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Merge pull request #2063 from penpot/alotor-refactor-data

♻️ Refactor workspace common
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro 2022-06-30 13:15:10 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit e458e3adb7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
25 changed files with 492 additions and 449 deletions

View file

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.common.geom.shapes.bounds
[app.common.data :as d]

View file

@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
(->> users
(d/index-by :id)
(assoc state :file-comments-users)))]
(ptk/reify ::fetch-team-users
(ptk/reify ::fetch-file-comments-users
(watch [_ state _]
(let [share-id (-> state :viewer-local :share-id)]

View file

@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
[app.main.data.users :as du]
[app.main.data.workspace.bool :as dwb]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.collapse :as dwco]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.drawing :as dwd]
[app.main.data.workspace.edition :as dwe]
[app.main.data.workspace.fix-bool-contents :as fbc]
[app.main.data.workspace.groups :as dwg]
[app.main.data.workspace.guides :as dwgu]
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
[app.main.data.workspace.path.shapes-to-path :as dwps]
[app.main.data.workspace.persistence :as dwp]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.thumbnails :as dwth]
[app.main.data.workspace.transforms :as dwt]
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@
[app.util.globals :as ug]
[app.util.http :as http]
[app.util.i18n :as i18n]
[app.util.names :as un]
[app.util.router :as rt]
[app.util.timers :as tm]
[app.util.webapi :as wapi]
@ -264,8 +268,8 @@
(watch [it state _]
(let [pages (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index])
unames (dwc/retrieve-used-names pages)
name (dwc/generate-unique-name unames "Page-1")
unames (un/retrieve-used-names pages)
name (un/generate-unique-name unames "Page-1")
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/add-empty-page id name))]
@ -279,9 +283,9 @@
(watch [it state _]
(let [id (uuid/next)
pages (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index])
unames (dwc/retrieve-used-names pages)
unames (un/retrieve-used-names pages)
page (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index page-id])
name (dwc/generate-unique-name unames (:name page))
name (un/generate-unique-name unames (:name page))
no_thumbnails_objects (->> (:objects page)
(d/mapm (fn [_ val] (dissoc val :use-for-thumbnail?))))
@ -577,7 +581,7 @@
hover-guides (get-in state [:workspace-guides :hover])]
(d/not-empty? selected)
(rx/of (dwc/delete-shapes selected)
(rx/of (dwsh/delete-shapes selected)
(d/not-empty? hover-guides)
@ -795,7 +799,7 @@
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/expand-collapse parent-id))))))
(dwco/expand-collapse parent-id))))))
(defn relocate-selected-shapes
[parent-id to-index]
@ -820,15 +824,15 @@
(case type
(rx/of (dwc/start-edition-mode id))
(rx/of (dwe/start-edition-mode id))
(:group :bool)
(rx/of (dwc/select-shapes (into (d/ordered-set) [(last shapes)])))
(rx/of (dws/select-shapes (into (d/ordered-set) [(last shapes)])))
(rx/of (dwc/start-edition-mode id)
(rx/of (dwe/start-edition-mode id)
(dwdp/start-path-edit id)))))))))
@ -1548,7 +1552,7 @@
(into (d/ordered-set)))]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes selected))))]
(dws/select-shapes selected))))]
(ptk/reify ::paste-shape
@ -1597,7 +1601,7 @@
:content (as-content text)})]
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction)
(dwc/add-shape shape)
(dwsh/add-shape shape)
;; TODO: why not implement it in terms of upload-media-workspace?
@ -1682,9 +1686,9 @@
(dwc/add-shape shape)
(dwsh/add-shape shape)
(dwsh/move-shapes-into-frame (:id shape) selected)
(dwc/move-shapes-into-frame (:id shape) selected)
@ -1707,10 +1711,10 @@
(dm/export dwly/set-opacity)
;; Common
(dm/export dwc/add-shape)
(dm/export dwc/clear-edition-mode)
(dm/export dwc/select-shapes)
(dm/export dwc/start-edition-mode)
(dm/export dwsh/add-shape)
(dm/export dwe/clear-edition-mode)
(dm/export dws/select-shapes)
(dm/export dwe/start-edition-mode)
;; Drawing
(dm/export dwd/select-for-drawing)

