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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-28 15:41:25 -05:00

Add visualization and mouse control to paddings, margins and gaps in frames with layout

This commit is contained in:
Pablo Alba 2023-02-28 13:33:01 +01:00 committed by Alonso Torres
parent 5fae9526d6
commit e6306e5109
9 changed files with 635 additions and 190 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- Adds more accessibility improvements in dashboard [Taiga #4577](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/us/4577)
- Adds paddings and gaps prediction on layout creation [Taiga #4838](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/task/4838)
- Add visual feedback when proportionally scaling text elements with **K** [Taiga #3415](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/us/3415)
- Add visualization and mouse control to paddings in frames with layout [Taiga #4839](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/task/4839)
- Add visualization and mouse control to paddings, margins and gaps in frames with layout [Taiga #4839](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/task/4839)
- Allow for absolute positioned elements inside layout [Taiga #4834](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/us/4834)
- Add z-index option for flex layout items [Taiga #2980](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/us/2980)
- Scale content proportionally affects strokes, shadows, blurs and corners [Taiga #1951](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/us/1951)

View file

@ -1940,6 +1940,20 @@
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-global :paddings-selected] paddings-selected))))
(defn set-gap-selected
(ptk/reify ::set-gap-selected
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-global :gap-selected] gap-selected))))
(defn set-margins-selected
(ptk/reify ::set-margins-selected
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-global :margins-selected] margins-selected))))
;; Orphan Shapes

View file

@ -441,6 +441,10 @@
;; We've applied the text-modifier so we can dissoc the temporary data

View file

@ -282,6 +282,12 @@
(def workspace-paddings-selected
(l/derived :paddings-selected workspace-global))
(def workspace-gap-selected
(l/derived :gap-selected workspace-global))
(def workspace-margins-selected
(l/derived :margins-selected workspace-global))
(defn object-by-id
(l/derived #(get % id) workspace-page-objects))

