mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 18:18:24 -05:00
♻️ Refactor temporal files management on exporter
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 57 additions and 40 deletions
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
["process" :as proc]
[app.browser :as bwr]
[app.redis :as redis]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.http :as http]
[app.redis :as redis]
[promesa.core :as p]))
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
(defn- join-pdf
[file-id paths]
(p/let [tmpdir (sh/mktmpdir! "join-pdf")
path (path/join tmpdir (str/concat file-id ".pdf"))]
(p/let [prefix (str/concat "penpot.tmp.pdfunite." file-id ".")
path (sh/tempfile :prefix prefix :suffix ".pdf")]
(sh/run-cmd! (str "pdfunite " (str/join " " paths) " " path))
@ -137,5 +137,4 @@
[{:keys [path] :as resource} output-path]
(sh/move! output-path path)
(sh/rmdir! (path/dirname output-path))
@ -102,8 +102,6 @@
total (count exports)
topic (str profile-id)
to-delete (atom #{})
on-progress (fn [{:keys [done]}]
(when-not wait
(let [data {:type :export-update
@ -137,7 +135,6 @@
:on-progress on-progress)
append (fn [{:keys [filename path] :as object}]
(swap! to-delete conj path)
(rsc/add-to-zip! zip path filename))
proc (-> (p/do
@ -146,7 +143,6 @@
(p/let [proc (rd/render export append)]
(p/recur (rest exports)))))
(.finalize zip))
(p/then (fn [_] (p/run! #(sh/rmdir! (path/dirname %)) @to-delete)))
(p/then (constantly resource))
(p/catch on-error))
@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.util.shell :as sh]
[app.util.mime :as mime]
[app.util.shell :as sh]
[cljs.core :as c]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defn- get-path
[type id]
(path/join (os/tmpdir) (str/concat "exporter-resource." (c/name type) "." id)))
(path/join sh/tmpdir (str/concat "penpot.resource." (c/name type) "." id)))
(defn create
"Generates ephimeral resource object."
@ -36,9 +36,8 @@
:userAgent bw/default-user-agent})
(render-object [page {:keys [id] :as object}]
(p/let [tmpdir (sh/mktmpdir! "bitmap-render")
path (path/join tmpdir (str/concat id (mime/get-extension type)))
node (bw/select page (str/concat "#screenshot-" id))]
(p/let [path (sh/tempfile :prefix "penpot.tmp.render.bitmap." :suffix (mime/get-extension type))
node (bw/select page (str/concat "#screenshot-" id))]
(bw/wait-for node)
(case type
:png (bw/screenshot node {:omit-background? true :type type :path path})
@ -44,8 +44,7 @@
(render-object [page base-uri {:keys [id] :as object}]
(p/let [uri (prepare-uri base-uri id)
tmp (sh/mktmpdir! "pdf-render")
path (path/join tmp (str/concat id (mime/get-extension type)))]
path (sh/tempfile :prefix "penpot.tmp.render.pdf." :suffix (mime/get-extension type))]
(l/info :uri uri)
(bw/nav! page uri)
(p/let [dom (bw/select page (dm/str "#screenshot-" id))]
@ -116,24 +116,20 @@
(defn render
[{:keys [page-id file-id objects token scale type]} on-object]
(letfn [(convert-to-ppm [pngpath]
(l/trace :fn :convert-to-ppm)
(let [basepath (path/dirname pngpath)
ppmpath (path/join basepath "origin.ppm")]
(let [ppmpath (str/concat pngpath "origin.ppm")]
(l/trace :fn :convert-to-ppm :path ppmpath)
(-> (sh/run-cmd! (str "convert " pngpath " " ppmpath))
(p/then (constantly ppmpath)))))
(trace-color-mask [pbmpath]
(l/trace :fn :trace-color-mask :pbmpath pbmpath)
(let [basepath (path/dirname pbmpath)
basename (path/basename pbmpath ".pbm")
svgpath (path/join basepath (str basename ".svg"))]
(let [svgpath (str/concat pbmpath ".svg")]
(-> (sh/run-cmd! (str "potrace --flat -b svg " pbmpath " -o " svgpath))
(p/then (constantly svgpath)))))
(generate-color-layer [ppmpath color]
(l/trace :fn :generate-color-layer :ppmpath ppmpath :color color)
(let [basepath (path/dirname ppmpath)
pbmpath (path/join basepath (str "mask-" (subs color 1) ".pbm"))]
(let [pbmpath (str/concat ppmpath ".mask-" (subs color 1) ".pbm")]
(-> (sh/run-cmd! (str/format "ppmcolormask \"%s\" %s" color ppmpath))
(p/then (fn [stdout]
(-> (sh/write-file! pbmpath stdout)
@ -247,15 +243,14 @@
(trace-node [{:keys [data] :as node}]
(l/trace :fn :trace-node)
(p/let [tdpath (sh/mktmpdir! "svgexport")
pngpath (path/join tdpath "origin.png")
(p/let [pngpath (sh/tempfile :prefix "penpot.tmp.render.svg.parse."
