Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-18 10:41:29 -05:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into develop

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2023-08-21 17:26:21 +02:00
commit e6664013ba
23 changed files with 391 additions and 83 deletions

View file

@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
### :heart: Community contributions by (Thank you!)
## 1.19.1
### :bug: Bugs fixed
- Fix components not registered as updated [Taiga #5725](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/5725)
## 1.19.0
### :boom: Breaking changes & Deprecations

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Report: {{hint|abbreviate:150}} - {{id}} - Penpot Error Report (v3)
{% block content %}
<div>[<a href="/dbg/error">⮜</a>]</div>
<div>[<a href="#message">message</a>]</div>
<div>[<a href="#head">head</a>]</div>
<div>[<a href="#props">props</a>]</div>
<div>[<a href="#context">context</a>]</div>
{% if params %}
@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ Report: {{hint|abbreviate:150}} - {{id}} - Penpot Error Report (v3)
<div class="table">
<div class="table-row multiline">
<div id="message" class="table-key">MESSAGE: </div>
<div id="head" class="table-key">HEAD</div>
<div class="table-val">
<h1><span class="not-important">Hint:</span> <br/> {{hint}}</h1>
<h2><span class="not-important">Reported at:</span> <br/> {{created-at}}</h2>
<h2><span class="not-important">Report ID:</span> <br/> {{id}}</h2>

View file

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ small {
color: #888;
.not-important {
color: #888;
font-weight: 200;
small > strong {
font-size: 9px;

View file

@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
profile (get-profile cfg info)]
(generate-redirect cfg request info profile))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/error :hint "error on oauth process" :cause cause)
(l/warn :hint "error on oauth process" :cause cause)
(generate-error-redirect cfg cause))))
(def provider-lookup

View file

@ -238,9 +238,11 @@
(-> (io/resource "app/templates/error-report.v2.tmpl")
(tmpl/render report)))
(render-template-v3 [{report :content id :id}]
(render-template-v3 [{:keys [content id created-at]}]
(-> (io/resource "app/templates/error-report.v3.tmpl")
(tmpl/render (assoc report :id id))))
(tmpl/render (-> content
(assoc :id id)
(assoc :created-at (dt/format-instant created-at :rfc1123))))))
(when-not (authorized? pool request)

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.pprint :as pp]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
[app.http.session :as session]
[app.metrics :as mtx]
@ -99,7 +100,10 @@
(sp/pipe ch output-ch false)
;; Subscribe to the profile topic on msgbus/redis
(mbus/sub! msgbus :topic profile-id :chan ch)))
(mbus/sub! msgbus :topic profile-id :chan ch)
;; Subscribe to the system topic on msgbus/redis
(mbus/sub! msgbus :topic (str uuid/zero) :chan ch)))
(defmethod handle-message :close
[{:keys [::mbus/msgbus]} {:keys [::ws/id ::ws/state ::profile-id ::session-id]} _]