View file

@ -10,15 +10,19 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.geom.shapes.flex-layout :as gsl]
[app.common.geom.shapes.points :as gpo]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace.modifiers :as dwm]
[app.main.data.workspace.shape-layout :as dwsl]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.cursors :as cur]
[app.main.ui.formats :as fmt]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.viewport-ref :refer [point->viewport]]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
@ -50,8 +54,10 @@
(def distance-pill-width 50)
(def distance-pill-height 16)
(def distance-line-stroke 1)
(def padding-pill-width 40)
(def padding-pill-height 20)
(def warning-color "var(--color-warning)")
(def flex-display-pill-width 40)
(def flex-display-pill-height 20)
(def flex-display-pill-border-radius 4)
;; ------------------------------------------------
@ -271,13 +277,15 @@
(mf/defc padding-display-pill [{:keys [x y width height font-size value]}]
(mf/defc flex-display-pill [{:keys [x y width height font-size border-radius value color]}]
[:rect {:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:style {:fill distance-color}}]
:rx border-radius
:ry border-radius
:style {:fill color}}]
[:text {:x (+ x (/ width 2))
:y (+ y (/ height 2))
@ -286,20 +294,20 @@
:dominant-baseline "central"
:style {:fill distance-text-color
:font-size font-size}}
(fmt/format-number value)]])
(fmt/format-number (or value 0))]])
(mf/defc padding-display [{:keys [frame-id zoom hover-all? hover-v? hover-h? padding-num padding on-mouse-enter on-mouse-leave
rect-data pill-data hover? selected?]}]
rect-data hover? selected? mouse-pos hover-value]}]
(let [resizing? (mf/use-var false)
start (mf/use-var nil)
original-value (mf/use-var 0)
negate? (:resize-negate? rect-data)
negate? (true? (:resize-negate? rect-data))
axis (:resize-axis rect-data)
(mf/deps frame-id padding-num padding)
(mf/deps frame-id padding-num)
(fn [event]
(dom/capture-pointer event)
(reset! resizing? true)
@ -308,88 +316,85 @@
(mf/deps frame-id padding-num padding)
(mf/deps frame-id padding-num)
(fn [event]
(let [padding-type (if (and (= (:p1 padding) (:p3 padding)) (= (:p2 padding) (:p4 padding))) :simple :multiple)]
(dom/release-pointer event)
(reset! resizing? false)
(reset! start nil)
(reset! original-value 0)
(st/emit! (dwm/apply-modifiers)
(dwsl/update-layout [frame-id] {:layout-padding-type padding-type})))))
(dom/release-pointer event)
(reset! resizing? false)
(reset! start nil)
(reset! original-value 0)
(st/emit! (dwm/apply-modifiers))))
(mf/deps frame-id padding-num padding)
(fn [event]
(when @resizing?
(let [pos (dom/get-client-position event)
delta (-> (gpt/to-vec @start pos)
(cond-> negate? gpt/negate)
(get axis))
val (int (max (+ @original-value (/ delta zoom)) 0))
layout-padding (cond
hover-all? (assoc padding :p1 val :p2 val :p3 val :p4 val)
hover-v? (assoc padding :p1 val :p3 val)
hover-h? (assoc padding :p2 val :p4 val)
:else (assoc padding padding-num val))
modifiers (dwm/create-modif-tree [frame-id] (ctm/change-property (ctm/empty) :layout-padding layout-padding))]
(st/emit! (dwm/set-modifiers modifiers))))))]
(let [pos (dom/get-client-position event)]
(reset! mouse-pos (point->viewport pos))
(when @resizing?
(let [delta (-> (gpt/to-vec @start pos)
(cond-> negate? gpt/negate)
(get axis))
val (int (max (+ @original-value (/ delta zoom)) 0))
layout-padding (cond
hover-all? (assoc padding :p1 val :p2 val :p3 val :p4 val)
hover-v? (assoc padding :p1 val :p3 val)
hover-h? (assoc padding :p2 val :p4 val)
:else (assoc padding padding-num val))
[:rect.padding-rect {:x (:x rect-data)
:y (:y rect-data)
:width (:width rect-data)
:height (:height rect-data)
:on-mouse-enter on-mouse-enter
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move
