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Correct selrect calculation

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2021-09-20 12:55:51 +02:00
parent 56e2db22eb
commit fcc7b6791e
7 changed files with 77 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
(d/export gco/center-rect)
(d/export gco/center-points)
(d/export gco/make-centered-rect)
(d/export gco/transform-points)
(d/export gpr/rect->selrect)
(d/export gpr/rect->points)
@ -146,7 +147,6 @@
(d/export gtr/transform-matrix)
(d/export gtr/inverse-transform-matrix)
(d/export gtr/transform-point-center)
(d/export gtr/transform-points)
(d/export gtr/transform-rect)
(d/export gtr/calculate-adjust-matrix)
(d/export gtr/update-group-selrect)

View file

@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
(ns app.common.geom.shapes.bool
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gsp]
[app.common.geom.shapes.rect :as gpr]
[app.common.path.bool :as pb]
[app.common.path.shapes-to-path :as stp]))
(defn update-bool-selrect
"Calculates the selrect+points for the boolean shape"
[shape children objects]
(let [selrect (->> children
(let [content (->> children
(map #(stp/convert-to-path % objects))
(mapv :content)
(pb/content-bool (:bool-type shape))
points (gpr/rect->points selrect)]
(pb/content-bool (:bool-type shape)))
[points selrect] (gsp/content->points+selrect shape content)]
(-> shape
(assoc :selrect selrect)
(assoc :points points))))

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.common.geom.shapes.common
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[app.common.math :as mth]))
(defn center-rect
@ -48,3 +49,14 @@
:y (- (:y center) (/ height 2.0))
:width width
:height height})
(defn transform-points
([points matrix]
(transform-points points nil matrix))
([points center matrix]
(let [prev (if center (gmt/translate-matrix center) (gmt/matrix))
post (if center (gmt/translate-matrix (gpt/negate center)) (gmt/matrix))
tr-point (fn [point]
(gpt/transform point (gmt/multiply prev matrix post)))]
(mapv tr-point points))))

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.common :as gsc]
[app.common.geom.shapes.rect :as gpr]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.path.commands :as upc]))
@ -756,3 +757,45 @@
[_ to-p h1' h2'] (subcurve-range from-p to-p h1 h2 t0 t1)]
(upc/make-curve-to (-> to-p #_(gpt/round 2)) h1' h2'))))))))
(defn content-center
(-> content
(defn content->points+selrect
"Given the content of a shape, calculate its points and selrect"
[shape content]
(let [{:keys [flip-x flip-y]} shape
(cond-> (:transform shape (gmt/matrix))
flip-x (gmt/scale (gpt/point -1 1))
flip-y (gmt/scale (gpt/point 1 -1)))
(cond-> (gmt/matrix)
flip-x (gmt/scale (gpt/point -1 1))
flip-y (gmt/scale (gpt/point 1 -1))
:always (gmt/multiply (:transform-inverse shape (gmt/matrix))))
center (or (gsc/center-shape shape)
(content-center content))
base-content (transform-content
(gmt/transform-in center transform-inverse))
;; Calculates the new selrect with points given the old center
points (-> (content->selrect base-content)
(gsc/transform-points center transform))
points-center (gsc/center-points points)
;; Points is now the selrect but the center is different so we can create the selrect
;; through points
selrect (-> points
(gsc/transform-points points-center transform-inverse)
[points selrect]))

