--- title: 2. Penpot Configuration --- # Penpot Configuration This section explains the configuration options, both for self-hosting and developer setup.

Penpot is configured using environment variables and flags.

## How the configuration works Penpot is configured using environment variables and flags. **Environment variables** start with PENPOT_. **Flags** use the format -. Flags are used to enable/disable a feature or behaviour (registration, feedback), while environment variables are used to configure the settings (auth, smtp, etc). Flags and evironment variables are also used together; for example: ```bash # This flag enables the use of SMTP email PENPOT_FLAGS: enable-smtp # These environment variables configure the specific SMPT service # Backend PENPOT_SMTP_HOST: PENPOT_SMTP_PORT: 587 ``` **Flags** are configured in a single list, no matter they affect the backend, the frontend, the exporter, or all of them; on the other hand, **environment variables** are configured for each specific service. For example: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: enable-login-with-google # Backend PENPOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: PENPOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: ``` Check the configuration guide for [Elestio][1] or [Docker][2]. Additionally, if you are using the developer environment, you may override its values in the startup scripts, as explained in the [Developer Guide][3]. **NOTE**: All the examples that have value represent the **default** value, and the examples that do not have value are optional, and inactive or disabled by default. ## Telemetries Penpot uses anonymous telemetries from the self-hosted instances to improve the platform experience. Consider sharing these anonymous telemetries enabling the corresponding flag: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: enable-telemetries ``` ## Registration and authentication There are different ways of registration and authentication in Penpot: - email/password - Authentication providers like Google, Github or GitLab - LDAP You can choose one of them or combine several methods, depending on your needs. By default, the email/password registration is enabled and the rest are disabled. ### Penpot This method of registration and authentication is enabled by default. For a production environment, it should be configured next to the SMTP settings, so there is a proper registration and verification process. You may want to restrict the registrations to a closed list of domains, or exclude a specific list of domains: ```bash # Backend # comma separated list of domains PENPOT_REGISTRATION_DOMAIN_WHITELIST: # Backend # or a file with a domain per line PENPOT_EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST: path/to/whitelist.txt PENPOT_EMAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST: path/to/blacklist.txt ``` __Since version 2.1__ Email whitelisting should be explicitly enabled with enable-email-whitelist flag. For backward compatibility, we autoenable it when PENPOT_REGISTRATION_DOMAIN_WHITELIST is set with not-empty content. Penpot also comes with an option to completely disable the registration process; for this, use the following flag: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] disable-registration ``` This option is only recommended for demo instances, not for production environments. ### Authentication Providers To configure the authentication with third-party auth providers you will need to configure Penpot and set the correct callback of your Penpot instance in the auth-provider configuration. The callback has the following format: ```html https:///api/auth/oauth//callback ``` You will need to change and according to your setup. This is how it looks with Gitlab provider: ```html https:///api/auth/oauth/gitlab/callback ``` #### Google Allows integrating with Google as OAuth provider: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-login-with-google # Backend only: PENPOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: PENPOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: ``` #### GitLab Allows integrating with GitLab as OAuth provider: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-login-with-gitlab # Backend only PENPOT_GITLAB_BASE_URI: https://gitlab.com PENPOT_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID: PENPOT_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET: ``` #### GitHub Allows integrating with GitHub as OAuth provider: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-login-with-github # Backend only PENPOT_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: PENPOT_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: ``` #### OpenID Connect __Since version 1.5.0__ Allows integrating with a generic authentication provider that implements the OIDC protocol (usually used for SSO). All the other options are backend only: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-login-with-oidc # Backend PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_ID: # Mainly used for auto discovery the openid endpoints PENPOT_OIDC_BASE_URI: PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: # Optional backend variables, used mainly if you want override; they are # autodiscovered using the standard openid-connect mechanism. PENPOT_OIDC_AUTH_URI: PENPOT_OIDC_TOKEN_URI: PENPOT_OIDC_USER_URI: # Optional list of roles that users are required to have. If no role # is provided, roles checking disabled. PENPOT_OIDC_ROLES: "role1 role2" # Attribute to use for lookup roles on the user object. Optional, if # not provided, the roles checking will be disabled. PENPOT_OIDC_ROLES_ATTR: ```
__Since version 1.6.0__ Added the ability to specify custom OIDC scopes. ```bash # This settings allow overwrite the required scopes, use with caution # because Penpot requres at least `name` and `email` attrs found on the # user info. Optional, defaults to `openid profile`. PENPOT_OIDC_SCOPES: "scope1 scope2" ```
__Since version 1.12.0__ Added the ability to specify the name and email attribute to use from the userinfo object for the profile creation. ```bash # Attribute to use for lookup the name on the user object. Optional, # if not perovided, the `name` prop will be used. PENPOT_OIDC_NAME_ATTR: # Attribute to use for lookup the email on the user object. Optional, # if not perovided, the `email` prop will be used. PENPOT_OIDC_EMAIL_ATTR: ```
__Since version 1.19.0__ Introduced the ability to lookup the user info from the token instead of making a request to the userinfo endpoint. This reduces the latency of OIDC login operations and increases compatibility with some providers that exposes some claims on tokens but not in userinfo endpoint. ```bash # Set the default USER INFO source. Can be `token` or `userinfo`. By default # is unset (both will be tried, starting with token). PENPOT_OIDC_USER_INFO_SOURCE: ```
__Since version 2.1.2__ Allows users to register and login with oidc without having to previously register with another method. ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-oidc-registration ``` #### Azure Active Directory using OpenID Connect Allows integrating with Azure Active Directory as authentication provider: ```bash # Backend & Frontend PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_ID: # Backend PENPOT_OIDC_BASE_URI: https://login.microsoftonline.com//v2.0/ PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: ``` ### LDAP Penpot comes with support for *Lightweight Directory Access Protocol* (LDAP). This is the example configuration we use internally for testing this authentication backend. ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-login-with-ldap # Backend PENPOT_LDAP_HOST: ldap PENPOT_LDAP_PORT: 10389 PENPOT_LDAP_SSL: false PENPOT_LDAP_STARTTLS: false PENPOT_LDAP_BASE_DN: ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com PENPOT_LDAP_BIND_DN: cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com PENPOT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD: GoodNewsEveryone PENPOT_LDAP_USER_QUERY: (&(|(uid=:username)(mail=:username))(memberOf=cn=penpot,ou=groups,dc=my-domain,dc=com)) PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_USERNAME: uid PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_EMAIL: mail PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_FULLNAME: cn PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_PHOTO: jpegPhoto ``` ## Penpot URI You will need to set the PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI environment variable in case you go to serve Penpot to the users; it should point to public URI where users will access the application: ```bash # Backend PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI: https://penpot.mycompany.com # Frontend PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI: https://penpot.mycompany.com # Exporter PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI: https://penpot.mycompany.com ``` If you're using the official docker-compose.yml you only need to configure the PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI envvar in the top of the file.

