import proc from "node:child_process"; import fs from "node:fs/promises"; import ph from "node:path"; import url from "node:url"; import * as sass from "sass-embedded"; import log from "fancy-log"; import wpool from "workerpool"; import postcss from "postcss"; import modulesProcessor from "postcss-modules"; import autoprefixerProcessor from "autoprefixer"; const compiler = await sass.initAsyncCompiler(); async function compileFile(path) { const dir = ph.dirname(path); const name = ph.basename(path, ".scss"); const dest = `${dir}${ph.sep}${name}.css`; return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const result = await compiler.compileAsync(path, { loadPaths: [ "node_modules/animate.css", "resources/styles/common/", "resources/styles", ], sourceMap: false, }); // console.dir(result); resolve({ inputPath: path, outputPath: dest, css: result.css, }); } catch (cause) { // console.error(cause); reject(cause); } }); } function configureModulesProcessor(options) { const ROOT_NAME = "app"; return modulesProcessor({ getJSON: (cssFileName, json, outputFileName) => { // We do nothing because we don't want the generated JSON files }, // Calculates the whole css-module selector name. // Should be the same as the one in the file `/src/app/main/style.clj` generateScopedName: (selector, filename, css) => { const dir = ph.dirname(filename); const name = ph.basename(filename, ".css"); const parts = dir.split("/"); const rootIdx = parts.findIndex((s) => s === ROOT_NAME); return parts.slice(rootIdx + 1).join("_") + "_" + name + "__" + selector; }, }); } function configureProcessor(options = {}) { const processors = []; if (options.modules) { processors.push(configureModulesProcessor(options)); } processors.push(autoprefixerProcessor); return postcss(processors); } async function postProcessFile(data, options) { const proc = configureProcessor(options); // We compile to the same path (all in memory) const result = await proc.process(data.css, { from: data.outputPath, to: data.outputPath, map: false, }); return Object.assign(data, { css: result.css, }); } async function compile(path, options) { let result = await compileFile(path); return await postProcessFile(result, options); } wpool.worker( { compileSass: compile, }, { onTerminate: async (code) => { //"worker: terminate"); await compiler.dispose(); }, }, );