var __typeError = (msg) => { throw TypeError(msg); }; var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => member.has(obj) || __typeError("Cannot " + msg); var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"), getter ? : member.get(obj)); var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => member.has(obj) ? __typeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value); var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"), setter ?, value) : member.set(obj, value), value); var __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "access private method"), method); var _timeout, _time, _hasPendingChanges, _onTimeout, _rootNode, _currentNode, _added, _removed, _updated, _textEditor, _selection, _ranges, _range, _focusNode, _focusOffset, _anchorNode, _anchorOffset, _savedSelection, _textNodeIterator, _currentStyle, _inertElement, _debug, _mutations, _styleDefaults, _SelectionController_instances, applyDefaultStylesToCurrentStyle_fn, applyStylesToCurrentStyle_fn, updateCurrentStyle_fn, _onSelectionChange, notifyStyleChange_fn, setup_fn, getSavedRange_fn, applyStylesTo_fn, _element, _events, _root, _changeController, _selectionController, _selectionImposterElement, _styleDefaults2, _TextEditor_instances, setupElementProperties_fn, setupRoot_fn, _onChange, _onStyleChange, setup_fn2, createSelectionImposter_fn, _onBlur, _onFocus, _onPaste, _onCut, _onCopy, _onBeforeInput, _onInput, notifyLayout_fn; function copy(event, editor) { } function cut(event, editor) { } let canvas = null; let context = null; function getContext() { if (!canvas) { canvas = createCanvas(1, 1); } if (!context) { context = canvas.getContext("2d"); } return context; } function createCanvas(width, height) { if ("OffscreenCanvas" in globalThis) { return new OffscreenCanvas(width, height); } return document.createElement("canvas"); } function getByteAsHex(byte) { return byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); } function getColor(fillStyle) { const context2 = getContext(); context2.fillStyle = fillStyle; context2.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1); const imageData = context2.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1); const [r, g, b, a] =; return [`#${getByteAsHex(r)}${getByteAsHex(g)}${getByteAsHex(b)}`, a / 255]; } function getFills(fillStyle) { const [color, opacity] = getColor(fillStyle); return `[["^ ","~:fill-color","${color}","~:fill-opacity",${opacity}]]`; } function mergeStyleDeclarations(target, source) { for (let index = 0; index < source.length; index++) { const styleName = source.item(index); target.setProperty(styleName, source.getPropertyValue(styleName)); } return target; } function getComputedStyle(element) { const inertElement = document.createElement("div"); let currentElement = element; while (currentElement) { for (let index = 0; index <; index++) { const styleName =; const currentValue =; if (currentValue) { const priority =; if (priority === "important") { const newValue =;, newValue); } } else { styleName, ); } } currentElement = currentElement.parentElement; } return; } function normalizeStyles(styleDeclaration) { const color = styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue("color"); if (color) { styleDeclaration.removeProperty("color"); styleDeclaration.setProperty("--fills", getFills(color)); } const fontFamily = styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue("font-family"); const fontId = styleDeclaration.getPropertyPriority("--font-id"); if (fontFamily && !fontId) { styleDeclaration.removeProperty("font-family"); } return styleDeclaration; } function setStyle(element, styleName, styleValue, styleUnit) { if (styleName.startsWith("--") && typeof styleValue !== "string" && typeof styleValue !== "number") { if (styleName === "--fills" && styleValue === null) debugger;, JSON.stringify(styleValue)); } else {, styleValue + (styleUnit ?? "")); } return element; } function getStyleFromDeclaration(style, styleName, styleUnit) { if (styleName.startsWith("--")) { return style.getPropertyValue(styleName); } const styleValue = style.getPropertyValue(styleName); if (styleValue.endsWith(styleUnit)) { return styleValue.slice(0, -styleUnit.length); } return styleValue; } function setStylesFromObject(element, allowedStyles, styleObject) { for (const [styleName, styleUnit] of allowedStyles) { if (!(styleName in styleObject)) { continue; } const styleValue = styleObject[styleName]; if (styleValue) { setStyle(element, styleName, styleValue, styleUnit); } } return element; } function setStylesFromDeclaration(element, allowedStyles, styleDeclaration) { for (const [styleName, styleUnit] of allowedStyles) { const styleValue = getStyleFromDeclaration(styleDeclaration, styleName, styleUnit); if (styleValue) { setStyle(element, styleName, styleValue, styleUnit); } } return element; } function setStyles(element, allowedStyles, styleObjectOrDeclaration) { if (styleObjectOrDeclaration instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration) { return setStylesFromDeclaration( element, allowedStyles, styleObjectOrDeclaration ); } return setStylesFromObject(element, allowedStyles, styleObjectOrDeclaration); } function mergeStyles(allowedStyles, styleDeclaration, newStyles) { const mergedStyles = {}; for (const [styleName, styleUnit] of allowedStyles) { if (styleName in newStyles) { mergedStyles[styleName] = newStyles[styleName]; } else { mergedStyles[styleName] = getStyleFromDeclaration(styleDeclaration, styleName, styleUnit); } } return mergedStyles; } function isDisplayBlock(style) { return style.display === "block"; } function createRandomId() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36); } function createElement(tag, options) { const element = document.createElement(tag); if (options == null ? void 0 : options.attributes) { Object.entries(options.attributes).forEach( ([name, value]) => element.setAttribute(name, value) ); } if (options == null ? void 0 : { Object.entries( ([name, value]) => element.dataset[name] = value ); } if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.styles) && (options == null ? void 0 : options.allowedStyles)) { setStyles(element, options.allowedStyles, options.styles); } if (options == null ? void 0 : options.children) { if (Array.isArray(options.children)) { element.append(...options.children); } else { element.appendChild(options.children); } } return element; } function isElement(element, nodeName) { return element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && element.nodeName === nodeName.toUpperCase(); } function isOffsetAtStart(node, offset) { return offset === 0; } function isOffsetAtEnd(node, offset) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { return node.nodeValue.length === offset; } return true; } const TAG$3 = "BR"; function createLineBreak() { return document.createElement(TAG$3); } function isLineBreak(node) { return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.nodeName === TAG$3; } const TAG$2 = "SPAN"; const TYPE$2 = "inline"; const QUERY$1 = `[data-itype="${TYPE$2}"]`; const STYLES$2 = [ ["--typography-ref-id"], ["--typography-ref-file"], ["--font-id"], ["--font-variant-id"], ["--fills"], ["font-variant"], ["font-family"], ["font-size", "px"], ["font-weight"], ["font-style"], ["line-height"], ["letter-spacing", "px"], ["text-decoration"], ["text-transform"] ]; function isInline(node) { if (!node) return false; if (!isElement(node, TAG$2)) return false; if (node.dataset.itype !== TYPE$2) return false; return true; } function isLikeInline(element) { return element ? [ "A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "B", "BDO", "BIG", "BR", "BUTTON", "CITE", "CODE", "DFN", "EM", "I", "IMG", "INPUT", "KBD", "LABEL", "MAP", "OBJECT", "OUTPUT", "Q", "SAMP", "SCRIPT", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SPAN", "STRONG", "SUB", "SUP", "TEXTAREA", "TIME", "TT", "VAR" ].includes(element.nodeName) : false; } function createInline(textOrLineBreak, styles, attrs) { if (!(textOrLineBreak instanceof HTMLBRElement) && !(textOrLineBreak instanceof Text)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid inline child"); } if (textOrLineBreak instanceof Text && textOrLineBreak.nodeValue.length === 0) { console.trace("nodeValue", textOrLineBreak.nodeValue); throw new TypeError("Invalid inline child, cannot be an empty text"); } return createElement(TAG$2, { attributes: { id: createRandomId(), ...attrs }, data: { itype: TYPE$2 }, styles, allowedStyles: STYLES$2, children: textOrLineBreak }); } function createInlineFrom(inline, textOrLineBreak, styles, attrs) { return createInline( textOrLineBreak, mergeStyles(STYLES$2,, styles), attrs ); } function createEmptyInline(styles) { return createInline(createLineBreak(), styles); } function setInlineStyles(element, styles) { return setStyles(element, STYLES$2, styles); } function getInline(node) { if (!node) return null; if (isInline(node)) return node; if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const inline = node == null ? void 0 : node.parentElement; if (!inline) return null; if (!isInline(inline)) return null; return inline; } return node.closest(QUERY$1); } function isInlineStart(node, offset) { const inline = getInline(node); if (!inline) return false; return isOffsetAtStart(inline, offset); } function isInlineEnd(node, offset) { const inline = getInline(node); if (!inline) return false; return isOffsetAtEnd(inline.firstChild, offset); } function splitInline(inline, offset) { const textNode = inline.firstChild; const style =; const newTextNode = textNode.splitText(offset); return createInline(newTextNode, style); } function getInlinesFrom(startInline) { const inlines = []; let currentInline = startInline; let index = 0; while (currentInline) { if (index > 0) inlines.push(currentInline); currentInline = currentInline.nextElementSibling; index++; } return inlines; } function getInlineLength(inline) { if (!isInline(inline)) throw new Error("Invalid inline"); if (isLineBreak(inline.firstChild)) return 0; return inline.firstChild.nodeValue.length; } const TAG$1 = "DIV"; const TYPE$1 = "root"; const STYLES$1 = [["--vertical-align"]]; function isRoot(node) { if (!node) return false; if (!isElement(node, TAG$1)) return false; if (node.dataset.itype !