(ns uxbox.state.shapes-tests (:require [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true] [cljs.pprint :refer (pprint)] [uuid.core :as uuid] [uxbox.state.shapes :as ssh])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Duplicate (one shape) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defn constantly-inc [init] (let [v (atom init)] (fn [& args] (let [result @v] (swap! v inc) result)))) ;; duplicate shape: duplicate simple shape (t/deftest duplicate-shapes-test1 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [2 1]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2] {:id 2 :page 1}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 2)] (let [result (ssh/duplicate-shapes initial [1])] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; duplicate shape: duplicate inside group (t/deftest duplicate-shapes-test2 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :name "1" :page 1 :type :group :items [2 3]} 2 {:id 2 :name "2" :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :name "3" :page 1 :group 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [5 4 2 3]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:id 4 :name "3" :page 1 :group 1}) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 5] {:id 5 :name "2" :page 1 :group 1}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly-inc 4)] (let [result (ssh/duplicate-shapes initial [2 3])] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; duplicate shape: duplicate mixed bag (t/deftest duplicate-shapes-test3 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :name "1" :page 1 :type :group :items [2 3]} 2 {:id 2 :name "2" :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :name "3" :page 1 :group 1} 4 {:id 4 :name "4" :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [6 5 1 4]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 5] {:id 5 :name "4" :page 1}) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 6] {:id 6 :name "3" :page 1}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly-inc 5)] (let [result (ssh/duplicate-shapes initial [3 4])] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; duplicate shape: duplicate one group (t/deftest duplicate-shapes-test4 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3 1]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3] {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [4]}) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:id 4 :page 1 :group 3}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly-inc 3)] (let [result (ssh/duplicate-shapes initial [1])] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Drop Shape (drag and drop and sorted) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; drop shape: move shape before other shape (t/deftest drop-shape-test1 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1} 2 {:id 2 :page 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1}}} expected (assoc-in initial [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3 1 2]) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 3 1 :before)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move shape after other shape (t/deftest drop-shape-test2 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1} 2 {:id 2 :page 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1}}} expected (assoc-in initial [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 3 2]) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 3 1 :after)] (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move shape before other shape that is part of group. (t/deftest drop-shape-test3 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [3 2]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 1)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 3 2 :before)] (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move shape inside group (t/deftest drop-shape-test4 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [2 3]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 1)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 3 1 :inside)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move shape outside of group (t/deftest drop-shape-test5 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2 3]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4 3]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [2]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 3 4 :after)] (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move group inside group (t/deftest drop-shape-test6 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [3]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [4]} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1 :group 2}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [3 2]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 1)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 2 3 :after)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move group outside group (t/deftest drop-shape-test7 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1 :type :group :items [4]} 3 {:id 3 :page 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1 :group 2}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [2 3]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 1) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 2] dissoc :group)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 2 1 :after)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)) (t/is (vector? (get-in result [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes]))))) ;; drop shape: move shape to neested group (t/deftest drop-shape-test8 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 5 6]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1 :type :group :items [3 4]} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2} 4 {:id 4 :page 1 :group 2} 5 {:id 5 :page 1} 6 {:id 6 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 5]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :items] conj 6) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 6] assoc :group 2)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 6 4 :after)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))) ;; drop shape: move shape to neested group (t/deftest drop-shape-test9 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2 5 6]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1 :type :group :items [3 4]} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2} 4 {:id 4 :page 1 :group 2} 5 {:id 5 :page 1 :group 1} 6 {:id 6 :page 1 :group 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :items] [3 4 6]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [2 5]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 6] assoc :group 2)) result (ssh/drop-shape initial 6 4 :after)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Delete Shape ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; delete shape: delete from page (t/deftest delete-shape-test1 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1}}} shape (get-in initial [:shapes-by-id 4]) expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 3]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 4)) result (ssh/dissoc-shape initial shape)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))) ;; delete shape: delete from group (t/deftest delete-shape-test2 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1}}} shape (get-in initial [:shapes-by-id 2]) expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3 4]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 2) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 1)) result (ssh/dissoc-shape initial shape)] ;; (pprint expected) ;; (pprint result) (t/is (= result expected)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Group Shapes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; group a shape (t/deftest group-shapes-1 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1} 2 {:id 2 :page 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4 3]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10" :items [2] :id 4 :page 1}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4) cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)] (let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2] 1)] (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; group two shapes (t/deftest group-shapes-2 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1} 2 {:id 2 :page 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 4) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10" :items [2 3] :id 4 :page 1}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4) cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)] (let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2 3] 1)] (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; group group (t/deftest group-shapes-3 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1} 2 {:id 2 :page 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 4) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10" :items [2 3] :id 4 :page 1}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4) cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)] (let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2 3] 1)] (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; group shapes inside a group (t/deftest group-shapes-4 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 3]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :items] [4]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10" :items [2] :id 4 :page 1 :group 3}))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4) cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)] (let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2] 1)] (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;; group shapes in multiple groups (t/deftest group-shapes-5 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [3 4]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :group 4} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 4 {:id 4 :page 1 :type :group :imtes [3]}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{5}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [5]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :group] 5) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 5) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 5] {:type :group :name "Group 10" :items [1 2] :id 5 :page 1}) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 3) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 4))] (with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 5) cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)] (let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [1 2] 1)] (t/is (= result expected)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Degroups ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; degroup a single group ;; degroup group (t/deftest degroup-shapes-1 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [3]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :group 3} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [1 2]}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{1 2}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 2]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 1] dissoc :group) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 2] dissoc :group) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 3))] (let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [3] 1)] (t/is (= result expected))))) ;; degroup group inside a group (t/deftest degroup-shapes-2 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1]) (update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 2) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [3]) (assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 1))] (let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [2] 1)] (t/is (= result expected))))) ;; degroup multiple groups not nested (t/deftest degroup-shapes-3 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [3]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [4]} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 1} 4 {:id 4 :page 1 :group 2}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3 4}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3 4]) (update :shapes-by-id dissoc 1) (update :shapes-by-id dissoc 2) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 4] dissoc :group))] (let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [1 2] 1)] (t/is (= result expected))))) ;; degroup multiple groups nested (child first) (t/deftest degroup-shapes-4 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3]) (update :shapes-by-id dissoc 1) (update :shapes-by-id dissoc 2) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group))] (let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [2 1] 1)] (t/is (= result expected))))) ;; degroup multiple groups nested (parent first) (t/deftest degroup-shapes-5 (let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}} :shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]} 2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1} 3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}} expected (-> initial (assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3}) (assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3]) (update :shapes-by-id dissoc 1) (update :shapes-by-id dissoc 2) (update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group))] (let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [1 2] 1)] (t/is (= result expected)))))