mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 12:11:37 -05:00
♻️ Refactor storage internal concurrency model
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 261 additions and 290 deletions
@ -14,10 +14,8 @@
[app.db :as db]
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as wrk]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.core :as p]
[yetti.response :as-alias yrs]))
(def ^:private cache-max-age
@ -38,15 +36,12 @@
(defn- serve-object-from-s3
[{:keys [::sto/storage] :as cfg} obj]
(let [mdata (meta obj)]
(->> (sto/get-object-url storage obj {:max-age signature-max-age})
(p/fmap (fn [{:keys [host port] :as url}]
(let [headers {"location" (str url)
"x-host" (cond-> host port (str ":" port))
"x-mtype" (:content-type mdata)
"cache-control" (str "max-age=" (inst-ms cache-max-age))}]
{::yrs/status 307
::yrs/headers headers}))))))
(let [{:keys [host port] :as url} (sto/get-object-url storage obj {:max-age signature-max-age})]
{::yrs/status 307
::yrs/headers {"location" (str url)
"x-host" (cond-> host port (str ":" port))
"x-mtype" (-> obj meta :content-type)
"cache-control" (str "max-age=" (inst-ms cache-max-age))}}))
(defn- serve-object-from-fs
[{:keys [::path]} obj]
@ -56,9 +51,8 @@
headers {"x-accel-redirect" (:path purl)
"content-type" (:content-type mdata)
"cache-control" (str "max-age=" (inst-ms cache-max-age))}]
{::yrs/status 204
::yrs/headers headers})))
{::yrs/status 204
::yrs/headers headers}))
(defn- serve-object
"Helper function that returns the appropriate response depending on
@ -71,37 +65,34 @@
(defn objects-handler
"Handler that servers storage objects by id."
[{:keys [::sto/storage ::wrk/executor] :as cfg} request]
(->> (get-id request)
(p/mcat executor (fn [id] (sto/get-object storage id)))
(p/mcat executor (fn [obj]
(if (some? obj)
(serve-object cfg obj)
(p/resolved {::yrs/status 404}))))
[{:keys [::sto/storage] :as cfg} request]
(let [id (get-id request)
obj (sto/get-object storage id)]
(if obj
(serve-object cfg obj)
{::yrs/status 404})))
(defn- generic-handler
"A generic handler helper/common code for file-media based handlers."
[{:keys [::sto/storage ::wrk/executor] :as cfg} request kf]
(let [pool (::db/pool storage)]
(->> (get-id request)
(p/fmap executor (fn [id] (get-file-media-object pool id)))
(p/mcat executor (fn [mobj] (sto/get-object storage (kf mobj))))
(p/mcat executor (fn [sobj]
(if sobj
(serve-object cfg sobj)
(p/resolved {::yrs/status 404})))))))
[{:keys [::sto/storage] :as cfg} request kf]
(let [pool (::db/pool storage)
id (get-id request)
mobj (get-file-media-object pool id)
sobj (sto/get-object storage (kf mobj))]
(if sobj
(serve-object cfg sobj)
{::yrs/status 404})))
(defn file-objects-handler
"Handler that serves storage objects by file media id."
[cfg request]
(p/await! (generic-handler cfg request :media-id)))
(generic-handler cfg request :media-id))
(defn file-thumbnails-handler
"Handler that serves storage objects by thumbnail-id and quick
fallback to file-media-id if no thumbnail is available."
[cfg request]
(p/await! (generic-handler cfg request #(or (:thumbnail-id %) (:media-id %)))))
(generic-handler cfg request #(or (:thumbnail-id %) (:media-id %))))
;; --- Initialization
@ -109,7 +100,7 @@
(s/def ::routes vector?)
