(ns uxbox.tests.test-kvstore (:require [clojure.test :as t] [promesa.core :as p] [suricatta.core :as sc] [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs] [uxbox.db :as db] [uxbox.util.uuid :as uuid] [uxbox.api :as uapi] [uxbox.services.kvstore :as kvs] [uxbox.tests.helpers :as th])) (t/use-fixtures :once th/state-init) (t/use-fixtures :each th/database-reset) (t/deftest test-http-kvstore (with-open [conn (db/connection)] (let [{:keys [id] :as user} (th/create-user conn 1)] ;; Not exists at this moment (t/is (nil? (kvs/retrieve-kvstore conn {:user id :key "foo" :version -1}))) ;; Creating new one should work as expected (th/with-server {:handler uapi/app} (let [uri (str th/+base-url+ "/api/kvstore/foo") body {:value "bar" :version -1} params {:body body} [status data] (th/http-put user uri params)] ;; (println "RESPONSE:" status data) (t/is (= 200 status)) (t/is (= (:key data) "foo")) (t/is (= (:value data) "bar")))) ;; Should exists (let [data (kvs/retrieve-kvstore conn {:user id :key "foo"})] (t/is (= (:key data) "foo")) (t/is (= (:value data) "bar")) ;; Overwriting should work (th/with-server {:handler uapi/app} (let [uri (str th/+base-url+ "/api/kvstore/foo") body (assoc data :value "baz") _ (prn body) [status data] (th/http-put user uri {:body body})] ;; (println "RESPONSE:" status data) (t/is (= 200 status)) (t/is (= (:key data) "foo")) (t/is (= (:value data) "baz"))))) ;; Should exists and match the overwritten value (let [data (kvs/retrieve-kvstore conn {:user id :key "foo"})] (t/is (= (:key data) "foo")) (t/is (= (:value data) "baz"))) ;; Delete should work (th/with-server {:handler uapi/app} (let [uri (str th/+base-url+ "/api/kvstore/foo") [status data] (th/http-delete user uri)] ;; (println "RESPONSE:" status data) (t/is (= 204 status)))) ;; Not exists at this moment (t/is (nil? (kvs/retrieve-kvstore conn {:user id :key "foo"}))) )))