# Developer Guide # This is a generic "getting started" guide for the uxbox platform. It intends to explain how to get the development environment up and running with many additional tips. The main development environment consists in a docker compose configuration that starts the external services and the development container (called **devenv**). We use tmux script in order to multiplex the single terminal and run both the backend and frontend in the same container. ## System requirements ## You should have `docker` and `docker-compose` installed in your system in order to set up properly the development enviroment. In debian like linux distributions you can install it executing: ```bash sudo apt-get install docker docker-compose ``` ## Start the devenv ## **Requires a minimum knowledge of tmux usage in order to use that development environment.** For start it, staying in this repository, execute: ```bash ./manage.sh run-devenv ``` This will do the following: - Build the images if it is not done before. - Starts all the containers in the background. - Attaches to the **devenv** container and executes the tmux session. - The tmux session automatically starts all the necessary services. ## First steps with tmux ## Now having the the container running and tmux open inside the container, you are free to execute any commands and open many shells as you want. You can create a new shell just pressing the **Ctr+b c** shortcut. And **Ctrl+b w** for switch between windows, **Ctrl+b &** for kill the current window. For more info: https://tmuxcheatsheet.com/ ## Inside the tmux session ## ### Styles ### The styles and many related tasks are executed thanks to gulp and they are executed in the tmux **window 0**. This is a normal gulp watcher with some additional tasks. ### Frontend ### The frontend build process and the http server is located on the tmux **window 1**. **Figwheel** is used for build and serve the forntend code. For more information, please refer to `02-Frotend-Guide.md`. ### Backend ### The backend related environment is located in the tmux **window 2**, and you can go directly to it using `ctrl+b 2` shortcut. By default the backend will be started in non-interactive mode for convenience but you can just press `Ctrl+c` and execute `./bin/repl` for start the repl. On the REPL you have this helper functions: - `(start)`: start all the environment - `(stop)`: stops the environment - `(restart)`: stops, reload and start again. And many other that are defined in the `tests/user.clj` file. If some exception is raised when code is reloaded, just use `(repl/refresh-all)` in order to finish correctly the code swaping and later use `(restart)` again. For more information, please refer to: `03-Backend-Guide.md`.