mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 15:11:26 -05:00
🔧 Refactor sync-file for performance
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 136 additions and 89 deletions
@ -112,7 +112,9 @@
redo-changes (:redo-changes changes)
new-changes (if (< index (count redo-changes))
(->> (subvec (:redo-changes changes) index)
(map #(assoc % :page-id uuid/zero)))
(map #(-> %
(assoc :page-id uuid/zero)
(dissoc :component-id))))
new-file-data (cp/process-changes file-data new-changes)]
(vary-meta changes assoc ::file-data new-file-data
@ -238,9 +238,9 @@
(defn uses-library-color?
"Check if the shape uses the given library color."
[shape library-id color]
[shape library-id color-id]
(let [all-colors (get-all-colors shape)]
(some #(and (= (:ref-id %) (:id color))
(some #(and (= (:ref-id %) color-id)
(= (:ref-file %) library-id))
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
(ns app.common.types.component)
(defn instance-of?
[shape file-id component]
[shape file-id component-id]
(and (some? (:component-id shape))
(some? (:component-file shape))
(= (:component-id shape) (:id component))
(= (:component-id shape) component-id)
(= (:component-file shape) file-id)))
(defn is-main-of?
@ -28,3 +28,9 @@
(get-in component [:objects (:id component)]))
(defn uses-library-components?
"Check if the shape uses any component in the given library."
[shape library-id]
(and (some? (:component-id shape))
(= (:component-file shape) library-id)))
@ -123,15 +123,15 @@
(defmethod uses-asset? :component
[_ shape library-id component]
(ctk/instance-of? shape library-id component))
(ctk/instance-of? shape library-id (:id component)))
(defmethod uses-asset? :color
[_ shape library-id color]
(ctc/uses-library-color? shape library-id color))
(ctc/uses-library-color? shape library-id (:id color)))
(defmethod uses-asset? :typography
[_ shape library-id typography]
(cty/uses-library-typography? shape library-id typography))
(cty/uses-library-typography? shape library-id (:id typography)))
(defn find-asset-type-usages
"Find all usages of an asset in a file (may be in pages or in the components
@ -49,13 +49,13 @@
(defn uses-library-typography?
"Check if the shape uses the given library typography."
[shape library-id typography]
[shape library-id typography-id]
(and (= (:type shape) :text)
(->> shape
;; Check if any node in the content has a reference for the library
#(and (= (:typography-ref-id %) (:id typography))
#(and (= (:typography-ref-id %) typography-id)
(= (:typography-ref-file %) library-id))))))
(defn remap-typographies
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
(t/is (= (count components) 1))
(t/is (= (:name p-group) "Group1"))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? p-group file-id component1))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? p-group file-id (:id component1)))
(t/is (not (ctk/is-main-instance? (:id p-group) file-page-id component1)))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? c-group1 p-group))
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
(pcb/update-color color))]
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction)
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id)
(sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id :colors (:id color))
(defn update-color
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
(pcb/update-typography typography))]
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction)
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id)
(sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id :typographies (:id typography))
(defn update-typography
@ -577,13 +577,15 @@
(ptk/reify ::update-component-sync
(watch [_ state _]
(let [current-file-id (:current-file-id state)]
(let [current-file-id (:current-file-id state)
page (wsh/lookup-page state)
shape (ctn/get-shape page shape-id)]
(update-component shape-id)
(sync-file current-file-id file-id)
(sync-file current-file-id file-id :components (:component-id shape))
(when (not= current-file-id file-id)
(sync-file file-id file-id))
(sync-file file-id file-id :components (:component-id shape)))
(defn update-component-in-bulk
@ -603,62 +605,77 @@
shapes in all pages in the file that use some color, typography or
component of the library, and copy the new values to the shapes. Do
it also for shapes inside components of the local file library."