View file

@ -294,28 +294,40 @@
[output & {:keys [level] :or {level 0}}]
(ZstdOutputStream. ^OutputStream output (int level)))
(defn- retrieve-file
[pool file-id]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn file-id)]
(some-> (db/get* conn :file {:id file-id})
(files/process-pointers deref)))))
(defn- get-files
[cfg ids]
(letfn [(get-files* [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(let [sql (str "SELECT id FROM file "
" WHERE id = ANY(?) ")
ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)]
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql ids])
(into [] (map :id))
(def ^:private sql:file-media-objects
"SELECT * FROM file_media_object WHERE id = ANY(?)")
(db/run! cfg get-files*)))
(defn- retrieve-file-media
[pool {:keys [data id] :as file}]
(defn- get-file
[cfg file-id]
(letfn [(get-file* [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn file-id)]
(some-> (db/get* conn :file {:id file-id} {::db/remove-deleted? false})
(files/process-pointers deref))))]
(db/run! cfg get-file*)))
(defn- get-file-media
[{:keys [::db/pool]} {:keys [data id] :as file}]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(let [ids (app.tasks.file-gc/collect-used-media data)
ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)]
ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)
sql (str "SELECT * FROM file_media_object WHERE id = ANY(?)")]
;; We assoc the file-id again to the file-media-object row
;; because there are cases that used objects refer to other
;; files and we need to ensure in the exportation process that
;; all ids matches
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql:file-media-objects ids])
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql ids])
(mapv #(assoc % :file-id id))))))
(def ^:private storage-object-id-xf
@ -325,34 +337,32 @@
(def ^:private sql:file-libraries
SELECT fl.id, fl.deleted_at
SELECT fl.id
FROM file AS fl
JOIN file_library_rel AS flr ON (flr.library_file_id = fl.id)
WHERE flr.file_id = ANY(?)
SELECT fl.id, fl.deleted_at
SELECT fl.id
FROM file AS fl
JOIN file_library_rel AS flr ON (flr.library_file_id = fl.id)
JOIN libs AS l ON (flr.file_id = l.id)
FROM libs AS l
WHERE l.deleted_at IS NULL OR l.deleted_at > now();")
FROM libs AS l")
(defn- retrieve-libraries
[pool ids]
(defn- get-libraries
[{:keys [::db/pool]} ids]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(let [ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)]
(map :id (db/exec! pool [sql:file-libraries ids])))))
(def ^:private sql:file-library-rels
"SELECT * FROM file_library_rel
WHERE file_id = ANY(?)")
(defn- retrieve-library-relations
[pool ids]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(db/exec! conn [sql:file-library-rels (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)])))
(defn- get-library-relations
[cfg ids]
(db/run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(let [ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)
sql (str "SELECT flr.* FROM file_library_rel AS flr "
" WHERE flr.file_id = ANY(?)")]
(db/exec! conn [sql ids])))))
(defn- create-or-update-file
[conn params]
@ -378,7 +388,7 @@
(defn- embed-file-assets
[data conn file-id]
[data cfg file-id]
(letfn [(walk-map-form [form state]
(uuid? (:fill-color-ref-file form))
@ -408,7 +418,7 @@
;; NOTE: there is a possibility that shape refers to an
;; non-existant file because the file was removed. In this
;; case we just ignore the asset.
(if-let [lib (retrieve-file conn lib-id)]
(if-let [lib (get-file cfg lib-id)]
(reduce (partial process-asset lib) data items)
@ -476,28 +486,33 @@
[:v1/metadata :v1/files :v1/rels :v1/sobjects])))))
(defmethod write-section :v1/metadata
[{:keys [::db/pool ::output ::file-ids ::include-libraries?]}]
(let [libs (when include-libraries?
(retrieve-libraries pool file-ids))
files (into file-ids libs)]
(write-obj! output {:version cf/version :files files})
(vswap! *state* assoc :files files)))
[{:keys [::output ::file-ids ::include-libraries?] :as cfg}]
(if-let [fids (get-files cfg file-ids)]
(let [lids (when include-libraries?
(get-libraries cfg file-ids))
ids (into fids lids)]
(write-obj! output {:version cf/version :files ids})
(vswap! *state* assoc :files ids))
(ex/raise :type :not-found
:code :files-not-found
:hint "unable to retrieve files for export")))
(defmethod write-section :v1/files
[{:keys [::db/pool ::output ::embed-assets?]}]
[{:keys [::output ::embed-assets?] :as cfg}]
;; Initialize SIDS with empty vector
(vswap! *state* assoc :sids [])
(doseq [file-id (-> *state* deref :files)]
(let [file (cond-> (retrieve-file pool file-id)
(let [file (cond-> (get-file cfg file-id)
(update :data embed-file-assets pool file-id))
(update :data embed-file-assets cfg file-id))
media (retrieve-file-media pool file)]
media (get-file-media cfg file)]
(l/debug :hint "write penpot file"
:id file-id
:name (:name file)
:media (count media)
::l/sync? true)
@ -508,9 +523,10 @@
(vswap! *state* update :sids into storage-object-id-xf media))))
(defmethod write-section :v1/rels
[{:keys [::db/pool ::output ::include-libraries?]}]
(let [rels (when include-libraries?
(retrieve-library-relations pool (-> *state* deref :files)))]
[{:keys [::output ::include-libraries?] :as cfg}]
(let [ids (-> *state* deref :files)
rels (when include-libraries?
(get-library-relations cfg ids))]
(l/debug :hint "found rels" :total (count rels) ::l/sync? true)
(write-obj! output rels)))
@ -518,6 +534,7 @@
[{:keys [::sto/storage ::output]}]
(let [sids (-> *state* deref :sids)
storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)]
(l/debug :hint "found sobjects"
:items (count sids)
::l/sync? true)
@ -630,6 +647,8 @@
(when (not= file-id expected-file-id)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:found-id file-id
:expected-id expected-file-id
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, found unexpected uuid (file-id)"))
;; Update index using with media
@ -679,18 +698,27 @@
(defmethod read-section :v1/rels
[{:keys [::db/conn ::input ::timestamp]}]
(let [rels (read-obj! input)]
(let [rels (read-obj! input)
ids (into #{} (-> *state* deref :files))]
;; Insert all file relations
(doseq [rel rels]
(doseq [{:keys [library-file-id] :as rel} rels]
(let [rel (-> rel
(assoc :synced-at timestamp)
(update :file-id lookup-index)
(update :library-file-id lookup-index))]
(l/debug :hint "create file library link"
:file-id (:file-id rel)
:lib-id (:library-file-id rel)
::l/sync? true)
(db/insert! conn :file-library-rel rel)))))
(if (contains? ids library-file-id)
(l/debug :hint "create file library link"
:file-id (:file-id rel)
:lib-id (:library-file-id rel)
::l/sync? true)
(db/insert! conn :file-library-rel rel))
(l/warn :hint "ignoring file library link"
:file-id (:file-id rel)
:lib-id (:library-file-id rel)
::l/sync? true))))))
(defmethod read-section :v1/sobjects
[{:keys [::sto/storage ::db/conn ::input ::overwrite?]}]