:style {:fill (if (or hover? selected?) distance-color "none")
:cursor (when (or hover? selected?)
(if (= (:resize-axis rect-data) :x) (cur/resize-ew 0) (cur/resize-ew 90)))
:opacity (if selected? 0.5 0.25)}}]
(when (or hover? selected?)
[:& padding-display-pill pill-data])]))
layout-padding-type (if (= (:p1 padding) (:p2 padding) (:p3 padding) (:p4 padding)) :simple :multiple)
modifiers (dwm/create-modif-tree [frame-id]
(-> (ctm/empty)
(ctm/change-property :layout-padding layout-padding)
(ctm/change-property :layout-padding-type layout-padding-type)))]
(reset! hover-value val)
(st/emit! (dwm/set-modifiers modifiers)))))))]
[:rect.padding-rect {:x (:x rect-data)
:y (:y rect-data)
:width (:width rect-data)
:height (:height rect-data)
:on-mouse-enter on-mouse-enter
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move
:style {:fill (if (or hover? selected?) distance-color "none")
:cursor (when (or hover? selected?)
(if (= (:resize-axis rect-data) :x) (cur/resize-ew 0) (cur/resize-ew 90)))
:opacity (if selected? 0.5 0.25)}}]))
(mf/defc padding-rects [{:keys [frame zoom alt? shift?]}]
(let [frame-id (:id frame)
paddings-selected (mf/deref refs/workspace-paddings-selected)
hover (mf/use-var nil)
hover-all? (and (not (nil? @hover)) alt?)
hover-v? (and (or (= @hover :p1) (= @hover :p3)) shift?)
hover-h? (and (or (= @hover :p2) (= @hover :p4)) shift?)
padding (:layout-padding frame)
[width height x1 x2 y1 y2] ((juxt :width :height :x1 :x2 :y1 :y2) (:selrect frame))
(let [frame-id (:id frame)
paddings-selected (mf/deref refs/workspace-paddings-selected)
hover-value (mf/use-var 0)
mouse-pos (mf/use-var nil)
hover (mf/use-var nil)
hover-all? (and (not (nil? @hover)) alt?)
hover-v? (and (or (= @hover :p1) (= @hover :p3)) shift?)
hover-h? (and (or (= @hover :p2) (= @hover :p4)) shift?)
padding (:layout-padding frame)
{:keys [width height x1 x2 y1 y2]} (:selrect frame)
on-mouse-enter (fn [hover-type val]
(reset! hover hover-type)
(reset! hover-value val))
on-mouse-leave #(reset! hover nil)
pill-width (/ flex-display-pill-width zoom)
pill-height (/ flex-display-pill-height zoom)
hover? #(or hover-all?
(and (or (= % :p1) (= % :p3)) hover-v?)
(and (or (= % :p2) (= % :p4)) hover-h?)
(= @hover %))
negate {:p1 (if (:flip-y frame) true false)
:p2 (if (:flip-x frame) true false)
:p3 (if (:flip-y frame) true false)
:p4 (if (:flip-x frame) true false)}
negate (cond-> negate
(= :fix (:layout-item-h-sizing frame)) (assoc :p2 (not (:p2 negate)))
(= :fix (:layout-item-v-sizing frame)) (assoc :p3 (not (:p3 negate))))
pill-width (/ padding-pill-width zoom)
pill-height (/ padding-pill-height zoom)
pill-separation (/ pill-width 2)
pill-data {:height pill-height
:width pill-width
:font-size (/ font-size zoom)}
on-mouse-enter #(reset! hover %)
on-mouse-leave #(reset! hover nil)
negate {:p1 (if (:flip-y frame) true false)
:p2 (if (:flip-x frame) true false)
:p3 (if (:flip-y frame) true false)
:p4 (if (:flip-x frame) true false)}
negate (cond-> negate
(= :fix (:layout-item-h-sizing frame)) (assoc :p2 (not (:p2 negate)))
(= :fix (:layout-item-v-sizing frame)) (assoc :p3 (not (:p3 negate))))
padding-display-data [{:frame-id frame-id
:zoom zoom
:hover-all? hover-all?
:hover-v? hover-v?
:hover-h? hover-h?
:padding-num :p1
:padding padding
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter :p1)
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:rect-data {:x x1
padding-rect-data {:p1 {:key (str frame-id "-p1")
:x x1
:y (if (:flip-y frame) (- y2 (:p1 padding)) y1)
:width width
:height (:p1 padding)
@ -397,25 +402,8 @@
:resize-type (if (:flip-y frame) :bottom :top)
:resize-axis :y
:resize-negate? (:p1 negate)}
:pill-data (assoc pill-data
:x (- x1 (* pill-width 1.5))
:y (if (:flip-y frame)
(+ (- y2 (:p1 padding)) (/ (- (:p1 padding) pill-height) 2))