== TYPE$1) return false; return true; } function createRoot(paragraphs, styles, attrs) { if (!Array.isArray(paragraphs) || !paragraphs.every(isParagraph)) throw new TypeError("Invalid root children"); return createElement(TAG$1, { attributes: { id: createRandomId(), ...attrs }, data: { itype: TYPE$1 }, styles, allowedStyles: STYLES$1, children: paragraphs }); } function createEmptyRoot(styles) { return createRoot([createEmptyParagraph(styles)], styles); } function setRootStyles(element, styles) { return setStyles(element, STYLES$1, styles); } function isTextNode(node) { if (!node) throw new TypeError("Invalid text node"); return node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || isLineBreak(node); } function getTextNodeLength(node) { if (!node) throw new TypeError("Invalid text node"); if (isLineBreak(node)) return 0; return node.nodeValue.length; } function getClosestTextNode(node) { if (isTextNode(node)) return node; if (isInline(node)) return node.firstChild; if (isParagraph(node)) return node.firstChild.firstChild; if (isRoot(node)) return node.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; throw new Error("Cannot find a text node"); } const TAG = "DIV"; const TYPE = "paragraph"; const QUERY = `[data-itype="${TYPE}"]`; const STYLES = [ ["--typography-ref-id"], ["--typography-ref-file"], ["--font-id"], ["--font-variant-id"], ["--fills"], ["font-variant"], ["font-family"], ["font-size", "px"], ["font-weight"], ["font-style"], ["line-height"], ["letter-spacing", "px"], ["text-decoration"], ["text-transform"], ["text-align"], ["direction"] ]; function isLikeParagraph(element) { return !isLikeInline(element); } function isEmptyParagraph(element) { if (!isParagraph(element)) throw new TypeError("Invalid paragraph"); const inline = element.firstChild; if (!isInline(inline)) throw new TypeError("Invalid inline"); return isLineBreak(inline.firstChild); } function isParagraph(node) { if (!node) return false; if (!isElement(node, TAG)) return false; if (node.dataset.itype !== TYPE) return false; return true; } function createParagraph(inlines, styles, attrs) { if (inlines && (!Array.isArray(inlines) || !inlines.every(isInline))) throw new TypeError("Invalid paragraph children"); return createElement(TAG, { attributes: { id: createRandomId(), ...attrs }, data: { itype: TYPE }, styles, allowedStyles: STYLES, children: inlines }); } function createEmptyParagraph(styles) { return createParagraph([ createEmptyInline(styles) ], styles); } function setParagraphStyles(element, styles) { return setStyles(element, STYLES, styles); } function getParagraph(node) { var _a; if (!node) return null; if (isParagraph(node)) return node; if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || isLineBreak(node)) { const paragraph = (_a = node == null ? void 0 : node.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _a.parentElement; if (!paragraph) { return null; } if (!isParagraph(paragraph)) { return null; } return paragraph; } return node.closest(QUERY); } function isParagraphStart(node, offset) { const paragraph = getParagraph(node); if (!paragraph) throw new Error("Can't find the paragraph"); const inline = getInline(node); if (!inline) throw new Error("Can't find the inline"); return paragraph.firstElementChild === inline && isOffsetAtStart(inline.firstChild, offset); } function isParagraphEnd(node, offset) { const paragraph = getParagraph(node); if (!paragraph) throw new Error("Cannot find the paragraph"); const inline = getInline(node); if (!inline) throw new Error("Cannot find the inline"); return paragraph.lastElementChild === inline && isOffsetAtEnd(inline.firstChild, offset); } function splitParagraph(paragraph, inline, offset) { const style =; if (isInlineEnd(inline, offset)) { const newParagraph2 = createParagraph(getInlinesFrom(inline), style); return newParagraph2; } const newInline = splitInline(inline, offset); const newParagraph = createParagraph([newInline], style); return newParagraph; } function mergeParagraphs(a, b) { a.append(...b.children); b.remove(); return a; } function mapContentFragmentFromDocument(document2, root, styleDefaults) { const nodeIterator = document2.createNodeIterator(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT); const fragment = document2.createDocumentFragment(); let currentParagraph = null; let currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode(); while (currentNode) { const parentStyle = normalizeStyles(mergeStyleDeclarations(styleDefaults, getComputedStyle(currentNode.parentElement))); if (isDisplayBlock( || isDisplayBlock(parentStyle) || isLikeParagraph(currentNode.parentElement)) { if (currentParagraph) { fragment.appendChild(currentParagraph); } currentParagraph = createParagraph(void 0, parentStyle); } else { if (currentParagraph === null) { currentParagraph = createParagraph(); } } currentParagraph.appendChild( createInline(new Text(currentNode.nodeValue), parentStyle) ); currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode(); } fragment.appendChild(currentParagraph); return fragment; } function mapContentFragmentFromHTML(html, styleDefaults) { const parser = new DOMParser(); const htmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); return mapContentFragmentFromDocument( htmlDocument, htmlDocument.documentElement, styleDefaults ); } function mapContentFragmentFromString(string, styleDefaults) { const lines = string.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n"); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const line of lines) { if (line === "") { fragment.appendChild(createEmptyParagraph(styleDefaults)); } else { fragment.appendChild(createParagraph([createInline(new Text(line), styleDefaults)], styleDefaults)); } } return fragment; } function paste(event, editor, selectionController) { event.preventDefault(); let fragment = null; if (event.clipboardData.types.includes("text/html")) { const html = event.clipboardData.getData("text/html"); fragment = mapContentFragmentFromHTML(html, selectionController.currentStyle); } else if (event.clipboardData.types.includes("text/plain")) { const plain = event.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); fragment = mapContentFragmentFromString(plain, selectionController.currentStyle); } if (!fragment) { return; } if (selectionController.isCollapsed) { selectionController.insertPaste(fragment); } else { selectionController.replaceWithPaste(fragment); } } const clipboard = { copy, cut, paste }; function insertText(event, editor, selectionController) { event.preventDefault(); if (selectionController.isCollapsed) { if (selectionController.isTextFocus) { return selectionController.insertText(; } else if (selectionController.isLineBreakFocus) { return selectionController.replaceLineBreak(; } } else { if (selectionController.isMultiParagraph) { return selectionController.replaceParagraphs(; } else if (selectionController.isMultiInline) { return selectionController.replaceInlines(; } else if (selectionController.isTextSame) { return selectionController.replaceText(; } } } function insertParagraph(event, editor, selectionController) { event.preventDefault(); if (selectionController.isCollapsed) { return selectionController.insertParagraph(); } return selectionController.replaceWithParagraph(); } function deleteByCut(event, editor, selectionController) { event.preventDefault(); if (selectionController.isCollapsed) { throw new Error("This should be impossible"); } return selectionController.removeSelected(); } function deleteContentBackward(event, editor, selectionController) { event.preventDefault(); if (editor.isEmpty) return; if (!selectionController.isCollapsed) { return selectionController.removeSelected({ direction: "backward" }); } if (selectionController.isTextFocus && selectionController.focusOffset > 0) { return selectionController.removeBackwardText(); } else if (selectionController.isTextFocus && selectionController.focusAtStart) { return selectionController.mergeBackwardParagraph(); } else if (selectionController.isInlineFocus || selectionController.isLineBreakFocus) { return selectionController.removeBackwardParagraph(); } } function deleteContentForward(event, editor, selectionController) { event.preventDefault(); if (editor.isEmpty) return; if (!selectionController.isCollapsed) { return selectionController.removeSelected({ direction: "forward" }); } if (selectionController.isTextFocus && selectionController.focusOffset >= 0) { return selectionController.removeForwardText(); } else if (selectionController.isTextFocus && selectionController.focusAtEnd) { return selectionController.mergeForwardParagraph(); } else if ((selectionController.isInlineFocus || selectionController.isLineBreakFocus) && editor.numParagraphs > 1) { return selectionController.removeForwardParagraph(); } } const commands = { insertText, insertParagraph, deleteByCut, deleteContentBackward, deleteContentForward }; class ChangeController extends EventTarget { /** * Constructor * * @param {number} [time=500] */ constructor(time = 500) { super(); /** * Keeps the timeout id. * * @type {number} */ __privateAdd(this, _timeout, null); /** * Keeps the time at which we're going to * call the debounced change calls. * * @type {number} */ __privateAdd(this, _time, 1e3); /** * Keeps if we have some pending changes or not. * * @type {boolean} */ __privateAdd(this, _hasPendingChanges, false); __privateAdd(this, _onTimeout, () => { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); }); if (typeof time === "number" && (!Number.isInteger(time) || time <= 0)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid time"); } __privateSet(this, _time, time ?? 