mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 07:50:43 -05:00
🎉 Allow calculations in numeric fields
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 285 additions and 59 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
lambdaisland/uri {:mvn/version "1.4.54"
:exclusions [org.clojure/data.json]}
instaparse/instaparse {:mvn/version "1.4.10"}
@ -8,83 +8,122 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.math :as math]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[app.util.keyboard :as kbd]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[app.util.simple-math :as sm]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(mf/defc numeric-input
{::mf/wrap-props false
::mf/forward-ref true}
[props ref]
(let [value (obj/get props "value")
on-change (obj/get props "onChange")
min-val (obj/get props "min")
max-val (obj/get props "max")
(let [value-str (obj/get props "value")
min-val-str (obj/get props "min")
max-val-str (obj/get props "max")
wrap-value? (obj/get props "data-wrap")
on-change (obj/get props "onChange")
stored-val (mf/use-var value)
local-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
local-ref (mf/use-ref)
ref (or ref local-ref)
min-val (cond-> min-val
(string? min-val) (d/parse-integer nil))
value (d/parse-integer value-str)
max-val (cond-> max-val
(string? max-val) (d/parse-integer nil))
min-val (when (string? min-val-str)
(d/parse-integer min-val-str))
max-val (when (string? max-val-str)
(d/parse-integer max-val-str))
num? (fn [val] (and (number? val)
(not (math/nan? val))
(math/finite? val)))
num? (fn [value] (and (number? value)
(not (math/nan? value))
(math/finite? value)))
parse-value (fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target-val event) (d/parse-integer nil))]
(when (num? value)
(cond-> value
(num? min-val) (cljs.core/max min-val)
(num? max-val) (cljs.core/min max-val)))))
(mf/deps on-change)
(fn [event]
(let [value (parse-value event)]
(when (and on-change (num? value))
(on-change value)))))
(mf/deps ref min-val max-val value)
(fn []
(let [input-node (mf/ref-val ref)
new-value (-> (dom/get-value input-node)
(sm/expr-eval value))]
(when (num? new-value)
(cond-> new-value
(cljs.core/max us/min-safe-int)
(cljs.core/min us/max-safe-int)
(num? min-val)
(cljs.core/max min-val)
(num? max-val)
(cljs.core/min max-val))))))
(mf/deps ref)
(fn [new-value]
(let [input-node (mf/ref-val ref)]
(dom/set-value! input-node (str new-value)))))
(mf/deps on-change update-input)
(fn [new-value]
(when new-value
(when on-change
(on-change new-value))
(update-input new-value))))
(mf/deps on-change wrap-value? min-val max-val)
(mf/deps wrap-value? min-val max-val parse-value apply-value)
(fn [event up? down?]
(let [value (parse-value event)
increment (if up? 9 -9)]
(when (and (or up? down?) (num? value))
(kbd/shift? event)
(let [new-value (+ value increment)
new-value (cond
(and wrap-value? (num? max-val) (num? min-val) (> new-value max-val) up?)
(+ min-val (- max-val new-value))
(let [current-value (parse-value)]
(when current-value
(let [increment (if (kbd/shift? event)
(if up? 10 -10)
(if up? 1 -1))
(and wrap-value? (num? min-val) (num? max-val) (< new-value min-val) down?)
(- max-val (- new-value min-val))
new-value (+ current-value increment)
new-value (cond
(and wrap-value? (num? max-val) (num? min-val)
(> new-value max-val) up?)
(-> new-value (- max-val) (+ min-val) (- 1))
(and (num? min-val) (< new-value min-val)) min-val
(and (num? max-val) (> new-value max-val)) max-val
:else new-value)]
(dom/set-value! (dom/get-target event) new-value))
(and wrap-value? (num? min-val) (num? max-val)
(< new-value min-val) down?)
(-> new-value (- min-val) (+ max-val) (+ 1))
(and wrap-value? (num? max-val) (num? min-val) (= value max-val) up?)
(dom/set-value! (dom/get-target event) (dec min-val))
(and (num? min-val) (< new-value min-val))
(and wrap-value? (num? min-val) (num? max-val) (= value min-val) down?)
(dom/set-value! (dom/get-target event) (inc max-val)))))))
(and (num? max-val) (> new-value max-val))
:else new-value)]
(apply-value new-value))))))
(mf/deps set-delta)
(mf/deps set-delta apply-value update-input)
(fn [event]
(set-delta event (kbd/up-arrow? event) (kbd/down-arrow? event))))
(let [up? (kbd/up-arrow? event)
down? (kbd/down-arrow? event)
enter? (kbd/enter? event)
esc? (kbd/esc? event)]
(when (or up? down?)
(set-delta event up? down?))
(when enter?
(let [new-value (parse-value)]
(apply-value new-value)))
(when esc?
