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Refactor and improve performance on auto size layouts

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2023-10-11 16:40:03 +02:00
parent 14a3a8a527
commit cafc75259a
5 changed files with 356 additions and 301 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.common.geom.bounds-map
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.shapes.common :as gco]
[app.common.geom.shapes.points :as gpo]
[app.common.geom.shapes.transforms :as gtr]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]))
(defn objects->bounds-map
(keys objects)
#(gco/shape->points (get objects %))))
(defn shape->bounds
"Retrieve the shape bounds"
([shape bounds-map objects]
(shape->bounds shape bounds-map objects nil))
([{:keys [id] :as shape} bounds-map objects modif-tree]
(let [shape-modifiers
(if modif-tree
(-> (dm/get-in modif-tree [id :modifiers])
children (cph/get-immediate-children objects id)]
(and (cph/mask-shape? shape) (seq children))
(shape->bounds (-> children first) bounds-map objects modif-tree)
(cph/group-shape? shape)
(let [;; Transform here to then calculate the bounds relative to the transform
(cond-> @(get bounds-map id)
(not (ctm/empty? shape-modifiers))
(gtr/transform-bounds shape-modifiers))
(->> children
(mapv #(shape->bounds % bounds-map objects modif-tree)))]
(gpo/merge-parent-coords-bounds children-bounds current-bounds))
(cond-> @(get bounds-map id)
(not (ctm/empty? shape-modifiers))
(gtr/transform-bounds shape-modifiers))))))
(defn transform-bounds-map
([bounds-map objects modif-tree]
(transform-bounds-map bounds-map objects modif-tree (->> (keys modif-tree) (map #(get objects %)))))
([bounds-map objects modif-tree tree-seq]
(->> tree-seq
(fn [bounds-map shape]
(assoc bounds-map
(:id shape)
(delay (shape->bounds shape bounds-map objects modif-tree))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.common.geom.modif-tree
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]))
(defn add-modifiers
[modif-tree id modifiers]
(if (ctm/empty? modifiers)
(let [old-modifiers
(dm/get-in modif-tree [id :modifiers])
(ctm/add-modifiers old-modifiers modifiers)]
(cond-> modif-tree
(ctm/empty? new-modifiers)
(dissoc id)
(not (ctm/empty? new-modifiers))
(assoc-in [id :modifiers] new-modifiers)))))
(defn merge-modif-tree
[modif-tree other-tree]
(fn [modif-tree [id {:keys [modifiers]}]]
(add-modifiers modif-tree id modifiers))
(defn apply-structure-modifiers
[objects modif-tree]
(letfn [(update-children-structure-modifiers
[objects ids modifiers]
(reduce #(update %1 %2 ctm/apply-structure-modifiers modifiers) objects ids))
(apply-shape [objects [id {:keys [modifiers]}]]
(cond-> objects
(ctm/has-structure? modifiers)
(update id ctm/apply-structure-modifiers modifiers)
(and (ctm/has-structure? modifiers)
(ctm/has-structure-child? modifiers))
(cph/get-children-ids objects id)
(ctm/select-child-structre-modifiers modifiers))))]
(reduce apply-shape objects modif-tree)))

View file

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.bounds-map :as cgb]
[app.common.geom.modif-tree :as cgt]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.common :as gco]
[app.common.geom.shapes.constraints :as gct]
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
[app.common.geom.shapes.pixel-precision :as gpp]
[app.common.geom.shapes.points :as gpo]
[app.common.geom.shapes.transforms :as gtr]
[app.common.geom.shapes.tree-seq :as cgst]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
@ -30,74 +33,6 @@
;; [(get-in objects [k :name]) v]))
;; modif-tree))))
(defn- get-children-seq
"Given an id returns a sequence of its children"
[id objects]
(->> (tree-seq
#(d/not-empty? (dm/get-in objects [% :shapes]))
#(dm/get-in objects [% :shapes])
(map #(get objects %))))
(defn- resolve-tree
"Given the ids that have changed search for layout roots to recalculate"
[ids objects]
(dm/assert! (or (nil? ids) (set? ids)))
(let [;; Finds the tree root for the current id
(fn [id]
(loop [current id
result id]
(let [shape (get objects current)]
(if (or (not ^boolean shape) (= uuid/zero current))
(let [parent-id (dm/get-prop shape :parent-id)
parent (get objects parent-id)]
;; Frame found, but not layout we return the last layout found (or the id)
(and ^boolean (cph/frame-shape? parent)
(not ^boolean (ctl/any-layout? parent)))
;; Layout found. We continue upward but we mark this layout
(ctl/any-layout? parent)
(recur parent-id parent-id)
;; If group or boolean or other type of group we continue with the last result
(recur parent-id result)))))))
;; Given some roots retrieves the minimum number of tree roots
(fn [result id]
(if (= id uuid/zero)
(let [root (get-tree-root id)
;; Remove the children from the current root
(if ^boolean (cph/has-children? objects root)
(into #{} (remove (partial cph/is-child? objects root)) result)
(->> (cph/get-parent-ids objects root)
(some (partial contains? result)))]
(if (not contains-parent?)
