;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns common-tests.uuid-test (:require [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [clojure.test :as t])) (defn create-array [data] #?(:clj (byte-array data) :cljs (.from js/Int8Array (into-array data)))) (t/deftest bytes-roundtrip (let [uuid (uuid/uuid "0227df82-63d7-8016-8005-48d9c0f33011") result-bytes (uuid/get-bytes uuid) expected-bytes [2 39 -33 -126 99 -41 -128 22 -128 5 72 -39 -64 -13 48 17]] (t/testing "get-bytes" (let [data (uuid/get-bytes uuid)] (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 0) (aget data 0))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 1) (aget data 1))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 2) (aget data 2))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 3) (aget data 3))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 4) (aget data 4))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 5) (aget data 5))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 6) (aget data 6))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 7) (aget data 7))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 8) (aget data 8))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 9) (aget data 9))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 10) (aget data 10))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 11) (aget data 11))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 12) (aget data 12))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 13) (aget data 13))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 14) (aget data 14))) (t/is (= (nth expected-bytes 15) (aget data 15))))) (t/testing "from-bytes" (let [data (create-array expected-bytes) result (uuid/from-bytes data)] (t/is (= result uuid))))))