const fs = require("fs"); const l = require("lodash"); const path = require("path"); const gulp = require("gulp"); const gulpConcat = require("gulp-concat"); const gulpGzip = require("gulp-gzip"); const gulpMustache = require("gulp-mustache"); const gulpPostcss = require("gulp-postcss"); const gulpRename = require("gulp-rename"); const gulpSass = require("gulp-sass")(require("sass")); const svgSprite = require("gulp-svg-sprite"); const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer") const clean = require("postcss-clean"); const mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); const rimraf = require("rimraf"); const sass = require("sass"); const gettext = require("gettext-parser"); const marked = require("marked"); const mapStream = require("map-stream"); const paths = {}; paths.resources = "./resources/"; paths.output = "./resources/public/"; paths.dist = "./target/dist/"; /*********************************************** * Marked Extensions ***********************************************/ const renderer = { link(href, title, text) { return `<a href="${href}" target="_blank">${text}</a>`; } }; marked.use({renderer}); /*********************************************** * Helpers ***********************************************/ // Templates function readLocales() { const langs = ["ar", "ca", "de", "el", "en", "eu", "it", "es", "fa", "fr", "he", "nb_NO", "pl", "pt_BR", "ro", "ru", "tr", "zh_CN", "zh_Hant"]; const result = {}; for (let lang of langs) { const content = fs.readFileSync(`./translations/${lang}.po`, {encoding:"utf-8"}); lang = lang.toLowerCase(); const data = gettext.po.parse(content, "utf-8"); const trdata = data.translations[""]; for (let key of Object.keys(trdata)) { if (key === "") continue; const comments = trdata[key].comments || {}; if (l.isNil(result[key])) { result[key] = {}; } const isMarkdown = l.includes(comments.flag, "markdown"); const msgs = trdata[key].msgstr; if (msgs.length === 1) { let message = msgs[0]; if (isMarkdown) { message = marked.parseInline(message); } result[key][lang] = message; } else { result[key][lang] = => { if (isMarkdown) { return marked.parseInline(item); } else { return item; } }); } // if (key === "modals.delete-font.title") { // console.dir(trdata[key], {depth:10}); // console.dir(result[key], {depth:10}); // } } } return JSON.stringify(result); } function readManifest() { try { const path = __dirname + "/resources/public/js/manifest.json"; const content = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf8"})); const index = { "config": "js/config.js?ts=" +, "polyfills": "js/polyfills.js?ts=" +, }; for (let item of content) { index[] = "js/" + item["output-name"]; }; return index; } catch (e) { console.error("Error on reading manifest, using default."); return { "config": "js/config.js", "polyfills": "js/polyfills.js", "main": "js/main.js", "shared": "js/shared.js", "worker": "js/worker.js" }; } } function touch() { return mapStream(function(file, cb) { if (file.isNull()) { return cb(null, file); } // Update file modification and access time return fs.utimes(file.path, new Date(), new Date(), () => { cb(null, file) }); }); } function templatePipeline(options) { return function() { const input = options.input; const output = options.output; const name =; const ts = Math.floor(new Date()); const th = process.env.APP_THEME || "default"; const themes = ["default"]; const locales = readLocales(); const manifest = readManifest(); const tmpl = gulpMustache({ ts: ts, th: th, manifest: manifest, translations: JSON.stringify(locales), themes: JSON.stringify(themes), }); return gulp.src(input) .pipe(tmpl) .pipe(gulpRename(name)) .pipe(gulp.dest(output)) .pipe(touch()); }; } /*********************************************** * Generic ***********************************************/ gulpSass.compiler = sass; gulp.task("scss", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "styles/main-default.scss") .pipe(gulpSass.sync().on('error', gulpSass.logError)) .pipe(gulpPostcss([ autoprefixer, // clean({format: "keep-breaks", level: 1}) ])) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "css/")); }); gulp.task("svg:sprite:icons", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "images/icons/*.svg") .pipe(gulpRename({prefix: "icon-"})) .pipe(svgSprite({mode:{symbol: {inline: true, sprite: "icons.svg"}}})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "images/sprites/")); }); gulp.task("svg:sprite:cursors", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "images/cursors/*.svg") .pipe(gulpRename({prefix: "cursor-"})) .pipe(svgSprite({mode:{symbol: {inline: true, sprite: "cursors.svg"}}})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "images/sprites/")); }); gulp.task("template:main", templatePipeline({ name: "index.html", input: paths.resources + "templates/index.mustache", output: paths.output })); gulp.task("template:render", templatePipeline({ name: "render.html", input: paths.resources + "templates/render.mustache", output: paths.output })); gulp.task("templates", gulp.series("svg:sprite:icons", "svg:sprite:cursors", "template:main", "template:render")); gulp.task("polyfills", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "polyfills/*.js") .pipe(gulpConcat("polyfills.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "js/")); }); /*********************************************** * Development ***********************************************/ gulp.task("clean", function(next) { rimraf(paths.output, next); }); gulp.task("copy:assets:images", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "images/**/*") .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "images/")); }); gulp.task("copy:assets:fonts", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "fonts/**/*") .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "fonts/")); }); gulp.task("copy:assets", gulp.parallel("copy:assets:images", "copy:assets:fonts")); gulp.task("dev:dirs", async function(next) { await mkdirp("./resources/public/css/"); await mkdirp("./resources/public/js/"); next(); }); gulp.task("watch:main", function() { + "styles/**/**.scss", gulp.series("scss")); + "images/**/*", gulp.series("copy:assets:images"));[paths.resources + "templates/*.mustache", "translations/*.po"], gulp.series("templates")); }); gulp.task("build", gulp.parallel("polyfills", "scss", "templates", "copy:assets")); gulp.task("watch", gulp.series("dev:dirs", "build", "watch:main")); /*********************************************** * Production ***********************************************/ gulp.task("dist:clean", function(next) { rimraf(paths.dist, next); }); gulp.task("dist:copy", function() { return gulp.src(paths.output + "**/*") .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); });