View file

@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
[app.common.path.shapes-to-path :as stp]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.util.names :as un]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
@ -89,8 +90,8 @@
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)
base-name (-> bool-type d/name str/capital (str "-1"))
name (-> (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects)
(dwc/generate-unique-name base-name))
name (-> (un/retrieve-used-names objects)
(un/generate-unique-name base-name))
shapes (selected-shapes state)]
(when-not (empty? shapes)
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
(pcb/add-object boolean-data {:index index})
(pcb/change-parent shape-id shapes))]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set shape-id)))))))))
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set shape-id)))))))))
(defn group-to-bool
[shape-id bool-type]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.data.workspace.collapse
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
;; --- Shape attrs (Layers Sidebar)
(defn expand-all-parents
[ids objects]
(ptk/reify ::expand-all-parents
(update [_ state]
(let [expand-fn (fn [expanded]
(merge expanded
(->> ids
(map #(cph/get-parent-ids objects %))
(remove #(= % uuid/zero))
(map (fn [id] {id true}))
(into {}))))]
(update-in state [:workspace-local :expanded] expand-fn)))))
(defn toggle-collapse
(ptk/reify ::toggle-collapse
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:workspace-local :expanded id] not))))
(defn expand-collapse
(ptk/reify ::expand-collapse
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :expanded id] true))))
(defn collapse-all
(ptk/reify ::collapse-all
(update [_ state]
(update state :workspace-local dissoc :expanded))))