500); } /** * Indicates that there are some pending changes. * * @type {boolean} */ get hasPendingChanges() { return __privateGet(this, _hasPendingChanges); } /** * Tells the ChangeController that a change has been made * but that you need to delay the notification (and debounce) * for sometime. */ notifyDebounced() { __privateSet(this, _hasPendingChanges, true); clearTimeout(__privateGet(this, _timeout)); __privateSet(this, _timeout, setTimeout(__privateGet(this, _onTimeout), __privateGet(this, _time))); } /** * Tells the ChangeController that a change should be notified * immediately. */ notifyImmediately() { clearTimeout(__privateGet(this, _timeout)); __privateGet(this, _onTimeout).call(this); } /** * Disposes the referenced resources. */ dispose() { if (this.hasPendingChanges) { this.notifyImmediately(); } clearTimeout(__privateGet(this, _timeout)); } } _timeout = new WeakMap(); _time = new WeakMap(); _hasPendingChanges = new WeakMap(); _onTimeout = new WeakMap(); function tryOffset(offset) { if (!Number.isInteger(offset) || offset < 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid offset"); } function tryString(str) { if (typeof str !== "string") throw new TypeError("Invalid string"); } function insertInto(str, offset, text) { tryString(str); tryOffset(offset); tryString(text); return str.slice(0, offset) + text + str.slice(offset); } function replaceWith(str, startOffset, endOffset, text) { tryString(str); tryOffset(startOffset); tryOffset(endOffset); tryString(text); return str.slice(0, startOffset) + text + str.slice(endOffset); } function removeBackward(str, offset) { tryString(str); tryOffset(offset); if (offset === 0) { return str; } return str.slice(0, offset - 1) + str.slice(offset); } function removeForward(str, offset) { tryString(str); tryOffset(offset); return str.slice(0, offset) + str.slice(offset + 1); } function removeSlice(str, start2, end) { tryString(str); tryOffset(start2); tryOffset(end); return str.slice(0, start2) + str.slice(end); } const TextNodeIteratorDirection = { FORWARD: 1, BACKWARD: 0 }; const _TextNodeIterator = class _TextNodeIterator { /** * Constructor * * @param {HTMLElement} rootNode */ constructor(rootNode) { /** * This is the root text node. * * @type {HTMLElement} */ __privateAdd(this, _rootNode, null); /** * This is the current text node. * * @type {Text|null} */ __privateAdd(this, _currentNode, null); if (!(rootNode instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid root node"); } __privateSet(this, _rootNode, rootNode); __privateSet(this, _currentNode, _TextNodeIterator.findDown(rootNode, rootNode)); } /** * Returns if a specific node is a text node. * * @param {Node} node * @returns {boolean} */ static isTextNode(node) { return node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.nodeName === "BR"; } /** * Returns if a specific node is a container node. * * @param {Node} node * @returns {boolean} */ static isContainerNode(node) { return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.nodeName !== "BR"; } /** * Finds a node from an initial node and down the tree. * * @param {Node} startNode * @param {Node} rootNode * @param {Set} skipNodes * @param {number} direction * @returns {Node} */ static findDown(startNode, rootNode, skipNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), direction = TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD) { if (startNode === rootNode) { return _TextNodeIterator.findDown( direction === TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD ? startNode.firstChild : startNode.lastChild, rootNode, skipNodes, direction ); } let safeGuard =; let currentNode = startNode; while (currentNode) { if ( - safeGuard >= 1e3) { throw new Error("Iteration timeout"); } if (skipNodes.has(currentNode)) { currentNode = direction === TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD ? currentNode.nextSibling : currentNode.previousSibling; continue; } if (_TextNodeIterator.isTextNode(currentNode)) { return currentNode; } else if (_TextNodeIterator.isContainerNode(currentNode)) { return _TextNodeIterator.findDown( direction === TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD ? currentNode.firstChild : currentNode.lastChild, rootNode, skipNodes, direction ); } currentNode = direction === TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD ? currentNode.nextSibling : currentNode.previousSibling; } return null; } /** * Finds a node from an initial node and up the tree. * * @param {Node} startNode * @param {Node} rootNode * @param {Set} backTrack * @param {number} direction * @returns {Node} */ static findUp(startNode, rootNode, backTrack = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), direction = TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD) { backTrack.add(startNode); if (_TextNodeIterator.isTextNode(startNode)) { return _TextNodeIterator.findUp( startNode.parentNode, rootNode, backTrack, direction ); } else if (_TextNodeIterator.isContainerNode(startNode)) { const found = _TextNodeIterator.findDown( startNode, rootNode, backTrack, direction ); if (found) { return found; } if (startNode !== rootNode) { return _TextNodeIterator.findUp( startNode.parentNode, rootNode, backTrack, direction ); } } return null; } /** * Current node we're into. * * @type {TextNode|HTMLBRElement} */ get currentNode() { return __privateGet(this, _currentNode); } set currentNode(newCurrentNode) { const isContained = (newCurrentNode.compareDocumentPosition(__privateGet(this, _rootNode)) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS) === Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS; if (!(newCurrentNode instanceof Node) || !_TextNodeIterator.isTextNode(newCurrentNode) || !isContained) { throw new TypeError("Invalid new current node"); } __privateSet(this, _currentNode, newCurrentNode); } /** * Returns the next Text node or
element or null if there are. * * @returns {Text|HTMLBRElement} */ nextNode() { if (!__privateGet(this, _currentNode)) return null; const nextNode = _TextNodeIterator.findUp( __privateGet(this, _currentNode), __privateGet(this, _rootNode), /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), TextNodeIteratorDirection.FORWARD ); if (!nextNode) { return null; } __privateSet(this, _currentNode, nextNode); return __privateGet(this, _currentNode); } /** * Returns the previous Text node or
element or null. * * @returns {Text|HTMLBRElement} */ previousNode() { if (!__privateGet(this, _currentNode)) return null; const previousNode = _TextNodeIterator.findUp( __privateGet(this, _currentNode), __privateGet(this, _rootNode), /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), TextNodeIteratorDirection.BACKWARD ); if (!previousNode) { return null; } __privateSet(this, _currentNode, previousNode); return __privateGet(this, _currentNode); } }; _rootNode = new WeakMap(); _currentNode = new WeakMap(); let TextNodeIterator = _TextNodeIterator; class CommandMutations { constructor(added, updated, removed) { __privateAdd(this, _added, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); __privateAdd(this, _removed, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); __privateAdd(this, _updated, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); if (added && Array.isArray(added)) __privateSet(this, _added, new Set(added)); if (updated && Array.isArray(updated)) __privateSet(this, _updated, new Set(updated)); if (removed && Array.isArray(removed)) __privateSet(this, _removed, new Set(removed)); } get added() { return __privateGet(this, _added); } get removed() { return __privateGet(this, _removed); } get updated() { return __privateGet(this, _updated); } clear() { __privateGet(this, _added).clear(); __privateGet(this, _removed).clear(); __privateGet(this, _updated).clear(); } dispose() { __privateGet(this, _added).clear(); __privateSet(this, _added, null); __privateGet(this, _removed).clear(); __privateSet(this, _removed, null); __privateGet(this, _updated).clear(); __privateSet(this, _updated, null); } add(node) { __privateGet(this, _added).add(node); return this; } remove(node) { __privateGet(this, _removed).add(node); return this; } update(node) { __privateGet(this, _updated).add(node); return this; } } _added = new WeakMap(); _removed = new WeakMap(); _updated = new WeakMap(); const SelectionDirection = { /** The anchorNode is behind the focusNode */ FORWARD: 1, /** The focusNode and the anchorNode are collapsed */ NONE: 0, /** The focusNode is behind the anchorNode */ BACKWARD: -1 }; const SAFE_GUARD_TIME = 1e3; let startTime =; function start() { startTime =; } function update() { if ( - startTime >= SAFE_GUARD_TIME) { throw new Error("Safe guard timeout"); } } const SafeGuard = { start, update }; class SelectionController extends EventTarget { /** * Constructor * * @param {TextEditor} textEditor * @param {Selection} selection * @param {SelectionControllerOptions} [options] */ constructor(textEditor, selection, options) { super(); __privateAdd(this, _SelectionController_instances); /** * Reference to the text editor. * * @type {TextEditor} */ __privateAdd(this, _textEditor, null); /** * Selection. * * @type {Selection} */ __privateAdd(this, _selection, null); /** * Set of ranges (this should always have one) * * @type {Set} */ __privateAdd(this, _ranges, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); /** * Current range (.rangeAt 0) * * @type {Range} */ __privateAdd(this, _range, null); /** * @type {Node} */ __privateAdd(this, _focusNode, null); /** * @type {number} */ __privateAdd(this, _focusOffset, 0); /** * @type {Node} */ __privateAdd(this, _anchorNode, null); /** * @type {number} */ __privateAdd(this, _anchorOffset, 0); /** * Saved selection. * * @type {object} */ __privateAdd(this, _savedSelection, null); /** * TextNodeIterator that allows us to move * around the root element but only through *