(update-input value-str)))))
@ -93,27 +132,30 @@
(set-delta event (< (.-deltaY event) 0) (> (.-deltaY event) 0))))
(fn [event]
(when-let [input-node (and ref (mf/ref-val ref))]
(dom/set-value! input-node @stored-val)))
(mf/deps parse-value apply-value update-input)
(fn [event]
(let [new-value (parse-value)]
(if new-value
(apply-value new-value)
(update-input value-str)))))
props (-> props
(obj/without ["value" "onChange"])
(obj/set! "className" "input-text")
(obj/set! "type" "number")
(obj/set! "type" "text")
(obj/set! "ref" ref)
(obj/set! "defaultValue" value)
(obj/set! "defaultValue" value-str)
(obj/set! "onWheel" handle-mouse-wheel)
(obj/set! "onKeyDown" handle-key-down)
(obj/set! "onChange" handle-change)
(obj/set! "onBlur" handle-blur))]
(mf/deps value)
(mf/deps value-str)
(fn []
(when-let [input-node (and ref (mf/ref-val ref))]
(if-not (dom/active? input-node)
(dom/set-value! input-node value)
(reset! stored-val value)))))
(when-let [input-node (mf/ref-val ref)]
(when-not (dom/active? input-node)
(dom/set-value! input-node value-str)))))
[:> :input props]))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.util.simple-math
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.string :refer [index-of]]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[instaparse.core :as insta]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]))
(def parser
"opt-expr = '' | expr
expr = term (<spaces> ('+'|'-') <spaces> expr)* |
('+'|'-'|'*'|'/') <spaces> factor
term = factor (<spaces> ('*'|'/') <spaces> term)*
factor = number | ('(' <spaces> expr <spaces> ')')
number = #'[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+%?'
spaces = ' '*"))
(defn interpret
[tree init-value]
(let [token (first tree)
args (rest tree)]
(case token
(if (empty? args) 0 (interpret (first args) init-value))
(if (index-of "+-*/" (first args))
(let [operator (first args)
second-value (interpret (second args) init-value)]
(case operator
"+" (+ init-value second-value)
"-" (- init-value second-value)
"*" (* init-value second-value)
"/" (/ init-value second-value)))
(let [value (interpret (first args) init-value)]
(loop [value value
rest-expr (rest args)]
(if (empty? rest-expr)
(let [operator (first rest-expr)
second-value (interpret (second rest-expr) init-value)
rest-expr (-> rest-expr rest rest)]
(case operator
"+" (recur (+ value second-value) rest-expr)
"-" (recur (- value second-value) rest-expr)))))))
(let [value (interpret (first args) init-value)]
(loop [value value
rest-expr (rest args)]
(if (empty? rest-expr)
(let [operator (first rest-expr)
second-value (interpret (second rest-expr) init-value)
rest-expr (-> rest-expr rest rest)]
(case operator
"*" (recur (* value second-value) rest-expr)
"/" (recur (/ value second-value) rest-expr))))))
(if (= (first args) "(")
(interpret (second args) init-value)
(interpret (first args) init-value))
(let [value-str (str/replace (first args) "," ".")]
(if-not (str/ends-with? value-str "%")
(d/parse-double value-str)
(-> value-str
(str/replace "%" "")
(/ 100)
(* init-value))))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:hint (str "Unknown token" token args)))))
(defn expr-eval
[expr init-value]
(s/assert string? expr)
(s/assert number? init-value)
(let [result (parser expr)]
(if-not (insta/failure? result)
(interpret result init-value)
(let [text (:text result)
index (:index result)
expecting (->> result
(map :expecting)
(filter some?))]
(str "Invalid value '" text "' at index " index
". Expected one of " expecting "."))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
(ns app.test-util-simple-math
(:require [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true]
[cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[app.common.math :as cm]
[app.util.simple-math :as sm]))
(t/deftest test-parser-inst
(t/testing "Evaluate an empty string"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "" 999)]
(t/is (= result 0))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a single number"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "10" 999)]
(t/is (= result 10))))
(t/testing "Evaluate an addition"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "10+3" 999)]
(t/is (= result 13))))
(t/testing "Evaluate an addition with spaces"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "100 + 35" 999)]
(t/is (= result 135))))
(t/testing "Evaluate some operations"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "100 + 35 - 10 * 2" 999)]
(t/is (= result 115))))
(t/testing "Evaluate some operations with parentheses"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "(100 + 35 - 10) * 2" 999)]
(t/is (= result 250))))
(t/testing "Evaluate some operations with nested parentheses"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "(100 + 35 - (20/2))*2" 999)]
(t/is (= result 250))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a relative addition"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "+10" 20)]
(t/is (= result 30))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a relative multiplication"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "*10" 20)]
(t/is (= result 200))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a relative complex operation"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "+(10*2 - 5)" 20)]
(t/is (= result 35))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a percentual operation"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "+50%" 20)]
(t/is (= result 30))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a complex operation with percents"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "5 + (25% * 2)" 100)]
(t/is (= result 55))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a complex operation with percents and relative"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "+ (25% * 2)" 100)]
(t/is (= result 150))))
(t/testing "Evaluate an addition with decimals"
(let [result1 (sm/expr-eval "10 + 2.5" 999)
result2 (sm/expr-eval "10 + 2,5" 999)]
(t/is (= result1 result2 12.5))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a relative operation with decimals"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "*.5" 20)]
(t/is (= result 10))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a percentual operation with decimals"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "+10.5%" 20)]
(t/is (= result 22.1))))
(t/testing "Evaluate a complex operation with decimals"
(let [result (sm/expr-eval "(20.333 + 10%) * (1 / 3)" 20)]
(t/is (cm/close? result 7.44433333))))
Reference in a new issue