#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e export ORGANIZATION="penpotapp"; export DEVENV_IMGNAME="$ORGANIZATION/devenv"; export DEVENV_PNAME="penpotdev"; export CURRENT_USER_ID=$(id -u); export CURRENT_VERSION=$(git describe --tags); export CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD); export CURRENT_HASH=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD); export CURRENT_BUILD=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'); function build-devenv { echo "Building development image $DEVENV_IMGNAME:latest..." pushd docker/devenv; docker build -t $DEVENV_IMGNAME:latest . popd; } function push-devenv { docker push $DEVENV_IMGNAME:latest } function pull-devenv { set -ex docker pull $DEVENV_IMGNAME:latest } function pull-devenv-if-not-exists { if [[ ! $(docker images $DEVENV_IMGNAME:latest -q) ]]; then pull-devenv $@ fi } function start-devenv { pull-devenv-if-not-exists $@; docker-compose -p $DEVENV_PNAME -f docker/devenv/docker-compose.yaml up -d; } function stop-devenv { docker-compose -p $DEVENV_PNAME -f docker/devenv/docker-compose.yaml stop -t 2; } function drop-devenv { docker-compose -p $DEVENV_PNAME -f docker/devenv/docker-compose.yaml down -t 2 -v; echo "Clean old development image $DEVENV_IMGNAME..." docker images $DEVENV_IMGNAME -q | awk '{print $3}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rmi } function log-devenv { docker-compose -p $DEVENV_PNAME -f docker/devenv/docker-compose.yaml logs -f --tail=50 } function run-devenv { if [[ ! $(docker ps -f "name=penpot-devenv-main" -q) ]]; then start-devenv fi docker exec -ti penpot-devenv-main sudo -EH -u penpot /home/start-tmux.sh } function build { pull-devenv-if-not-exists; docker volume create ${DEVENV_PNAME}_user_data; docker run -t --rm \ --mount source=${DEVENV_PNAME}_user_data,type=volume,target=/home/penpot/ \ --mount source=`pwd`,type=bind,target=/home/penpot/penpot \ -e EXTERNAL_UID=$CURRENT_USER_ID \ -e SHADOWCLJS_EXTRA_PARAMS=$SHADOWCLJS_EXTRA_PARAMS \ -w /home/penpot/penpot/$1 \ $DEVENV_IMGNAME:latest sudo -EH -u penpot ./scripts/build.sh } function build-frontend { build "frontend"; } function build-exporter { build "exporter"; } function build-backend { build "backend"; } function build-bundle { local build_enabled=${PENPOT_BUNDLE_BUILD:-"true"}; if [ $build_enabled == "true" ]; then build "frontend"; build "exporter"; build "backend"; fi rm -rf ./bundle mkdir -p ./bundle cp -r ./frontend/target/dist ./bundle/frontend cp -r ./backend/target/dist ./bundle/backend cp -r ./exporter/target ./bundle/exporter local version="$CURRENT_VERSION"; local name="penpot-$CURRENT_BRANCH"; if [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "main" ]; then version="$CURRENT_BRANCH-$CURRENT_VERSION"; fi; echo $version > ./bundle/version.txt sed -i -re "s/\%version\%/$version/g" ./bundle/frontend/index.html; sed -i -re "s/\%version\%/$version/g" ./bundle/backend/main/app/config.clj; local generate_tar=${PENPOT_BUNDLE_GENERATE_TAR:-"true"}; if [ $generate_tar == "true" ]; then pushd bundle/ tar -cvf ../$name.tar *; popd xz -vez1f -T4 $name.tar echo "##############################################################"; echo "# Generated $name.tar.xz"; echo "# Version $version"; echo "##############################################################"; fi } function build-image { local image=$1; local tag=$2; local version=$3; local docker_image="$ORGANIZATION/$image"; set -x pushd ./docker/images; docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t $docker_image:$tag -f Dockerfile.