and #text nodes. * * @type {TextNodeIterator} */ __privateAdd(this, _textNodeIterator, null); /** * CSSStyleDeclaration that we can mutate * to handle style changes. * * @type {CSSStyleDeclaration} */ __privateAdd(this, _currentStyle, null); /** * Element used to have a custom CSSStyleDeclaration * that we can modify to handle style changes when the * selection is changed. * * @type {HTMLDivElement} */ __privateAdd(this, _inertElement, null); /** * @type {SelectionControllerDebug} */ __privateAdd(this, _debug, null); /** * Command Mutations. * * @type {CommandMutations} */ __privateAdd(this, _mutations, new CommandMutations()); /** * Style defaults. * * @type {Object.} */ __privateAdd(this, _styleDefaults, null); /** * This is called on every `selectionchange` because it is dispatched * only by the `document` object. * * @param {Event} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onSelectionChange, (e) => { if (!this.hasFocus) return; let focusNodeChanges = false; if (__privateGet(this, _focusNode) !== __privateGet(this, _selection).focusNode) { __privateSet(this, _focusNode, __privateGet(this, _selection).focusNode); focusNodeChanges = true; } __privateSet(this, _focusOffset, __privateGet(this, _selection).focusOffset); if (__privateGet(this, _anchorNode) !== __privateGet(this, _selection).anchorNode) { __privateSet(this, _anchorNode, __privateGet(this, _selection).anchorNode); } __privateSet(this, _anchorOffset, __privateGet(this, _selection).anchorOffset); if (__privateGet(this, _selection).rangeCount > 1) { for (let index = 0; index < __privateGet(this, _selection).rangeCount; index++) { const range = __privateGet(this, _selection).getRangeAt(index); if (__privateGet(this, _ranges).has(range)) { __privateGet(this, _ranges).delete(range); __privateGet(this, _selection).removeRange(range); } else { __privateGet(this, _ranges).add(range); __privateSet(this, _range, range); } } } else if (__privateGet(this, _selection).rangeCount > 0) { const range = __privateGet(this, _selection).getRangeAt(0); __privateSet(this, _range, range); __privateGet(this, _ranges).clear(); __privateGet(this, _ranges).add(range); } else { __privateSet(this, _range, null); __privateGet(this, _ranges).clear(); } if (focusNodeChanges) { __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, notifyStyleChange_fn).call(this); } if (__privateGet(this, _debug)) { __privateGet(this, _debug).update(this); } }); __privateSet(this, _debug, options == null ? void 0 : options.debug); __privateSet(this, _styleDefaults, options == null ? void 0 : options.styleDefaults); __privateSet(this, _selection, selection); __privateSet(this, _textEditor, textEditor); __privateSet(this, _textNodeIterator, new TextNodeIterator(__privateGet(this, _textEditor).element)); __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, setup_fn).call(this); } /** * Styles of the current inline. * * @type {CSSStyleDeclaration} */ get currentStyle() { return __privateGet(this, _currentStyle); } /** * Saves the current selection and returns the client rects. * * @returns {boolean} */ saveSelection() { __privateSet(this, _savedSelection, { isCollapsed: __privateGet(this, _selection).isCollapsed, focusNode: __privateGet(this, _selection).focusNode, focusOffset: __privateGet(this, _selection).focusOffset, anchorNode: __privateGet(this, _selection).anchorNode, anchorOffset: __privateGet(this, _selection).anchorOffset, range: __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, getSavedRange_fn).call(this) }); return true; } /** * Restores a saved selection if there's any. * * @returns {boolean} */ restoreSelection() { if (!__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) return false; if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorNode && __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusNode) { if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorNode === __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusNode) { __privateGet(this, _selection).setPosition(__privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusNode, __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusOffset); } else { __privateGet(this, _selection).setBaseAndExtent( __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorNode, __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorOffset, __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusNode, __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusOffset ); } } __privateSet(this, _savedSelection, null); return true; } /** * Marks the start of a mutation. * * Clears all the mutations kept in CommandMutations. */ startMutation() { __privateGet(this, _mutations).clear(); if (!__privateGet(this, _focusNode)) return false; return true; } /** * Marks the end of a mutation. * * @returns */ endMutation() { return __privateGet(this, _mutations); } /** * Selects all content. */ selectAll() { __privateGet(this, _selection).selectAllChildren(__privateGet(this, _textEditor).root); return this; } /** * Moves cursor to end. */ cursorToEnd() { const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(__privateGet(this, _textEditor).element); range.collapse(false); __privateGet(this, _selection).removeAllRanges(); __privateGet(this, _selection).addRange(range); return this; } /** * Collapses a selection. * * @param {Node} node * @param {number} offset */ collapse(node, offset) { const nodeOffset = node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && offset >= node.nodeValue.length ? node.nodeValue.length : offset; return this.setSelection( node, nodeOffset, node, nodeOffset ); } /** * Sets base and extent. * * @param {Node} anchorNode * @param {number} anchorOffset * @param {Node} [focusNode=anchorNode] * @param {number} [focusOffset=anchorOffset] */ setSelection(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode = anchorNode, focusOffset = anchorOffset) { if (!anchorNode.isConnected) { throw new Error("Invalid anchorNode"); } if (!focusNode.isConnected) { throw new Error("Invalid focusNode"); } if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).isCollapsed = focusNode === anchorNode && anchorOffset === focusOffset; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusNode = focusNode; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusOffset = focusOffset; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorNode = anchorNode; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorOffset = anchorOffset; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.collapsed = __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).isCollapsed; const position = focusNode.compareDocumentPosition(anchorNode); if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) { __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.startContainer = focusNode; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.startOffset = focusOffset; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.endContainer = anchorNode; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.endOffset = anchorOffset; } else { __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.startContainer = anchorNode; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.startOffset = anchorOffset; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.endContainer = focusNode; __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).range.endOffset = focusOffset; } } else { __privateSet(this, _anchorNode, anchorNode); __privateSet(this, _anchorOffset, anchorOffset); if (anchorNode === focusNode) { __privateSet(this, _focusNode, __privateGet(this, _anchorNode)); __privateSet(this, _focusOffset, __privateGet(this, _anchorOffset)); __privateGet(this, _selection).setPosition(anchorNode, anchorOffset); } else { __privateSet(this, _focusNode, focusNode); __privateSet(this, _focusOffset, focusOffset); __privateGet(this, _selection).setBaseAndExtent( anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset ); } } } /** * Disposes the current resources. */ dispose() { document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", __privateGet(this, _onSelectionChange)); __privateSet(this, _textEditor, null); __privateGet(this, _ranges).clear(); __privateSet(this, _ranges, null); __privateSet(this, _range, null); __privateSet(this, _selection, null); __privateSet(this, _focusNode, null); __privateSet(this, _anchorNode, null); __privateGet(this, _mutations).dispose(); __privateSet(this, _mutations, null); } /** * Returns the current selection. * * @type {Selection} */ get selection() { return __privateGet(this, _selection); } /** * Returns the current range. * * @type {Range} */ get range() { return __privateGet(this, _range); } /** * Indicates the direction of the selection * * @type {SelectionDirection} */ get direction() { if (this.isCollapsed) { return SelectionDirection.NONE; } if (this.focusNode !== this.anchorNode) { return this.startContainer === this.focusNode ? SelectionDirection.BACKWARD : SelectionDirection.FORWARD; } return this.focusOffset < this.anchorOffset ? SelectionDirection.BACKWARD : SelectionDirection.FORWARD; } /** * Indicates that the editor element has the * focus. * * @type {boolean} */ get hasFocus() { return document.activeElement === __privateGet(this, _textEditor).element; } /** * Returns true if the selection is collapsed (caret) * or false otherwise. * * @type {boolean} */ get isCollapsed() { if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).isCollapsed; } return __privateGet(this, _selection).isCollapsed; } /** * Current or saved anchor node. * * @type {Node} */ get anchorNode() { if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorNode; } return __privateGet(this, _anchorNode); } /** * Current or saved anchor offset. * * @type {number} */ get anchorOffset() { if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).anchorOffset; } return __privateGet(this, _selection).anchorOffset; } /** * Indicates that the caret is at the start of the node. * * @type {boolean} */ get anchorAtStart() { return this.anchorOffset === 0; } /** * Indicates that the caret is at the end of the node. * * @type {boolean} */ get anchorAtEnd() { return this.anchorOffset === this.anchorNode.nodeValue.length; } /** * Current or saved focus node. * * @type {Node} */ get focusNode() { if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusNode; } if (!__privateGet(this, _focusNode)) console.trace("focusNode", __privateGet(this, _focusNode)); return __privateGet(this, _focusNode); } /** * Current or saved focus offset. * * @type {number} */ get focusOffset() { if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return __privateGet(this, _savedSelection).focusOffset; } return __privateGet(this, _focusOffset); } /** * Indicates that the caret is at the start of the node. * * @type {boolean} */ get focusAtStart() { return this.focusOffset === 0; } /** * Indicates that the caret is at the end of the node. * * @type {boolean} */ get focusAtEnd() { return this.focusOffset === this.focusNode.nodeValue.length; } /** * Returns the paragraph in the focus node * of the current selection. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get focusParagraph() { return getParagraph(this.focusNode); } /** * Returns the inline in the focus node * of the current selection. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get focusInline() { return getInline(this.focusNode); } /** * Returns the current paragraph in the anchor * node of the current selection. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get anchorParagraph() { return getParagraph(this.anchorNode); } /** * Returns the current inline in the anchor * node of the current selection. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get anchorInline() { return getInline(this.anchorNode); } /** * Start container of the current range. */ get startContainer() { var _a, _b, _c; if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return (_b = (_a = __privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) == null ? void 0 : _a.range) == null ? void 0 : _b.startContainer; } return (_c = __privateGet(this, _range)) == null ? void 0 : _c.startContainer; } /** * `startOffset` of the current range. * * @type {number|null} */ get startOffset() { var _a, _b, _c; if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return (_b = (_a = __privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) == null ? void 0 : _a.range) == null ? void 0 : _b.startOffset; } return (_c = __privateGet(this, _range)) == null ? void 0 : _c.startOffset; } /** * Start paragraph of the current range. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get startParagraph() { const startContainer = this.startContainer; if (!startContainer) return null; return getParagraph(startContainer); } /** * Start inline of the current page. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get startInline() { const startContainer = this.startContainer; if (!startContainer) return null; return getInline(startContainer); } /** * End container of the current range. * * @type {Node} */ get endContainer() { var _a, _b, _c; if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return (_b = (_a = __privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) == null ? void 0 : _a.range) == null ? void 0 : _b.endContainer; } return (_c = __privateGet(this, _range)) == null ? void 0 : _c.endContainer; } /** * `endOffset` of the current range * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get endOffset() { var _a, _b, _c; if (__privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) { return (_b = (_a = __privateGet(this, _savedSelection)) == null ? void 0 : _a.range) == null ? void 0 : _b.endOffset; } return (_c = __privateGet(this, _range)) == null ? void 0 : _c.endOffset; } /** * Paragraph element of the `endContainer` of * the current range. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get endParagraph() { const endContainer = this.endContainer; if (!endContainer) return null; return getParagraph(endContainer); } /** * Inline element of the `endContainer` of * the current range. * * @type {HTMLElement|null} */ get endInline() { const endContainer = this.endContainer; if (!endContainer) return null; return getInline(endContainer); } /** * Returns true if the anchor node and the focus * node are the same text nodes. * * @type {boolean} */ get isTextSame() { return this.isTextFocus === this.isTextAnchor && this.focusNode === this.anchorNode; } /** * Indicates that focus node is a text node. * * @type {boolean} */ get isTextFocus() { return this.focusNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; } /** * Indicates that anchor node is a text node. * * @type {boolean} */ get isTextAnchor() { return this.anchorNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; } /** * Is true if the current focus node is a inline. * * @type {boolean} */ get isInlineFocus() { return isInline(this.focusNode); } /** * Is true if the current anchor node is a inline. * * @type {boolean} */ get isInlineAnchor() { return isInline(this.anchorNode); } /** * Is true if the current focus node is a paragraph. * * @type {boolean} */ get isParagraphFocus() { return isParagraph(this.focusNode); } /** * Is true if the current anchor node is a paragraph. * * @type {boolean} */ get isParagraphAnchor() { return isParagraph(this.anchorNode); } /** * Is true if the current focus node is a line break. * * @type {boolean} */ get isLineBreakFocus() { return isLineBreak(this.focusNode) || isInline(this.focusNode) && isLineBreak(this.focusNode.firstChild); } /** * Indicates that we have multiple nodes selected. * * @type {boolean} */ get isMulti() { return this.focusNode !== this.anchorNode; } /** * Indicates that we have selected multiple * paragraph elements. * * @type {boolean} */ get isMultiParagraph() { return this.isMulti && this.focusParagraph !== this.anchorParagraph; } /** * Indicates that we have selected multiple * inline elements. * * @type {boolean} */ get isMultiInline() { return this.isMulti && this.focusInline !== this.anchorInline; } /** * Indicates that the caret (only the caret) * is at the start of an inline. * * @type {boolean} */ get isInlineStart() { if (!this.isCollapsed) return false; return isInlineStart(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset); } /** * Indicates that the caret (only the caret) * is at the end of an inline. This value doesn't * matter when dealing with selections. * * @type {boolean} */ get isInlineEnd() { if (!this.isCollapsed) return false; return isInlineEnd(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset); } /** * Indicates that we're in the starting position of a paragraph. * * @type {boolean} */ get isParagraphStart() { if (!this.isCollapsed) return false; return isParagraphStart(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset); } /** * Indicates that we're in the ending position of a paragraph. * * @type {boolean} */ get isParagraphEnd() { if (!this.isCollapsed) return false; return isParagraphEnd(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset); } /** * Insert pasted fragment. * * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment */ insertPaste(fragment) { fragment.children.length; if (this.isParagraphStart) { this.focusParagraph.before(fragment); } else if (this.isParagraphEnd) { this.focusParagraph.after(fragment); } else { const newParagraph = splitParagraph( this.focusParagraph, this.focusInline, this.focusOffset ); this.focusParagraph.after(fragment, newParagraph); } } /** * Replaces data with pasted fragment * * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment */ replaceWithPaste(fragment) { fragment.children.length; this.removeSelected(); this.insertPaste(fragment); } /** * Replaces the current line break with text * * @param {string} text */ replaceLineBreak(text) { const newText = new Text(text); this.focusInline.replaceChildren(newText); this.collapse(newText, text.length); } /** * Removes text forward from the current position. */ removeForwardText() { __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode = this.focusNode; const removedData = removeForward( this.focusNode.nodeValue, this.focusOffset ); if (this.focusNode.nodeValue !== removedData) { this.focusNode.nodeValue = removedData; } const paragraph = this.focusParagraph; if (!paragraph) throw new Error("Cannot find paragraph"); const inline = this.focusInline; if (!inline) throw new Error("Cannot find inline"); const nextTextNode = __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).nextNode(); if (this.focusNode.nodeValue === "") { this.focusNode.remove(); } if (paragraph.childNodes.length === 1 && inline.childNodes.length === 0) { const lineBreak = createLineBreak(); inline.appendChild(lineBreak); return this.collapse(lineBreak, 0); } else if (paragraph.childNodes.length > 1 && inline.childNodes.length === 0) { inline.remove(); return this.collapse(nextTextNode, 0); } return this.collapse(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset); } /** * Removes text backward from the current caret position. */ removeBackwardText() { __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode = this.focusNode; const removedData = removeBackward( this.focusNode.nodeValue, this.focusOffset ); if (this.focusNode.nodeValue !== removedData) { this.focusNode.nodeValue = removedData; } if (this.focusOffset - 1 > 0) { return this.collapse(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset - 1); } const paragraph = this.focusParagraph; if (!paragraph) throw new Error("Cannot find paragraph"); const inline = this.focusInline; if (!inline) throw new Error("Cannot find inline"); const previousTextNode = __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).previousNode(); if (this.focusNode.nodeValue === "") { this.focusNode.remove(); } if (paragraph.children.length === 1 && inline.childNodes.length === 0) { const lineBreak = createLineBreak(); inline.appendChild(lineBreak); return this.collapse(lineBreak, 0); } else if (paragraph.children.length > 1 && inline.childNodes.length === 0) { inline.remove(); return this.collapse(previousTextNode, getTextNodeLength(previousTextNode)); } return this.collapse(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset - 1); } /** * Inserts some text in the caret position. * * @param {string} newText */ insertText(newText) { this.focusNode.nodeValue = insertInto( this.focusNode.nodeValue, this.focusOffset, newText ); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(this.focusInline); return this.collapse(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset + newText.length); } /** * Replaces currently selected text. * * @param {string} newText */ replaceText(newText) { const startOffset = Math.min(this.anchorOffset, this.focusOffset); const endOffset = Math.max(this.anchorOffset, this.focusOffset); this.focusNode.nodeValue = replaceWith( this.focusNode.nodeValue, startOffset, endOffset, newText ); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(this.focusInline); return