# Testing guide # ## Backend / Common You can run the tests directly with: ```bash ~/penpot/backend$ clojure -M:dev:tests ``` Alternatively, you can run them from a REPL. First starting a REPL. ```bash ~/penpot/backend$ scripts/repl ``` And then: ```bash user=> (run-tests) user=> (run-tests 'namespace) user=> (run-tests 'namespace/test) ``` ## Frontend Frontend tests have to be compiled first, and then run with node. ```bash npx shadow-cljs compile tests && node target/tests.js ``` Or run the watch (that automatically runs the test): ```bash npx shadow-cljs watch tests ``` ## Linter We can execute the linter for the whole codebase with the following command: ```bash clj-kondo --lint common:backend/src:frontend/src ```