(conj result root)
(->> (reduce search-common-roots #{} ids)
(mapcat #(get-children-seq % objects)))]
(if (contains? ids uuid/zero)
(cons (get objects uuid/zero) result)
(defn- set-children-modifiers
"Propagates the modifiers from a parent too its children applying constraints if necesary"
[modif-tree children objects bounds parent transformed-parent-bounds ignore-constraints]
@ -111,7 +46,7 @@
(loop [modif-tree modif-tree
children (seq children)]
(if-let [current (first children)]
(recur (update-in modif-tree [current :modifiers] ctm/add-modifiers modifiers)
(recur (cgt/add-modifiers modif-tree current modifiers)
(rest children))
@ -127,66 +62,31 @@
child (get objects child-id)]
(if (some? child)
(let [child-bounds @(get bounds child-id)
child-modifiers (gct/calc-child-modifiers parent child modifiers ignore-constraints child-bounds parent-bounds transformed-parent-bounds)]
(recur (cond-> modif-tree
(not (ctm/empty? child-modifiers))
(update-in [child-id :modifiers] ctm/add-modifiers child-modifiers))
(gct/calc-child-modifiers parent child modifiers ignore-constraints child-bounds parent-bounds transformed-parent-bounds)]
(recur (cgt/add-modifiers modif-tree child-id child-modifiers)
(rest children)))
(recur modif-tree (rest children))))))))))
(defn get-group-bounds
[objects bounds modif-tree shape]
(let [shape-id (:id shape)
modifiers (-> (dm/get-in modif-tree [shape-id :modifiers])
children (cph/get-immediate-children objects shape-id)]
(and (cph/mask-shape? shape) (seq children))
(get-group-bounds objects bounds modif-tree (-> children first))
(cph/group-shape? shape)
(let [;; Transform here to then calculate the bounds relative to the transform
(cond-> @(get bounds shape-id)
(not (ctm/empty? modifiers))
(gtr/transform-bounds modifiers))
(->> children
(mapv #(get-group-bounds objects bounds modif-tree %)))]
(gpo/merge-parent-coords-bounds children-bounds current-bounds))
(cond-> @(get bounds shape-id)
(not (ctm/empty? modifiers))
(gtr/transform-bounds modifiers)))))
(defn- set-flex-layout-modifiers
[modif-tree children objects bounds parent transformed-parent-bounds]
(letfn [(apply-modifiers [child]
[(-> (get-group-bounds objects bounds modif-tree child)
[(-> (cgb/shape->bounds child bounds objects modif-tree)
(gpo/parent-coords-bounds @transformed-parent-bounds))
(set-child-modifiers [[layout-line modif-tree] [child-bounds child]]
(let [[modifiers layout-line]
(gcfl/layout-child-modifiers parent transformed-parent-bounds child child-bounds layout-line)
(gcfl/layout-child-modifiers parent transformed-parent-bounds child child-bounds layout-line)]
[layout-line (cgt/add-modifiers modif-tree (:id child) modifiers)]))]
(cond-> modif-tree
(d/not-empty? modifiers)
(update-in [(:id child) :modifiers] ctm/add-modifiers modifiers))]
[layout-line modif-tree]))]
(let [children (->> children
(keep (d/getf objects))
(remove :hidden)
(remove gco/invalid-geometry?)
(map apply-modifiers))
(let [children
(->> children
(keep (d/getf objects))
(remove :hidden)
(remove gco/invalid-geometry?)