View file

@ -378,6 +378,21 @@
[{:keys [::rpc/profile-id]} {:keys [modified-at revn]}]
(str profile-id (dt/format-instant modified-at :iso) revn))
(sv/defmethod ::hey
{::doc/added "1.17"
::rpc/auth false}
[_ _]
(str (rand-int 100)))
(sv/defmethod ::ho
{::doc/added "1.17"
::rpc/auth false}
[_ _]
(str (rand-int 1000)))
(sv/defmethod ::get-file
"Retrieve a file by its ID. Only authenticated users."
{::doc/added "1.17"

View file

@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.pprint :as p]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.db :as db]
[app.media :as media]
[app.msgbus :as mbus]
[app.rpc.commands.auth :as auth]
[app.rpc.commands.profile :as profile]
[app.rpc.commands.files-snapshot :as fsnap]
@ -197,3 +199,106 @@
(->> (fsnap/get-file-snapshots system (d/without-nils params))
(print-table [:id :revn :created-at :label]))))))
(defn notify!
[{:keys [::mbus/msgbus ::db/pool]} & {:keys [dest code message level]
:or {code :generic level :info}
:as params}]
["invalid level %" level]
(contains? #{:success :error :info :warning} level))
["invalid code: %" code]
(contains? #{:generic :upgrade-version} code))
(letfn [(send [dest]
(l/inf :hint "sending notification" :dest (str dest))
(let [message {:type :notification
:code code
:level level
:version (:full cf/version)
:subs-id dest
:message message}
message (->> (dissoc params :dest :code :message :level)
(merge message))]
(mbus/pub! msgbus
:topic (str dest)
:message message)))
(resolve-profile [email]
(some-> (db/get* pool :profile {:email (str/lower email)} {:columns [:id]}) :id vector))
(resolve-team [team-id]
(->> (db/query pool :team-profile-rel
{:team-id team-id}
{:columns [:profile-id]})
(map :profile-id)))
(parse-uuid [v]
(if (uuid? v)
(d/parse-uuid v)))
(resolve-dest [dest]
(uuid? dest)
(string? dest)
(some-> dest parse-uuid resolve-dest)
(nil? dest)
(resolve-dest uuid/zero)
(map? dest)
(sequence (comp
(map vec)
(mapcat resolve-dest))
(and (coll? dest)
(every? coll? dest))
(sequence (comp
(map vec)
(mapcat resolve-dest))
(vector? dest)
(let [[op param] dest]
(= op :email)
(and (coll? param)
(every? string? param))
(sequence (comp
(keep resolve-profile)
(mapcat identity))
(string? param)
(resolve-profile param))
(= op :team-id)
(coll? param)
(sequence (comp
(mapcat resolve-team)
(keep parse-uuid))
(uuid? param)
(resolve-team param)
(string? param)
(some-> param parse-uuid resolve-team))
(= op :profile-id)
(if (coll? param)
(sequence (keep parse-uuid) param)
(resolve-dest param))))))
(->> (resolve-dest dest)
(filter some?)
(into #{})
(run! send))))