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::routes [_]
(s/keys :req [::sto/storage ::wrk/executor ::path]))
(s/keys :req [::sto/storage ::path]))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::routes
[_ cfg]
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.io :as io]
[promesa.core :as p]
[yetti.adapter :as yt]
[yetti.response :as yrs])
@ -527,13 +526,13 @@
(write-obj! output sids)
(doseq [id sids]
(let [{:keys [size] :as obj} (p/await! (sto/get-object storage id))]
(let [{:keys [size] :as obj} (sto/get-object storage id)]
(l/debug :hint "write sobject" :id id ::l/sync? true)
(doto output
(write-uuid! id)
(write-obj! (meta obj)))
(with-open [^InputStream stream (p/await! (sto/get-object-data storage obj))]
(with-open [^InputStream stream (sto/get-object-data storage obj)]
(let [written (write-stream! output stream size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :validation
@ -719,7 +718,7 @@
(assoc ::sto/touched-at (dt/now))
(assoc :bucket "file-media-object"))
sobject (p/await! (sto/put-object! storage params))]
sobject (sto/put-object! storage params)]
(l/debug :hint "persisted storage object" :id id :new-id (:id sobject) ::l/sync? true)
(vswap! *state* update :index assoc id (:id sobject)))))
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.rpc.commands.fonts
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
@ -24,8 +25,7 @@
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.util.services :as sv]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(def valid-weight #{100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 950})
(def valid-style #{"normal" "italic"})
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-font-variants
{::doc/added "1.18"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id team-id file-id project-id] :as params}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(uuid? team-id)
@ -134,13 +134,13 @@
wf2-params (prepare-font data "font/woff2")]
(cond-> {}
(some? otf-params)
(assoc :otf (p/await! (sto/put-object! storage otf-params)))
(assoc :otf (sto/put-object! storage otf-params))
(some? ttf-params)
(assoc :ttf (p/await! (sto/put-object! storage ttf-params)))
(assoc :ttf (sto/put-object! storage ttf-params))
(some? wf1-params)
(assoc :woff1 (p/await! (sto/put-object! storage wf1-params)))
(assoc :woff1 (sto/put-object! storage wf1-params))
(some? wf2-params)
(assoc :woff2 (p/await! (sto/put-object! storage wf2-params))))))
(assoc :woff2 (sto/put-object! storage wf2-params)))))
(insert-font-variant! [{:keys [woff1 woff2 otf ttf]}]
(db/insert! pool :team-font-variant
@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
[app.util.services :as sv]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.io :as io]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[datoteka.io :as io]))
(def default-max-file-size
(* 1024 1024 10)) ; 10 MiB
@ -151,9 +150,9 @@
(let [result (-> (climit/configure cfg :process-image)
(climit/submit! (partial process-image content)))
image (p/await! (sto/put-object! storage (::image result)))
image (sto/put-object! storage (::image result))
thumb (when-let [params (::thumb result)]
(p/await! (sto/put-object! storage params)))]
(sto/put-object! storage params))]
(db/exec-one! pool [sql:create-file-media-object
(or id (uuid/next))
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
[app.util.services :as sv]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(declare check-profile-existence!)
(declare decode-row)
@ -182,7 +181,7 @@
;; Schedule deletion of old photo
(when-let [id (:photo-id profile)]
(p/await! (sto/touch-object! storage id)))
(sto/touch-object! storage id))
;; Save new photo
(db/update! pool :profile
@ -217,7 +216,7 @@
[{:keys [::sto/storage] :as cfg} {:keys [file]}]
(let [params (-> (climit/configure cfg :process-image)
(climit/submit! (partial generate-thumbnail! file)))]
(p/await! (sto/put-object! storage params))))
(sto/put-object! storage params)))
;; --- MUTATION: Request Email Change
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.rpc.commands.teams
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.spec :as us]
@ -28,8 +29,7 @@
[app.util.services :as sv]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
;; --- Helpers & Specs
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-teams
{::doc/added "1.17"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id] :as params}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(retrieve-teams conn profile-id)))
(def sql:teams
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-team
{::doc/added "1.17"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(retrieve-team conn profile-id id)))
(defn retrieve-team
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-team-members
{::doc/added "1.17"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id team-id]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(check-read-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
(retrieve-team-members conn team-id)))
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-team-users
{::doc/added "1.17"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id team-id file-id]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(if team-id
(check-read-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-team-stats
{::doc/added "1.17"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id team-id]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(check-read-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
(retrieve-team-stats conn team-id)))
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-team-invitations
{::doc/added "1.17"}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id team-id]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(check-read-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
(get-team-invitations conn team-id)))
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
;; Mark object as touched for make it ellegible for tentative
;; garbage collection.