[file-id library-id]
(us/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(us/assert ::us/uuid library-id)
(ptk/reify ::sync-file
(update [_ state]
(if (not= library-id (:current-file-id state))
(d/assoc-in-when state [:workspace-libraries library-id :synced-at] (dt/now))
([file-id library-id]
(sync-file file-id library-id nil nil))
([file-id library-id asset-type asset-id]
(us/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(us/assert ::us/uuid library-id)
(us/assert (s/nilable #{:colors :components :typographies}) asset-type)
(us/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id)
(ptk/reify ::sync-file
(update [_ state]
(if (not= library-id (:current-file-id state))
(d/assoc-in-when state [:workspace-libraries library-id :synced-at] (dt/now))
(watch [it state _]
(when (and (some? file-id) (some? library-id)) ; Prevent race conditions while navigating out of the file
(log/info :msg "SYNC-FILE"
:file (dwlh/pretty-file file-id state)
:library (dwlh/pretty-file library-id state))
(let [file (wsh/get-file state file-id)
(watch [it state _]
(when (and (some? file-id) (some? library-id)) ; Prevent race conditions while navigating out of the file
(log/info :msg "SYNC-FILE"
:file (dwlh/pretty-file file-id state)
:library (dwlh/pretty-file library-id state))
(let [file (wsh/get-file state file-id)
library-changes (reduce
(pcb/empty-changes it)
[(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components library-id state)
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :colors library-id state)
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :typographies library-id state)])
file-changes (reduce
(pcb/empty-changes it)
[(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components library-id state)
(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :colors library-id state)
(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :typographies library-id state)])
sync-components? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :components))
sync-colors? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :colors))
sync-typographies? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :typographies))
changes (pcb/concat-changes library-changes file-changes)]
library-changes (reduce
(pcb/empty-changes it)
[(when sync-components?
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components asset-id library-id state))
(when sync-colors?
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :colors asset-id library-id state))
(when sync-typographies?
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :typographies asset-id library-id state))])
file-changes (reduce
(pcb/empty-changes it)
[(when sync-components?
(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components asset-id library-id state))
(when sync-colors?
(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :colors asset-id library-id state))
(when sync-typographies?
(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :typographies asset-id library-id state))])
(log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes
(:redo-changes changes)
(rx/of (dm/hide-tag :sync-dialog))
(when (seq (:redo-changes changes))
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes (assoc changes ;; TODO a ver qué pasa con esto
:file-id file-id))))
(when (not= file-id library-id)
;; When we have just updated the library file, give some time for the
;; update to finish, before marking this file as synced.
;; TODO: look for a more precise way of syncing this.
;; Maybe by using the stream (second argument passed to watch)
;; to wait for the corresponding changes-committed and then proceed
;; with the :update-sync mutation.
(rx/concat (rx/timer 3000)
(rp/mutation :update-sync
{:file-id file-id
:library-id library-id})))
(when (seq (:redo-changes library-changes))
(rx/of (sync-file-2nd-stage file-id library-id)))))))))
changes (pcb/concat-changes library-changes file-changes)]
(defn sync-file-2nd-stage
(log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes
(:redo-changes changes)
(rx/of (dm/hide-tag :sync-dialog))
(when (seq (:redo-changes changes))
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes (assoc changes ;; TODO a ver qué pasa con esto
:file-id file-id))))
(when (not= file-id library-id)
;; When we have just updated the library file, give some time for the
;; update to finish, before marking this file as synced.
;; TODO: look for a more precise way of syncing this.
;; Maybe by using the stream (second argument passed to watch)
;; to wait for the corresponding changes-committed and then proceed
;; with the :update-sync mutation.
(rx/concat (rx/timer 3000)
(rp/mutation :update-sync
{:file-id file-id
:library-id library-id})))
(when (and (seq (:redo-changes library-changes))
(rx/of (sync-file-2nd-stage file-id library-id))))))))))
(defn- sync-file-2nd-stage
"If some components have been modified, we need to launch another synchronization
to update the instances of the changed components."
;; TODO: this does not work if there are multiple nested components. Only the
@ -667,9 +684,10 @@
;; recursively. But for this not to cause an infinite loop, we need to
;; implement updated-at at component level, to detect what components have
;; not changed, and then not to apply sync and terminate the loop.
[file-id library-id]
[file-id library-id asset-id]
(us/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(us/assert ::us/uuid library-id)
(us/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id)
(ptk/reify ::sync-file-2nd-stage
(watch [it state _]
@ -680,8 +698,8 @@
changes (reduce
(pcb/empty-changes it)
[(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components library-id state)
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components library-id state)])]
[(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)
(dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)])]
(when (seq (:redo-changes changes))
(log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE (2nd stage) finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes
(:redo-changes changes)
@ -154,14 +154,19 @@
(defn generate-sync-file
"Generate changes to synchronize all shapes in all pages of the given file,
that use assets of the given type in the given library."
