mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 17:21:17 -05:00
💄 Cosmetic refactor of binfile internal API impl
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 206 additions and 189 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
[app.config :as cf]
[app.db :as db]
[app.media :as media]
[app.rpc.queries.files :refer [decode-row check-edition-permissions!]]
[app.rpc.queries.files :as files]
[app.rpc.queries.profile :as profile]
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.storage.tmp :as tmp]
@ -41,7 +41,32 @@
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; Threshold in MiB when we pass from using
;; in-memory byte-array's to use temporal files.
(def temp-file-threshold
(* 1024 1024 2))
;; Represents the current processing file-id on
;; export process.
(def ^:dynamic *file-id*)
;; Stores all media file object references of
;; processed files on import process.
(def ^:dynamic *media*)
;; Stores the objects index on reamping subprocess
;; part of the import process.
(def ^:dynamic *index*)
;; Has the current connection used on the import
;; process.
(def ^:dynamic *conn*)
(def ^:const buffer-size (:xnio/buffer-size yt/defaults))
@ -62,18 +87,6 @@
:code :invalid-mark-id
:hint (format "invalid mark id %s" id))))
;; (defn buffered-output-stream
;; "Returns a buffered output stream that ignores flush calls. This is
;; needed because transit-java calls flush very aggresivelly on each
;; object write."
;; [^java.io.OutputStream os ^long chunk-size]
;; (proxy [java.io.BufferedOutputStream] [os (int chunk-size)]
;; ;; Explicitly do not forward flush
;; (flush [])
;; (close []
;; (proxy-super flush)
;; (proxy-super close)))
(defmacro assert
[expr hint]
`(when-not ~expr
@ -98,7 +111,7 @@
:code :unexpected-label
:hint (format "received label %s, expected %s" v# ~label)))))
(defn write-byte!
[^DataOutputStream output data]
@ -142,7 +155,7 @@
(swap! *position* + readed)
(defn write-uuid!
[^DataOutputStream output id]
@ -241,9 +254,6 @@
(copy-stream! output stream size))
(def size-2mib
(* 1024 1024 2))
(defn read-stream!
[^DataInputStream input]
(l/trace :fn "read-stream!" :position @*position* ::l/async false)
@ -257,15 +267,12 @@
:code :max-file-size-reached
:hint (str/ffmt "unable to import storage object with size % bytes" s)))
(if (> s size-2mib)
;; If size is more than 2MiB, use a temporal file.
(if (> s temp-file-threshold)
(with-open [^OutputStream output (io/output-stream p)]
(let [readed (bs/copy! input output :offset 0 :size s)]
(l/trace :fn "read-stream*!" :expected s :readed readed :position @*position* ::l/async false)
(swap! *position* + readed)
[s p]))
;; If not, use an in-memory byte-array.
[s (bs/read-as-bytes input :size s)])))
(defmacro assert-read-label!
@ -278,13 +285,15 @@
:hint (format "unxpected label found: %s, expected: %s" readed# expected#)))))
;; API
;; --- HELPERS
(defn- retrieve-file
[pool file-id]
(->> (db/query pool :file {:id file-id})
(map decode-row)
(map files/decode-row)
(def ^:private sql:file-media-objects
@ -333,29 +342,130 @@
(with-open [^AutoCloseable conn (db/open pool)]
(db/exec! conn [sql:file-library-rels (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)])))
(defn- embed-file-assets
[pool {:keys [id] :as file}]
(letfn [(walk-map-form [state form]
(s/def ::output bs/output-stream?)
(s/def ::file-ids (s/every ::us/uuid :kind vector? :min-count 1))
(s/def ::include-libraries? (s/nilable ::us/boolean))
(s/def ::embed-assets? (s/nilable ::us/boolean))
(s/def ::write-export-options
(s/keys :req-un [::db/pool ::sto/storage]
:req [::output ::file-ids]
:opt [::include-libraries? ::embed-assets?]))
(defn write-export!
"Do the exportation of a speficied file in custom penpot binary
format. There are some options available for customize the output:
`::include-libraries?`: additionaly to the specified file, all the
linked libraries also will be included (including transitive
`::embed-assets?`: instead of including the libraryes, embedd in the
same file library all assets used from external libraries.
[{:keys [pool storage ::output ::file-ids ::include-libraries? ::embed-assets?] :as options}]
(us/assert! ::write-export-options options)
:expr (not (and include-libraries? embed-assets?))