(when-let [id (:photo-id team)]
(p/await! (sto/touch-object! storage id)))
(sto/touch-object! storage id))
;; Save new photo
(db/update! pool :team
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.core :as p]
[promesa.exec :as px]))
[promesa.core :as p]))
;; Storage Module State
@ -79,42 +78,40 @@
(update :metadata db/decode-transit-pgobject))))
(defn- create-database-object
[{:keys [::backend ::wrk/executor ::db/pool-or-conn]} {:keys [::content ::expired-at ::touched-at] :as params}]
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [id (uuid/random)
[{:keys [::backend ::db/pool-or-conn]} {:keys [::content ::expired-at ::touched-at] :as params}]
(let [id (uuid/random)
mdata (cond-> (get-metadata params)
(satisfies? impl/IContentHash content)
(assoc :hash (impl/get-hash content)))
mdata (cond-> (get-metadata params)
(satisfies? impl/IContentHash content)
(assoc :hash (impl/get-hash content)))
;; NOTE: for now we don't reuse the deleted objects, but in
;; futute we can consider reusing deleted objects if we
;; found a duplicated one and is marked for deletion but
;; still not deleted.
result (when (and (::deduplicate? params)
(:hash mdata)
(:bucket mdata))
(get-database-object-by-hash pool-or-conn backend (:bucket mdata) (:hash mdata)))
;; NOTE: for now we don't reuse the deleted objects, but in
;; futute we can consider reusing deleted objects if we
;; found a duplicated one and is marked for deletion but
;; still not deleted.
result (when (and (::deduplicate? params)
(:hash mdata)
(:bucket mdata))
(get-database-object-by-hash pool-or-conn backend (:bucket mdata) (:hash mdata)))
result (or result
(-> (db/insert! pool-or-conn :storage-object
{:id id
:size (impl/get-size content)
:backend (name backend)
:metadata (db/tjson mdata)
:deleted-at expired-at
:touched-at touched-at})
(update :metadata db/decode-transit-pgobject)
(update :metadata assoc ::created? true)))]
result (or result
(-> (db/insert! pool-or-conn :storage-object
{:id id
:size (impl/get-size content)
:backend (name backend)
:metadata (db/tjson mdata)
:deleted-at expired-at
:touched-at touched-at})
(update :metadata db/decode-transit-pgobject)
(update :metadata assoc ::created? true)))]
(:id result)
(:size result)
(:created-at result)
(:deleted-at result)
(:touched-at result)
(:metadata result)))))
(:id result)
(:size result)
(:created-at result)
(:deleted-at result)
(:touched-at result)
(:metadata result))))
(def ^:private sql:retrieve-storage-object
"select * from storage_object where id = ? and (deleted_at is null or deleted_at > now())")
@ -153,45 +150,41 @@
(dm/export impl/object?)
(defn get-object
[{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn ::wrk/executor] :as storage} id]
[{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn] :as storage} id]
(us/assert! ::storage storage)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(retrieve-database-object pool-or-conn id)))
(retrieve-database-object pool-or-conn id))
(defn put-object!
"Creates a new object with the provided content."
[{:keys [::backend] :as storage} {:keys [::content] :as params}]
(us/assert! ::storage-with-backend storage)
(us/assert! ::impl/content content)
(->> (create-database-object storage params)
(p/mcat (fn [object]
(if (::created? (meta object))
;; Store the data finally on the underlying storage subsystem.
(-> (impl/resolve-backend storage backend)
(impl/put-object object content))
(p/resolved object))))))
(let [object (create-database-object storage params)]
(if (::created? (meta object))
;; Store the data finally on the underlying storage subsystem.
(-> (impl/resolve-backend storage backend)
(impl/put-object object content))
(defn touch-object!
"Mark object as touched."
