# Should be set to the public domain when penpot is going to be # served. PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI=http://localhost:9001 # Standard database connection parametes (only postgresql is # supported): PENPOT_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://penpot-postgres/penpot PENPOT_DATABASE_USERNAME=penpot PENPOT_DATABASE_PASSWORD=penpot # Redis is used for the websockets notifications. PENPOT_REDIS_URI=redis://penpot-redis/0 # By default files upload by user are stored in local filesystem. But # it can be configured to store in AWS S3 or completelly in de the # database. Storing in the database makes the backups more easy but # will make access to media less performant. PENPOT_STORAGE_BACKEND=fs PENPOT_STORAGE_FS_DIRECTORY=/opt/data/assets # Telemetry. When enabled, a periodical process will send annonymous # data about this instance. Telemetry data will enable us to learn on # how the application is used based on real scenarios. If you want to # help us, please leave it enabled. PENPOT_TELEMETRY_ENABLED=true # Email sending configuration. By default emails are printed in # console, but for production usage is recommeded to setup a real SMTP # provider. Emails are used for confirm user registration. PENPOT_SMTP_ENABLED=false PENPOT_SMTP_DEFAULT_FROM=no-reply@example.com PENPOT_SMTP_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO=no-reply@example.com # PENPOT_SMTP_HOST= # PENPOT_SMTP_PORT= # PENPOT_SMTP_USERNAME= # PENPOT_SMTP_PASSWORD= # PENPOT_SMTP_TLS=true # PENPOT_SMTP_SSL=false # Enable or disable external user registration process. PENPOT_REGISTRATION_ENABLED=true # Comma separated list of allowed domains to register. Empty for allow # all. # PENPOT_REGISTRATION_DOMAIN_WHITELIST="" # Penpot comes with the facility to create quick demo users that are # automatically deleted after some time. This settings enables or # disables the creation of demo users. PENPOT_ALLOW_DEMO_USERS=true ## Authentication providers # Google # PENPOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= # PENPOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= # Github # PENPOT_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= # PENPOT_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= # Gitlab # PENPOT_GITLAB_BASE_URI=https://gitlab.com # PENPOT_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID= # PENPOT_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET= # OpenID Connect (since 1.5.0) # PENPOT_OIDC_BASE_URI= # PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_ID= # PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET= # LDAP # PENPOT_LDAP_HOST=ldap # PENPOT_LDAP_PORT=10389 # PENPOT_LDAP_SSL=false # PENPOT_LDAP_STARTTLS=false # PENPOT_LDAP_BASE_DN=ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com # PENPOT_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com # PENPOT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD=GoodNewsEveryone # PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_USERNAME=uid # PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_EMAIL=mail # PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_FULLNAME=cn # PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_PHOTO=jpegPhoto # PENPOT_LOGIN_WITH_LDAP=true