(map apply-modifiers))
layout-data (gcfl/calc-layout-data parent @transformed-parent-bounds children bounds objects)
children (into [] (cond-> children (not (:reverse? layout-data)) reverse))
@ -210,23 +110,18 @@
[modif-tree objects bounds parent transformed-parent-bounds]
(letfn [(apply-modifiers [child]
[(-> (get-group-bounds objects bounds modif-tree child)
[(-> (cgb/shape->bounds child bounds objects modif-tree)
(gpo/parent-coords-bounds @transformed-parent-bounds))
(set-child-modifiers [modif-tree grid-data cell-data [child-bounds child]]
(let [modifiers
(gcgl/child-modifiers parent transformed-parent-bounds child child-bounds grid-data cell-data)
(gcgl/child-modifiers parent transformed-parent-bounds child child-bounds grid-data cell-data)]
(cgt/add-modifiers modif-tree (:id child) modifiers)))]
(cond-> modif-tree
(d/not-empty? modifiers)
(update-in [(:id child) :modifiers] ctm/add-modifiers modifiers))]
(let [children (->> (cph/get-immediate-children objects (:id parent))
(remove :hidden)
(remove gco/invalid-geometry?)
(map apply-modifiers))
(let [children
(->> (cph/get-immediate-children objects (:id parent) {:remove-hidden true})
(map apply-modifiers))
grid-data (gcgl/calc-layout-data parent @transformed-parent-bounds children bounds objects)]
(loop [modif-tree modif-tree
bound+child (first children)
@ -239,52 +134,6 @@
(recur modif-tree (first pending) (rest pending)))
(defn- calc-auto-modifiers
"Calculates the modifiers to adjust the bounds for auto-width/auto-height shapes"
[objects bounds parent]
(let [parent-id (:id parent)
parent-bounds (get bounds parent-id)
(fn [modifiers auto-width]
(let [origin (gpo/origin @parent-bounds)
scale-width (/ auto-width (gpo/width-points @parent-bounds))]
(-> modifiers
(ctm/resize (gpt/point scale-width 1) origin (:transform parent) (:transform-inverse parent)))))
(fn [modifiers auto-height]
(let [origin (gpo/origin @parent-bounds)
scale-height (/ auto-height (gpo/height-points @parent-bounds))]
(-> modifiers
(ctm/resize (gpt/point 1 scale-height) origin (:transform parent) (:transform-inverse parent)))))
children (->> (cph/get-immediate-children objects parent-id)
(remove :hidden)
(remove gco/invalid-geometry?))
(when (and (d/not-empty? children) (or (ctl/auto-height? parent) (ctl/auto-width? parent)))
(ctl/flex-layout? parent)
(gcfl/layout-content-bounds bounds parent children objects)
(ctl/grid-layout? parent)
(let [children (->> children
(map (fn [child] [@(get bounds (:id child)) child])))
layout-data (gcgl/calc-layout-data parent @parent-bounds children bounds objects)]
(gcgl/layout-content-bounds bounds parent layout-data))))
auto-width (when content-bounds (gpo/width-points content-bounds))
auto-height (when content-bounds (gpo/height-points content-bounds))]
(cond-> (ctm/empty)
(and (some? auto-width) (ctl/auto-width? parent))
(set-parent-auto-width auto-width)
(and (some? auto-height) (ctl/auto-height? parent))
(set-parent-auto-height auto-height))))
(defn- propagate-modifiers-constraints
"Propagate modifiers to its children"
[objects bounds ignore-constraints modif-tree parent]
@ -304,17 +153,18 @@
(defn- propagate-modifiers-layout
"Propagate modifiers to its children"
[objects bounds ignore-constraints [modif-tree autolayouts] parent]
(let [parent-id (:id parent)