[{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn ::wrk/executor] :as storage} object-or-id]
[{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn] :as storage} object-or-id]
(us/assert! ::storage storage)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [id (if (impl/object? object-or-id) (:id object-or-id) object-or-id)
rs (db/update! pool-or-conn :storage-object
{:touched-at (dt/now)}
{:id id}
{::db/return-keys? false})]
(pos? (db/get-update-count rs)))))
(let [id (if (impl/object? object-or-id) (:id object-or-id) object-or-id)
rs (db/update! pool-or-conn :storage-object
{:touched-at (dt/now)}
{:id id}
{::db/return-keys? false})]
(pos? (db/get-update-count rs))))
(defn get-object-data
"Return an input stream instance of the object content."
[storage object]
(us/assert! ::storage storage)
(if (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(when (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(-> (impl/resolve-backend storage (:backend object))
(impl/get-object-data object))
(p/resolved nil)))
(impl/get-object-data object))))
(defn get-object-bytes
"Returns a byte array of object content."
@ -208,11 +201,10 @@
(get-object-url storage object nil))
([storage object options]
(us/assert! ::storage storage)
(if (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(when (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(-> (impl/resolve-backend storage (:backend object))
(impl/get-object-url object options))
(p/resolved nil))))
(impl/get-object-url object options)))))
(defn get-object-path
"Get the Path to the object. Only works with `:fs` type of
@ -220,24 +212,20 @@
[storage object]
(us/assert! ::storage storage)
(let [backend (impl/resolve-backend storage (:backend object))]
(if (not= :fs (::type backend))
(p/resolved nil)
(if (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(->> (impl/get-object-url backend object nil)
(p/fmap file-url->path))
(p/resolved nil)))))
(when (and (= :fs (::type backend))
(or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now))))
(-> (impl/get-object-url backend object nil) file-url->path))))
(defn del-object!
[{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn ::wrk/executor] :as storage} object-or-id]
[{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn] :as storage} object-or-id]
(us/assert! ::storage storage)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [id (if (impl/object? object-or-id) (:id object-or-id) object-or-id)
res (db/update! pool-or-conn :storage-object
{:deleted-at (dt/now)}
{:id id}
{::db/return-keys? false})]
(pos? (db/get-update-count res)))))
(let [id (if (impl/object? object-or-id) (:id object-or-id) object-or-id)
res (db/update! pool-or-conn :storage-object
{:deleted-at (dt/now)}
{:id id}
{::db/return-keys? false})]
(pos? (db/get-update-count res))))
(dm/export impl/resolve-backend)
(dm/export impl/calculate-hash)
@ -281,7 +269,7 @@
(doseq [id ids]
(l/debug :hint "gc-deleted: permanently delete storage object" :backend backend-id :id id))
@(impl/del-objects-in-bulk backend ids)))]
(impl/del-objects-in-bulk backend ids)))]
(fn [params]
(let [min-age (or (:min-age params) min-age)]
@ -422,8 +410,8 @@
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :unexpected-unknown-reference
:hint (dm/fmt "unknown reference %" bucket)))]
(recur (+ to-freeze f)
(+ to-delete d)
(recur (+ to-freeze (long f))
(+ to-delete (long d))
(rest groups)))
(l/info :hint "gc-touched: task finished" :to-freeze to-freeze :to-delete to-delete)
@ -6,22 +6,18 @@
(ns app.storage.fs
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uri :as u]
[app.storage :as-alias sto]
[app.storage.impl :as impl]
[app.worker :as-alias wrk]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[datoteka.io :as io]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.core :as p]
[promesa.exec :as px])
[integrant.core :as ig])
@ -48,74 +44,66 @@
(s/keys :req [::directory
:opt [::sto/type
;; --- API IMPL
(defmethod impl/put-object :fs
[{:keys [::wrk/executor] :as backend} {:keys [id] :as object} content]
[backend {:keys [id] :as object} content]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [base (fs/path (::directory backend))
path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
full (fs/normalize (fs/join base path))]
(when-not (fs/exists? (fs/parent full))
(fs/create-dir (fs/parent full)))
(with-open [^InputStream src (io/input-stream content)
^OutputStream dst (io/output-stream full)]
(io/copy! src dst))
(let [base (fs/path (::directory backend))
path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
full (fs/normalize (fs/join base path))]
(when-not (fs/exists? (fs/parent full))
(fs/create-dir (fs/parent full)))
(dm/with-open [src (io/input-stream content)
dst (io/output-stream full)]
(io/copy! src dst))
(defmethod impl/get-object-data :fs
[{:keys [::wrk/executor] :as backend} {:keys [id] :as object}]
