;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC ;; This namespace is only to export the functions for toggle features (ns features (:require [app.main.features :as features] [app.main.store :as st] [app.plugins :as plugins] [app.util.timers :as tm])) (defn ^:export is-components-v2 [] (features/active-feature? @st/state "components/v2")) (defn ^:export grid [] (tm/schedule-on-idle #(st/emit! (features/toggle-feature "layout/grid"))) nil) (defn ^:export get-enabled [] (clj->js (features/get-enabled-features @st/state))) (defn ^:export get-team-enabled [] (clj->js (features/get-team-enabled-features @st/state))) (defn ^:export plugins [] (st/emit! (features/enable-feature "plugins/runtime")) (plugins/init!) nil)