(+ y1 (/ (- (:p1 padding) pill-height) 2)))
:value (:p1 padding))
:hover? (or hover-all? hover-v? (= @hover :p1))
:selected? (:p1 paddings-selected)}
{:frame-id frame-id
:zoom zoom
:hover-all? hover-all?
:hover-v? hover-v?
:hover-h? hover-h?
:padding-num :p2
:padding padding
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter :p2)
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:rect-data {:x (if (:flip-x frame) x1 (- x2 (:p2 padding)))
:p2 {:key (str frame-id "-p2")
:x (if (:flip-x frame) x1 (- x2 (:p2 padding)))
:y y1
:width (:p2 padding)
:height height
@ -423,25 +411,8 @@
:resize-type :left
:resize-axis :x
:resize-negate? (:p2 negate)}
:pill-data (assoc pill-data
:x (if (:flip-x frame)
(+ x1 (/ (- (:p2 padding) pill-width) 2))
(+ (- x2 (:p2 padding)) (/ (- (:p2 padding) pill-width) 2)))
:y (- y1 (+ pill-height pill-separation))
:value (:p2 padding))
:hover? (or hover-all? hover-h? (= @hover :p2))
:selected? (:p2 paddings-selected)}
{:frame-id frame-id
:zoom zoom
:hover-all? hover-all?
:hover-v? hover-v?
:hover-h? hover-h?
:padding-num :p3
:padding padding
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter :p3)
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:rect-data {:x x1
:p3 {:key (str frame-id "-p3")
:x x1
:y (if (:flip-y frame) y1 (- y2 (:p3 padding)))
:width width
:height (:p3 padding)
@ -449,51 +420,456 @@
:resize-type :bottom
:resize-axis :y
:resize-negate? (:p3 negate)}
:pill-data (assoc pill-data
:x (- x1 (+ pill-width pill-separation))
:y (if (:flip-y frame)
(+ y1 (/ (- (:p3 padding) pill-height) 2))
(+ (- y2 (:p3 padding)) (/ (- (:p3 padding) pill-height) 2)))
:value (:p3 padding))
:hover? (or hover-all? hover-v? (= @hover :p3))
:selected? (:p3 paddings-selected)}
{:frame-id frame-id
:zoom zoom
:hover-all? hover-all?
:hover-v? hover-v?
:hover-h? hover-h?
:padding-num :p4
:padding padding
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter :p4)
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:rect-data {:x (if (:flip-x frame) (- x2 (:p4 padding)) x1)
:p4 {:key (str frame-id "-p4")
:x (if (:flip-x frame) (- x2 (:p4 padding)) x1)
:y y1
:width (:p4 padding)
:height height
:initial-value (:p4 padding)
:resize-type (if (:flip-x frame) :right :left)
:resize-axis :x
:resize-negate? (:p4 negate)}
:pill-data (assoc pill-data
:x (if (:flip-x frame)
(+ (- x2 (:p4 padding)) (/ (- (:p4 padding) pill-width) 2))
(+ x1 (/ (- (:p4 padding) pill-width) 2)))
:y (- y1 (+ pill-height pill-separation))
:value (:p4 padding))
:hover? (or hover-all? hover-h? (= @hover :p4))
:selected? (:p4 paddings-selected)}]]
:resize-negate? (:p4 negate)}}]
[:g.paddings {:pointer-events "visible"}
(for [data padding-display-data]
[:& padding-display data])]))
(for [[padding-num rect-data] padding-rect-data]
[:& padding-display {:key (:key rect-data)
:frame-id frame-id
:zoom zoom
:hover-all? hover-all?
:hover-v? hover-v?
:hover-h? hover-h?
:padding padding
:mouse-pos mouse-pos
:hover-value hover-value
:padding-num padding-num
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter padding-num (get padding padding-num))
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:hover? (hover? padding-num)
:selected? (get paddings-selected padding-num)
:rect-data rect-data}])
(when @hover
[:& flex-display-pill {:height pill-height
:width pill-width
:font-size (/ font-size zoom)
:border-radius (/ flex-display-pill-border-radius zoom)
:color distance-color
:x (:x @mouse-pos)
:y (- (:y @mouse-pos) pill-width)
:value @hover-value}])]))
(mf/defc margin-display [{:keys [shape-id zoom hover-all? hover-v? hover-h? margin-num margin on-mouse-enter on-mouse-leave
rect-data hover? selected? mouse-pos hover-value]}]
(let [resizing? (mf/use-var false)
start (mf/use-var nil)
original-value (mf/use-var 0)
negate? (true? (:resize-negate? rect-data))
