(ns app.test-helpers.libraries (:require [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true] [cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]] [beicon.core :as rx] [potok.core :as ptk] [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [app.common.geom.point :as gpt] [app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh] [app.common.pages.helpers :as cph] [app.main.data.workspace :as dw] [app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers :as dwlh] [app.test-helpers.pages :as thp])) ;; ---- Helpers to manage libraries and synchronization (defn is-instance-root [shape] (t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape))) (t/is (some? (:component-id shape))) (t/is (= (:component-root? shape) true))) (defn is-instance-subroot [shape] (t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape))) (t/is (some? (:component-id shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-root? shape)))) (defn is-instance-head [shape] (t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape))) (t/is (some? (:component-id shape)))) (defn is-instance-child [shape] (t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-id shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-file shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-root? shape)))) (defn is-noninstance [shape] (t/is (nil? (:shape-ref shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-id shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-file shape))) (t/is (nil? (:component-root? shape))) (t/is (nil? (:remote-synced? shape))) (t/is (nil? (:touched shape)))) (defn is-from-file [shape file] (t/is (= (:component-file shape) (:id file)))) (defn resolve-instance [state root-inst-id] (let [page (thp/current-page state) root-inst (cph/get-shape page root-inst-id) shapes-inst (cph/get-children-with-self (:objects page) root-inst-id)] ;; Validate that the instance tree is well constructed (is-instance-root (first shapes-inst)) (run! is-instance-child (rest shapes-inst)) shapes-inst)) (defn resolve-noninstance [state root-inst-id] (let [page (thp/current-page state) root-inst (cph/get-shape page root-inst-id) shapes-inst (cph/get-children-with-self (:objects page) root-inst-id)] ;; Validate that the tree is not an instance (run! is-noninstance shapes-inst) shapes-inst)) (defn resolve-instance-and-main [state root-inst-id] (let [page (thp/current-page state) root-inst (cph/get-shape page root-inst-id) libs (dwlh/get-libraries state) component (cph/get-component libs (:component-id root-inst)) shapes-inst (cph/get-children-with-self (:objects page) root-inst-id) shapes-main (cph/get-children-with-self (:objects component) (:shape-ref root-inst)) unique-refs (into #{} (map :shape-ref) shapes-inst) main-exists? (fn [shape] (t/is (some #(= (:id %) (:shape-ref shape)) shapes-main)))] ;; Validate that the instance tree is well constructed (is-instance-root (first shapes-inst)) (run! is-instance-child (rest shapes-inst)) (run! is-noninstance shapes-main) (t/is (= (count shapes-inst) (count shapes-main) (count unique-refs))) (run! main-exists? shapes-inst) [shapes-inst shapes-main component])) (defn resolve-component [state component-id] (let [page (thp/current-page state) libs (dwlh/get-libraries state) component (cph/get-component libs component-id) root-main (cph/get-component-root component) shapes-main (cph/get-children-with-self (:objects component) (:id root-main))] ;; Validate that the component tree is well constructed (run! is-noninstance shapes-main) [shapes-main component]))