CREATE TABLE profile ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), modified_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), deleted_at timestamptz NULL, fullname text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', email text NOT NULL, photo text NOT NULL, password text NOT NULL, lang text NULL, theme text NULL, is_demo boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX profile__email__idx ON profile (email) WHERE deleted_at IS null; CREATE INDEX profile__is_demo ON profile (is_demo) WHERE deleted_at IS null AND is_demo IS true; INSERT INTO profile (id, fullname, email, photo, password) VALUES ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid, 'System Profile', '', '', '!'); CREATE TABLE profile_email ( profile_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES profile(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), verified_at timestamptz NULL DEFAULT NULL, email text NOT NULL, is_main boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, is_verified boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ); CREATE INDEX profile_email__profile_id__idx ON profile_email (profile_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX profile_email__email__idx ON profile_email (email); CREATE TABLE team ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), modified_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), deleted_at timestamptz NULL, name text NOT NULL, photo text NOT NULL, is_default boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ); CREATE TRIGGER team__modified_at__tgr BEFORE UPDATE ON team FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_at(); INSERT INTO team (id, name, photo, is_default) VALUES ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid, 'System Team', '', true); CREATE TABLE team_profile_rel ( team_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES team(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, profile_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES profile(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), modified_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), is_admin boolean DEFAULT false, is_owner boolean DEFAULT false, can_edit boolean DEFAULT false, PRIMARY KEY (team_id, profile_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE team_profile_rel IS 'Relation between teams and profiles (NM)'; CREATE TRIGGER team_profile_rel__modified_at__tgr BEFORE UPDATE ON team_profile_rel FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_at(); CREATE TABLE profile_attr ( profile_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES profile(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), modified_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), key text NOT NULL, val bytea NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (key, profile_id) ); CREATE INDEX profile_attr__profile_id__idx ON profile_attr(profile_id); CREATE TRIGGER profile_attr__modified_at__tgr BEFORE UPDATE ON profile_attr FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_at(); CREATE TABLE password_recovery_token ( profile_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES profile(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, token text NOT NULL, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), used_at timestamptz NULL, PRIMARY KEY (profile_id, token) ); CREATE TABLE session ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), modified_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), profile_id uuid REFERENCES profile(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, user_agent text NULL ); CREATE INDEX session__profile_id__idx ON session(profile_id);