root? (= uuid/zero parent-id)
modifiers (-> (dm/get-in modif-tree [parent-id :modifiers])
has-modifiers? (ctm/child-modifiers? modifiers)
flex-layout? (ctl/flex-layout? parent)
grid-layout? (ctl/grid-layout? parent)
auto? (or (ctl/auto-height? parent) (ctl/auto-width? parent))
(let [parent-id (:id parent)
root? (= uuid/zero parent-id)
modifiers (-> (dm/get-in modif-tree [parent-id :modifiers])
has-modifiers? (ctm/child-modifiers? modifiers)
flex-layout? (ctl/flex-layout? parent)
grid-layout? (ctl/grid-layout? parent)
auto? (ctl/auto? parent)
fill-with-grid? (and (ctl/grid-layout? objects (:parent-id parent))
(or (ctl/fill-width? parent) (ctl/fill-height? parent)))
parent? (or (cph/group-like-shape? parent) (cph/frame-shape? parent))
(ctl/fill? parent))
parent? (or (cph/group-like-shape? parent) (cph/frame-shape? parent))
transformed-parent-bounds (delay (gtr/transform-bounds @(get bounds parent-id) modifiers))
@ -341,133 +191,105 @@
;; Auto-width/height can change the positions in the parent so we need to recalculate
;; also if the child is fill width/height inside a grid layout
(cond-> autolayouts (or auto? fill-with-grid?) (conj (:id parent)))]))
(when autolayouts
(cond-> autolayouts (or auto? fill-with-grid?) (conj (:id parent))))]))
(defn- apply-structure-modifiers
[objects modif-tree]
(letfn [(update-children-structure-modifiers
[objects ids modifiers]
(reduce #(update %1 %2 ctm/apply-structure-modifiers modifiers) objects ids))
(apply-shape [objects [id {:keys [modifiers]}]]
(cond-> objects
(ctm/has-structure? modifiers)
(update id ctm/apply-structure-modifiers modifiers)
(and (ctm/has-structure? modifiers)
(ctm/has-structure-child? modifiers))
(cph/get-children-ids objects id)
(ctm/select-child-structre-modifiers modifiers))))]
(reduce apply-shape objects modif-tree)))
(defn merge-modif-tree
[modif-tree other-tree]
(reduce (fn [modif-tree [id {:keys [modifiers]}]]
(update-in modif-tree [id :modifiers] ctm/add-modifiers modifiers))
(defn transform-bounds
([bounds objects modif-tree]
(transform-bounds bounds objects modif-tree (->> (keys modif-tree) (map #(get objects %)))))
([bounds objects modif-tree tree-seq]
(loop [result bounds
shapes (reverse tree-seq)]
(if (empty? shapes)
(defn- calc-auto-modifiers
"Calculates the modifiers to adjust the bounds for auto-width/auto-height shapes"
[objects bounds parent]
(let [parent-id (:id parent)
parent-bounds (get bounds parent-id)
(let [shape (first shapes)
new-bounds (delay (get-group-bounds objects bounds modif-tree shape))
result (assoc result (:id shape) new-bounds)]
(recur result (rest shapes)))))))
(fn [modifiers auto-width]
(let [origin (gpo/origin @parent-bounds)
current-width (gpo/width-points @parent-bounds)
scale-width (/ auto-width current-width)]
(-> modifiers
(ctm/resize (gpt/point scale-width 1) origin (:transform parent) (:transform-inverse parent)))))
(fn [modifiers auto-height]
(let [origin (gpo/origin @parent-bounds)
current-height (gpo/height-points @parent-bounds)
scale-height (/ auto-height current-height)]
(-> modifiers
(ctm/resize (gpt/point 1 scale-height) origin (:transform parent) (:transform-inverse parent)))))
children (->> (cph/get-immediate-children objects parent-id)
(remove :hidden)
(remove gco/invalid-geometry?))