:hint "the `include-libraries?` and `embed-assets?` are mutally excluding options")
(letfn [(write-header [output files]
(let [sections [:v1/files :v1/rels :v1/sobjects]
mdata {:penpot-version (:full cf/version)
:sections sections
:files files}]
(write-header! output :version 1 :metadata mdata)))
(write-files [output files sids]
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section :v1/files :total (count files) ::l/async false)
(write-label! output :v1/files)
(doseq [file-id files]
(let [file (cond-> (retrieve-file pool file-id)
embed-assets? (update :data embed-file-assets file-id))
media (retrieve-file-media pool file)]
;; Collect all storage ids for later write them all under
;; specific storage objects section.
(vswap! sids into (sequence storage-object-id-xf media))
(l/trace :hint "write penpot file"
:id file-id
:media (count media)
::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-obj! file)
(write-obj! media)))))
(write-rels [output files]
(let [rels (when include-libraries? (retrieve-library-relations pool files))]
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section :v1/rels :total (count rels) ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-label! :v1/rels)
(write-obj! rels))))
(write-sobjects [output sids]
(l/debug :hint "write section"
:section :v1/sobjects
:items (count sids)
::l/async false)
;; Write all collected storage objects
(doto output
(write-label! :v1/sobjects)
(write-obj! sids))
(let [storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)]
(doseq [id sids]
(let [{:keys [size] :as obj} @(sto/get-object storage id)]
(l/trace :hint "write sobject" :id id ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-uuid! id)
(write-obj! (meta obj)))
(with-open [^InputStream stream @(sto/get-object-data storage obj)]
(let [written (write-stream! output stream size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :mismatch-readed-size
:hint (str/ffmt "found unexpected object size; size=% written=%" size written)))))))))
(embed-file-assets [data file-id]
(binding [*file-id* file-id]
(let [assets (volatile! [])]
(walk/postwalk #(cond-> % (map? %) (walk-map-form assets)) data)
(->> (deref assets)
(filter #(as-> (first %) $ (and (uuid? $) (not= $ file-id))))
(d/group-by first rest)
(reduce process-group-of-assets data)))))
(walk-map-form [form state]
(uuid? (:fill-color-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:fill-color-ref-file form) :colors (:fill-color-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :fill-color-ref-file id))
(assoc form :fill-color-ref-file *file-id*))
(uuid? (:stroke-color-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:stroke-color-ref-file form) :colors (:stroke-color-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :stroke-color-ref-file id))
(assoc form :stroke-color-ref-file *file-id*))
(uuid? (:typography-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:typography-ref-file form) :typographies (:typography-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :typography-ref-file id))
(assoc form :typography-ref-file *file-id*))
(uuid? (:component-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:component-file form) :components (:component-id form)])
(assoc form :component-file id))
(assoc form :component-file *file-id*))
@ -374,133 +484,37 @@
;; correctly set the :file-id prop (pending of the
;; refactor that will remove it).
asset (cond-> asset
(= bucket :colors) (assoc :file-id id))]
(= bucket :colors) (assoc :file-id *file-id*))]
(update data bucket assoc asset-id asset)))]
(update file :data (fn [data]
(let [assets (volatile! [])]
(walk/postwalk #(cond->> % (map? %) (walk-map-form assets)) data)
(->> (deref assets)
(filter #(as-> (first %) $ (and (uuid? $) (not= $ id))))
(d/group-by first rest)
(reduce process-group-of-assets data)))))))
(with-open [output (bs/zstd-output-stream output :level 12)]
(with-open [output (bs/data-output-stream output)]
(let [libs (when include-libraries? (retrieve-libraries pool file-ids))
files (into file-ids libs)
sids (volatile! #{})]
(defn write-export!
"Do the exportation of a speficied file in custom penpot binary
format. There are some options available for customize the output:
;; Write header with metadata
(l/debug :hint "exportation summary"
:files (count files)
:embed-assets? embed-assets?
:include-libs? include-libraries?
::l/async false)
`::include-libraries?`: additionaly to the specified file, all the
linked libraries also will be included (including transitive
(write-header output files)
(write-files output files sids)
(write-rels output files)
(write-sobjects output (vec @sids)))))))
`::embed-assets?`: instead of including the libraryes, embedd in the
same file library all assets used from external libraries.
(s/def ::project-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::input bs/input-stream?)