View file

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
(ns app.common.files.defaults)
(def version 28)
(def version 29)

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.pages.changes :as cpc]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.text :as txt]
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
@ -522,3 +523,41 @@
(-> data
(update :pages-index update-vals update-container)
(update :components update-vals update-container))))
;; TODO: pending to do a migration for delete already not used fill
;; and stroke props. This should be done for >1.14.x version.
(defmethod migrate 29
(letfn [(valid-ref? [ref]
(or (uuid? ref)
(nil? ref)))
(valid-node? [node]
(and (valid-ref? (:typography-ref-file node))
(valid-ref? (:typography-ref-id node))
(valid-ref? (:fill-color-ref-file node))
(valid-ref? (:fill-color-ref-id node))))
(fix-ref [ref]
(if (valid-ref? ref) ref nil))
(fix-node [node]
(-> node
(d/update-when :typography-ref-file fix-ref)
(d/update-when :typography-ref-id fix-ref)
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-file fix-ref)
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-id fix-ref)))
(update-object [object]
(let [invalid-node? (complement valid-node?)]
(cond-> object
(cph/text-shape? object)
(update :content #(txt/transform-nodes invalid-node? fix-node %)))))
(update-container [container]
(update container :objects update-vals update-object))]
(-> data
(update :pages-index update-vals update-container)
(update :components update-vals update-container))))

View file

@ -339,7 +339,9 @@
component-root (ctn/get-component-shape objects shape {:allow-main? true})]
(if (and (some? component-root) (ctk/main-instance? component-root))
(ctkl/set-component-modified data (:component-id component-root))
(if (some? component-id)
(ctkl/set-component-modified data component-id)
(as-> data $

View file

@ -1161,6 +1161,7 @@ input[type="range"]:focus::-ms-fill-upper {
.wrapper {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.icon {
padding: $size-2;
@ -1177,6 +1178,9 @@ input[type="range"]:focus::-ms-fill-upper {
padding: $size-2;
width: 100%;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px 15px;
min-height: 48px;

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
(log/setup! {:app :info})
(when (= :browser cf/target)
(log/info :message "Welcome to penpot"
(log/info :message "Hey!,Welcome to penpot"
:version (:full cf/version)
:asserts *assert*
:build-date cf/build-date

View file

@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
(ns app.main.data.common
"A general purpose events."
[app.config :as cf]
[app.main.data.messages :as msg]
[app.main.repo :as rp]
[app.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
@ -43,3 +46,33 @@
(watch [_ _ _]
(->> (rp/cmd! :delete-share-link {:id id})
(defn force-reload!
(.reload js/location))
(defn handle-notification
[{:keys [message code level] :as params}]
(ptk/reify ::show-notification
(watch [_ _ _]
(case code
(when (or (not= (:version params) (:full cf/version))
(true? (:force params)))
(rx/of (msg/dialog
:content (tr "notifications.by-code.upgrade-version")
:controls :inline-actions
:type level
:actions [{:label "Refresh" :callback force-reload!}]
:tag :notification)))
(rx/of (msg/dialog
:content message
:controls :close
:type level
:tag :notification))))))

View file

@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
[app.common.uri :as u]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.main.data.common :refer [handle-notification]]
[app.main.data.events :as ev]
[app.main.data.fonts :as df]
[app.main.data.media :as di]
[app.main.data.users :as du]
[app.main.data.websocket :as dws]
[app.main.features :as features]
[app.main.repo :as rp]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
@ -61,7 +63,23 @@
(ptk/watch (fetch-projects) state stream)
(ptk/watch (fetch-team-members) state stream)
(ptk/watch (du/fetch-teams) state stream)
(ptk/watch (du/fetch-users {:team-id id}) state stream)))))
(ptk/watch (du/fetch-users {:team-id id}) state stream)
(let [stoper (rx/filter (ptk/type? ::finalize) stream)
profile-id (:profile-id state)]
(->> stream
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dws/message))
(rx/map deref)
(rx/filter (fn [{:keys [subs-id type] :as msg}]
(and (or (= subs-id uuid/zero)
(= subs-id profile-id))
(= :notification type))))
(rx/map handle-notification)
(rx/take-until stoper)))))))
(defn finalize
(ptk/data-event ::finalize params))
;; Data Fetching (context aware: current team)