View file

@ -6,33 +6,16 @@
(ns app.main.data.workspace.common
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.proportions :as gpr]
[app.common.logging :as log]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.pages.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.types.shape.interactions :as ctsi]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.undo :as dwu]
[app.main.streams :as ms]
[app.main.worker :as uw]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
;; Change this to :info :debug or :trace to debug this module
(log/set-level! :warn)
(s/def ::shape-attrs ::cts/shape-attrs)
(s/def ::set-of-string (s/every string? :kind set?))
(s/def ::ordered-set-of-uuid (s/every uuid? :kind d/ordered-set?))
(defn initialized?
"Check if the state is properly intialized in a workspace. This means
it has the `:current-page-id` and `:current-file-id` properly set."
@ -56,57 +39,6 @@
(->> (uw/ask! msg)
(rx/map (constantly ::index-initialized)))))))
;; --- Common Helpers & Events
(defn- extract-numeric-suffix
(if-let [[_ p1 p2] (re-find #"(.*)-([0-9]+)$" basename)]
[p1 (+ 1 (d/parse-integer p2))]
[basename 1]))
(defn retrieve-used-names
(into #{} (comp (map :name) (remove nil?)) (vals objects)))
(defn generate-unique-name
"A unique name generator"
[used basename]
(s/assert ::set-of-string used)
(s/assert ::us/string basename)
(if-not (contains? used basename)
(let [[prefix initial] (extract-numeric-suffix basename)]
(loop [counter initial]
(let [candidate (str prefix "-" counter)]
(if (contains? used candidate)
(recur (inc counter))
;; --- Shape attrs (Layers Sidebar)
(defn toggle-collapse
(ptk/reify ::toggle-collapse
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:workspace-local :expanded id] not))))
(defn expand-collapse
(ptk/reify ::expand-collapse
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :expanded id] true))))
(defn collapse-all
(ptk/reify ::collapse-all
(update [_ state]
(update state :workspace-local dissoc :expanded))))
;; These functions should've been in `src/app/main/data/workspace/undo.cljs` but doing that causes
;; a circular dependency with `src/app/main/data/workspace/changes.cljs`
(def undo
@ -177,315 +109,3 @@
:origin it
:save-undo? false})))))))))))
;; Shapes
(defn expand-all-parents
[ids objects]
(ptk/reify ::expand-all-parents
(update [_ state]
(let [expand-fn (fn [expanded]
(merge expanded
(->> ids
(map #(cph/get-parent-ids objects %))
(remove #(= % uuid/zero))
(map (fn [id] {id true}))
(into {}))))]
(update-in state [:workspace-local :expanded] expand-fn)))))
;; --- Update Shape Attrs
;; NOTE: This is a generic implementation for update multiple shapes
;; in one single commit/undo entry.
(defn select-shapes
(us/verify ::ordered-set-of-uuid ids)
(ptk/reify ::select-shapes
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :selected] ids))
(watch [_ state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)]
(rx/of (expand-all-parents ids objects))))))
(declare clear-edition-mode)
(defn start-edition-mode
(us/assert ::us/uuid id)
(ptk/reify ::start-edition-mode
(update [_ state]
(let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)]
;; Can only edit objects that exist
(if (contains? objects id)
(-> state
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :selected] #{id})
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edition] id))
(watch [_ _ stream]
(->> stream
(rx/filter interrupt?)
(rx/take 1)
(rx/map (constantly clear-edition-mode))))))
;; If these event change modules review /src/app/main/data/workspace/path/undo.cljs
(def clear-edition-mode
(ptk/reify ::clear-edition-mode
(update [_ state]
(let [id (get-in state [:workspace-local :edition])]
(-> state
(update :workspace-local dissoc :edition)
(cond-> (some? id) (update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path] dissoc id)))))))
(defn get-shape-layer-position
[objects selected attrs]
;; Calculate the frame over which we're drawing
(let [position @ms/mouse-position
frame-id (:frame-id attrs (cph/frame-id-by-position objects position))
shape (when-not (empty? selected)
(cph/get-base-shape objects selected))]
;; When no shapes has been selected or we're over a different frame
;; we add it as the latest shape of that frame
(if (or (not shape) (not= (:frame-id shape) frame-id))
[frame-id frame-id nil]
;; Otherwise, we add it to next to the selected shape
(let [index (cph/get-position-on-parent objects (:id shape))
{:keys [frame-id parent-id]} shape]
[frame-id parent-id (inc index)]))))
(defn make-new-shape
[attrs objects selected]
(let [default-attrs (if (= :frame (:type attrs))
(into #{} (comp (map (d/getf objects))
(remove cph/frame-shape?))
[frame-id parent-id index]
(get-shape-layer-position objects selected-non-frames attrs)]
(-> (merge default-attrs attrs)
(assoc :frame-id frame-id
:parent-id parent-id
:index index))))
(defn add-shape
(add-shape attrs {}))
([attrs {:keys [no-select?]}]
(us/verify ::shape-attrs attrs)
(ptk/reify ::add-shape
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
selected (wsh/lookup-selected state)
id (or (:id attrs) (uuid/next))
name (-> objects
(generate-unique-name (:name attrs)))
shape (make-new-shape
(assoc attrs :id id :name name)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
(pcb/add-object shape)
(cond-> (some? (:parent-id attrs))
(pcb/change-parent (:parent-id attrs) [shape])))]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(when-not no-select?
(select-shapes (d/ordered-set id))))
(when (= :text (:type attrs))
(->> (rx/of (start-edition-mode id))
(rx/observe-on :async)))))))))
(defn move-shapes-into-frame [frame-id shapes]
(ptk/reify ::move-shapes-into-frame
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
(into []
(map (d/getf objects))
(reverse (cph/sort-z-index objects shapes)))
(when (d/not-empty? to-move-shapes)
(-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
(pcb/change-parent frame-id to-move-shapes 0)))]
(if (some? changes)
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes))
(s/def ::set-of-uuid
(s/every ::us/uuid :kind set?))
(defn delete-shapes
(us/assert ::set-of-uuid ids)
(ptk/reify ::delete-shapes
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
page (wsh/lookup-page state page-id)
ids (cph/clean-loops objects ids)
(reduce (fn [group-ids id]
;; When the shape to delete is the mask of a masked group,
;; the mask condition must be removed, and it must be
;; converted to a normal group.
(let [obj (get objects id)
parent (get objects (:parent-id obj))]
(if (and (:masked-group? parent)
(= id (first (:shapes parent))))
(conj group-ids (:id parent))
(filter (fn [shape]
;; If any of the deleted shapes is the destination of
;; some interaction, this must be deleted, too.
(let [interactions (:interactions shape)]
(some #(and (ctsi/has-destination %)
(contains? ids (:destination %)))
(vals objects))
;; If any of the deleted shapes is a frame with guides
guides (into {} (map (juxt :id identity) (->> (get-in page [:options :guides])
(filter #(not (contains? ids (:frame-id %)))))))
(filter (fn [flow]
;; If any of the deleted is a frame that starts a flow,
;; this must be deleted, too.
(contains? ids (:starting-frame flow)))
(-> page :options :flows))
(reduce (fn [res id]
;; All parents of any deleted shape must be resized.
(into res (cph/get-parent-ids objects id)))
(->> ids ;; Children of deleted shapes must be also deleted.
(reduce (fn [res id]
(into res (cph/get-children-ids objects id)))
(into (d/ordered-set)))
find-all-empty-parents (fn recursive-find-empty-parents [empty-parents]
(let [all-ids (into empty-parents ids)
(map (fn [id] (get objects id)))
(map (fn [{:keys [shapes type] :as obj}]
(when (and (= :group type)
(zero? (count (remove #(contains? all-ids %) shapes))))
(take-while some?)
(map :id))
calculated-empty-parents (into #{} empty-parents-xform all-parents)]
(if (= empty-parents calculated-empty-parents)
(recursive-find-empty-parents calculated-empty-parents))))
;; Any parent whose children are all deleted, must be deleted too.
(into (d/ordered-set) (find-all-empty-parents #{}))
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-page page)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
(pcb/set-page-option :guides guides)
(pcb/remove-objects all-children)
(pcb/remove-objects ids)
(pcb/remove-objects empty-parents)
(pcb/resize-parents all-parents)
(pcb/update-shapes groups-to-unmask
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :masked-group? false)))
(pcb/update-shapes (map :id interacting-shapes)
(fn [shape]
(update shape :interactions
(fn [interactions]
(when interactions
(d/removev #(and (ctsi/has-destination %)
(contains? ids (:destination %)))
(seq starting-flows)
(pcb/update-page-option :flows (fn [flows]
(reduce #(ctp/remove-flow %1 (:id %2))
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes))))))
;; --- Add shape to Workspace
(defn- viewport-center
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (get-in state [:workspace-local :vbox])]
[(+ x (/ width 2)) (+ y (/ height 2))]))
(defn create-and-add-shape
[type frame-x frame-y data]
(ptk/reify ::create-and-add-shape
(watch [_ state _]
(let [{:keys [width height]} data
[vbc-x vbc-y] (viewport-center state)
x (:x data (- vbc-x (/ width 2)))
y (:y data (- vbc-y (/ height 2)))
page-id (:current-page-id state)
frame-id (-> (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
(cph/frame-id-by-position {:x frame-x :y frame-y}))
shape (-> (cp/make-minimal-shape type)
(merge data)
(merge {:x x :y y})
(assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(rx/of (add-shape shape))))))