(s/def ::overwrite? (s/nilable ::us/boolean))
(s/def ::migrate? (s/nilable ::us/boolean))
(s/def ::ignore-index-errors? (s/nilable ::us/boolean))
[{:keys [pool storage ::output ::file-ids ::include-libraries? ::embed-assets?] :as options}]
(us/assert! :spec ::db/pool :val pool)
(us/assert! :spec ::sto/storage :val storage)
:expr (every? uuid? file-ids)
:hint "`files` should be a vector of uuid")
:expr (bs/data-output-stream? output)
:hint "`output` should be an instance of OutputStream")
:expr (d/boolean-or-nil? include-libraries?)
:hint "invalid value provided for `include-libraries?` option, expected boolean")
:expr (d/boolean-or-nil? embed-assets?)
:hint "invalid value provided for `embed-assets?` option, expected boolean")
:always? true
:expr (not (and include-libraries? embed-assets?))
:hint "the `include-libraries?` and `embed-assets?` are mutally excluding options")
(let [libs (when include-libraries? (retrieve-libraries pool file-ids))
files (into file-ids libs)
rels (when include-libraries? (retrieve-library-relations pool file-ids))
sids (volatile! #{})]
;; Write header with metadata
(l/debug :hint "exportation summary"
:files (count files)
:rels (count rels)
:embed-assets? embed-assets?
:include-libs? include-libraries?
::l/async false)
(let [sections [:v1/files :v1/rels :v1/sobjects]
mdata {:penpot-version (:full cf/version)
:sections sections
:files files}]
(write-header! output :version 1 :metadata mdata))
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section :v1/files :total (count files) ::l/async false)
(write-label! output :v1/files)
(doseq [file-id files]
(let [file (cond->> (retrieve-file pool file-id)
embed-assets? (embed-file-assets pool))
media (retrieve-file-media pool file)]
;; Collect all storage ids for later write them all under
;; specific storage objects section.
(vswap! sids into (sequence storage-object-id-xf media))
(l/trace :hint "write penpot file"
:id file-id
:media (count media)
::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-obj! file)
(write-obj! media))))
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section :v1/rels :total (count rels) ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-label! :v1/rels)
(write-obj! rels))
(let [sids (into [] @sids)]
(l/debug :hint "write section"
:section :v1/sobjects
:items (count sids)
::l/async false)
;; Write all collected storage objects
(doto output
(write-label! :v1/sobjects)
(write-obj! sids))
(let [storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)]
(doseq [id sids]
(let [{:keys [size] :as obj} @(sto/get-object storage id)]
(l/trace :hint "write sobject" :id id ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-uuid! id)
(write-obj! (meta obj)))
(with-open [^InputStream stream @(sto/get-object-data storage obj)]
(let [written (write-stream! output stream size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :mismatch-readed-size
:hint (str/ffmt "found unexpected object size; size=% written=%" size written)))))))))))
;; Dynamic variables for importation process.
(def ^:dynamic *files*)
(def ^:dynamic *media*)
(def ^:dynamic *index*)
(def ^:dynamic *conn*)
(s/def ::read-import-options
(s/keys :req-un [::db/pool ::sto/storage]
:req [::project-id ::input]
:opt [::overwrite? ::migrate? ::ignore-index-errors?]))
(defn read-import!
"Do the importation of the specified resource in penpot custom binary
@ -517,9 +531,11 @@
happen with broken files; defaults to: `false`.
[{:keys [pool storage ::project-id ::ts ::input ::overwrite? ::migrate? ::ignore-index-errors?]
:or {overwrite? false migrate? false ts (dt/now)}
:as cfg}]
[{:keys [pool storage ::project-id ::timestamp ::input ::overwrite? ::migrate? ::ignore-index-errors?]
:or {overwrite? false migrate? false timestamp (dt/now)}
:as options}]
(us/assert! ::read-import-options options)
(letfn [(lookup-index [id]
(if ignore-index-errors?
