#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e REV=`git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%h -- docker/` IMGNAME="uxbox-devenv" function kill-devenv-container { echo "Cleaning development container $IMGNAME:$REV..." docker ps -a -f name=$IMGNAME -q | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker kill } function remove-devenv-images { echo "Clean old development image $IMGNAME..." docker images $IMGNAME -q | awk '{print $3}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rmi } function build-devenv-image { echo "Building development image $IMGNAME:$REV..." docker build --rm=true \ -t $IMGNAME:$REV \ -t $IMGNAME:latest \ --build-arg EXTERNAL_UID=$(id -u) \ --label="io.uxbox.devenv" \ docker/devenv } function build-devenv-image-if-not-exists { if [[ ! $(docker images $IMGNAME:$REV -q) ]]; then build-devenv-image fi } function run-devenv { kill-devenv-container; build-devenv-image-if-not-exists; mkdir -p $HOME/.m2 rm -rf ./frontend/node_modules mkdir -p \ ./frontend/resources/public/css \ ./frontend/resources/public/view/css CONTAINER=$IMGNAME:latest echo "Running development image $CONTAINER..." docker run --rm -ti \ -v `pwd`:/home/uxbox/uxbox \ -v $HOME/.m2:/home/uxbox/.m2 \ -v $HOME/.gitconfig:/home/uxbox/.gitconfig \ -p 3449:3449 -p 6060:6060 -p 9090:9090 \ --name "uxbox-devenv" \ $CONTAINER } function run-all-tests { echo "Testing frontend..." run-frontend-tests || exit 1; echo "Testing backend..." run-backend-tests || exit 1; } function run-frontend-tests { build-devenv-image-if-not-exists; CONTAINER=$IMGNAME:latest echo "Running development image $CONTAINER to test backend..." docker run -ti --rm \ -w /home/uxbox/uxbox/frontend \ -v `pwd`:/home/uxbox/uxbox \ -v $HOME/.m2:/home/uxbox/.m2 \ $CONTAINER ./scripts/build-and-run-tests.sh } function run-backend-tests { build-devenv-image-if-not-exists; CONTAINER=$IMGNAME:latest docker run -ti --rm \ -w /home/uxbox/uxbox/backend \ -v `pwd`:/home/uxbox/uxbox \ -v $HOME/.m2:/home/uxbox/.m2 \ $CONTAINER ./scripts/run-tests-in-docker.sh } function build-frontend-local { build-devenv-image-if-not-exists; mkdir -p $HOME/.m2 rm -rf ./frontend/node_modules CONTAINER=$IMGNAME:latest; BUILD_TYPE=$1; echo "Running development image $CONTAINER to build frontend $BUILD_TYPE ..." docker run -ti --rm \ -w /home/uxbox/uxbox/frontend \ -v `pwd`:/home/uxbox/uxbox \ -v $HOME/.m2:/home/uxbox/.m2 \ -e UXBOX_API_URL="/api" \ -e UXBOX_VIEW_URL="/view" \ $CONTAINER ./scripts/build-$BUILD_TYPE.sh } function build-frontend-production-image { build-frontend-local "production" || exit 1; rm -rf docker/frontend/dist || exit 1; cp -vr frontend/dist docker/frontend/ || exit 1; docker build --rm=true \ -t uxbox-frontend-production:$REV \ -t uxbox-frontend-production:latest \ docker/frontend/; rm -rf docker/frontend/dist || exit 1; } function build-frontend-develop-image { build-frontend-local "develop" || exit 1; rm -rf docker/frontend/dist || exit 1; cp -vr frontend/dist docker/frontend/ || exit 1; docker build --rm=true \ -t uxbox-frontend-develop:$REV \ -t uxbox-frontend-develop:latest \ docker/frontend/; rm -rf docker/frontend/dist || exit 1; } function build-backend-local { echo "Prepare backend dist..." rm -rf ./backend/dist rsync -ar \ --exclude="/test" \ --exclude="/resources/public/media" \ --exclude="/target" \ --exclude="/scripts" \ --exclude="/.*" \ ./backend/ ./backend/dist/ } function build-backend-production-image { build-backend-local || exit 1; rm -rf docker/backend/dist || exit 1; cp -vr backend/dist docker/backend/ || exit 1; docker build --rm=true \ -t uxbox-backend-production:$REV \ -t uxbox-backend-production:latest \ docker/backend/; rm -rf docker/backend/dist || exit 1; } function build-images { echo "Building frontend production image ..." build-frontend-production-image || exit 1; echo "Building frontend develop image ..." build-frontend-develop-image || exit 1; echo "Building backend production image ..." build-backend-production-image || exit 1; } function run { if [[ ! $(docker images uxbox-backend-production:latest) ]]; then build-production-backend-image fi if [[ ! $(docker images uxbox-frontend-production:latest) ]]; then build-production-frontend-image fi if [[ ! $(docker images uxbox-frontend-develop:latest) ]]; then build-develop-frontend-image fi echo "Running production images..." docker-compose -p uxbox -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up -d } function stop { echo "Stoping containers..." docker-compose -p uxbox -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml stop } function usage { echo "UXBOX build & release manager v$REV" echo "USAGE: $0 OPTION" echo "Options:" echo "- clean Stop and clean up docker containers" echo "- build-devenv-image Build docker container for development with tmux" echo "- run-devenv Run (and build if necessary) development container (frontend at localhost:3449, backend at localhost:6060)" echo "- run-all-tests Execute unit tests for both backend and frontend" echo "- run-frontend-tests Execute unit tests for frontend only" echo "- run-backend-tests Execute unit tests for backend only" echo "- build-images Build a 'release ready' docker images for both backend and frontend" echo "- build-frontend-develop-image Build a 'release ready' docker image for frontend (develop build)" echo "- build-frontend-production-image Build a 'release ready' docker images for frontend" echo "- build-backend-production-image Build a 'release ready' docker images for backend" echo "- run Run 'production ready' docker compose" echo "- stop Stop 'production ready' docker compose" } case $1 in clean) kill-devenv-container remove-devenv-images ;; build-devenv-image) build-devenv-image ;; run-devenv) run-devenv ;; run-all-tests) run-all-tests ;; run-frontend-tests) run-frontend-tests ;; run-backend-tests) run-backend-tests ;; build-images) build-images ;; build-frontend-develop-image) build-frontend-develop-image; ;; build-frontend-production-image) build-frontend-production-image; ;; build-backend-production-image) build-backend-production-image; ;; run) run ;; stop) stop ;; *) usage ;; esac