[it file-id asset-type library-id state]
that use assets of the given type in the given library.
If an asset id is given, only shapes linked to this particular asset will
be syncrhonized."
[it file-id asset-type asset-id library-id state]
(s/assert #{:colors :components :typographies} asset-type)
(s/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id)
(s/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(s/assert ::us/uuid library-id)
(log/info :msg "Sync file with library"
:asset-type asset-type
:asset-id asset-id
:file (pretty-file file-id state)
:library (pretty-file library-id state))
@ -174,6 +179,7 @@
(generate-sync-container it
(cph/make-container page :page))))
@ -182,11 +188,19 @@
(defn generate-sync-library
"Generate changes to synchronize all shapes in all components of the
local library of the given file, that use assets of the given type in
the given library."
[it file-id asset-type library-id state]
the given library.
If an asset id is given, only shapes linked to this particular asset will
be syncrhonized."
[it file-id asset-type asset-id library-id state]
(s/assert #{:colors :components :typographies} asset-type)
(s/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id)
(s/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(s/assert ::us/uuid library-id)
(log/info :msg "Sync local components with library"
:asset-type asset-type
:asset-id asset-id
:file (pretty-file file-id state)
:library (pretty-file library-id state))
@ -199,6 +213,7 @@
(generate-sync-container it
(cph/make-container local-component :component))))
@ -207,14 +222,14 @@
(defn- generate-sync-container
"Generate changes to synchronize all shapes in a particular container (a page
or a component) that use assets of the given type in the given library."
[it asset-type library-id state container]
[it asset-type asset-id library-id state container]
(if (cph/page? container)
(log/debug :msg "Sync page in local file" :page-id (:id container))
(log/debug :msg "Sync component in local library" :component-id (:id container)))
(let [linked-shapes (->> (vals (:objects container))
(filter #(uses-assets? asset-type % library-id (cph/page? container))))]
(let [linked-shapes (->> (vals (:objects container))
(filter #(uses-assets? asset-type asset-id % library-id (cph/page? container))))]
(loop [shapes (seq linked-shapes)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/with-container container)
@ -231,21 +246,26 @@
(defmulti uses-assets?
"Checks if a shape uses some asset of the given type in the given library."
(fn [asset-type _ _ _] asset-type))
(fn [asset-type _ _ _ _] asset-type))
(defmethod uses-assets? :components
[_ shape library-id page?]
(and (some? (:component-id shape))
(= (:component-file shape) library-id)
[_ component-id shape library-id page?]
(and (if (nil? component-id)
(ctk/uses-library-components? shape library-id)
(ctk/instance-of? shape library-id component-id))
(or (:component-root? shape) (not page?)))) ; avoid nested components inside pages
(defmethod uses-assets? :colors
[_ shape library-id _]
(ctc/uses-library-colors? shape library-id))
[_ color-id shape library-id _]
(if (nil? color-id)
(ctc/uses-library-colors? shape library-id)
(ctc/uses-library-color? shape library-id color-id)))
(defmethod uses-assets? :typographies
[_ shape library-id _]
(cty/uses-library-typographies? shape library-id))
[_ typography-id shape library-id _]
(if (nil? typography-id)
(cty/uses-library-typographies? shape library-id)
(cty/uses-library-typography? shape library-id typography-id)))
(defmulti generate-sync-shape
"Generate changes to synchronize one shape from all assets of the given type
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
(st/emit! (dwu/start-undo-transaction)
(dwl/delete-component {:id (:component-id @state)})
(dwl/sync-file file-id file-id)
(dwl/sync-file file-id file-id :components (:component-id @state))
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@
(st/emit! (dwu/start-undo-transaction)
(dwl/delete-color color)
(dwl/sync-file file-id file-id)
(dwl/sync-file file-id file-id :color (:id color))
@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@
(st/emit! (dwu/start-undo-transaction)
(dwl/delete-typography (:id @state))
(dwl/sync-file file-id file-id)
(dwl/sync-file file-id file-id :typographies (:id @state))
editing-id (or (:rename-typography local-data)
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
(dwl/delete-component {:id component-id})
(dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file))
(dwl/sync-file (:id file) (:id file) :components component-id)
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.test-helpers.pages :as thp]))
;; ---- Helpers to manage libraries and synchronization
Add table
Reference in a new issue