@ -608,12 +624,12 @@
(:modified-at params)
(:data params)])))
(read-files-section! [input]
(read-files-section! [input expected-files]
(l/debug :hint "reading section" :section :v1/files ::l/async false)
(assert-read-label! input :v1/files)
;; Process/Read all file
(doseq [expected-file-id *files*]
(doseq [expected-file-id expected-files]
(let [file (read-obj! input)
media' (read-obj! input)
file-id (:id file)]
@ -648,8 +664,8 @@
:revn (:revn file)
:is-shared (:is-shared file)
:data (blob/encode data)
:created-at ts
:modified-at ts}]
:created-at timestamp
:modified-at timestamp}]
(l/trace :hint "create file" :id file-id' ::l/async false)
@ -668,7 +684,7 @@
;; Insert all file relations
(doseq [rel rels]
(let [rel (-> rel
(assoc :synced-at ts)
(assoc :synced-at timestamp)
(update :file-id lookup-index)
(update :library-file-id lookup-index))]
(l/trace :hint "create file library link"
@ -717,13 +733,7 @@
(update :file-id lookup-index)
(d/update-when :media-id lookup-index)
(d/update-when :thumbnail-id lookup-index))
{:on-conflict-do-nothing overwrite?}))))
(read-section! [section input]
(case section
:v1/rels (read-rels-section! input)
:v1/files (read-files-section! input)
:v1/sobjects (read-sobjects-section! input)))]
{:on-conflict-do-nothing overwrite?}))))]
(with-open [input (bs/zstd-input-stream input)]
(with-open [input (bs/data-input-stream input)]
@ -735,9 +745,13 @@
(l/debug :hint "import verified" :files files :overwrite? overwrite?)
(binding [*index* (volatile! (update-index {} files))
*media* (volatile! [])
*files* files
*conn* conn]
(run! #(read-section! % input) sections))))))))
(doseq [section sections]
(case section
:v1/rels (read-rels-section! input)
:v1/files (read-files-section! input files)
:v1/sobjects (read-sobjects-section! input))))))))))
(defn export!
@ -748,11 +762,9 @@
(l/info :hint "start exportation" :export-id id)
(with-open [output (io/output-stream path)]
(with-open [output (bs/zstd-output-stream output :level 12)]
(with-open [output (bs/data-output-stream output)]
(binding [*position* (atom 0)]
(write-export! (assoc cfg ::output output))
(binding [*position* (atom 0)]
(write-export! (assoc cfg ::output output))
(catch Throwable cause
(vreset! cs cause)
@ -798,7 +810,7 @@
"Export a penpot file in a binary format."
[{:keys [pool] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id file-id include-libraries? embed-assets?] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id file-id)
(files/check-read-permissions! conn profile-id file-id)
(let [path (export! (assoc cfg
::file-ids [file-id]
::embed-assets? embed-assets?
@ -809,17 +821,16 @@
:body (io/input-stream path)
:headers {"content-type" "application/octet-stream"}))}))))
(s/def ::input ::media/upload)
(s/def ::file ::media/upload)
(s/def ::import-binfile
(s/keys :req-un [::profile-id ::input]))
(s/keys :req-un [::profile-id ::file]))
(sv/defmethod ::import-binfile
"Import a penpot file in a binary format."
[{:keys [pool] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id input] :as params}]
(let [project-id (some-> (profile/retrieve-additional-data pool profile-id) :default-project-id)]
[{:keys [pool] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id file] :as params}]
(let [project-id (-> (profile/retrieve-additional-data pool profile-id) :default-project-id)]
(import! (assoc cfg
::input (:path input)
::input (:path file)
::project-id project-id
::ignore-index-errors? true))))
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@
(defn- send-command!
"A simple helper for a common case of sending and receiving transit
data to the penpot mutation api."
[id {:keys [blob? form-data?] :as params}]
[id params {:keys [response-type form-data?]}]
(->> (http/send! {:method :post
:uri (u/join base-uri "api/rpc/command/" (name id))
:credentials "include"
:body (if form-data? (http/form-data params) (http/transit-data params))
:response-type (if blob? :blob :text)})
:response-type (or response-type :text)})
(rx/map http/conditional-decode-transit)
(rx/mapcat handle-response)))
@ -105,7 +105,15 @@
(defmethod command :default
[id params]
(send-command! id params))
(send-command! id params nil))
(defmethod command :export-binfile
[id params]
(send-command! id params {:response-type :blob}))
(defmethod command :import-binfile
[id params]
(send-command! id params {:form-data? true}))
(defn query!
([id] (query id {}))
@ -457,8 +457,7 @@
(fn [file]
(->> (rp/command! :export-binfile {:file-id (:id file)
:include-libraries? (= export-type :all)
:embed-assets? (= export-type :merge)
:blob? true})
:embed-assets? (= export-type :merge)})
(rx/map #(hash-map :type :finish
:file-id (:id file)
:filename (:name file)
@ -604,8 +604,7 @@
:response-type :blob
:method :get})
(rx/map :body)
(rx/mapcat #(rp/command! :import-binfile {:input %
:form-data? true}))
(rx/mapcat #(rp/command! :import-binfile {:file %}))
(fn [_]
{:status :import-finish
Add table
Reference in a new issue