;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns frontend-tests.logic.components-and-tokens (:require [app.common.geom.point :as geom] [app.common.math :as mth] [app.common.test-helpers.components :as cthc] [app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as ctho] [app.common.test-helpers.files :as cthf] [app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as cthi] [app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as cths] [app.common.test-helpers.tokens :as ctht] [app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob] [app.main.data.helpers :as dsh] [app.main.data.tokens :as dt] [app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl] [app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws] [app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.changes :as wtch] [app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.update :as wtu] [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true] [frontend-tests.helpers.pages :as thp] [frontend-tests.helpers.state :as ths] [frontend-tests.tokens.helpers.state :as tohs] [frontend-tests.tokens.helpers.tokens :as toht])) (t/use-fixtures :each {:before thp/reset-idmap!}) (defn- setup-base-file [] (-> (cthf/sample-file :file1) (ctht/add-tokens-lib) (ctht/update-tokens-lib #(-> % (ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "test-token-set")) (ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "test-theme" :sets #{"test-token-set"})) (ctob/set-active-themes #{"/test-theme"}) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "test-token-1" :type :border-radius :value 25)) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "test-token-2" :type :border-radius :value 50)) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "test-token-3" :type :border-radius :value 75)))) (ctho/add-frame :frame1) (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "test-token-1" [:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4] [:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4] 25))) (defn- setup-file-with-main [] (-> (setup-base-file) (cthc/make-component :component1 :frame1))) (defn- setup-file-with-copy [] (-> (setup-file-with-main) (cthc/instantiate-component :component1 :c-frame1))) (t/deftest create-component-with-token (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-base-file) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(dws/select-shape (cthi/id :frame1)) (dwl/add-component)]] (ths/run-store store done events (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 4)) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r1) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r2) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r3) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r4) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get frame1' :r1) 25)) (t/is (= (get frame1' :r2) 25)) (t/is (= (get frame1' :r3) 25)) (t/is (= (get frame1' :r4) 25)))))))) (t/deftest create-copy-with-token (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-file-with-main) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(dwl/instantiate-component (:id file) (cthi/id :component1) (geom/point 0 0))]] (ths/run-store store done events (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get selected (dsh/lookup-selected new-state) c-frame1' (dsh/lookup-shape new-state (first selected)) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 4)) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r1) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r2) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r3) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r4) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 25)))))))) (t/deftest change-token-in-main (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-file-with-copy) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(wtch/apply-token {:shape-ids [(cthi/id :frame1)] :attributes #{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} :token (toht/get-token file "test-token-2") :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-radius-all})] step2 (fn [_] (let [events2 [(dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))]] (ths/run-store store done events2 (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) c-frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :c-frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 4)) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r1) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r2) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r3) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r4) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 50)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 50)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 50)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 50)))))))] (tohs/run-store-async store step2 events identity)))) (t/deftest remove-token-in-main (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-file-with-copy) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(wtch/unapply-token {:shape-ids [(cthi/id :frame1)] :attributes #{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} :token (toht/get-token file "test-token-1")})] step2 (fn [_] (let [events2 [(dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))]] (ths/run-store store done events2 (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) c-frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :c-frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 0)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 25)))))))] (tohs/run-store-async store step2 events identity)))) (t/deftest modify-token (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-file-with-copy) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(dt/set-selected-token-set-name "test-token-set") (dt/update-token "test-token-1" {:name "test-token-1" :type :border-radius :value 66})] step2 (fn [_] (let [events2 [(wtu/update-workspace-tokens) (dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))]] (tohs/run-store-async store done events2 (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) c-frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :c-frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 4)) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r1) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r2) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r3) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r4) "test-token-1")) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 66)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 66)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 66)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 66)))))))] (tohs/run-store-async store step2 events identity)))) (t/deftest change-token-in-copy-then-change-main (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-file-with-copy) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(wtch/apply-token {:shape-ids [(cthi/id :c-frame1)] :attributes #{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} :token (toht/get-token file "test-token-2") :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-radius-all}) (wtch/apply-token {:shape-ids [(cthi/id :frame1)] :attributes #{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} :token (toht/get-token file "test-token-3") :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-radius-all})] step2 (fn [_] (let [events2 [(dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))]] (ths/run-store store done events2 (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) c-frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :c-frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 4)) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r1) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r2) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r3) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r4) "test-token-2")) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 50)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 50)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 50)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 50)))))))] (tohs/run-store-async store step2 events identity)))) (t/deftest remove-token-in-copy-then-change-main (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (setup-file-with-copy) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(wtch/unapply-token {:shape-ids [(cthi/id :c-frame1)] :attributes #{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} :token (toht/get-token file "test-token-1")}) (wtch/apply-token {:shape-ids [(cthi/id :frame1)] :attributes #{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} :token (toht/get-token file "test-token-3") :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-radius-all})] step2 (fn [_] (let [events2 [(dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))]] (ths/run-store store done events2 (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) c-frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :c-frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 0)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 25)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 25)))))))] (tohs/run-store-async store step2 events identity)))) (t/deftest modify-token-all-types (t/async done (let [;; ==== Setup file (-> (cthf/sample-file :file1) (ctht/add-tokens-lib) (ctht/update-tokens-lib #(-> % (ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "test-token-set")) (ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "test-theme" :sets #{"test-token-set"})) (ctob/set-active-themes #{"/test-theme"}) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "token-radius" :type :border-radius :value 10)) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "token-rotation" :type :rotation :value 30)) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "token-opacity" :type :opacity :value 0.7)) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "token-stroke-width" :type :stroke-width :value 2)) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "token-color" :type :color :value "#00ff00")) (ctob/add-token-in-set "test-token-set" (ctob/make-token :name "token-dimensions" :type :dimensions :value 100)))) (ctho/add-frame :frame1) (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-radius" [:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4] [:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4] 10) (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-rotation" [:rotation] [:rotation] 30) (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-opacity" [:opacity] [:opacity] 0.7) (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-stroke-width" [:stroke-width] [:stroke-width] 2) (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-color" [:stroke-color] [:stroke-color] "#00ff00") (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-color" [:fill] [:fill] "#00ff00") (ctht/apply-token-to-shape :frame1 "token-dimensions" [:width :height] [:width :height] 100) (cthc/make-component :component1 :frame1) (cthc/instantiate-component :component1 :c-frame1)) store (ths/setup-store file) ;; ==== Action events [(dt/set-selected-token-set-name "test-token-set") (dt/update-token "token-radius" {:name "token-radius" :value 30}) (dt/update-token "token-rotation" {:name "token-rotation" :value 45}) (dt/update-token "token-opacity" {:name "token-opacity" :value 0.9}) (dt/update-token "token-stroke-width" {:name "token-stroke-width" :value 8}) (dt/update-token "token-color" {:name "token-color" :value "#ff0000"}) (dt/update-token "token-dimensions" {:name "token-dimensions" :value 200})] step2 (fn [_] (let [events2 [(wtu/update-workspace-tokens) (dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))]] (tohs/run-store-async store done events2 (fn [new-state] (let [;; ==== Get file' (ths/get-file-from-state new-state) frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :frame1) c-frame1' (cths/get-shape file' :c-frame1) tokens-frame1' (:applied-tokens c-frame1')] ;; ==== Check (t/is (= (count tokens-frame1') 11)) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r1) "token-radius")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r2) "token-radius")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r3) "token-radius")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :r4) "token-radius")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :rotation) "token-rotation")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :opacity) "token-opacity")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :stroke-width) "token-stroke-width")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :stroke-color) "token-color")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :fill) "token-color")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :width) "token-dimensions")) (t/is (= (get tokens-frame1' :height) "token-dimensions")) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r1) 30)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r2) 30)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r3) 30)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :r4) 30)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :rotation) 45)) (t/is (= (get c-frame1' :opacity) 0.9)) (t/is (= (get-in c-frame1' [:strokes 0 :stroke-width]) 8)) (t/is (= (get-in c-frame1' [:strokes 0 :stroke-color]) "#ff0000")) (t/is (= (get-in c-frame1' [:fills 0 :fill-color]) "#ff0000")) (t/is (mth/close? (get c-frame1' :width) 200)) (t/is (mth/close? (get c-frame1' :height) 200)) (t/is (empty? (:touched c-frame1'))))))))] (tohs/run-store-async store step2 events identity))))