# Management Guide # **TODO** ## Frontend configuration parameters ## Not needed. ## Backend configuration parameters ## Backend accepts a bunch of configuration parameters (detailed above), that can be passed in different ways. The preferred one is using environment variables. This is a probably incomplete list of available options (with respective defaults): - `APP_HTTP_SERVER_PORT=6060` - `APP_PUBLIC_URI=http://localhost:3449` - `APP_DATABASE_USERNAME=` (default undefined, used from uri) - `APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=` (default undefined, used from uri) - `APP_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://` - `APP_MEDIA_DIRECTORY=resources/public/media` - `APP_MEDIA_URI=http://localhost:6060/media/` - `APP_SMTP_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO=no-reply@example.com` - `APP_SMTP_DEFAULT_FROM=no-reply@example.com` - `APP_SMTP_ENABLED=` (default false, prints to console) - `APP_SMTP_HOST=` (default undefined) - `APP_SMTP_PORT=` (default undefined) - `APP_SMTP_USER=` (default undefined) - `APP_SMTP_PASSWORD=` (default undefined) - `APP_SMTP_SSL=` (default to `false`) - `APP_SMTP_TLS=` (default to `false`) - `APP_REDIS_URI=redis://localhost/0` - `APP_REGISTRATION_ENABLED=true` - `APP_REGISTRATION_DOMAIN_WHITELIST=""` (comma-separated domains, defaults to `""` which means that all domains are allowed) - `APP_DEBUG_HUMANIZE_TRANSIT=true` - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_HOST=` (default undefined) - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_PORT=` (default undefined) - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_VERSION=3` - `APP_LDAP_BIND_DN=` (default undefined) - `APP_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD=` (default undefined) - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_SSL=` (default `false`) - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_STARTTLS=` (default `false`) - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_BASE_DN=` (default undefined) - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_USER_QUERY=(|(uid=$username)(mail=$username))` - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE=uid` - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE=mail` - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_FULLNAME_ATTRIBUTE=displayName` - `APP_LDAP_AUTH_AVATAR_ATTRIBUTE=jpegPhoto` - `APP_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID=` (default undefined) - `APP_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET=` (default undefined) - `APP_GITLAB_BASE_URI=` (default https://gitlab.com) ## REPL ## The production environment by default starts a server REPL where you can connect and perform diagnosis operations. For this you will need `netcat` or `telnet` installed in the server. ```bash $ rlwrap netcat localhost 6062 user=> ```