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.undo :as dwu]
[app.main.worker :as uw]
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction))
(rx/of (dwc/add-shape shape {:no-select? (= tool :curve)}))
(rx/of (dwsh/add-shape shape {:no-select? (= tool :curve)}))
(if (= :frame (:type shape))
(->> (uw/ask! {:cmd :selection/query
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
:include-frames? true
:full-frame? true})
(rx/map #(cph/clean-loops objects %))
(rx/map #(dwc/move-shapes-into-frame (:id shape) %)))
(rx/map #(dwsh/move-shapes-into-frame (:id shape) %)))
;; Delay so the mouse event can read the drawing state

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.data.workspace.edition
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
(defn interrupt? [e] (= e :interrupt))
(declare clear-edition-mode)
(defn start-edition-mode
(us/assert ::us/uuid id)
(ptk/reify ::start-edition-mode
(update [_ state]
(let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)]
;; Can only edit objects that exist
(if (contains? objects id)
(-> state
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :selected] #{id})
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edition] id))
(watch [_ _ stream]
(->> stream
(rx/filter interrupt?)
(rx/take 1)
(rx/map (constantly clear-edition-mode))))))
;; If these event change modules review /src/app/main/data/workspace/path/undo.cljs
(def clear-edition-mode
(ptk/reify ::clear-edition-mode
(update [_ state]
(let [id (get-in state [:workspace-local :edition])]
(-> state
(update :workspace-local dissoc :edition)
(cond-> (some? id) (update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path] dissoc id)))))))

