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Snap distances performance improvements

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2021-01-20 18:32:05 +01:00 committed by Andrey Antukh
parent b0ea9d3096
commit dfc6ebfeb0
5 changed files with 111 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -162,14 +162,37 @@
(defn map-perm
"Maps a function to each pair of values that can be combined inside the
function without repetition.
Optional parmeters:
`pred?` A predicate that if not satisfied won't process the pair
`target?` A collection that will be used as seed to be stored
(map-perm vector [1 2 3 4]) => [[1 2] [1 3] [1 4] [2 3] [2 4] [3 4]]"
[mfn coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(map (partial mfn (first coll)) (rest coll))
(map-perm mfn (rest coll)))))
([mfn coll]
(map-perm mfn (constantly true) [] coll))
([mfn pred? coll]
(map-perm mfn pred? [] coll))
([mfn pred? target coll]
(loop [result (transient target)
current (first coll)
coll (rest coll)]
(if (not current)
(persistent! result)
(let [result
(loop [result result
other (first coll)
coll (rest coll)]
(if (not other)
(recur (cond-> result
(pred? current other)
(conj! (mfn current other)))
(first coll)
(rest coll))))]
(recur result
(first coll)
(rest coll)))))))
(defn join
"Returns a new collection with the cartesian product of both collections.

View file

@ -218,27 +218,6 @@
(defn distance-shapes [shape other]
(distance-selrect (:selrect shape) (:selrect other)))
(defn overlap-coord?
"Checks if two shapes overlap in one axis"
[coord shape other]
(let [[s1c1 s1c2 s2c1 s2c2]
;; If checking if overlaps in x-axis we need to check the y
;; coordinates, and the other way around
(if (= coord :x)
[(get-in shape [:selrect :y1])
(get-in shape [:selrect :y2])
(get-in other [:selrect :y1])
(get-in other [:selrect :y2])]
[(get-in shape [:selrect :x1])
(get-in shape [:selrect :x2])
(get-in other [:selrect :x1])
(get-in other [:selrect :x2])])]
(or (and (>= s2c1 s1c1) (<= s2c1 s1c2))
(and (>= s2c2 s1c1) (<= s2c2 s1c2))
(and (>= s1c1 s2c1) (<= s1c1 s2c2))
(and (>= s1c2 s2c1) (<= s1c2 s2c2)))))
(defn setup-selrect [shape]
(let [selrect (gpr/rect->selrect shape)
points (gpr/rect->points shape)]

View file

@ -283,13 +283,19 @@
ids (if (nil? ids) (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected]) ids)
shapes (mapv #(get objects %) ids)
stopper (rx/filter ms/mouse-up? stream)
layout (get state :workspace-layout)]
layout (get state :workspace-layout)
position (->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/take-until stopper)
(rx/map #(gpt/to-vec from-position %)))
snap-delta (->> position
(rx/switch-map #(snap/closest-snap-move page-id shapes objects layout %)))]
(->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/take-until stopper)
(rx/map #(gpt/to-vec from-position %))
(rx/switch-map #(snap/closest-snap-move page-id shapes objects layout %))
(rx/map #(gpt/round % 0))
(->> snap-delta
(rx/with-latest vector position)
(rx/map (fn [[delta pos]] (-> (gpt/add pos delta) (gpt/round 0))))
(rx/map gmt/translate-matrix)
(rx/map #(fn [state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-local :modifiers] {:displacement %}))))

View file

@ -96,10 +96,27 @@
;; snap-x is the second parameter because is the "source" to combine
(rx/combine-latest snap->vector snap-y snap-x)))
(defn sr-distance [coord sr1 sr2]
(let [c1 (if (= coord :x) :x1 :y1)
c2 (if (= coord :x) :x2 :y2)
dist (- (c1 sr2) (c2 sr1))]
(defn overlap? [coord sr1 sr2]
(let [c1 (if (= coord :x) :y1 :x1)
c2 (if (= coord :x) :y2 :x2)
s1c1 (c1 sr1)
s1c2 (c2 sr1)
s2c1 (c1 sr2)
s2c2 (c2 sr2)]
(or (and (>= s2c1 s1c1) (<= s2c1 s1c2))
(and (>= s2c2 s1c1) (<= s2c2 s1c2))
(and (>= s1c1 s2c1) (<= s1c1 s2c2))
(and (>= s1c2 s2c1) (<= s1c2 s2c2)))))
(defn calculate-snap [coord selrect shapes-lt shapes-gt]
(let [dist (fn [[sh1 sh2]] (-> sh1 (gsh/distance-shapes sh2) coord))
dist-lt (fn [other] (-> (:selrect other) (gsh/distance-selrect selrect) coord))
dist-gt (fn [other] (-> selrect (gsh/distance-selrect (:selrect other)) coord))
(let [dist-lt (fn [other] (sr-distance coord (:selrect other) selrect))
dist-gt (fn [other] (sr-distance coord selrect (:selrect other)))
;; Calculates the snap distance when in the middle of two shapes
@ -114,13 +131,12 @@
;; Calculates the distance between all the shapes given as argument
(fn [shapes]
(->> shapes
(fn [selrects]
(->> selrects
(sort-by coord)
(d/map-perm vector)
(filter (fn [[sh1 sh2]] (gsh/overlap-coord? coord sh1 sh2)))
(map dist)
(filterv #(> % 0))))
(d/map-perm #(sr-distance coord %1 %2)
#(overlap? coord %1 %2)
(fn [acc val]
@ -132,13 +148,13 @@
;; Distance between the elements in an area, these are the snap
;; candidates to either side
lt-cand (inner-distance shapes-lt)
gt-cand (inner-distance shapes-gt)
lt-cand (inner-distance (mapv :selrect shapes-lt))
gt-cand (inner-distance (mapv :selrect shapes-gt))
;; Distance between the elements to either side and the current shape
;; this is the distance that will "snap"
lt-dist (mapv dist-lt shapes-lt)
gt-dist (mapv dist-gt shapes-gt)
lt-dist (into #{} (map dist-lt) shapes-lt)
gt-dist (into #{} (map dist-gt) shapes-gt)
;; Calculate the snaps, we need to reverse depending on area
lt-snap (d/join lt-cand lt-dist -)
@ -150,6 +166,7 @@
;; Search the minimum snap
snap-list (-> [] (d/concat lt-snap) (d/concat gt-snap) (d/concat between-snap))
min-snap (reduce best-snap ##Inf snap-list)]
(if (mth/finite? min-snap) [0 min-snap] nil)))
@ -214,11 +231,10 @@
;; Move the points in the translation vector
(map #(gpt/add % movev)))]
(->> (rx/merge (closest-snap page-id frame-id shapes-points filter-shapes)
(when (contains? layout :dynamic-alignment)
(closest-distance-snap page-id shapes objects movev)))
(rx/reduce gpt/min)
(rx/map #(or % (gpt/point 0 0)))
(rx/map #(gpt/add movev %))
(rx/map #(gpt/round % 0)))))
(rx/map #(or % (gpt/point 0 0))))))