[backend {:keys [id] :as object}]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [^Path base (fs/path (::directory backend))
^Path path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
^Path full (fs/normalize (fs/join base path))]
(when-not (fs/exists? full)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :filesystem-object-does-not-exists
:path (str full)))
(io/input-stream full))))
(let [^Path base (fs/path (::directory backend))
^Path path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
^Path full (fs/normalize (fs/join base path))]
(when-not (fs/exists? full)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :filesystem-object-does-not-exists
:path (str full)))
(io/input-stream full)))
(defmethod impl/get-object-bytes :fs
[backend object]
(->> (impl/get-object-data backend object)
(p/fmap (fn [input]
(io/read-as-bytes input)
(io/close! input)))))))
(dm/with-open [input (impl/get-object-data backend object)]
(io/read-as-bytes input)))
(defmethod impl/get-object-url :fs
[{:keys [::uri] :as backend} {:keys [id] :as object} _]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(update uri :path
(fn [existing]
(if (str/ends-with? existing "/")
(str existing (impl/id->path id))
(str existing "/" (impl/id->path id)))))))
(update uri :path
(fn [existing]
(if (str/ends-with? existing "/")
(str existing (impl/id->path id))
(str existing "/" (impl/id->path id))))))
(defmethod impl/del-object :fs
[{:keys [::wrk/executor] :as backend} {:keys [id] :as object}]
[backend {:keys [id] :as object}]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [base (fs/path (::directory backend))
path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
path (fs/join base path)]
(Files/deleteIfExists ^Path path))))
(let [base (fs/path (::directory backend))
path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
path (fs/join base path)]
(Files/deleteIfExists ^Path path)))
(defmethod impl/del-objects-in-bulk :fs
[{:keys [::wrk/executor] :as backend} ids]
[backend ids]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(px/with-dispatch executor
(let [base (fs/path (::directory backend))]
(doseq [id ids]
(let [path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
path (fs/join base path)]
(Files/deleteIfExists ^Path path))))))
(let [base (fs/path (::directory backend))]
(doseq [id ids]
(let [path (fs/path (impl/id->path id))
path (fs/join base path)]
(Files/deleteIfExists ^Path path)))))
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
(content (.toPath ^java.io.File data) size)
(instance? String data)
(let [data (.getBytes data "UTF-8")]
(bytes->content data (alength data)))
(let [data (.getBytes ^String data "UTF-8")]
(bytes->content data (alength ^bytes data)))
(bytes? data)
(bytes->content data (or size (alength ^bytes data)))
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
(defn calculate-hash
(let [result (with-open [input (io/input-stream resource)]
(let [result (dm/with-open [input (io/input-stream resource)]
(-> (bh/blake2b-256 input)
(str "blake2b:" result)))
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
(defmethod impl/put-object :s3
[backend object content]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(put-object backend object content))
(p/await! (put-object backend object content)))
(defmethod impl/get-object-data :s3
[backend object]
@ -135,12 +136,13 @@
:cause cause))]
(-> (get-object-data backend object)
(p/catch no-such-key? handle-not-found))))
(p/catch no-such-key? handle-not-found)
(defmethod impl/get-object-bytes :s3
[backend object]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(get-object-bytes backend object))
(p/await! (get-object-bytes backend object)))
(defmethod impl/get-object-url :s3
[backend object options]
@ -150,12 +152,12 @@
(defmethod impl/del-object :s3
[backend object]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(del-object backend object))
(p/await! (del-object backend object)))
(defmethod impl/del-objects-in-bulk :s3
[backend ids]
(us/assert! ::backend backend)
(del-object-in-bulk backend ids))
(p/await! (del-object-in-bulk backend ids)))
;; --- HELPERS
@ -187,13 +189,17 @@
(.writeTimeout default-timeout)
client (-> (S3AsyncClient/builder)
(.serviceConfiguration ^S3Configuration sconfig)
(.asyncConfiguration ^ClientAsyncConfiguration aconfig)
(.httpClient ^NettyNioAsyncHttpClient hclient)
(.region (lookup-region region))
(cond-> (some? endpoint) (.endpointOverride (URI. endpoint)))
client (let [builder (S3AsyncClient/builder)
builder (.serviceConfiguration ^S3AsyncClientBuilder builder ^S3Configuration sconfig)
builder (.asyncConfiguration ^S3AsyncClientBuilder builder ^ClientAsyncConfiguration aconfig)
builder (.httpClient ^S3AsyncClientBuilder builder ^NettyNioAsyncHttpClient hclient)
builder (.region ^S3AsyncClientBuilder builder (lookup-region region))
builder (cond-> ^S3AsyncClientBuilder builder
(some? endpoint)
(.endpointOverride (URI. endpoint)))]