View file

@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
[app.common.pages.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.util.names :as un]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
@ -70,8 +71,8 @@
(= (count shapes) 1)
(= (:type (first shapes)) :group))
(:name (first shapes))
(-> (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects)
(dwc/generate-unique-name base-name)))
(-> (un/retrieve-used-names objects)
(un/generate-unique-name base-name)))
selrect (gsh/selection-rect shapes)
group (-> (cp/make-minimal-group frame-id selrect gname)
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@
(let [[group changes]
(prepare-create-group it objects page-id shapes "Group-1" false)]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))
(def ungroup-selected
(ptk/reify ::ungroup-selected
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@
(pcb/resize-parents [(:id group)]))]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))
(def unmask-group
(ptk/reify ::unmask-group

View file

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
[app.common.types.shape.interactions :as ctsi]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.streams :as ms]
[app.util.names :as un]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
flows (get-in page [:options :flows] [])
unames (into #{} (map :name flows))
name (dwc/generate-unique-name unames "Flow-1")
name (un/generate-unique-name unames "Flow-1")
new-flow {:id (uuid/next)
:name name

View file

@ -22,14 +22,15 @@
[app.main.data.events :as ev]
[app.main.data.messages :as dm]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.groups :as dwg]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers :as dwlh]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.undo :as dwu]
[app.main.repo :as rp]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[app.util.names :as un]
[app.util.router :as rt]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[beicon.core :as rx]
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@
(dwlh/generate-add-component it shapes objects page-id file-id)]
(when-not (empty? (:redo-changes changes))
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group)))))))))))
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group)))))))))))
(defn add-component
"Add a new component to current file library, from the currently selected shapes.
@ -351,7 +352,7 @@
component (cph/get-component libraries id)
all-components (-> state :workspace-data :components vals)
unames (into #{} (map :name) all-components)
new-name (dwc/generate-unique-name unames (:name component))
new-name (un/generate-unique-name unames (:name component))
[new-shape new-shapes _updated-shapes]
(dwlh/duplicate-component component)
@ -401,7 +402,7 @@
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id new-shape))))))))
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id new-shape))))))))
(defn detach-component
"Remove all references to components in the shape with the given id,

View file

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.text :as txt]
[app.common.types.color :as ctc]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.groups :as dwg]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.util.names :as un]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.set :as set]))
@ -144,13 +144,13 @@
delta (gpt/subtract position orig-pos)
objects (:objects page)
unames (volatile! (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects))
unames (volatile! (un/retrieve-used-names objects))
frame-id (cph/frame-id-by-position objects (gpt/add orig-pos delta))
(fn [new-shape original-shape]
(let [new-name (dwc/generate-unique-name @unames (:name new-shape))]
(let [new-name (un/generate-unique-name @unames (:name new-shape))]
(when (nil? (:parent-id original-shape))
(vswap! unames conj new-name))

View file

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.main.data.media :as dmm]
[app.main.data.messages :as dm]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.svg-upload :as svg]
[app.main.repo :as rp]
[app.main.store :as st]
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
:height height
:mtype mtype
:id id}}]
(rx/of (dwc/create-and-add-shape :image x y shape))))))
(rx/of (dwsh/create-and-add-shape :image x y shape))))))
(defn svg-uploaded
[svg-data file-id position]

View file

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
[app.common.path.shapes-to-path :as upsp]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.drawing.common :as dwdc]
[app.main.data.workspace.edition :as dwe]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.changes :as changes]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.common :as common]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.helpers :as helpers]
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
(watch [_ _ _]
(rx/of (setup-frame-path)
(dwc/start-edition-mode shape-id)
(dwe/start-edition-mode shape-id)
(change-edit-mode :draw)))))
(defn handle-new-shape

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
[app.common.path.shapes-to-path :as upsp]
[app.common.path.subpaths :as ups]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.edition :as dwe]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.changes :as changes]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.drawing :as drawing]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.helpers :as helpers]
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
(let [changes (changes/generate-path-changes it objects page-id shape (:content shape) new-content)]
(if (empty? new-content)
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(selection/update-selection point-change)
(fn [state] (update-in state [:workspace-local :edit-path id] dissoc :content-modifiers :moving-nodes :moving-handler))))))))))

