
{{requested-by|abbreviate:25}} ({{requested-by-email}}) has requested access to the file named “{{file-name|abbreviate:25}}”.

Please note that the file is currently in Your Penpot 's team, so direct access cannot be granted. However, you have two options to provide the requested access:

  • Move the File to Another Team:

    You can move the file to another team and then give access to that team, inviting {{requested-by|abbreviate:25}}.

  • Send a View-Only Link:

    Alternatively, you can create and share a view-only link to the file. This will allow {{requested-by|abbreviate:25}} to view the content without making any changes.

    Click the button below to generate and send the link:

Send a View-Only link

If you do not wish to grant access at this time, you can simply disregard this email.

Thank you

The Penpot team.
Penpot is the first Open Source design and prototyping platform meant for cross-domain teams.
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