars = chars.set(sliceStart, CharacterMetadata.create(current)); sliceStart++; } return block.set("characterList", chars); }); } export function cursorToEnd(state) { const newSelection = getCursorInEndPosition(state); const selection = state.getSelection(); let content = state.getCurrentContent(); content = Modifier.applyEntity(content, newSelection, null); state = EditorState.forceSelection(state, newSelection); state = EditorState.push(state, content, "apply-entity"); return state; } export function isCurrentEmpty(state) { const selection = state.getSelection(); if (!selection.isCollapsed()) { return false; } const blockKey = selection.getStartKey(); const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const block = content.getBlockForKey(blockKey); return block.getText() === ""; } /* Returns the block keys between a selection */ export function getSelectedBlocks(state) { const selection = state.getSelection(); const startKey = selection.getStartKey(); const endKey = selection.getEndKey(); const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const result = [ startKey ]; let currentKey = startKey; while (currentKey !== endKey) { const currentBlock = content.getBlockAfter(currentKey); currentKey = currentBlock.getKey(); result.push(currentKey); } return result; } export function getBlockContent(state, blockKey) { const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const block = content.getBlockForKey(blockKey); return block.getText(); } export function getBlockData(state, blockKey) { const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const block = content.getBlockForKey(blockKey); return block && block.getData().toJS(); } export function updateBlockData(state, blockKey, data) { const userSelection = state.getSelection(); const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const block = content.getBlockForKey(blockKey); const newBlock = mergeBlockData(block, data); const blockData = newBlock.getData(); const newContent = Modifier.setBlockData( state.getCurrentContent(), SelectionState.createEmpty(blockKey), blockData ); const result = EditorState.push(state, newContent, 'change-block-data'); return EditorState.acceptSelection(result, userSelection) } export function getSelection(state) { return state.getSelection(); } export function setSelection(state, selection) { return EditorState.acceptSelection(state, selection); } export function selectBlock(state, blockKey) { const block = state.getCurrentContent().getBlockForKey(blockKey); const length = block.getText().length; const selection = SelectionState.createEmpty(blockKey).merge({ focusOffset: length }); return EditorState.acceptSelection(state, selection); } export function getInlineStyle(state, blockKey, offset) { const content = state.getCurrentContent(); const block = content.getBlockForKey(blockKey); return block.getInlineStyleAt(offset).toJS(); }