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[app.common.path.shapes-to-path :as upsp]
[app.common.path.subpaths :as ups]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.edition :as dwe]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.changes :as changes]
[app.main.data.workspace.path.state :as st]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
(rx/of (dch/update-shapes [id] upsp/convert-to-path))
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(when (empty? new-content)
(defn make-corner

View file

@ -19,13 +19,14 @@
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.modal :as md]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.collapse :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.thumbnails :as dwt]
[app.main.data.workspace.zoom :as dwz]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.streams :as ms]
[app.main.worker :as uw]
[app.util.names :as un]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.set :as set]
@ -41,6 +42,8 @@
(s/def ::set-of-string
(s/every string? :kind set?))
(defn interrupt? [e] (= e :interrupt))
;; --- Selection Rect
(declare select-shapes-by-current-selrect)
@ -59,7 +62,7 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [zoom (get-in state [:workspace-local :zoom] 1)
stop? (fn [event] (or (dwc/interrupt? event) (ms/mouse-up? event)))
stop? (fn [event] (or (interrupt? event) (ms/mouse-up? event)))
stoper (->> stream (rx/filter stop?))
@ -281,7 +284,7 @@
move to the desired position, and recalculate parents and frames as needed."
[all-objects page ids delta it]
(let [shapes (map (d/getf all-objects) ids)
unames (volatile! (dwc/retrieve-used-names (:objects page)))
unames (volatile! (un/retrieve-used-names (:objects page)))
update-unames! (fn [new-name] (vswap! unames conj new-name))
all-ids (reduce #(into %1 (cons %2 (cph/get-children-ids all-objects %2))) (d/ordered-set) ids)
ids-map (into {} (map #(vector % (uuid/next))) all-ids)
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@
(defn- prepare-duplicate-frame-change
[changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta]
(let [new-id (ids-map (:id obj))
frame-name (dwc/generate-unique-name @unames (:name obj))
frame-name (un/generate-unique-name @unames (:name obj))
_ (update-unames! frame-name)
new-frame (-> obj
@ -351,7 +354,7 @@
(if (some? obj)
(let [new-id (ids-map (:id obj))
parent-id (or parent-id frame-id)
name (dwc/generate-unique-name @unames (:name obj))
name (un/generate-unique-name @unames (:name obj))
_ (update-unames! name)
new-obj (-> obj
@ -392,7 +395,7 @@
(let [update-flows (fn [flows]
(fn [flows frame]
(let [name (dwc/generate-unique-name @unames "Flow-1")
(let [name (un/generate-unique-name @unames "Flow-1")
_ (vswap! unames conj name)
new-flow {:id (uuid/next)
:name name

