See for the character to add before `!`, `?`, `;`, `:` and `»`, and after `«`.
fix: Typography
Replace `...` with `…` for all languages.
In French:
- Replace `'` (quote) with `’` (apostrophe).
- Replace `“` and ” with `«` and `»`.
- Replace `-` (hyphens) with `‑` (non‑breaking hyphens).
- Fix a few grammar issues.
- Replace `Editer` with `Modifier`.
- Replace `Espacement des lettres` with `Crénage`; shorter term for “kerning”.
- Add accents on uppercase letters.
Fix a string in French.
Missed two replacements in French.
Add missing changes:
- French typographic quotes.
- Crénage
Update locales:
- Fix some typos in English (dowload, reasign).
- Fix some grammar.
- _Accord de proximité_ on one occasion. (masculine + feminine + adjective = feminine adjective).
- “Soulignage” and “Barré” (I looked at LibreOffice to see how they were doing it).
- Consistent use of “Êtes‑vous sûr de vouloir ”.
- bibliothèque partagée: Bibliothèque Partagée.
- « Mise à jour » to use a noun that is not gender ambiguous.
- “Disposition” changed to “Mise en page” (could be “Composition”, although more ambiguous with other terms).
- Hauteur de ligne: Interlignage.
- Crénage: [Interlettrage]( which is more what a typographer would do based on the existing kerning of the font.
- Première lettre en majuscule: Premières Lettres en [Capitales]( (to illustrate the result).
- Quitter: Se déconnecter (clearer about the outcome of the action).
- Use of “a” for the title and “the” for the confirmation.
- Couche: Calque.
Update a missed string for consistency.
[L10N] Update some French terms.
As a replacement for the current pubsub approach.
It now uses a single connection for multiple
subscriptions (instead of conn per subscription);
has asynchronous publish and uses more efficient
blob encoding for message encoding (the same used
as page storage).