axis (:resize-axis rect-data)
(mf/deps shape-id margin-num margin)
(fn [event]
(dom/capture-pointer event)
(reset! resizing? true)
(reset! start (dom/get-client-position event))
(reset! original-value (:initial-value rect-data))))
(mf/deps shape-id margin-num margin)
(fn [event]
(dom/release-pointer event)
(reset! resizing? false)
(reset! start nil)
(reset! original-value 0)
(st/emit! (dwm/apply-modifiers))))
(mf/deps shape-id margin-num margin)
(fn [event]
(let [pos (dom/get-client-position event)]
(reset! mouse-pos (point->viewport pos))
(when @resizing?
(let [delta (-> (gpt/to-vec @start pos)
(cond-> negate? gpt/negate)
(get axis))
val (int (max (+ @original-value (/ delta zoom)) 0))
layout-item-margin (cond
hover-all? (assoc margin :m1 val :m2 val :m3 val :m4 val)
hover-v? (assoc margin :m1 val :m3 val)
hover-h? (assoc margin :m2 val :m4 val)
:else (assoc margin margin-num val))
layout-item-margin-type (if (= (:m1 margin) (:m2 margin) (:m3 margin) (:m4 margin)) :simple :multiple)
modifiers (dwm/create-modif-tree [shape-id]
(-> (ctm/empty)
(ctm/change-property :layout-item-margin layout-item-margin)
(ctm/change-property :layout-item-margin-type layout-item-margin-type)))]
(reset! hover-value val)
(st/emit! (dwm/set-modifiers modifiers)))))))]
[:rect.margin-rect {:x (:x rect-data)
:y (:y rect-data)
:width (:width rect-data)
:height (:height rect-data)
:on-mouse-enter on-mouse-enter
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move
:style {:fill (if (or hover? selected?) warning-color "none")
:cursor (when (or hover? selected?)
(if (= (:resize-axis rect-data) :x) (cur/resize-ew 0) (cur/resize-ew 90)))
:opacity (if selected? 0.5 0.25)}}]))
(mf/defc margin-rects [{:keys [shape frame zoom alt? shift?]}]
(let [shape-id (:id shape)
pill-width (/ flex-display-pill-width zoom)
pill-height (/ flex-display-pill-height zoom)
margins-selected (mf/deref refs/workspace-margins-selected)
hover-value (mf/use-var 0)
mouse-pos (mf/use-var nil)
hover (mf/use-var nil)
hover-all? (and (not (nil? @hover)) alt?)
hover-v? (and (or (= @hover :m1) (= @hover :m3)) shift?)
hover-h? (and (or (= @hover :m2) (= @hover :m4)) shift?)
margin (:layout-item-margin shape)
{:keys [width height x1 x2 y1 y2]} (:selrect shape)
on-mouse-enter (fn [hover-type val]
(reset! hover hover-type)
(reset! hover-value val))
on-mouse-leave #(reset! hover nil)
hover? #(or hover-all?
(and (or (= % :m1) (= % :m3)) hover-v?)
(and (or (= % :m2) (= % :m4)) hover-h?)
(= @hover %))
margin-display-data {:m1 {:key (str shape-id "-m1")
:x x1
:y (if (:flip-y frame) y2 (- y1 (:m1 margin)))
:width width
:height (:m1 margin)
:initial-value (:m1 margin)
:resize-type :top
:resize-axis :y
:resize-negate? (:flip-y frame)}
:m2 {:key (str shape-id "-m2")
:x (if (:flip-x frame) (- x1 (:m2 margin)) x2)
:y y1
:width (:m2 margin)
:height height
:initial-value (:m2 margin)
:resize-type :left
:resize-axis :x
:resize-negate? (:flip-x frame)}
:m3 {:key (str shape-id "-m3")
:x x1
:y (if (:flip-y frame) (- y1 (:m3 margin)) y2)
:width width
:height (:m3 margin)
:initial-value (:m3 margin)
:resize-type :top
:resize-axis :y
:resize-negate? (:flip-y frame)}
:m4 {:key (str shape-id "-m4")
:x (if (:flip-x frame) x2 (- x1 (:m4 margin)))
:y y1
:width (:m4 margin)
:height height
:initial-value (:m4 margin)
:resize-type :left
:resize-axis :x
:resize-negate? (:flip-x frame)}}]
[:g.margins {:pointer-events "visible"}
(for [[margin-num rect-data] margin-display-data]
[:& margin-display
{:key (:key rect-data)
:shape-id shape-id
:zoom zoom
:hover-all? hover-all?
:hover-v? hover-v?
:hover-h? hover-h?
:margin-num margin-num
:margin margin
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter margin-num (get margin margin-num))
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:rect-data rect-data
:hover? (hover? margin-num)