If you plan to serve Penpot under different domain than `localhost` without HTTPS, you need to disable the `secure` flag on cookies, with the `disable-secure-session-cookies` flag. This is a configuration NOT recommended for production environments; as some browser APIs do not work properly under non-https environments, this unsecure configuration may limit the usage of Penpot; as an example, the clipboard does not work with HTTP.

## Email configuration By default, smpt flag is disabled, the email will be printed to the console, which means that the emails will be shown in the stdout. Note that if you plan to invite members to a team, it is recommended that you enable SMTP as they will need to login to their account after recieving the invite link sent an in email. It is currently not possible to just add someone to a team without them accepting an invatation email. If you have an SMTP service, uncomment the appropriate settings section in docker-compose.yml and configure those environment variables. Setting up the default FROM and REPLY-TO: ```bash # Backend PENPOT_SMTP_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO: Penpot PENPOT_SMTP_DEFAULT_FROM: Penpot ``` Enable SMTP: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-smtp # Backend PENPOT_SMTP_HOST: PENPOT_SMTP_PORT: 587 PENPOT_SMTP_USERNAME: PENPOT_SMTP_PASSWORD: PENPOT_SMTP_TLS: true ``` If you are not using SMTP configuration and want to log the emails in the console, you should use the following flag: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: [...] enable-log-emails ``` ## Redis The Redis configuration is very simple, just provide a valid redis URI. Redis is used mainly for websocket notifications coordination. ```bash # Backend PENPOT_REDIS_URI: redis://localhost/0 # Exporter PENPOT_REDIS_URI: redis://localhost/0 ``` If you are using the official docker compose file, this is already configurRed. ## Demo environment Penpot comes with facilities to create a demo environment so you can test the system quickly. This is an example of a demo configuration: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: disable-registration enable-demo-users enable-demo-warning ``` **disable-registration** prevents any user from registering in the platform. **enable-demo-users** creates users with a default expiration time of 7 days, and once expired they are completely deleted with all the generated content. From the registration page, there is a link with a `Create demo account` which creates one of these users and logs in automatically. **enable-demo-warning** is a modal in the registration and login page saying that the environment is a testing one and the data may be wiped without notice. Another way to work in a demo environment is allowing users to register but removing the verification process: ```bash PENPOT_FLAGS: disable-email-verification enable-demo-warning ``` ## Backend This section enumerates the backend only configuration variables. ### Secret key The PENPOT_SECRET_KEY envvar serves a master key from which other keys for subsystems (eg http sessions, or invitations) are derived. If you don't use it, all created sessions and invitations will become invalid on container restart or service restart. To use it, we recommend using a truly randomly generated 512 bits base64 encoded string here. You can generate one with: ```bash python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(64))" ``` And configure it: ```bash # Backend PENPOT_SECRET_KEY: my-super-secure-key ``` ### Database Penpot only supports PostgreSQL and we highly recommend >=13 version. If you are using official docker images this is already solved for you. Essential database configuration: ```bash # Backend PENPOT_DATABASE_USERNAME: penpot PENPOT_DATABASE_PASSWORD: penpot PENPOT_DATABASE_URI: postgresql:// ``` The username and password are optional. These settings should be compatible with the ones in the postgres configuration: ```bash # Postgres POSTGRES_DATABASE: penpot POSTGRES_USER: penpot POSTGRES_PASSWORD: penpot ``` ### Storage Storage refers to storing the user uploaded assets. Assets storage is implemented using "plugable" backends. Currently there are two backends available: fs and s3 (for AWS S3). #### FS Backend (default) This is the default backend when you use the official docker images and the default configuration looks like this: ```bash # Backend PENPOT_ASSETS_STORAGE_BACKEND: assets-fs PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_FS_DIRECTORY: /opt/data/assets ``` The main downside of this backend is the hard dependency on nginx approach to serve files managed by an application (not a simple directory serving static files). But you should not worry about this unless you want to install it outside the docker container and configure the nginx yourself. In case you want understand how it internally works, you can take a look on the [nginx configuration file][4] used in the docker images. #### AWS S3 Backend This backend uses AWS S3 bucket for store the user uploaded assets. For use it you should have an appropriate account on AWS cloud and have the credentials, region and the bucket. This is how configuration looks for S3 backend: ```bash # Backend AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: PENPOT_ASSETS_STORAGE_BACKEND: assets-s3 PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_REGION: PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_BUCKET: # Optional if you want to use it with non AWS, S3 compatible service: PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_ENDPOINT: ```

These settings are equally useful if you have a Minio storage system.

## Frontend In comparison with backend, frontend only has a small number of runtime configuration options, and they are located in the \/js/config.js file. If you are using the official docker images, the best approach to set any configuration is using environment variables, and the image automatically generates the config.js from them. In case you have a custom setup, you probably need to configure the following environment variables on the frontend container: To connect the frontend to the exporter and backend, you need to fill out these environment variables. ```bash # Frontend PENPOT_BACKEND_URI: http://your-penpot-backend:6060 PENPOT_EXPORTER_URI: http://your-penpot-exporter:6061 ``` These variables are used for generate correct nginx.conf file on container startup. ## Other flags There are other flags that are useful for a more customized Penpot experience. This section has the list of the flags meant for the user: - enable-cors: Enables the default cors cofiguration that allows all domains (this configuration is designed only for dev purposes right now) - enable-backend-api-doc: Enables the /api/doc endpoint that lists all rpc methods available on backend - disable-login-with-password: allows disable password based login form - enable-prepl-server: enables PREPL server, used by manage.py and other additional tools to communicate internally with Penpot backend. Check the [CLI section][5] to get more detail. __Since version 1.13.0__ - enable-log-invitation-tokens: for cases where you don't have email configured, this will log to console the invitation tokens. __Since version 2.0.0__ - disable-onboarding: disables the onboarding modals. - disable-dashboard-templates-section: hides the templates section from dashboard. - enable-webhooks: enables webhooks. More detail about this configuration in [webhooks section][6]. - enable-access-tokens: enables access tokens. More detail about this configuration in [access tokens section][7]. - disable-google-fonts-provider: disables the google fonts provider. [1]: /technical-guide/getting-started#configure-penpot-with-elestio [2]: /technical-guide/getting-started#configure-penpot-with-docker [3]: /technical-guide/developer/common#dev-environment [4]: https://github.com/penpot/penpot/blob/main/docker/images/files/nginx.conf [5]: /technical-guide/getting-started/#using-the-cli-for-administrative-tasks [6]: /technical-guide/integration/#webhooks [7]: /technical-guide/integration/#access-tokens