:suffix ".origin.png")
_ (sh/write-file! pngpath data)
ppmpath (convert-to-ppm pngpath)
svgdata (convert-to-svg ppmpath node)]
(-> node
(dissoc :data)
(assoc :tempdir tdpath
:svgdata svgdata))))
(assoc :svgdata svgdata))))
(extract-element-attrs [^js element]
(let [^js attrs (.. element -attributes)
@ -289,17 +284,11 @@
shot (bw/screenshot text-node {:omit-background? true :type "png"})]
[shot node]))
(clean-temp-data [{:keys [tempdir] :as node}]
(sh/rmdir! tempdir)
(dissoc node :tempdir)))
(extract-txt-node [page item]
(-> (p/resolved item)
(p/then (partial resolve-text-node page))
(p/then extract-single-node)
(p/then trace-node)
(p/then clean-temp-data)))
(p/then trace-node)))
(extract-txt-nodes [page {:keys [id] :as objects}]
(l/trace :fn :process-text-nodes)
@ -323,9 +312,8 @@
:userAgent bw/default-user-agent})
(render-object [page {:keys [id] :as object}]
(p/let [tmpdir (sh/mktmpdir! "svg-render")
path (path/join tmpdir (str/concat id (mime/get-extension type)))
node (bw/select page (str/concat "#screenshot-" id))]
(p/let [path (sh/tempfile :prefix "penpot.tmp.render.svg." :suffix (mime/get-extension type))
node (bw/select page (str/concat "#screenshot-" id))]
(bw/wait-for node)
(p/let [xmldata (extract-svg page object)
txtdata (extract-txt-nodes page object)
@ -12,13 +12,49 @@
["os" :as os]
["path" :as path]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(l/set-level! :trace)
(defn mktmpdir!
(.mkdtemp fs/promises (path/join (os/tmpdir) prefix)))
(def tempfile-minage (* 1000 60 60 1)) ;; 1h
(def tmpdir
(let [path (path/join (os/tmpdir) "penpot")]
(when-not (fs/existsSync path)
(fs/mkdirSync path #js {:recursive true}))
(defn- schedule-deletion!
(letfn [(remote-tempfile []
(when (fs/existsSync path)
(l/trace :hint "permanently remove tempfile" :path path)
(fs/rmSync path #js {:recursive true})))]
(let [ts (js/Date.now)]
(l/trace :hint "schedule tempfile deletion"
:path path
:scheduled-at (.. (js/Date. (+ (js/Date.now) tempfile-minage)) toString))
(js/setTimeout remote-tempfile tempfile-minage))))
(defn tempfile
[& {:keys [prefix suffix]
:or {prefix "penpot."
suffix ".tmp"}}]
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i 1000)
(let [path (path/join tmpdir (str/concat prefix (uuid/next) "-" i suffix))]
(if (fs/existsSync path)
(recur (inc i))
(schedule-deletion! path)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :unable-to-locate-temporal-file
:hint "unable to find a tempfile candidate"))))
(defn move!
[origin-path dest-path]
Add table
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