View file

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.data.workspace.shapes
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.proportions :as gpr]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.pages.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.types.page :as csp]
[app.common.types.shape :as spec.shape]
[app.common.types.shape.interactions :as csi]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.edition :as dwe]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.streams :as ms]
[app.util.names :as un]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
(s/def ::shape-attrs ::spec.shape/shape-attrs)
(defn get-shape-layer-position
[objects selected attrs]
;; Calculate the frame over which we're drawing
(let [position @ms/mouse-position
frame-id (:frame-id attrs (cph/frame-id-by-position objects position))
shape (when-not (empty? selected)
(cph/get-base-shape objects selected))]
;; When no shapes has been selected or we're over a different frame
;; we add it as the latest shape of that frame
(if (or (not shape) (not= (:frame-id shape) frame-id))
[frame-id frame-id nil]
;; Otherwise, we add it to next to the selected shape
(let [index (cph/get-position-on-parent objects (:id shape))
{:keys [frame-id parent-id]} shape]
[frame-id parent-id (inc index)]))))
(defn make-new-shape
[attrs objects selected]
(let [default-attrs (if (= :frame (:type attrs))
(into #{} (comp (map (d/getf objects))
(remove cph/frame-shape?))
[frame-id parent-id index]
(get-shape-layer-position objects selected-non-frames attrs)]
(-> (merge default-attrs attrs)
(assoc :frame-id frame-id
:parent-id parent-id
:index index))))
(defn add-shape
(add-shape attrs {}))
([attrs {:keys [no-select?]}]
(us/verify ::shape-attrs attrs)
(ptk/reify ::add-shape
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
selected (wsh/lookup-selected state)
id (or (:id attrs) (uuid/next))
name (-> objects
(un/generate-unique-name (:name attrs)))
shape (make-new-shape
(assoc attrs :id id :name name)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
(pcb/add-object shape)
(cond-> (some? (:parent-id attrs))
(pcb/change-parent (:parent-id attrs) [shape])))]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(when-not no-select?
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set id))))
(when (= :text (:type attrs))
(->> (rx/of (dwe/start-edition-mode id))
(rx/observe-on :async)))))))))
(defn move-shapes-into-frame [frame-id shapes]
(ptk/reify ::move-shapes-into-frame
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
(into []
(map (d/getf objects))
(reverse (cph/sort-z-index objects shapes)))
(when (d/not-empty? to-move-shapes)
(-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
(pcb/change-parent frame-id to-move-shapes 0)))]
(if (some? changes)
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes))
(s/def ::set-of-uuid
(s/every ::us/uuid :kind set?))
(defn delete-shapes
(us/assert ::set-of-uuid ids)
(ptk/reify ::delete-shapes
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
page (wsh/lookup-page state page-id)
ids (cph/clean-loops objects ids)
(reduce (fn [group-ids id]
;; When the shape to delete is the mask of a masked group,
;; the mask condition must be removed, and it must be
;; converted to a normal group.
(let [obj (get objects id)
parent (get objects (:parent-id obj))]
(if (and (:masked-group? parent)
(= id (first (:shapes parent))))
(conj group-ids (:id parent))
(filter (fn [shape]
;; If any of the deleted shapes is the destination of
;; some interaction, this must be deleted, too.
(let [interactions (:interactions shape)]
(some #(and (csi/has-destination %)
(contains? ids (:destination %)))
(vals objects))
;; If any of the deleted shapes is a frame with guides
guides (into {} (map (juxt :id identity) (->> (get-in page [:options :guides])
(filter #(not (contains? ids (:frame-id %)))))))
(filter (fn [flow]
;; If any of the deleted is a frame that starts a flow,
;; this must be deleted, too.
(contains? ids (:starting-frame flow)))
(-> page :options :flows))
(reduce (fn [res id]
;; All parents of any deleted shape must be resized.
(into res (cph/get-parent-ids objects id)))
(->> ids ;; Children of deleted shapes must be also deleted.
(reduce (fn [res id]
(into res (cph/get-children-ids objects id)))
(into (d/ordered-set)))
find-all-empty-parents (fn recursive-find-empty-parents [empty-parents]
(let [all-ids (into empty-parents ids)
(map (fn [id] (get objects id)))
(map (fn [{:keys [shapes type] :as obj}]
(when (and (= :group type)
(zero? (count (remove #(contains? all-ids %) shapes))))
(take-while some?)
(map :id))
calculated-empty-parents (into #{} empty-parents-xform all-parents)]
(if (= empty-parents calculated-empty-parents)
(recursive-find-empty-parents calculated-empty-parents))))
;; Any parent whose children are all deleted, must be deleted too.
(into (d/ordered-set) (find-all-empty-parents #{}))
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-page page)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
(pcb/set-page-option :guides guides)
(pcb/remove-objects all-children)
(pcb/remove-objects ids)
(pcb/remove-objects empty-parents)
(pcb/resize-parents all-parents)
(pcb/update-shapes groups-to-unmask
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :masked-group? false)))
(pcb/update-shapes (map :id interacting-shapes)
(fn [shape]
(update shape :interactions
(fn [interactions]
(when interactions
(d/removev #(and (csi/has-destination %)
(contains? ids (:destination %)))
(seq starting-flows)
(pcb/update-page-option :flows (fn [flows]
(reduce #(csp/remove-flow %1 (:id %2))
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes))))))
(defn- viewport-center
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (get-in state [:workspace-local :vbox])]
[(+ x (/ width 2)) (+ y (/ height 2))]))
(defn create-and-add-shape
[type frame-x frame-y data]
(ptk/reify ::create-and-add-shape
(watch [_ state _]
(prn ">>>create-")
(let [{:keys [width height]} data
[vbc-x vbc-y] (viewport-center state)
x (:x data (- vbc-x (/ width 2)))
y (:y data (- vbc-y (/ height 2)))
page-id (:current-page-id state)
frame-id (-> (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
(cph/frame-id-by-position {:x frame-x :y frame-y}))
shape (-> (cp/make-minimal-shape type)
(merge data)
(merge {:x x :y y})
(assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(rx/of (add-shape shape))))))

