Hello! Hello! {{requested-by|abbreviate:25}} ({{requested-by-email}}) has requested access to the file named “{{file-name|abbreviate:25}}”. Please note that the file is currently in Your Penpot 's team, so direct access cannot be granted. However, you have two options to provide the requested access: - Move the File to Another Team: You can move the file to another team and then give access to that team, inviting {{requested-by|abbreviate:25}}. - Send a View-Only Link: Alternatively, you can create and share a view-only link to the file. This will allow {{requested-by|abbreviate:25}} to view the content without making any changes. Click the link below to generate and send the link: {{ public-uri }}/#/view/{{file-id}}?page-id={{page-id}}§ion=interactions&index=0&share=true If you do not wish to grant access at this time, you can simply disregard this email. Thank you The Penpot team.