/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC */ "use strict"; describe("account creation", () => { let validUser; beforeEach(() => { cy.fixture("validuser.json").then((user) => { validUser = user; }); cy.visit("http://localhost:3449/#/auth/login"); cy.getBySel("register-submit").click(); }); it("displays the account creation form", () => { cy.getBySel("register-form-submit").should("exist"); }); it("create an account", () => { let email = "mail" + Date.now() +"@mail.com"; cy.get("#email").type(email); cy.get("#password").type("anewpassword"); cy.get("input[type=submit]").click(); cy.getBySel("register-title").should("exist"); cy.get("#fullname").type("Test user") cy.get("input[type=submit]").click(); cy.get(".dashboard-layout").should("exist"); }); it("create an account of an existent email fails", () => { cy.get("#email").type(validUser.email); cy.get("#password").type("anewpassword"); cy.getBySel("register-form-submit").click(); cy.getBySel("email-input-error").should("exist"); }); it("can go back", () => { cy.getBySel("login-here-link").click(); cy.getBySel("login-title").should("exist"); cy.get("#email").should("exist"); cy.get("#password").should("exist"); }); });