:selected? (get margins-selected margin-num)
:mouse-pos mouse-pos
:hover-value hover-value}])
(when @hover
[:& flex-display-pill {:height pill-height
:width pill-width
:font-size (/ font-size zoom)
:border-radius (/ flex-display-pill-border-radius zoom)
:color warning-color
:x (:x @mouse-pos)
:y (- (:y @mouse-pos) pill-width)
:value @hover-value}])]))
(mf/defc gap-display [{:keys [frame-id zoom gap-type gap on-mouse-enter on-mouse-leave
rect-data hover? selected? mouse-pos hover-value]}]
(let [resizing (mf/use-var nil)
start (mf/use-var nil)
original-value (mf/use-var 0)
negate? (:resize-negate? rect-data)
axis (:resize-axis rect-data)
(mf/deps frame-id gap-type gap)
(fn [event]
(dom/capture-pointer event)
(reset! resizing gap-type)
(reset! start (dom/get-client-position event))
(reset! original-value (:initial-value rect-data))))
(mf/deps frame-id gap-type gap)
(fn [event]
(dom/release-pointer event)
(reset! resizing nil)
(reset! start nil)
(reset! original-value 0)
(st/emit! (dwm/apply-modifiers))))
(mf/deps frame-id gap-type gap)
(fn [event]
(let [pos (dom/get-client-position event)]
(reset! mouse-pos (point->viewport pos))
(when (= @resizing gap-type)
(let [delta (-> (gpt/to-vec @start pos)
(cond-> negate? gpt/negate)
(get axis))
val (int (max (+ @original-value (/ delta zoom)) 0))
layout-gap (assoc gap gap-type val)
modifiers (dwm/create-modif-tree [frame-id] (ctm/change-property (ctm/empty) :layout-gap layout-gap))]
(reset! hover-value val)
(st/emit! (dwm/set-modifiers modifiers)))))))]
[:rect.gap-rect {:x (:x rect-data)
:y (:y rect-data)
:width (:width rect-data)
:height (:height rect-data)
:on-mouse-enter on-mouse-enter
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move
:style {:fill (if (or hover? selected?) distance-color "none")
:cursor (when (or hover? selected?)
(if (= (:resize-axis rect-data) :x) (cur/resize-ew 0) (cur/resize-ew 90)))
:opacity (if selected? 0.5 0.25)}}]))
(mf/defc gap-rects [{:keys [frame zoom]}]
(let [frame-id (:id frame)
saved-dir (:layout-flex-dir frame)
is-col? (or (= :column saved-dir) (= :column-reverse saved-dir))
flip-x (:flip-x frame)
flip-y (:flip-y frame)
pill-width (/ flex-display-pill-width zoom)
pill-height (/ flex-display-pill-height zoom)
workspace-modifiers (mf/deref refs/workspace-modifiers)
gap-selected (mf/deref refs/workspace-gap-selected)
hover (mf/use-var nil)
hover-value (mf/use-var 0)
mouse-pos (mf/use-var nil)
padding (:layout-padding frame)
gap (:layout-gap frame)
{:keys [width height x1 y1]} (:selrect frame)
on-mouse-enter (fn [hover-type val]
(reset! hover hover-type)
(reset! hover-value val))
on-mouse-leave #(reset! hover nil)
negate {:column-gap (if flip-x true false)
:row-gap (if flip-y true false)}
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects @st/state)
children (->> (cph/get-children objects frame-id)
(remove :layout-item-absolute)
(remove :hidden))
children-to-display (if (or (= :row-reverse saved-dir)
(= :column-reverse saved-dir))
(drop-last children)
(rest children))
children-to-display (->> children-to-display
(map #(gsh/transform-shape % (get-in workspace-modifiers [(:id %) :modifiers]))))
(let [block-children (->> children
(map #(vector (gpo/parent-coords-bounds (:points %) (:points frame)) %)))
layout-data (gsl/calc-layout-data frame block-children (:points frame))
layout-bounds (:layout-bounds layout-data)
xv #(gpo/start-hv layout-bounds %)
yv #(gpo/start-vv layout-bounds %)]
(for [{:keys [start-p line-width line-height layout-gap-row layout-gap-col num-children]} (:layout-lines layout-data)]
(let [line-width (if is-col? line-width (+ line-width (* (dec num-children) layout-gap-row)))
line-height (if is-col? (+ line-height (* (dec num-children) layout-gap-col)) line-height)
end-p (-> start-p (gpt/add (xv line-width)) (gpt/add (yv line-height)))]