(.build ^S3AsyncClientBuilder builder))
@ -288,6 +294,7 @@
^AsyncRequestBody rbody)
(p/fmap (constantly object)))))
;; FIXME: research how to avoid reflection on close method
(defn- path->stream
(proxy [FilterInputStream] [(io/input-stream path)]
@ -347,8 +354,7 @@
(getObjectRequest ^GetObjectRequest gor)
pgor (.presignGetObject ^S3Presigner presigner ^GetObjectPresignRequest gopr)]
(u/uri (str (.url ^PresignedGetObjectRequest pgor))))))
(u/uri (str (.url ^PresignedGetObjectRequest pgor)))))
(defn- del-object
[{:keys [::bucket ::client ::prefix]} {:keys [id] :as obj}]
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
;; Mark as deleted the storage object related with the
;; photo-id field.
(some->> photo-id (sto/touch-object! storage) deref)
(some->> photo-id (sto/touch-object! storage))
;; And finally, permanently delete the profile.
(db/delete! conn :profile {:id id})
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
;; Mark as deleted the storage object related with the
;; photo-id field.
(some->> photo-id (sto/touch-object! storage) deref)
(some->> photo-id (sto/touch-object! storage))
;; And finally, permanently delete the team.
(db/delete! conn :team {:id id})
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@
(l/debug :hint "permanently delete font variant" :id (str id))
;; Mark as deleted the all related storage objects
(some->> (:woff1-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage) deref)
(some->> (:woff2-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage) deref)
(some->> (:otf-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage) deref)
(some->> (:ttf-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage) deref)
(some->> (:woff1-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
(some->> (:woff2-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
(some->> (:otf-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
(some->> (:ttf-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
;; And finally, permanently delete the team font variant
(db/delete! conn :team-font-variant {:id id})
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.flags :as flags]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
:password "123123"
:is-demo false}
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(->> params
(cmd.auth/create-profile! conn)
(cmd.auth/create-profile-rels! conn))))))
@ -218,7 +219,7 @@
([pool i {:keys [profile-id team-id] :as params}]
(us/assert uuid? profile-id)
(us/assert uuid? team-id)
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(->> (merge {:id (mk-uuid "project" i)
:name (str "project" i)}
@ -230,7 +231,7 @@
([pool i {:keys [profile-id project-id] :as params}]
(us/assert uuid? profile-id)
(us/assert uuid? project-id)
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(files.create/create-file conn
(merge {:id (mk-uuid "file" i)
:name (str "file" i)
@ -246,7 +247,7 @@
([i params] (create-team* *pool* i params))
([pool i {:keys [profile-id] :as params}]
(us/assert uuid? profile-id)
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(let [id (mk-uuid "team" i)]
(teams/create-team conn {:id id
:profile-id profile-id
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@
([pool {:keys [name width height mtype file-id is-local media-id]
:or {name "sample" width 100 height 100 mtype "image/svg+xml" is-local true}}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(db/insert! conn :file-media-object
{:id (uuid/next)
:file-id file-id
@ -271,12 +272,12 @@
(defn link-file-to-library*
([params] (link-file-to-library* *pool* params))
([pool {:keys [file-id library-id] :as params}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(#'files/link-file-to-library conn {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}))))
(defn create-complaint-for
[pool {:keys [id created-at type]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(db/insert! conn :profile-complaint-report
{:profile-id id
:created-at (or created-at (dt/now))
@ -285,7 +286,7 @@
(defn create-global-complaint-for
[pool {:keys [email type created-at]}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(db/insert! conn :global-complaint-report
{:email email
:type (name type)
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@
(defn create-team-role*
([params] (create-team-role* *pool* params))
([pool {:keys [team-id profile-id role] :or {role :owner}}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(#'teams/create-team-role conn {:team-id team-id
:profile-id profile-id
:role role}))))
@ -303,7 +304,7 @@
(defn create-project-role*
([params] (create-project-role* *pool* params))
([pool {:keys [project-id profile-id role] :or {role :owner}}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(#'teams/create-project-role conn {:project-id project-id
:profile-id profile-id
:role role}))))
@ -311,7 +312,7 @@
(defn create-file-role*
([params] (create-file-role* *pool* params))
