;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Andrey Antukh (ns user (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as repl] [clojure.walk :refer [macroexpand-all]] [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] [clojure.test :as test] [clojure.java.io :as io] [criterium.core :refer [quick-bench bench with-progress-reporting]] [expound.alpha :as expound] [promesa.core :as p] [sieppari.core :as sp] [sieppari.context :as spx] [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs] [buddy.core.codecs.base64 :as b64] [buddy.core.nonce :as nonce] [mount.core :as mount] [uxbox.main] [uxbox.util.sql :as sql] [uxbox.util.blob :as blob]) (:gen-class)) (defmacro run-quick-bench [& exprs] `(with-progress-reporting (quick-bench (do ~@exprs) :verbose))) (defmacro run-quick-bench' [& exprs] `(quick-bench (do ~@exprs))) (defmacro run-bench [& exprs] `(with-progress-reporting (bench (do ~@exprs) :verbose))) (defmacro run-bench' [& exprs] `(bench (do ~@exprs))) (def stress-data {:shapes [{:id #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :name "Canvas-1", :type :canvas, :page #uuid "1b7d4218-e3be-5254-9582-18f767d30501", :x1 200, :y1 200, :x2 1224, :y2 968} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-4-copy-1", :y1 334, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "c1966bac-b568-4f8f-9917-227cc37e5672", :x1 674, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 450, :x2 831, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-7-copy-1", :y1 400, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "20f11fd1-e9a2-41b1-a539-1298194c6d07", :x1 836, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 516, :x2 993, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-11", :y1 355, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "e1efb49a-03dd-4b87-b568-f35e3a85cf19", :x1 223, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 471, :x2 380, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-10", :y1 404, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "4bf2440d-38d4-461b-af41-001cfb00be49", :x1 928, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 520, :x2 1085, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-9", :y1 525, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "bd1cb612-3960-4428-b030-ea0e59c70b06", :x1 497, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 641, :x2 654, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-8", :y1 393, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "78104154-3d6b-43dc-8444-873ca3285bca", :x1 395, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 509, :x2 552, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-7", :y1 711, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "35540bc3-e1a9-4052-8cb7-a4b07da229dd", :x1 838, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 827, :x2 995, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-6", :y1 502, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "a4d2ef30-1da9-4aba-98ed-15088aba36e0", :x1 893, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 618, :x2 1050, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-5", :y1 479, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "4de4a87a-74f3-47ce-85e6-a0d5da9adb62", :x1 595, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 595, :x2 752, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-4", :y1 645, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "c6c062d2-20fe-4e48-8035-63358db2df4c", :x1 676, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 761, :x2 833, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-3", :y1 609, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "b3089c39-24f9-4574-8df1-d1e4596a6200", :x1 831, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 725, :x2 988, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-2", :y1 404, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "da7c624b-807a-41b1-84a6-7e14ed4f150c", :x1 733, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 520, :x2 890, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1-copy-1", :y1 609, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "ec65a0a8-9de1-48d7-b245-71f98961dc7c", :x1 518, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 725, :x2 675, :height 2} {:stroke-color "#000000", :name "Rect-1", :y1 566, :width 2, :type :rect, :page #uuid "2ef8e638-4018-5581-aa18-0887f126966c", :canvas #uuid "352cbd3c-1336-5793-80f7-31027d0acfe7", :proportion-lock false, :id #uuid "c7eafc25-214a-4d16-abbe-19aa0f2eb25b", :x1 306, :proportion 1.353448275862069, :y2 682, :x2 463, :height 2}]}) ;; (def a1 (blob/encode stress-data)) ;; (def b1 (blob/encode-with-json stress-data)) ;; (def b2 (blob/encode-json-snappy stress-data)) ;; --- Development Stuff (defn- make-secret [] (-> (nonce/random-bytes 64) (b64/encode true) (codecs/bytes->str))) (defn- start [] (-> #_(mount/except #{#'uxbox.scheduled-jobs/scheduler}) (mount/start))) (defn- stop [] (mount/stop)) (defn restart [] (stop) (repl/refresh :after 'user/start)) ;; (defn- start-minimal ;; [] ;; (-> (mount/only #{#'uxbox.config/config ;; #'uxbox.db/datasource ;; #'uxbox.migrations/migrations}) ;; (mount/start))) (defn- run-test ([] (run-test #"^uxbox.tests.*")) ([o] ;; (repl/refresh) (cond (instance? java.util.regex.Pattern o) (test/run-all-tests o) (symbol? o) (if-let [sns (namespace o)] (do (require (symbol sns)) (test/test-vars [(resolve o)])) (test/test-ns o)))))