$image .; docker tag $docker_image:$tag $docker_image:$version; # docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t $docker_image:$version-arm64 .; popd; } function build-images { local version="$CURRENT_VERSION"; local bundle_file="penpot-$CURRENT_BRANCH.tar.xz"; if [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "main" ]; then version="$CURRENT_BRANCH-$CURRENT_VERSION"; bundle_file="penpot-$CURRENT_BRANCH.tar.xz"; fi; if [ ! -f $bundle_file ]; then echo "File '$bundle_file' does not exists."; exit 1; fi local bundle_file_path=`readlink -f $bundle_file`; echo "Building docker image from: $bundle_file_path."; rm -rf ./docker/images/bundle; mkdir -p ./docker/images/bundle; pushd ./docker/images/bundle; tar xvf $bundle_file_path; popd build-image "backend" $CURRENT_BRANCH $version; build-image "frontend" $CURRENT_BRANCH $version; build-image "exporter" $CURRENT_BRANCH $version; } function publish-latest-images { if [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "main" ]; then echo "Latest image can only be build from main branch."; exit 1; fi; set -x docker tag $ORGANIZATION/frontend:$CURRENT_VERSION $ORGANIZATION/frontend:latest; docker tag $ORGANIZATION/backend:$CURRENT_VERSION $ORGANIZATION/backend:latest; docker tag $ORGANIZATION/exporter:$CURRENT_VERSION $ORGANIZATION/exporter:latest; # docker push $ORGANIZATION/frontend:$CURRENT_VERSION; # docker push $ORGANIZATION/backend:$CURRENT_VERSION; # docker push $ORGANIZATION/exporter:$CURRENT_VERSION; docker push $ORGANIZATION/frontend:latest; docker push $ORGANIZATION/backend:latest; docker push $ORGANIZATION/exporter:latest; } function publish-snapshot-images { set -x docker push $ORGANIZATION/frontend:$CURRENT_BRANCH; docker push $ORGANIZATION/backend:$CURRENT_BRANCH; docker push $ORGANIZATION/exporter:$CURRENT_BRANCH; } function usage { echo "PENPOT build & release manager" echo "USAGE: $0 OPTION" echo "Options:" # echo "- clean Stop and clean up docker containers" # echo "" echo "- pull-devenv Pulls docker development oriented image" echo "- build-devenv Build docker development oriented image" echo "- start-devenv Start the development oriented docker-compose service." echo "- stop-devenv Stops the development oriented docker-compose service." echo "- drop-devenv Remove the development oriented docker-compose containers, volumes and clean images." echo "- run-devenv Attaches to the running devenv container and starts development environment" echo " based on tmux (frontend at localhost:3449, backend at localhost:6060)." echo "" # echo "- run-all-tests Execute unit tests for both backend and frontend." # echo "- run-frontend-tests Execute unit tests for frontend only." # echo "- run-backend-tests Execute unit tests for backend only." } case $1 in ## devenv related commands pull-devenv) pull-devenv ${@:2}; ;; build-devenv) build-devenv ${@:2} ;; push-devenv) push-devenv ${@:2} ;; start-devenv) start-devenv ${@:2} ;; run-devenv) run-devenv ${@:2} ;; stop-devenv) stop-devenv ${@:2} ;; drop-devenv) drop-devenv ${@:2} ;; log-devenv) log-devenv ${@:2} ;; ## testin related commands # run-all-tests) # run-all-tests ${@:2} # ;; # run-frontend-tests) # run-frontend-tests ${@:2} # ;; # run-backend-tests) # run-backend-tests ${@:2} # ;; # production builds build-frontend) build-frontend ;; build-backend) build-backend ;; build-exporter) build-exporter ;; build-bundle) build-bundle ;; # Docker Image Tasks build-images) build-images; ;; publish-snapshot-images) publish-snapshot-images; ;; publish-latest-images) publish-latest-images; ;; *) usage ;; esac