this.collapse(this.focusNode, startOffset + newText.length); } /** * Replaces the selected inlines with new text. * * @param {string} newText */ replaceInlines(newText) { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; if (this.startInline === currentParagraph.firstChild && this.startOffset === 0 && this.endInline === currentParagraph.lastChild && this.endOffset === currentParagraph.lastChild.textContent.length) { const newTextNode = new Text(newText); currentParagraph.replaceChildren( createInline(newTextNode, ); return this.collapse(newTextNode, newTextNode.nodeValue.length); } this.removeSelected(); this.focusNode.nodeValue = insertInto( this.focusNode.nodeValue, this.focusOffset, newText ); return this.collapse(this.focusNode, this.focusOffset + newText.length); } /** * Replaces paragraphs with text. * * @param {string} newText */ replaceParagraphs(newText) { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; this.removeSelected(); this.focusNode.nodeValue = insertInto( this.focusNode.nodeValue, this.focusOffset, newText ); for (const child of currentParagraph.children) { if (child.textContent === "") { child.remove(); } } } /** * Inserts a new paragraph after the current paragraph. */ insertParagraphAfter() { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; const newParagraph = createEmptyParagraph(__privateGet(this, _currentStyle)); currentParagraph.after(newParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(currentParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).add(newParagraph); return this.collapse(newParagraph.firstChild.firstChild, 0); } /** * Inserts a new paragraph before the current paragraph. */ insertParagraphBefore() { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; const newParagraph = createEmptyParagraph(__privateGet(this, _currentStyle)); currentParagraph.before(newParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(currentParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).add(newParagraph); return this.collapse(currentParagraph.firstChild.firstChild, 0); } /** * Splits the current paragraph. */ splitParagraph() { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; const newParagraph = splitParagraph( this.focusParagraph, this.focusInline, __privateGet(this, _focusOffset) ); this.focusParagraph.after(newParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(currentParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).add(newParagraph); return this.collapse(newParagraph.firstChild.firstChild, 0); } /** * Inserts a new paragraph. */ insertParagraph() { if (this.isParagraphEnd) { return this.insertParagraphAfter(); } else if (this.isParagraphStart) { return this.insertParagraphBefore(); } return this.splitParagraph(); } /** * Replaces the currently selected content with * a paragraph. */ replaceWithParagraph() { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; const currentInline = this.focusInline; this.removeSelected(); const newParagraph = splitParagraph( currentParagraph, currentInline, this.focusOffset ); currentParagraph.after(newParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(currentParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).add(newParagraph); } /** * Removes a paragraph in backward direction. */ removeBackwardParagraph() { const previousParagraph = this.focusParagraph.previousElementSibling; if (!previousParagraph) { return; } const paragraphToBeRemoved = this.focusParagraph; paragraphToBeRemoved.remove(); const previousInline = previousParagraph.children.length > 1 ? previousParagraph.lastElementChild : previousParagraph.firstChild; const previousOffset = isLineBreak(previousInline.firstChild) ? 0 : previousInline.firstChild.nodeValue.length; __privateGet(this, _mutations).remove(paragraphToBeRemoved); return this.collapse(previousInline.firstChild, previousOffset); } /** * Merges the previous paragraph with the current paragraph. */ mergeBackwardParagraph() { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; const previousParagraph = this.focusParagraph.previousElementSibling; if (!previousParagraph) { return; } let previousInline = previousParagraph.lastChild; const previousOffset = getInlineLength(previousInline); if (isEmptyParagraph(previousParagraph)) { previousParagraph.replaceChildren(...currentParagraph.children); previousInline = previousParagraph.firstChild; currentParagraph.remove(); } else { mergeParagraphs(previousParagraph, currentParagraph); } __privateGet(this, _mutations).remove(currentParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(previousParagraph); return this.collapse(previousInline.firstChild, previousOffset); } /** * Merges the next paragraph with the current paragraph. */ mergeForwardParagraph() { const currentParagraph = this.focusParagraph; const nextParagraph = this.focusParagraph.nextElementSibling; if (!nextParagraph) { return; } mergeParagraphs(this.focusParagraph, nextParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).update(currentParagraph); __privateGet(this, _mutations).remove(nextParagraph); } /** * Removes the forward paragraph. */ removeForwardParagraph() { const nextParagraph = this.focusParagraph.nextSibling; if (!nextParagraph) { return; } const paragraphToBeRemoved = this.focusParagraph; paragraphToBeRemoved.remove(); const nextInline = nextParagraph.firstChild; const nextOffset = this.focusOffset; __privateGet(this, _mutations).remove(paragraphToBeRemoved); return this.collapse(nextInline.firstChild, nextOffset); } /** * Cleans up all the affected paragraphs. * * @param {Set} affectedParagraphs * @param {Set} affectedInlines */ cleanUp(affectedParagraphs, affectedInlines) { for (const inline of affectedInlines) { if (inline.textContent === "") { inline.remove(); __privateGet(this, _mutations).remove(inline); } } for (const paragraph of affectedParagraphs) { if (paragraph.children.length === 0) { paragraph.remove(); __privateGet(this, _mutations).remove(paragraph); } } } /** * Removes the selected content. * * @param {RemoveSelectedOptions} [options] */ removeSelected(options) { if (this.isCollapsed) return; const affectedInlines = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const affectedParagraphs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const startNode = getClosestTextNode(__privateGet(this, _range).startContainer); const endNode = getClosestTextNode(__privateGet(this, _range).endContainer); const startOffset = __privateGet(this, _range).startOffset; const endOffset = __privateGet(this, _range).endOffset; if (startNode === endNode) { __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode = startNode; __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).previousNode(); __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode = startNode; __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).nextNode(); const inline = getInline(startNode); const paragraph = getParagraph(startNode); affectedInlines.add(inline); affectedParagraphs.add(paragraph); const newNodeValue = removeSlice( startNode.nodeValue, startOffset, endOffset ); if (newNodeValue === "") { const lineBreak = createLineBreak(); inline.replaceChildren(lineBreak); return this.collapse(lineBreak, 0); } startNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue; return this.collapse(startNode, startOffset); } __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode = startNode; const startInline = getInline(startNode); const startParagraph = getParagraph(startNode); const endInline = getInline(endNode); const endParagraph = getParagraph(endNode); SafeGuard.start(); do { SafeGuard.update(); const currentNode = __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode; const inline = getInline(__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode); const paragraph = getParagraph(__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode); let shouldRemoveNodeCompletely = false; if (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === startNode) { if (startOffset === 0) { shouldRemoveNodeCompletely = true; } else { currentNode.nodeValue = currentNode.nodeValue.slice(0, startOffset); } } else if (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === endNode) { if (isLineBreak(endNode) || isTextNode(endNode) && endOffset === endNode.nodeValue.length) { shouldRemoveNodeCompletely = true; } else { currentNode.nodeValue = currentNode.nodeValue.slice(endOffset); } } else { shouldRemoveNodeCompletely = true; } __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).nextNode(); if (shouldRemoveNodeCompletely) { currentNode.remove(); if (currentNode === startNode) { continue; } if (currentNode === endNode) { break; } if (inline.childNodes.length === 0) { inline.remove(); } if (paragraph !== startParagraph && paragraph.children.length === 0) { paragraph.remove(); } } if (currentNode === endNode) { break; } } while (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode); if (startParagraph !== endParagraph) { const mergedParagraph = mergeParagraphs(startParagraph, endParagraph); if (mergedParagraph.children.length === 0) { const newEmptyInline = createEmptyInline(__privateGet(this, _currentStyle)); mergedParagraph.appendChild(newEmptyInline); return this.collapse(newEmptyInline.firstChild, 0); } } if (startInline.childNodes.length === 0 && endInline.childNodes.length > 0) { startInline.remove(); return this.collapse(endNode, 0); } else if (startInline.childNodes.length > 0 && endInline.childNodes.length === 0) { endInline.remove(); return this.collapse(startNode, startOffset); } else if (startInline.childNodes.length === 0 && endInline.childNodes.length === 0) { const previousInline = startInline.previousElementSibling; const nextInline = endInline.nextElementSibling; startInline.remove(); endInline.remove(); if (previousInline) { return this.collapse(previousInline.firstChild, previousInline.firstChild.nodeValue.length); } if (nextInline) { return this.collapse(nextInline.firstChild, 0); } const newEmptyInline = createEmptyInline(__privateGet(this, _currentStyle)); startParagraph.appendChild(newEmptyInline); return this.collapse(newEmptyInline.firstChild, 0); } return this.collapse(startNode, startOffset); } /** * Applies styles to selection * * @param {Object.