{:x1 (min (:x start-p) (:x end-p))
:y1 (min (:y start-p) (:y end-p))
:x2 (max (:x start-p) (:x end-p))
:y2 (max (:y start-p) (:y end-p))})))
(fn [x y block]
(if is-col?
(<= (:x1 block) x (:x2 block))
(<= (:y1 block) y (:y2 block))))
(fn [shape]
(let [selrect (:selrect shape)
x (/ (+ (:x1 selrect) (:x2 selrect)) 2)
y (/ (+ (:y1 selrect) (:y2 selrect)) 2)]
(->> wrap-blocks
(filter #(block-contains x y %))
(fn [shape]
(let [block (get-container-block shape)
x (if flip-x
(- (:x1 (:selrect shape))
(get-in shape [:layout-item-margin :m2])
(:column-gap gap))
(+ (:x2 (:selrect shape)) (get-in shape [:layout-item-margin :m2])))
y (:y1 block)
h (- (:y2 block) (:y1 block))]
{:x x
:y y
:height h
:width (:column-gap gap)
:initial-value (:column-gap gap)
:resize-type :left
:resize-axis :x
:resize-negate? (:column-gap negate)
:gap-type (if is-col? :row-gap :column-gap)}))
(fn [block]
(let [x (if flip-x
(- (:x1 block) (:column-gap gap))
(:x2 block))
y (if flip-y
(+ y1 (:p3 padding))
(+ y1 (:p1 padding)))
h (- height (+ (:p1 padding) (:p3 padding)))]
{:x x
:y y
:width (:column-gap gap)
:height h
:initial-value (:column-gap gap)
:resize-type :left
:resize-axis :x
:resize-negate? (:column-gap negate)
:gap-type (if is-col? :column-gap :row-gap)}))
(fn [shape]
(let [block (get-container-block shape)
x (:x1 block)
y (if flip-y
(- (:y1 (:selrect shape))
(get-in shape [:layout-item-margin :m3])
(:row-gap gap))
(+ (:y2 (:selrect shape)) (get-in shape [:layout-item-margin :m3])))
w (- (:x2 block) (:x1 block))]
{:x x
:y y
:width w
:height (:row-gap gap)
:initial-value (:row-gap gap)
:resize-type :bottom
:resize-axis :y
:resize-negate? (:row-gap negate)
:gap-type (if is-col? :row-gap :column-gap)}))
(fn [block]
(let [x (if flip-x
(+ x1 (:p2 padding))
(+ x1 (:p4 padding)))
y (if flip-y
(- (:y1 block) (:row-gap gap))
(:y2 block))
w (- width (+ (:p2 padding) (:p4 padding)))]
{:x x
:y y
:width w
:height (:row-gap gap)
:initial-value (:row-gap gap)
:resize-type :bottom
:resize-axis :y
:resize-negate? (:row-gap negate)
:gap-type (if is-col? :column-gap :row-gap)}))
display-blocks (if is-col?
(->> (drop-last wrap-blocks)
(map create-cgdd-block))
(->> (drop-last wrap-blocks)
(map create-rgdd-block)))
display-children (if is-col?
(->> children-to-display
(map create-rgdd))
(->> children-to-display
(map create-cgdd)))]
[:g.gaps {:pointer-events "visible"}
(for [[index display-item] (d/enumerate (concat display-blocks display-children))]
(let [gap-type (:gap-type display-item)]
[:& gap-display {:key (str frame-id index)
:frame-id frame-id
:zoom zoom
:gap-type gap-type
:gap gap
:on-mouse-enter (partial on-mouse-enter gap-type (get gap gap-type))
:on-mouse-leave on-mouse-leave
:rect-data display-item
:hover? (= @hover gap-type)
:selected? (= gap-selected gap-type)
:mouse-pos mouse-pos
:hover-value hover-value}]))]
(when @hover
[:& flex-display-pill {:height pill-height
:width pill-width
:font-size (/ font-size zoom)
:border-radius (/ flex-display-pill-border-radius zoom)
:color distance-color
:x (:x @mouse-pos)
:y (- (:y @mouse-pos) pill-width)
:value @hover-value}])]))
(mf/defc padding
[{:keys [frame zoom paddings-selected alt? shift?]}]
[{:keys [frame zoom alt? shift?]}]
(when frame
[:g.measurement-gaps {:pointer-events "none"}
[:& padding-rects {:frame frame :zoom zoom :alt? alt? :shift? shift? :paddings-selected paddings-selected}]]]))
[:& padding-rects {:frame frame :zoom zoom :alt? alt? :shift? shift?}]]]))
(mf/defc gap
[{:keys [frame zoom]}]
(when frame
[:g.measurement-gaps {:pointer-events "none"}
[:& gap-rects {:frame frame :zoom zoom}]]]))
(mf/defc margin
[{:keys [shape parent zoom alt? shift?]}]
(when shape
[:g.measurement-gaps {:pointer-events "none"}
[:& margin-rects {:shape shape :frame parent :zoom zoom :alt? alt? :shift? shift?}]]]))