View file

@ -112,12 +112,30 @@
:x2 x2 :y2 y2
:style {:stroke line-color :stroke-width (str (/ 1 zoom))}}])]))
(defn calculate-segments [coord selrect lt-shapes gt-shapes]
(let [pair->distance+pair
(fn [[sh1 sh2]]
[(-> (gsh/distance-shapes sh1 sh2) coord (mth/precision 0)) [sh1 sh2]])
(defn add-distance [coord sh1 sh2]
(let [sr1 (:selrect sh1)
sr2 (:selrect sh2)
c1 (if (= coord :x) :x1 :y1)
c2 (if (= coord :x) :x2 :y2)
dist (mth/precision (- (c1 sr2) (c2 sr1)) 0)]
[dist [sh1 sh2]]))
(defn overlap? [coord sh1 sh2]
(let [sr1 (:selrect sh1)
sr2 (:selrect sh2)
c1 (if (= coord :x) :y1 :x1)
c2 (if (= coord :x) :y2 :x2)
s1c1 (c1 sr1)
s1c2 (c2 sr1)
s2c1 (c1 sr2)
s2c2 (c2 sr2)]
(or (and (>= s2c1 s1c1) (<= s2c1 s1c2))
(and (>= s2c2 s1c1) (<= s2c2 s1c2))
(and (>= s1c1 s2c1) (<= s1c1 s2c2))
(and (>= s1c2 s2c1) (<= s1c2 s2c2)))))
(defn calculate-segments [coord selrect lt-shapes gt-shapes]
(let [distance-to-selrect
(fn [shape]
(let [sr (:selrect shape)]
(-> (if (<= (coord sr) (coord selrect))
@ -129,11 +147,10 @@
(fn [pred? shapes]
(->> shapes
(sort-by coord)
(d/map-perm vector)
(filter (fn [[sh1 sh2]] (gsh/overlap-coord? coord sh1 sh2)))
(map pair->distance+pair)
(filter (comp pred? first))))
(sort-by (comp coord :selrect))
(d/map-perm #(add-distance coord %1 %2)
#(overlap? coord %1 %2))
(filterv (comp pred? first))))
;; Checks if the value is in a set of numbers with an error margin
@ -144,15 +161,17 @@
;; Left/Top shapes and right/bottom shapes (depends on `coord` parameter
;; Gets the distance to the current selection
lt-distances (->> lt-shapes (map distance-to-selrect) (filter pos?) (into #{}))
gt-distances (->> gt-shapes (map distance-to-selrect) (filter pos?) (into #{}))
distances-xf (comp (map distance-to-selrect) (filter pos?))
lt-distances (into #{} distances-xf lt-shapes)
gt-distances (into #{} distances-xf gt-shapes)
distances (set/union lt-distances gt-distances)
;; We'll show the distances that match a distance from the selrect
show-candidate? #(check-in-set % (set/union lt-distances gt-distances))
show-candidate? #(check-in-set % distances)
;; Checks the distances between elements for distances that match the set of distances
distance-coincidences (concat (get-shapes-match show-candidate? lt-shapes)
(get-shapes-match show-candidate? gt-shapes))
distance-coincidences (d/concat (get-shapes-match show-candidate? lt-shapes)
(get-shapes-match show-candidate? gt-shapes))
;; Stores the distance candidates to be shown
distance-candidates (d/concat
@ -219,14 +238,16 @@
(->> (query-side lt-side)
(rx/combine-latest vector (query-side gt-side)))))
[lt-shapes gt-shapes] @to-measure
segments-to-display (calculate-segments coord selrect lt-shapes gt-shapes)]
segments-to-display (mf/use-memo
(mf/deps @to-measure)
#(calculate-segments coord selrect lt-shapes gt-shapes))]
(fn []
(let [sub (->> subject
(rx/throttle 100)
(rx/switch-map query-worker)
(rx/subs #(reset! to-measure %)))]
;; On unmount dispose