View file

@ -120,6 +120,17 @@
:position :fixed
:timeout timeout})))
(defn dialog
[& {:keys [content controls actions position tag type]
:or {controls :none position :floating type :info}}]
(show (d/without-nils
{:content content
:type type
:position position
:controls controls
:actions actions
:tag tag})))
(defn info-dialog
([content controls actions]
(info-dialog content controls actions nil))

View file

@ -518,6 +518,29 @@
(->> (rp/cmd! :get-access-tokens)
(rx/map access-tokens-fetched)))))
(defn heyhey-fetched
(ptk/reify ::heyhey-fetched
(update [_ state]
(assoc state :hey-value value))))
(defn fetch-heyhey
(ptk/reify ::fetch-heyhey
(watch [_ _ _]
(->> (rp/cmd! :hey)
(rx/map heyhey-fetched)))))
;; --- EVENT: create-access-token
(defn access-token-created

View file

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.pages.changes :as cpc]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.common :refer [handle-notification]]
[app.main.data.websocket :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
@ -57,8 +59,9 @@
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dws/message))
(rx/map deref)
(rx/filter (fn [{:keys [subs-id] :as msg}]
(or (= subs-id team-id)
(or (= subs-id uuid/zero)
(= subs-id profile-id)
(= subs-id team-id)
(= subs-id file-id))))
(rx/map process-message))
@ -96,6 +99,7 @@
:pointer-update (handle-pointer-update msg)
:file-change (handle-file-change msg)
:library-change (handle-library-change msg)
:notification (handle-notification msg)
(defn- handle-pointer-send

View file

@ -154,18 +154,18 @@
(hooks/use-shortcuts ::dashboard sc/shortcuts)
(mf/with-effect [team-id]
(st/emit! (dd/initialize {:id team-id})))
(st/emit! (dd/initialize {:id team-id}))
(fn []
(dd/finalize {:id team-id})))
(fn []
(let [events [(events/listen goog/global "keydown"
(fn [event]
(when (kbd/enter? event)
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(st/emit! (dd/open-selected-file)))))]]
(fn []
(doseq [key events]
(events/unlistenByKey key))))))
(mf/with-effect []
(let [key (events/listen goog/global "keydown"
(fn [event]
(when (kbd/enter? event)
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(st/emit! (dd/open-selected-file)))))]
(fn []
(events/unlistenByKey key))))
[:& (mf/provider ctx/current-team-id) {:value team-id}
[:& (mf/provider ctx/current-project-id) {:value project-id}

View file

@ -260,16 +260,21 @@
[:& access-token-actions
{:on-delete on-delete}]]]))
(def hey-ref
(l/derived :hey-value st/state))
(mf/defc access-tokens-page
(mf/with-effect []
(dom/set-html-title (tr "title.settings.access-tokens"))
(st/emit! (du/fetch-access-tokens)))
(st/emit! (du/fetch-access-tokens))
(st/emit! (du/fetch-heyhey)))
(let [tokens (mf/deref tokens-ref)]
(let [tokens (mf/deref tokens-ref)
hey (mf/deref hey-ref)]
[:div.dashboard-access-tokens {:style {:background "pink"}}
[:& access-tokens-hero]
[:div {:on-click #(st/emit! (du/fetch-heyhey))} hey]
(if (empty? tokens)
[:div (tr "dashboard.access-tokens.empty.no-access-tokens")]

View file

@ -38,11 +38,10 @@
(defn- find-relative-to-base-frame
[shape objects overlays-ids base-frame]
(if (or (empty? overlays-ids) (nil? shape) (cph/root? shape))
(if (contains? overlays-ids (:id shape))
(find-relative-to-base-frame (cph/get-parent objects (:id shape)) objects overlays-ids base-frame))))
(cph/frame-shape? shape) shape
(or (empty? overlays-ids) (nil? shape) (cph/root? shape)) base-frame
:else (find-relative-to-base-frame (cph/get-parent objects (:id shape)) objects overlays-ids base-frame)))
(defn- activate-interaction
[interaction shape base-frame frame-offset objects overlays]

View file

@ -4960,3 +4960,7 @@ msgstr "Student or teacher"
msgid "workspace.layout_grid.editor.title"
msgstr "Editing grid"
#: src/app/main/data/common.cljs
msgid "notifications.by-code.upgrade-version"
msgstr "A new version is available, please refresh the page"