([pool {:keys [file-id profile-id role] :or {role :owner}}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(files.create/create-file-role! conn {:file-id file-id
:profile-id profile-id
:role role}))))
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@
([params] (update-file* *pool* params))
([pool {:keys [file-id changes session-id profile-id revn]
:or {session-id (uuid/next) revn 0}}]
(with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(dm/with-open [conn (db/open pool)]
(let [features #{"components/v2"}
cfg (-> (select-keys *system* [::mbus/msgbus ::mtx/metrics])
(assoc ::db/conn conn))]
@ -215,10 +215,10 @@
(t/is (= 1 (count rows))))
;; The underlying storage objects are still available.
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo2))))
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo2))))
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo1))))
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo1))))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo2))))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo2))))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo1))))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo1))))
;; proceed to remove usage of the file
(update-file {:file-id (:id file)
@ -246,10 +246,10 @@
;; Finally, check that some of the objects that are marked as
;; deleted we are unable to retrieve them using standard storage
;; public api.
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo2))))
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo2))))
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo1))))
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo1))))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo2))))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo2))))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmo1))))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object storage (:thumbnail-id fmo1))))
(t/deftest permissions-checks-creating-file
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
sobject @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
sobject (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
profile (th/create-profile* 1 {:is-active true})
project (th/create-project* 1 {:team-id (:default-team-id profile)
:profile-id (:id profile)})
@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
(t/deftest duplicate-file-with-deleted-relations
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
sobject @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
sobject (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
profile (th/create-profile* 1 {:is-active true})
project (th/create-project* 1 {:team-id (:default-team-id profile)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
:media-id (:id sobject)})]
(th/mark-file-deleted* {:id (:id file2)})
@(sto/del-object! storage sobject)
(sto/del-object! storage sobject)
(let [data {::th/type :duplicate-file
::rpc/profile-id (:id profile)
@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
sobject @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
sobject (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
profile (th/create-profile* 1 {:is-active true})
project (th/create-project* 1 {:team-id (:default-team-id profile)
@ -230,9 +230,9 @@
(t/deftest duplicate-project-with-deleted-files
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
sobject @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
sobject (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content (sto/content "content")
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})
profile (th/create-profile* 1 {:is-active true})
project (th/create-project* 1 {:team-id (:default-team-id profile)
:profile-id (:id profile)})
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
(t/is (uuid? media-id))
(t/is (uuid? thumbnail-id))
(let [storage (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
mobj1 @(sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 @(sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
mobj1 (sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 (sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
(t/is (sto/object? mobj1))
(t/is (sto/object? mobj2))
(t/is (= 122785 (:size mobj1)))
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
(t/is (uuid? media-id))
(t/is (uuid? thumbnail-id))
(let [storage (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
mobj1 @(sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 @(sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
mobj1 (sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 (sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
(t/is (sto/object? mobj1))
(t/is (sto/object? mobj2))
(t/is (= 312043 (:size mobj1)))
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
(t/is (uuid? media-id))
(t/is (uuid? thumbnail-id))
(let [storage (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