View file

@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
[app.common.spec :refer [max-safe-int min-safe-int]]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.util.color :as uc]
[app.util.names :as un]
[app.util.path.parser :as upp]
[app.util.svg :as usvg]
[beicon.core :as rx]
@ -358,7 +360,7 @@
(let [{:keys [tag attrs hidden]} element-data
attrs (usvg/format-styles attrs)
element-data (cond-> element-data (map? element-data) (assoc :attrs attrs))
name (dwc/generate-unique-name unames (or (:id attrs) (tag->name tag)))
name (un/generate-unique-name unames (or (:id attrs) (tag->name tag)))
att-refs (usvg/find-attr-references attrs)
references (usvg/find-def-references (:defs svg-data) att-refs)
@ -415,7 +417,7 @@
(if (some? shape)
(let [shape-id (:id shape)
new-shape (dwc/make-new-shape shape objects selected)
new-shape (dwsh/make-new-shape shape objects selected)
changes (-> changes
(pcb/add-object new-shape)
(pcb/change-parent parent-id [new-shape] index))
@ -442,10 +444,10 @@
x (- x vb-x (/ vb-width 2))
y (- y vb-y (/ vb-height 2))
unames (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects)
unames (un/retrieve-used-names objects)
svg-name (->> (str/replace (:name svg-data) ".svg" "")
(dwc/generate-unique-name unames))
(un/generate-unique-name unames))
svg-data (-> svg-data
(assoc :x x
@ -482,7 +484,7 @@
(assoc :content (into [base-background-shape] (:content svg-data))))
;; Creates the root shape
new-shape (dwc/make-new-shape root-shape objects selected)
new-shape (dwsh/make-new-shape root-shape objects selected)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-objects objects)
@ -506,7 +508,7 @@
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set root-id))))
(dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set root-id))))
(catch :default e
(.error js/console "Error SVG" e)

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.undo :as dwu]
[app.util.router :as rt]
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
(when (some? id)
(rx/of (dws/deselect-shape id)
(dwc/delete-shapes #{id})))))))))
(dwsh/delete-shapes #{id})))))))))
(defn initialize-editor-state
[{:keys [id content] :as shape} decorator]

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.collapse :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.guides :as dwg]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.collapse :as dwc]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.components.shape-icon :as si]

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.text :as txt]
[app.main.data.workspace.colors :as dc]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.icons :as i]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.rows.color-row :refer [color-row]]
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
(fn [color]
(let [shapes-by-color (get @grouped-colors* color)
ids (into (d/ordered-set) (map :shape-id) shapes-by-color)]
(st/emit! (dwc/select-shapes ids)))))]
(st/emit! (dws/select-shapes ids)))))]
(mf/with-effect [grouped-colors]
(reset! grouped-colors* grouped-colors))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.util.names
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/def ::set-of-string (s/every string? :kind set?))
(defn- extract-numeric-suffix
(if-let [[_ p1 p2] (re-find #"(.*)-([0-9]+)$" basename)]
[p1 (+ 1 (d/parse-integer p2))]
[basename 1]))
(defn retrieve-used-names
(into #{} (comp (map :name) (remove nil?)) (vals objects)))
(defn generate-unique-name
"A unique name generator"
[used basename]
(s/assert ::set-of-string used)
(s/assert ::us/string basename)
(if-not (contains? used basename)
(let [[prefix initial] (extract-numeric-suffix basename)]
(loop [counter initial]
(let [candidate (str prefix "-" counter)]
(if (contains? used candidate)
(recur (inc counter))

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers :as dwlh]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
(dwc/delete-shapes #{(:id shape1)})
(dwsh/delete-shapes #{(:id shape1)})
(t/deftest test-touched-children-move
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
(dwc/delete-shapes #{(:id shape1)})
(dwsh/delete-shapes #{(:id shape1)})
(dwl/reset-component (:id instance1))
@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@
(dwc/delete-shapes #{(:id shape1)})
(dwsh/delete-shapes #{(:id shape1)})
(dwl/update-component-sync (:id instance1) (:id file))