(when (and (d/not-empty? children) (ctl/auto? parent))
(ctl/flex-layout? parent)
(gcfl/layout-content-bounds bounds parent children objects)
(ctl/grid-layout? parent)
(let [children (->> children
(map (fn [child] [@(get bounds (:id child)) child])))
layout-data (gcgl/calc-layout-data parent @parent-bounds children bounds objects)]
(gcgl/layout-content-bounds bounds parent layout-data))))
auto-width (when content-bounds (gpo/width-points content-bounds))
auto-height (when content-bounds (gpo/height-points content-bounds))]
(cond-> (ctm/empty)
(and (some? auto-width) (ctl/auto-width? parent))
(set-parent-auto-width auto-width)
(and (some? auto-height) (ctl/auto-height? parent))
(set-parent-auto-height auto-height))))
(defn reflow-layout
[objects old-modif-tree bounds ignore-constraints id]
(let [tree-seq (get-children-seq id objects)
(let [tree-seq (cgst/get-children-seq id objects)
[modif-tree _]
#(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [{} #{}]
#(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [{id {:modifiers (ctm/reflow-modifiers)}} #{}]
bounds (transform-bounds bounds objects modif-tree tree-seq)
(cgb/transform-bounds-map bounds objects modif-tree)
modif-tree (merge-modif-tree old-modif-tree modif-tree)]
modif-tree (cgt/merge-modif-tree old-modif-tree modif-tree)]
[modif-tree bounds]))
(defn sizing-auto-modifiers
"Recalculates the layouts to adjust the sizing: auto new sizes"
[modif-tree sizing-auto-layouts objects bounds ignore-constraints]
(let [;; Step-1 resize the auto-width/height. Reflow the parents if they are also auto-width/height
[modif-tree bounds to-reflow]
(loop [modif-tree modif-tree
bounds bounds
sizing-auto-layouts (reverse sizing-auto-layouts)
to-reflow #{}]
(if-let [current (first sizing-auto-layouts)]
(let [parent-base (get objects current)
[modif-tree bounds]
(if (contains? to-reflow current)
(reflow-layout objects modif-tree bounds ignore-constraints current)
[modif-tree bounds])
(let [[modif-tree _]
(->> sizing-auto-layouts
(fn [[modif-tree bounds] layout-id]
(let [layout (get objects layout-id)
auto-modifiers (calc-auto-modifiers objects bounds layout)]
(calc-auto-modifiers objects bounds parent-base)
(if (and (ctm/empty? auto-modifiers) (not (ctl/grid-layout? layout)))
[modif-tree bounds]
(cond-> to-reflow
(contains? to-reflow current)
(disj current))]
(let [[auto-modif-tree _]
(->> (cgst/resolve-tree #{layout-id} objects)
(reduce #(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [{layout-id {:modifiers auto-modifiers}} nil]))
(if (and (ctm/empty? auto-resize-modifiers)
(not (ctl/grid-layout? objects (:parent-id parent-base))))
(recur modif-tree
(rest sizing-auto-layouts)
(let [resize-modif-tree {current {:modifiers auto-resize-modifiers}}
tree-seq (get-children-seq current objects)
[resize-modif-tree _]
#(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [resize-modif-tree #{}]
bounds (transform-bounds bounds objects resize-modif-tree tree-seq)
modif-tree (merge-modif-tree modif-tree resize-modif-tree)
(cond-> to-reflow
(and (ctl/any-layout-descent? objects parent-base)
(not= uuid/zero (:frame-id parent-base)))
(conj (:frame-id parent-base)))]
(recur modif-tree
(rest sizing-auto-layouts)
[modif-tree bounds to-reflow]))
;; Step-2: After resizing we still need to reflow the layout parents that are not auto-width/height
tree-seq (resolve-tree to-reflow objects)
[reflow-modif-tree _]
#(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [{} #{}]
result (merge-modif-tree modif-tree reflow-modif-tree)]
bounds (cgb/transform-bounds-map bounds objects auto-modif-tree)
modif-tree (cgt/merge-modif-tree modif-tree auto-modif-tree)]
[modif-tree bounds]))))
[modif-tree bounds]))]
(defn set-objects-modifiers
"Applies recursively the modifiers and calculate the layouts and constraints for all the items to be placed correctly"
([modif-tree objects]
(set-objects-modifiers modif-tree objects nil))
@ -476,43 +298,54 @@
([old-modif-tree modif-tree objects
{:keys [ignore-constraints snap-pixel? snap-precision snap-ignore-axis]
:or {ignore-constraints false snap-pixel? false snap-precision 1 snap-ignore-axis nil}}]
:or {ignore-constraints false
snap-pixel? false
snap-precision 1
snap-ignore-axis nil}}]
(let [objects (-> objects
(cond-> (some? old-modif-tree)
(apply-structure-modifiers old-modif-tree))
(apply-structure-modifiers modif-tree))
(let [;; Apply structure modifiers. Things that are not related to geometry
(-> objects
(cond-> (some? old-modif-tree)