View file

@ -161,23 +161,12 @@
(gmt/translate-matrix (gpt/negate center)))))
(defn transform-points
([points matrix]
(transform-points points nil matrix))
([points center matrix]
(let [prev (if center (gmt/translate-matrix center) (gmt/matrix))
post (if center (gmt/translate-matrix (gpt/negate center)) (gmt/matrix))
tr-point (fn [point]
(gpt/transform point (gmt/multiply prev matrix post)))]
(mapv tr-point points))))
(defn transform-rect
"Transform a rectangles and changes its attributes"
[rect matrix]
(let [points (-> (gpr/rect->points rect)
(transform-points matrix))]
(gco/transform-points matrix))]
(gpr/points->rect points)))
(defn calculate-adjust-matrix
@ -201,12 +190,12 @@
stretch-matrix (gmt/multiply stretch-matrix (gmt/skew-matrix skew-angle 0))
h1 (max 1 (calculate-height points-temp))
h2 (max 1 (calculate-height (transform-points points-rec center stretch-matrix)))
h2 (max 1 (calculate-height (gco/transform-points points-rec center stretch-matrix)))
h3 (if-not (mth/almost-zero? h2) (/ h1 h2) 1)
h3 (if (mth/nan? h3) 1 h3)
w1 (max 1 (calculate-width points-temp))
w2 (max 1 (calculate-width (transform-points points-rec center stretch-matrix)))
w2 (max 1 (calculate-width (gco/transform-points points-rec center stretch-matrix)))
w3 (if-not (mth/almost-zero? w2) (/ w1 w2) 1)
w3 (if (mth/nan? w3) 1 w3)
@ -214,7 +203,7 @@
rotation-angle (calculate-rotation
(transform-points points-rec (gco/center-points points-rec) stretch-matrix)
(gco/transform-points points-rec (gco/center-points points-rec) stretch-matrix)
@ -233,13 +222,13 @@
its properties. We adjust de x,y,width,height and create a custom transform"
[shape transform round-coords?]
(let [points (-> shape :points (transform-points transform))
(let [points (-> shape :points (gco/transform-points transform))
center (gco/center-points points)
;; Reverse the current transformation stack to get the base rectangle
tr-inverse (:transform-inverse shape (gmt/matrix))
points-temp (transform-points points center tr-inverse)
points-temp (gco/transform-points points center tr-inverse)
points-temp-dim (calculate-dimensions points-temp)
;; This rectangle is the new data for the current rectangle. We want to change our rectangle
@ -305,12 +294,12 @@
points (->> children (mapcat :points))
;; Invert to get the points minus the transforms applied to the group
base-points (transform-points points shape-center (:transform-inverse group (gmt/matrix)))
base-points (gco/transform-points points shape-center (:transform-inverse group (gmt/matrix)))
;; Defines the new selection rect with its transformations
new-points (-> (gpr/points->selrect base-points)
(transform-points shape-center (:transform group (gmt/matrix))))
(gco/transform-points shape-center (:transform group (gmt/matrix))))
;; Calculte the new selrect
new-selrect (gpr/points->selrect base-points)]
@ -544,9 +533,9 @@
transformed-parent-rect (-> parent-rect
(transform-points parent-displacement)
(transform-points parent-origin (gmt/scale-matrix parent-vector))
(transform-points parent-origin-2 (gmt/scale-matrix parent-vector-2))
(gco/transform-points parent-displacement)
(gco/transform-points parent-origin (gmt/scale-matrix parent-vector))
(gco/transform-points parent-origin-2 (gmt/scale-matrix parent-vector-2))
;; Calculate the modifiers in the horizontal and vertical directions

View file

@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
(ptk/reify ::bool-to-group
(watch [_ state _]
(let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)]
(let [change-to-group
(fn [shape] (bool->group shape objects))]
(rx/of (dch/update-shapes [shape-id] change-to-group {:reg-objects? true})))))))
(let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)
(fn [shape] (bool->group shape objects))]
(rx/of (dch/update-shapes [shape-id] change-to-group {:reg-objects? true}))))))
(defn change-bool-type

View file

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
(defmethod impl/handler :selection/query
[{:keys [page-id rect frame-id reverse? full-frame? include-frames? clip-children?]
:or {reverse? false full-frame? false include-frames? false include-booleans? true include-groups? true} :as message}]
:or {reverse? false full-frame? false include-frames? false clip-children? true} :as message}]
(when-let [index (get @state page-id)]
(query-index index rect frame-id full-frame? include-frames? clip-children? reverse?)))