} newStyles * @returns {void} */ applyStyles(newStyles) { return __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, applyStylesTo_fn).call(this, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, this.endContainer, this.endOffset, newStyles); } } _textEditor = new WeakMap(); _selection = new WeakMap(); _ranges = new WeakMap(); _range = new WeakMap(); _focusNode = new WeakMap(); _focusOffset = new WeakMap(); _anchorNode = new WeakMap(); _anchorOffset = new WeakMap(); _savedSelection = new WeakMap(); _textNodeIterator = new WeakMap(); _currentStyle = new WeakMap(); _inertElement = new WeakMap(); _debug = new WeakMap(); _mutations = new WeakMap(); _styleDefaults = new WeakMap(); _SelectionController_instances = new WeakSet(); /** * Applies the default styles to the currentStyle * CSSStyleDeclaration. */ applyDefaultStylesToCurrentStyle_fn = function() { if (__privateGet(this, _styleDefaults)) { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(__privateGet(this, _styleDefaults))) { __privateGet(this, _currentStyle).setProperty( name, value + (name === "font-size" ? "px" : "") ); } } }; /** * Applies some styles to the currentStyle * CSSStyleDeclaration * * @param {HTMLElement} element */ applyStylesToCurrentStyle_fn = function(element) { for (let index = 0; index <; index++) { const styleName =; const styleValue =; __privateGet(this, _currentStyle).setProperty(styleName, styleValue); } }; /** * Updates current styles based on the currently selected inline. * * @param {HTMLSpanElement} inline * @returns {SelectionController} */ updateCurrentStyle_fn = function(inline) { __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, applyDefaultStylesToCurrentStyle_fn).call(this); const root = inline.parentElement.parentElement; __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, applyStylesToCurrentStyle_fn).call(this, root); const paragraph = inline.parentElement; __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, applyStylesToCurrentStyle_fn).call(this, paragraph); __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, applyStylesToCurrentStyle_fn).call(this, inline); return this; }; _onSelectionChange = new WeakMap(); /** * Notifies that the styles have changed. */ notifyStyleChange_fn = function() { const inline = this.focusInline; if (inline) { __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, updateCurrentStyle_fn).call(this, inline); this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("stylechange", { detail: __privateGet(this, _currentStyle) }) ); } }; /** * Setups */ setup_fn = function() { __privateSet(this, _inertElement, document.createElement("div")); __privateSet(this, _currentStyle, __privateGet(this, _inertElement).style); __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, applyDefaultStylesToCurrentStyle_fn).call(this); if (__privateGet(this, _selection).rangeCount > 0) { const range = __privateGet(this, _selection).getRangeAt(0); __privateSet(this, _range, range); __privateGet(this, _ranges).add(range); } if (__privateGet(this, _selection).rangeCount > 1) { for (let index = 1; index < __privateGet(this, _selection).rangeCount; index++) { __privateGet(this, _selection).removeRange(index); } } document.addEventListener("selectionchange", __privateGet(this, _onSelectionChange)); }; /** * Returns a Range-like object. * * @returns {RangeLike} */ getSavedRange_fn = function() { if (!__privateGet(this, _range)) { return { collapsed: true, commonAncestorContainer: null, startContainer: null, startOffset: 0, endContainer: null, endOffset: 0 }; } return { collapsed: __privateGet(this, _range).collapsed, commonAncestorContainer: __privateGet(this, _range).commonAncestorContainer, startContainer: __privateGet(this, _range).startContainer, startOffset: __privateGet(this, _range).startOffset, endContainer: __privateGet(this, _range).endContainer, endOffset: __privateGet(this, _range).endOffset }; }; /** * Applies styles from the startNode to the endNode. * * @param {Node} startNode * @param {number} startOffset * @param {Node} endNode * @param {number} endOffset * @param {Object.|CSSStyleDeclaration} newStyles * @returns {void} */ applyStylesTo_fn = function(startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset, newStyles) { const root = __privateGet(this, _textEditor).root; setRootStyles(root, newStyles); if (startNode === endNode && startNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (startOffset === 0 && endOffset === endNode.nodeValue.length) { const paragraph = this.startParagraph; const inline = this.startInline; setParagraphStyles(paragraph, newStyles); setInlineStyles(inline, newStyles); } else if (startOffset !== endOffset) { const paragraph = this.startParagraph; setParagraphStyles(paragraph, newStyles); const inline = this.startInline; const midText = startNode.splitText(startOffset); const endText = midText.splitText(endOffset - startOffset); const midInline = createInlineFrom(inline, midText, newStyles); inline.after(midInline); if (endText.length > 0) { const endInline = createInline(endText,; midInline.after(endInline); } this.setSelection(midText, 0, midText, midText.nodeValue.length); } else { const paragraph = this.startParagraph; setParagraphStyles(paragraph, newStyles); } return __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, notifyStyleChange_fn).call(this); } else if (startNode !== endNode) { SafeGuard.start(); const expectedEndNode = getClosestTextNode(endNode); __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode = getClosestTextNode(startNode); do { SafeGuard.update(); const paragraph = getParagraph(__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode); setParagraphStyles(paragraph, newStyles); const inline = getInline(__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode); if (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === startNode && startOffset > 0) { const newInline = splitInline(inline, startOffset); setInlineStyles(newInline, newStyles); inline.after(newInline); } else if (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === startNode && startOffset === 0 || __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode !== startNode && __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode !== endNode || __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === endNode && endOffset === endNode.nodeValue.length) { setInlineStyles(inline, newStyles); } else if (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === endNode && endOffset < endNode.nodeValue.length) { const newInline = splitInline(inline, endOffset); setInlineStyles(inline, newStyles); inline.after(newInline); } if (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode === expectedEndNode) return; __privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).nextNode(); } while (__privateGet(this, _textNodeIterator).currentNode); } return __privateMethod(this, _SelectionController_instances, notifyStyleChange_fn).call(this); }; function createSelectionImposterFromClientRects(referenceRect, clientRects) { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const rect of clientRects) { const rectElement = document.createElement("div"); rectElement.className = "selection-imposter-rect"; = `${rect.x - referenceRect.x}px`; = `${rect.y - referenceRect.y}px`; = `${rect.width}px`; = `${rect.height}px`; fragment.appendChild(rectElement); } return fragment; } function addEventListeners(target, object, options) { Object.entries(object).forEach( ([type, listener]) => target.addEventListener(type, listener, options) ); } function removeEventListeners(target, object) { Object.entries(object).forEach( ([type, listener]) => target.removeEventListener(type, listener) ); } const LayoutType = { FULL: "full", PARTIAL: "partial" }; class TextEditor extends EventTarget { /** * Constructor. * * @param {HTMLElement} element */ constructor(element, options) { super(); __privateAdd(this, _TextEditor_instances); /** * Element content editable to be used by the TextEditor * * @type {HTMLElement} */ __privateAdd(this, _element, null); /** * Map/Dictionary of events. * * @type {Object.} */ __privateAdd(this, _events, null); /** * Root element that will contain the content. * * @type {HTMLElement} */ __privateAdd(this, _root, null); /** * Change controller controls when we should notify changes. * * @type {ChangeController} */ __privateAdd(this, _changeController, null); /** * Selection controller controls the current/saved selection. * * @type {SelectionController} */ __privateAdd(this, _selectionController, null); /** * Selection imposter keeps selection elements. * * @type {HTMLElement} */ __privateAdd(this, _selectionImposterElement, null); /** * Style defaults. * * @type {Object.} */ __privateAdd(this, _styleDefaults2, null); /** * Dispatchs a `change` event. * * @param {CustomEvent} e * @returns {void} */ __privateAdd(this, _onChange, (e) => this.dispatchEvent(new e.constructor(e.type, e))); /** * Dispatchs a `stylechange` event. * * @param {CustomEvent} e * @returns {void} */ __privateAdd(this, _onStyleChange, (e) => { if (__privateGet(this, _selectionImposterElement).children.length > 0) { __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, createSelectionImposter_fn).call(this); } this.dispatchEvent(new e.constructor(e.type, e)); }); /** * On blur we create a new FakeSelection if there's any. * * @param {FocusEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onBlur, (e) => { __privateGet(this, _changeController).notifyImmediately(); __privateGet(this, _selectionController).saveSelection(); __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, createSelectionImposter_fn).call(this); this.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(e.type, e)); }); /** * On focus we should restore the FakeSelection from the current * selection. * * @param {FocusEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onFocus, (e) => { __privateGet(this, _selectionController).restoreSelection(); if (__privateGet(this, _selectionImposterElement)) { __privateGet(this, _selectionImposterElement).replaceChildren(); } this.