Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-01-21 06:02:32 -05:00

Move form out of modal specific code

This commit is contained in:
Florian Schroedl 2024-06-21 10:02:21 +02:00
parent 885322d479
commit e394216f00
4 changed files with 73 additions and 138 deletions

View file

@ -4,85 +4,17 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.modal
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.form
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
["lodash.debounce" :as debounce]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.main.data.modal :as modal]
[app.main.data.tokens :as dt]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.common :as tokens.common]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.style-dictionary :as sd]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[clojure.set :as set]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[malli.core :as m]
[malli.error :as me]
[okulary.core :as l]
[promesa.core :as p]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
(defn calculate-position
"Calculates the style properties for the given coordinates and position"
[{vh :height} position x y]
(let [;; picker height in pixels
h 510
;; Checks for overflow outside the viewport height
overflow-fix (max 0 (+ y (- 50) h (- vh)))
x-pos 325]
(or (nil? x) (nil? y)) {:left "auto" :right "16rem" :top "4rem"}
(= position :left) {:left (str (- x x-pos) "px")
:top (str (- y 50 overflow-fix) "px")}
:else {:left (str (+ x 80) "px")
:top (str (- y 70 overflow-fix) "px")})))
(defn use-viewport-position-style [x y position]
(let [vport (-> (l/derived :vport refs/workspace-local)
(-> (calculate-position vport position x y)
(defn fields->map [fields]
(->> (map (fn [{:keys [key] :as field}]
[key (:value field)]) fields)
(into {})))
(defn fields-to-token
"Converts field to token value that will be stored and processed.
Handles a simple token token type for now."
[token-type fields]
(case token-type
(first fields)))
;; https://dev.to/haseeb1009/the-useevent-hook-1c8l
(defn use-event-callback
(let [ref (mf/use-ref)]
(fn []
(reset! ref f)
(mf/use-callback (fn [& args] (some-> @ref (apply args))) [])))
(defn use-promise-debounce [fn+ on-success on-err]
(let [debounce-promise (mf/use-ref nil)
callback-fn (fn []
(let [id (random-uuid)]
(mf/set-ref-val! debounce-promise id)
(-> (fn+)
(p/then (fn [result]
(js/console.log "@debounce-promise id" @debounce-promise id)
(when (= @debounce-promise id)
(js/console.log "update" result)
(on-success result))))
(p/catch on-err))))
debounced-fn (debounce callback-fn)]
(defn token-name-schema
"Generate a dynamic schema validation to check if a token name already exists.
`existing-token-names` should be a set of strings."
@ -103,13 +35,10 @@
(mf/defc tokens-properties-form
(mf/defc form
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [x y position token] :as _args}]
(let [wrapper-style (use-viewport-position-style x y position)
;; Tokens
tokens (sd/use-resolved-workspace-tokens)
[{:keys [token] :as _args}]
(let [tokens (sd/use-resolved-workspace-tokens)
existing-token-names (mf/use-memo
(mf/deps tokens)
(fn []
@ -168,9 +97,7 @@
;; (st/emit! (dt/add-token token))
;; (modal/hide!)))]
{:class (stl/css :shadow)
:style wrapper-style
#_#_:on-submit on-submit}
{#_#_:on-submit on-submit}
[:div {:class (stl/css :token-rows)}
[:& tokens.common/labeled-input {:label "Name"

View file

@ -39,49 +39,3 @@
margin: 0;
.shadow {
@extend .modal-container-base;
@include menuShadow;
position: absolute;
z-index: 11;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
&-select-wrapper {
display: flex;
grid-gap: $s-4;
&-properties {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
grid-gap: $s-4;
.inputs-grid {
display: grid;
"x blur blur spread spread"
"y color color color color";
grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 1fr);
grid-gap: $s-4;
label:nth-child(1) {
grid-area: x;
label:nth-child(2) {
grid-area: y;
label:nth-child(3) {
grid-area: blur;
label:nth-child(4) {
grid-area: spread;
label:nth-child(5) {
grid-area: color;

View file

@ -5,85 +5,123 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.modals
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.main.data.modal :as modal]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.modal :refer [tokens-properties-form]]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.form :refer [form]]
[okulary.core :as l]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
;; Component -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn calculate-position
"Calculates the style properties for the given coordinates and position"
[{vh :height} position x y]
(let [;; picker height in pixels
h 510
;; Checks for overflow outside the viewport height
overflow-fix (max 0 (+ y (- 50) h (- vh)))
x-pos 325]
(or (nil? x) (nil? y)) {:left "auto" :right "16rem" :top "4rem"}
(= position :left) {:left (str (- x x-pos) "px")
:top (str (- y 50 overflow-fix) "px")}
:else {:left (str (+ x 80) "px")
:top (str (- y 70 overflow-fix) "px")})))
(defn use-viewport-position-style [x y position]
(let [vport (-> (l/derived :vport refs/workspace-local)
(-> (calculate-position vport position x y)
(mf/defc modal
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [x y position token] :as _args}]
(let [wrapper-style (use-viewport-position-style x y position)]
{:class (stl/css :shadow)
:style wrapper-style}
[:& form {:token token}]]))
;; Modals ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(mf/defc boolean-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/boolean}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc border-radius-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/border-radius}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc stroke-width-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/stroke-width}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc box-shadow-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/box-shadow}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc sizing-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/sizing}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc dimensions-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/dimensions}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc numeric-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/numeric}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc opacity-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/opacity}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc other-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/other}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc rotation-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/rotation}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc spacing-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/spacing}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc string-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/string}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])
(mf/defc typography-modal
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :tokens/typography}
[:& tokens-properties-form properties])
[:& modal properties])

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
@import "refactor/common-refactor.scss";
.shadow {
@extend .modal-container-base;
@include menuShadow;
position: absolute;
z-index: 11;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;