View file

@ -312,36 +312,45 @@
(mf/defc gap-section
[{:keys [is-col? wrap-type gap-selected? set-gap gap-value]}]
[:div.gap.row-title "Gap"]
{:alt "Column gap"}
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
(let [select-gap
(fn [gap]
(st/emit! (udw/set-gap-selected gap)))]
[:div.gap.row-title "Gap"]
{:alt "Column gap"}
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-focus (fn [event]
(reset! gap-selected? :column-gap)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial set-gap (= :nowrap wrap-type) :column-gap)
:on-blur #(reset! gap-selected? :none)
:value (:column-gap gap-value)
:disabled (and (= :nowrap wrap-type) is-col?)}]]
(select-gap :column-gap)
(reset! gap-selected? :column-gap)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial set-gap (= :nowrap wrap-type) :column-gap)
:on-blur (fn [_]
(select-gap nil)
(reset! gap-selected? :none))
:value (:column-gap gap-value)
:disabled (and (= :nowrap wrap-type) is-col?)}]]
{:alt "Row gap"}
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
{:alt "Row gap"}
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-focus (fn [event]
(reset! gap-selected? :row-gap)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial set-gap (= :nowrap wrap-type) :row-gap)
:on-blur #(reset! gap-selected? :none)
:value (:row-gap gap-value)
:disabled (and (= :nowrap wrap-type) (not is-col?))}]]]])
(select-gap :row-gap)
(reset! gap-selected? :row-gap)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial set-gap (= :nowrap wrap-type) :row-gap)
:on-blur (fn [_]
(select-gap nil)
(reset! gap-selected? :none))
:value (:row-gap gap-value)
:disabled (and (= :nowrap wrap-type) (not is-col?))}]]]]))
(mf/defc grid-edit-mode
[{:keys [id] :as props}]

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[app.main.data.workspace.shape-layout :as dwsl]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
@ -46,7 +47,12 @@
(= (dm/get-in values [:layout-item-margin :m2])
(dm/get-in values [:layout-item-margin :m4])))
(dm/get-in values [:layout-item-margin :m2])
(fn [m1? m2? m3? m4?]
(st/emit! (udw/set-margins-selected {:m1 m1? :m2 m2? :m3 m3? :m4 m4?})))
select-margin #(select-margins (= % :m1) (= % :m2) (= % :m3) (= % :m4))]
@ -58,8 +64,11 @@
[:span.icon i/auto-margin-both-sides]
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus (fn [event]
(select-margins true false true false)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial on-margin-change :simple :m1)
:on-blur #(select-margins false false false false)
:value m1}]]
@ -67,8 +76,11 @@
[:span.icon.rotated i/auto-margin-both-sides]
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus (fn [event]
(select-margins false true false true)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial on-margin-change :simple :m2)
:on-blur #(select-margins false false false false)
:value m2}]]]
(= margin-type :multiple)
@ -84,8 +96,11 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus (fn [event]
(select-margin num)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial on-margin-change :multiple num)
:on-blur #(select-margins false false false false)
:value (num (:layout-item-margin values))}]]])])

View file

@ -222,7 +222,11 @@
show-padding? (and (= (count selected-shapes) 1)
(= (:type (first selected-shapes)) :frame)
(= (:layout (first selected-shapes)) :flex))]
(= (:layout (first selected-shapes)) :flex))
show-margin? (and (= (count selected-shapes) 1)
(= (:layout selected-frame) :flex))]
(hooks/setup-dom-events viewport-ref zoom disable-paste in-viewport? workspace-read-only?)
(hooks/setup-viewport-size vport viewport-ref)
@ -382,12 +386,29 @@
:zoom zoom}])
(when show-padding?
[:& msr/padding
{:frame (first selected-shapes)
:hover @frame-hover
:zoom zoom
:alt? @alt?
:shift? @shift?}])
[:& msr/padding
{:frame (first selected-shapes)
:hover @frame-hover
:zoom zoom
:alt? @alt?
:shift? @shift?}]
[:& msr/gap
{:frame (first selected-shapes)
:hover @frame-hover
:zoom zoom
:alt? @alt?
:shift? @shift?}]])
(when show-margin?
[:& msr/margin
{:shape (first selected-shapes)
:parent selected-frame
:hover @frame-hover
:zoom zoom
:alt? @alt?
:shift? @shift?}])
[:& widgets/frame-titles
{:objects base-objects

View file

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
width (gpo/width-points parent-bounds)
height (gpo/height-points parent-bounds)
origin (gpo/origin parent-bounds)
{:keys [row-tracks column-tracks]}
(gsg/calc-layout-data parent children parent-bounds)]