(ns uxbox.tests.helpers (:refer-clojure :exclude [await]) (:require [clj-http.client :as http] [buddy.hashers :as hashers] [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs] [cuerdas.core :as str] [catacumba.serializers :as sz] [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty] [mount.core :as mount] [datoteka.storages :as st] [suricatta.core :as sc] [uxbox.services.auth :as usa] [uxbox.services.users :as usu] [uxbox.util.transit :as t] [uxbox.migrations :as umg] [uxbox.media :as media] [uxbox.db :as db] [uxbox.config :as cfg])) ;; TODO: parametrize this (def +base-url+ "http://localhost:5050") (defn state-init [next] (let [config (cfg/read-test-config)] (-> (mount/only #{#'uxbox.config/config #'uxbox.config/secret #'uxbox.db/datasource #'uxbox.migrations/migrations #'uxbox.media/assets-storage #'uxbox.media/media-storage #'uxbox.media/images-storage #'uxbox.media/thumbnails-storage}) (mount/swap {#'uxbox.config/config config}) (mount/start)) (try (next) (finally (mount/stop))))) (defn database-reset [next] (state-init (fn [] (with-open [conn (db/connection)] (let [sql (str "SELECT table_name " " FROM information_schema.tables " " WHERE table_schema = 'public' " " AND table_name != 'migrations';") result (->> (sc/fetch conn sql) (map :table_name))] (sc/execute conn (str "TRUNCATE " (apply str (interpose ", " result)) " CASCADE;")))) (try (next) (finally (st/clear! uxbox.media/media-storage) (st/clear! uxbox.media/assets-storage)))))) (defmacro await [expr] `(try (deref ~expr) (catch Exception e# (.getCause e#)))) (defn- strip-response [{:keys [status headers body]}] (if (str/starts-with? (get headers "Content-Type") "application/transit+json") [status (-> (codecs/str->bytes body) (t/decode))] [status body])) (defn get-auth-headers [user] (let [store (ring.middleware.session.cookie/cookie-store {:key "a 16-byte secret"}) result (ring.middleware.session/session-response {:session {:user-id (:id user)}} {} {:store store :cookie-name "session"})] {"cookie" (first (get-in result [:headers "Set-Cookie"]))})) (defn http-get ([user uri] (http-get user uri nil)) ([user uri {:keys [query] :as opts}] (let [headers (assoc (get-auth-headers user) "accept" "application/transit+json") params (cond-> {:headers headers} query (assoc :query-params query))] (try (strip-response (http/get uri params)) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (strip-response (ex-data e))))))) (defn http-post ([uri params] (http-post nil uri params)) ([user uri {:keys [body] :as params}] (let [body (-> (t/encode body) (codecs/bytes->str)) headers (assoc (get-auth-headers user) "accept" "application/transit+json" "content-type" "application/transit+json") params {:headers headers :body body}] (try (strip-response (http/post uri params)) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (strip-response (ex-data e))))))) (defn http-multipart [user uri params] (let [headers (assoc (get-auth-headers user) "accept" "application/transit+json") params {:headers headers :multipart params}] (try (strip-response (http/post uri params)) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (strip-response (ex-data e)))))) (defn http-put ([uri params] (http-put nil uri params)) ([user uri {:keys [body] :as params}] (let [body (-> (t/encode body) (codecs/bytes->str)) headers (assoc (get-auth-headers user) "accept" "application/transit+json" "content-type" "application/transit+json") params {:headers headers :body body}] (try (strip-response (http/put uri params)) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (strip-response (ex-data e))))))) (defn http-delete ([uri] (http-delete nil uri)) ([user uri] (let [headers (assoc (get-auth-headers user) "accept" "application/transit+json" "content-type" "application/transit+json") params {:headers headers}] (try (strip-response (http/delete uri params)) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (strip-response (ex-data e))))))) (defn- decode-response [{:keys [status headers body] :as response}] (if (= (get headers "content-type") "application/transit+json") (assoc response :body (-> (codecs/str->bytes body) (t/decode))) response)) (defn request [{:keys [path method body user headers raw?] :or {raw? false} :as request}] {:pre [(string? path) (keyword? method)]} (let [body (if (and body (not raw?)) (-> (t/encode body) (codecs/bytes->str)) body) headers (cond-> headers body (assoc "content-type" "application/transit+json") raw? (assoc "content-type" "application/octet-stream")) params {:headers headers :body body} uri (str +base-url+ path)] (try (let [response (case method :get (http/get uri (dissoc params :body)) :post (http/post uri params) :put (http/put uri params) :delete (http/delete uri params))] (decode-response response)) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (decode-response (ex-data e)))))) (defn create-user "Helper for create users" [conn i] (let [data {:username (str "user" i) :password (str "user" i) :metadata (str i) :fullname (str "User " i) :email (str "user" i "@uxbox.io")}] (usu/create-user conn data))) (defmacro try-on [& body] `(try (let [result# (do ~@body)] [nil result#]) (catch Throwable e# [e# nil]))) (defn exception? [v] (instance? Throwable v)) (defn ex-info? [v] (instance? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo v)) (defn ex-of-type? [e type] (let [data (ex-data e)] (= type (:type data)))) (defn ex-with-code? [e code] (let [data (ex-data e)] (= code (:code data)))) (defn run-server [handler] (jetty/run-jetty handler {:join? false :async? true :daemon? true :port 5050})) (defmacro with-server "Evaluate code in context of running catacumba server." [{:keys [handler sleep] :or {sleep 50} :as options} & body] `(let [server# (run-server ~handler)] (try ~@body (finally (.stop server#) (Thread/sleep ~sleep)))))