(cgt/apply-structure-modifiers old-modif-tree))
(cgt/apply-structure-modifiers modif-tree))
;; Round the transforms if the snap-to-pixel is active
(cond-> modif-tree
snap-pixel? (gpp/adjust-pixel-precision objects snap-precision snap-ignore-axis))
(gpp/adjust-pixel-precision objects snap-precision snap-ignore-axis))
bounds (d/lazy-map (keys objects) #(gco/shape->points (get objects %)))
bounds (cond-> bounds
(some? old-modif-tree)
(transform-bounds objects old-modif-tree))
(cond-> (cgb/objects->bounds-map objects)
(some? old-modif-tree)
(cgb/transform-bounds-map objects old-modif-tree))
shapes-tree (resolve-tree (-> modif-tree keys set) objects)
shapes-tree (cgst/resolve-tree (-> modif-tree keys set) objects)
;; Calculate the input transformation and constraints
modif-tree (reduce #(propagate-modifiers-constraints objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) modif-tree shapes-tree)
bounds (transform-bounds bounds objects modif-tree shapes-tree)
(->> shapes-tree
(reduce #(propagate-modifiers-constraints objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) modif-tree))
(cgb/transform-bounds-map bounds objects modif-tree)
[modif-tree-layout sizing-auto-layouts]
(reduce #(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [{} #{}] shapes-tree)
(->> shapes-tree
(reduce #(propagate-modifiers-layout objects bounds ignore-constraints %1 %2) [{} (d/ordered-set)]))
modif-tree (merge-modif-tree modif-tree modif-tree-layout)
modif-tree (cgt/merge-modif-tree modif-tree modif-tree-layout)
;; Calculate hug layouts positions
bounds (transform-bounds bounds objects modif-tree-layout shapes-tree)
bounds (cgb/transform-bounds-map bounds objects modif-tree-layout)
(-> modif-tree
(sizing-auto-modifiers sizing-auto-layouts objects bounds ignore-constraints))
(sizing-auto-modifiers modif-tree sizing-auto-layouts objects bounds ignore-constraints)
(if old-modif-tree
(merge-modif-tree old-modif-tree modif-tree)
(cgt/merge-modif-tree old-modif-tree modif-tree)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.common.geom.shapes.tree-seq
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]))
(defn get-children-seq
"Given an id returns a sequence of its children"
[id objects]
(->> (tree-seq
#(d/not-empty? (dm/get-in objects [% :shapes]))
#(dm/get-in objects [% :shapes])
(map #(get objects %))))
;; Finds the tree root for the current id
(defn get-reflow-root
([id objects]
(get-reflow-root id id objects))
([current last-root objects]
(let [shape (get objects current)]
(if (or (not ^boolean shape) (= uuid/zero current))
(let [parent-id (dm/get-prop shape :parent-id)
parent (get objects parent-id)]
;; Frame found, but not layout we return the last layout found (or the id)
(and ^boolean (cph/frame-shape? parent)
(not ^boolean (ctl/any-layout? parent)))
;; Auto-Layout found. We continue upward but we mark this layout
(and (ctl/any-layout? parent) (ctl/auto? parent))
(recur parent-id parent-id objects)
(ctl/any-layout? parent)
;; If group or boolean or other type of group we continue with the last result
(recur parent-id last-root objects)))))))
;; Given some roots retrieves the minimum number of tree roots
(defn search-common-roots
[ids objects]
(let [find-root
(fn [roots id]
(if (= id uuid/zero)
(let [root (get-reflow-root id objects)
;; Remove the children from the current root
(if ^boolean (cph/has-children? objects root)
(into #{} (remove (partial cph/is-child? objects root)) roots)
(->> (cph/get-parent-ids objects root)
(some (partial contains? roots)))]
(cond-> roots
(not contains-parent?)
(conj root)))))]
(reduce find-root #{} ids)))
(defn resolve-tree
"Given the ids that have changed search for layout roots to recalculate"
[ids objects]
(dm/assert! (or (nil? ids) (set? ids)))
(let [child-seq
(->> (search-common-roots ids objects)
(mapcat #(get-children-seq % objects)))]
(if (contains? ids uuid/zero)
(cons (get objects uuid/zero) child-seq)

View file

@ -277,6 +277,12 @@
(= :fill (:layout-item-v-sizing child))))
(defn fill?
([objects id]
(or (fill-height? objects id) (fill-width? objects id)))
(or (fill-height? shape) (fill-width? shape))))
(defn auto-width?
([objects id]
(= :auto (dm/get-in objects [id :layout-item-h-sizing])))
@ -289,6 +295,12 @@
(= :auto (:layout-item-v-sizing child))))
(defn auto?
([objects id]
(or (auto-height? objects id) (auto-width? objects id)))
(or (auto-height? shape) (auto-width? shape))))
(defn col?
([objects id]
(col? (get objects id)))