mobj1 @(sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 @(sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
mobj1 (sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 (sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
(t/is (sto/object? mobj1))
(t/is (sto/object? mobj2))
(t/is (= 122785 (:size mobj1)))
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@
(t/is (uuid? media-id))
(t/is (uuid? thumbnail-id))
(let [storage (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
mobj1 @(sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 @(sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
mobj1 (sto/get-object storage media-id)
mobj2 (sto/get-object storage thumbnail-id)]
(t/is (sto/object? mobj1))
(t/is (sto/object? mobj2))
(t/is (= 312043 (:size mobj1)))
@ -37,61 +37,61 @@
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
content (sto/content "content")
object @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})]
object (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content
:content-type "text/plain"
:other "data"})]
(t/is (sto/object? object))
(t/is (fs/path? @(sto/get-object-path storage object)))
(t/is (fs/path? (sto/get-object-path storage object)))
(t/is (nil? (:expired-at object)))
(t/is (= :assets-fs (:backend object)))
(t/is (= "data" (:other (meta object))))
(t/is (= "text/plain" (:content-type (meta object))))
(t/is (= "content" (slurp @(sto/get-object-data storage object))))
(t/is (= "content" (slurp @(sto/get-object-path storage object))))
(t/is (= "content" (slurp (sto/get-object-data storage object))))
(t/is (= "content" (slurp (sto/get-object-path storage object))))
(t/deftest put-and-retrieve-expired-object
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
content (sto/content "content")
object @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content
::sto/expired-at (dt/in-future {:seconds 1})
:content-type "text/plain"
object (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content
::sto/expired-at (dt/in-future {:seconds 1})
:content-type "text/plain"
(t/is (sto/object? object))
(t/is (dt/instant? (:expired-at object)))
(t/is (dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(t/is (= object @(sto/get-object storage (:id object))))
(t/is (= object (sto/get-object storage (:id object))))
(th/sleep 1000)
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object storage (:id object))))
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object-data storage object)))
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object-url storage object)))
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object-path storage object)))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object storage (:id object))))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object-data storage object)))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object-url storage object)))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object-path storage object)))
(t/deftest put-and-delete-object
(let [storage (-> (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
content (sto/content "content")
object @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content
:content-type "text/plain"
:expired-at (dt/in-future {:seconds 1})})]
object (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content
:content-type "text/plain"
:expired-at (dt/in-future {:seconds 1})})]
(t/is (sto/object? object))
(t/is (true? @(sto/del-object! storage object)))
(t/is (true? (sto/del-object! storage object)))
;; retrieving the same object should be not nil because the
;; deletion is not immediate
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object-data storage object)))
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object-url storage object)))
(t/is (some? @(sto/get-object-path storage object)))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object-data storage object)))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object-url storage object)))
(t/is (some? (sto/get-object-path storage object)))
;; But you can't retrieve the object again because in database is
;; marked as deleted/expired.
(t/is (nil? @(sto/get-object storage (:id object))))
(t/is (nil? (sto/get-object storage (:id object))))
(t/deftest test-deleted-gc-task
@ -99,14 +99,14 @@
content1 (sto/content "content1")
content2 (sto/content "content2")
object1 @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content1
::sto/expired-at (dt/now)
:content-type "text/plain"
object2 @(sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content2
::sto/expired-at (dt/in-past {:hours 2})
:content-type "text/plain"
object1 (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content1
::sto/expired-at (dt/now)
:content-type "text/plain"
object2 (sto/put-object! storage {::sto/content content2
::sto/expired-at (dt/in-past {:hours 2})
:content-type "text/plain"
(th/sleep 200)
Add table
Reference in a new issue