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(e.type, e)); }); /** * Event called when the user pastes some text into the * editor. * * @param {ClipboardEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onPaste, (e) => clipboard.paste(e, this, __privateGet(this, _selectionController))); /** * Event called when the user cuts some text from the * editor. * * @param {ClipboardEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onCut, (e) => clipboard.cut(e, this, __privateGet(this, _selectionController))); /** * Event called when the user copies some text from the * editor. * * @param {ClipboardEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onCopy, (e) => clipboard.copy(e, this, __privateGet(this, _selectionController))); /** * Event called before the DOM is modified. * * @param {InputEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onBeforeInput, (e) => { if (e.inputType === "historyUndo" || e.inputType === "historyRedo") { return; } if (!(e.inputType in commands)) { if (e.inputType !== "insertCompositionText") { e.preventDefault(); } return; } if (e.inputType in commands) { const command = commands[e.inputType]; if (!__privateGet(this, _selectionController).startMutation()) return; command(e, this, __privateGet(this, _selectionController)); const mutations = __privateGet(this, _selectionController).endMutation(); __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, notifyLayout_fn).call(this, LayoutType.FULL, mutations); } }); /** * Event called after the DOM is modified. * * @param {InputEvent} e */ __privateAdd(this, _onInput, (e) => { if (e.inputType === "historyUndo" || e.inputType === "historyRedo") { return; } if (e.inputType === "insertCompositionText") { __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, notifyLayout_fn).call(this, LayoutType.FULL, null); } }); if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new TypeError("Invalid text editor element"); __privateSet(this, _element, element); __privateSet(this, _selectionImposterElement, options == null ? void 0 : options.selectionImposterElement); __privateSet(this, _events, { blur: __privateGet(this, _onBlur), focus: __privateGet(this, _onFocus), paste: __privateGet(this, _onPaste), cut: __privateGet(this, _onCut), copy: __privateGet(this, _onCopy), beforeinput: __privateGet(this, _onBeforeInput), input: __privateGet(this, _onInput) }); __privateSet(this, _styleDefaults2, options == null ? void 0 : options.styleDefaults); __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, setup_fn2).call(this, options); } /** * Root element that contains all the paragraphs. * * @type {HTMLDivElement} */ get root() { return __privateGet(this, _root); } set root(newRoot) { const previousRoot = __privateGet(this, _root); __privateSet(this, _root, newRoot); previousRoot.replaceWith(newRoot); } /** * Element that contains the root and that has the * contenteditable attribute. * * @type {HTMLElement} */ get element() { return __privateGet(this, _element); } /** * Returns true if the content is in an empty state. * * @type {boolean} */ get isEmpty() { return __privateGet(this, _root).children.length === 1 && __privateGet(this, _root).firstElementChild.children.length === 1 && isLineBreak(__privateGet(this, _root).firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstChild); } /** * Indicates the amount of paragraphs in the current content. * * @type {number} */ get numParagraphs() { return __privateGet(this, _root).children.length; } /** * CSS Style declaration for the current inline. From here we * can infer root, paragraph and inline declarations. * * @type {CSSStyleDeclaration} */ get currentStyle() { return __privateGet(this, _selectionController).currentStyle; } /** * Focus the element */ focus() { return __privateGet(this, _element).focus(); } /** * Blurs the element */ blur() { return __privateGet(this, _element).blur(); } /** * Creates a new root. * * @param {...any} args * @returns {HTMLDivElement} */ createRoot(...args) { return createRoot(...args); } /** * Creates a new paragraph. * * @param {...any} args * @returns {HTMLDivElement} */ createParagraph(...args) { return createParagraph(...args); } /** * Creates a new inline from a string. * * @param {string} text * @param {Object.|CSSStyleDeclaration} styles * @returns {HTMLSpanElement} */ createInlineFromString(text, styles) { if (text === "") { return createEmptyInline(styles); } return createInline(new Text(text), styles); } /** * Creates a new inline. * * @param {...any} args * @returns {HTMLSpanElement} */ createInline(...args) { return createInline(...args); } /** * Applies the current styles to the selection or * the current DOM node at the caret. * * @param {*} styles */ applyStylesToSelection(styles) { __privateGet(this, _selectionController).startMutation(); __privateGet(this, _selectionController).applyStyles(styles); const mutations = __privateGet(this, _selectionController).endMutation(); __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, notifyLayout_fn).call(this, LayoutType.FULL, mutations); __privateGet(this, _changeController).notifyImmediately(); return this; } /** * Selects all content. */ selectAll() { __privateGet(this, _selectionController).selectAll(); return this; } /** * Moves cursor to end. * * @returns */ cursorToEnd() { __privateGet(this, _selectionController).cursorToEnd(); return this; } /** * Disposes everything. */ dispose() { __privateGet(this, _changeController).removeEventListener("change", __privateGet(this, _onChange)); __privateGet(this, _changeController).dispose(); __privateSet(this, _changeController, null); __privateGet(this, _selectionController).removeEventListener( "stylechange", __privateGet(this, _onStyleChange) ); __privateGet(this, _selectionController).dispose(); __privateSet(this, _selectionController, null); removeEventListeners(__privateGet(this, _element), __privateGet(this, _events)); __privateSet(this, _element, null); __privateSet(this, _root, null); } } _element = new WeakMap(); _events = new WeakMap(); _root = new WeakMap(); _changeController = new WeakMap(); _selectionController = new WeakMap(); _selectionImposterElement = new WeakMap(); _styleDefaults2 = new WeakMap(); _TextEditor_instances = new WeakSet(); /** * Setups editor properties. */ setupElementProperties_fn = function() { if (!__privateGet(this, _element).isContentEditable) { __privateGet(this, _element).contentEditable = "true"; if (!__privateGet(this, _element).isContentEditable) { __privateGet(this, _element).setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); } } if (__privateGet(this, _element).spellcheck) __privateGet(this, _element).spellcheck = false; if (__privateGet(this, _element).autocapitalize) __privateGet(this, _element).autocapitalize = false; if (!__privateGet(this, _element).autofocus) __privateGet(this, _element).autofocus = true; if (!__privateGet(this, _element).role || __privateGet(this, _element).role !== "textbox") __privateGet(this, _element).role = "textbox"; if (__privateGet(this, _element).ariaAutoComplete) __privateGet(this, _element).ariaAutoComplete = false; if (!__privateGet(this, _element).ariaMultiLine) __privateGet(this, _element).ariaMultiLine = true; __privateGet(this, _element).dataset.itype = "editor"; }; /** * Setups the root element. */ setupRoot_fn = function() { __privateSet(this, _root, createEmptyRoot(__privateGet(this, _styleDefaults2))); __privateGet(this, _element).appendChild(__privateGet(this, _root)); }; _onChange = new WeakMap(); _onStyleChange = new WeakMap(); /** * Setups the elements, the properties and the * initial content. */ setup_fn2 = function(options) { __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, setupElementProperties_fn).call(this); __privateMethod(this, _TextEditor_instances, setupRoot_fn).call(this); __privateSet(this, _changeController, new ChangeController(this)); __privateGet(this, _changeController).addEventListener("change", __privateGet(this, _onChange)); __privateSet(this, _selectionController, new SelectionController( this, document.getSelection(), options )); __privateGet(this, _selectionController).addEventListener( "stylechange", __privateGet(this, _onStyleChange) ); addEventListeners(__privateGet(this, _element), __privateGet(this, _events), { capture: true }); }; /** * Creates the selection imposter. */ createSelectionImposter_fn = function() { var _a; if (__privateGet(this, _selectionImposterElement) && !__privateGet(this, _selectionController).isCollapsed) { const rects = (_a = __privateGet(this, _selectionController).range) == null ? void 0 : _a.getClientRects(); if (rects) { const rect = __privateGet(this, _selectionImposterElement).getBoundingClientRect(); __privateGet(this, _selectionImposterElement).replaceChildren( createSelectionImposterFromClientRects(rect, rects) ); } } }; _onBlur = new WeakMap(); _onFocus = new WeakMap(); _onPaste = new WeakMap(); _onCut = new WeakMap(); _onCopy = new WeakMap(); _onBeforeInput = new WeakMap(); _onInput = new WeakMap(); /** * Notifies that the edited texts needs layout. * * @param {'full'|'partial'} type * @param {CommandMutations} mutations */ notifyLayout_fn = function(type = LayoutType.FULL, mutations) { this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("needslayout", { detail: { type, mutations } }) ); }; function isEditor(instance) { return instance instanceof TextEditor; } function getRoot(instance) { if (isEditor(instance)) { return instance.root; } else { return null; } } function setRoot(instance, root) { if (isEditor(instance)) { instance.root = root; } return instance; } function create(element, options) { return new TextEditor(element, { ...options }); } function getCurrentStyle(instance) { if (isEditor(instance)) { return instance.currentStyle; } } function applyStylesToSelection(instance, styles) { if (isEditor(instance)) { return instance.applyStylesToSelection(styles); } } function dispose(instance) { if (isEditor(instance)) { instance.dispose(); } } export { TextEditor, applyStylesToSelection, create, TextEditor as default, dispose, getCurrentStyle, getRoot, isEditor, setRoot }; //#