mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:31:21 -05:00
✨ Improved make curve options
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 305 additions and 141 deletions
@ -213,12 +213,12 @@
(let [v-length (length v)]
(divide v (point v-length v-length))))
(defn project [v1 v2]
(defn project
"V1 perpendicular projection on vector V2"
[v1 v2]
(let [v2-unit (unit v2)
scalar-projection (dot v1 (unit v2))]
(point scalar-projection scalar-projection))))
scalar-proj (dot v1 v2-unit)]
(scale v2-unit scalar-proj)))
(defn center-points
"Centroid of a group of points"
@ -264,7 +264,34 @@
(scale v))]
(add p1 v)))
(defn rotate
"Rotates the point around center with an angle"
[{px :x py :y} {cx :x cy :y} angle]
(let [angle (mth/radians angle)
x (+ (* (mth/cos angle) (- px cx))
(* (mth/sin angle) (- py cy) -1)
y (+ (* (mth/sin angle) (- px cx))
(* (mth/cos angle) (- py cy))
(point x y)))
(defn scale-from
"Moves a point in the vector that creates with center with a scale
[point center value]
(add point
(-> (to-vec center point)
(scale value))))
;; --- Debug
(defmethod pp/simple-dispatch Point [obj] (pr obj))
@ -58,54 +58,51 @@
(update-in (st/get-path state) helpers/append-node position last-point prev-handler))
(defn start-drag-handler []
(ptk/reify ::start-drag-handler
(update [_ state]
(let [content (get-in state (st/get-path state :content))
index (dec (count content))
command (get-in state (st/get-path state :content index :command))
(defn drag-handler
([{:keys [x y alt? shift?] :as position}]
(drag-handler nil nil :c1 position))
(fn [command]
(let [params (upc/make-curve-params
(get-in content [index :params])
(get-in content [(dec index) :params]))]
(-> command
(assoc :command :curve-to :params params))))]
([position index prefix {:keys [x y alt? shift?]}]
(ptk/reify ::drag-handler
(update [_ state]
(let [id (st/get-path-id state)
content (get-in state (st/get-path state :content))
(cond-> state
(= command :line-to)
(update-in (st/get-path state :content index) make-curve))))))
index (or index (count content))
prefix (or prefix :c1)
position (or position (upc/command->point (nth content (dec index))))
(defn drag-handler [{:keys [x y alt? shift?]}]
(ptk/reify ::drag-handler
(update [_ state]
(let [id (st/get-path-id state)
shape (get-in state (st/get-path state))
content (:content shape)
index (dec (count content))
node-position (upc/command->point (nth content index))
handler-position (cond-> (gpt/point x y)
shift? (helpers/position-fixed-angle node-position))
{dx :x dy :y} (gpt/subtract handler-position node-position)
match-opposite? (not alt?)
modifiers (helpers/move-handler-modifiers content (inc index) :c1 match-opposite? dx dy)]
(-> state
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers] merge modifiers)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :prev-handler] handler-position)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :drag-handler] handler-position))))))
old-handler (helpers/handler->point content index prefix)
handler-position (cond-> (gpt/point x y)
shift? (helpers/position-fixed-angle position))
{dx :x dy :y} (if (some? old-handler)
(gpt/add (gpt/to-vec old-handler position)
(gpt/to-vec position handler-position))
(gpt/to-vec position handler-position))
match-opposite? (not alt?)
modifiers (helpers/move-handler-modifiers content index prefix match-opposite? match-opposite? dx dy)]
(-> state
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers] merge modifiers)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :drag-handler] handler-position)))))))
(defn finish-drag []
(ptk/reify ::finish-drag
(update [_ state]
(let [id (st/get-path-id state)
modifiers (get-in state [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers])
content (-> (get-in state (st/get-path state :content))
(upc/apply-content-modifiers modifiers))
handler (get-in state [:workspace-local :edit-path id :drag-handler])]
(-> state
(update-in (st/get-path state :content) upc/apply-content-modifiers modifiers)
(assoc-in (st/get-path state :content) content)
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id] dissoc :drag-handler)
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id] dissoc :content-modifiers)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :prev-handler] handler)
@ -135,17 +132,21 @@
content (get-in state (st/get-path state :content))
snap-toggled (get-in state [:workspace-local :edit-path id :snap-toggled])
points (upg/content->points content)
handlers (-> (upc/content->handlers content)
(get position))
[idx prefix] (when (= (count handlers) 1) (first handlers))
(->> (streams/position-stream snap-toggled points)
(rx/take-until stop-stream)
(rx/map #(drag-handler %)))]
(rx/map #(drag-handler position idx prefix %)))]
(rx/of (add-node position))
(rx/of (start-drag-handler))
(rx/of (finish-drag))
(rx/of (close-path-drag-end))))
@ -180,7 +181,6 @@
(rx/of (add-node position))
(rx/of (start-drag-handler))
(rx/of (finish-drag)))))))))
@ -204,7 +204,6 @@
(rx/of (add-node down-event))
(rx/of (start-drag-handler))
(rx/of (finish-drag)))))))
@ -25,37 +25,23 @@
[beicon.core :as rx]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
(defn modify-point [index prefix dx dy]
(ptk/reify ::modify-point
(update [_ state]
(let [id (get-in state [:workspace-local :edition])
[cx cy] (if (= prefix :c1) [:c1x :c1y] [:c2x :c2y])]
(-> state
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers (inc index)] assoc
:c1x dx :c1y dy)
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers index] assoc
:x dx :y dy :c2x dx :c2y dy))))))
(defn modify-handler [id index prefix dx dy match-opposite?]
(ptk/reify ::modify-handler
(update [_ state]
(let [content (get-in state (st/get-path state :content))
modifiers (helpers/move-handler-modifiers content index prefix false match-opposite? dx dy)
[cx cy] (if (= prefix :c1) [:c1x :c1y] [:c2x :c2y])
[ocx ocy] (if (= prefix :c1) [:c2x :c2y] [:c1x :c1y])
point (gpt/point (+ (get-in content [index :params cx]) dx)
(+ (get-in content [index :params cy]) dy))
opposite-index (upc/opposite-index content index prefix)]
(cond-> state
(-> (update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers index] assoc
cx dx cy dy)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :moving-handler] point))
(and match-opposite? opposite-index)
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers opposite-index] assoc
ocx (- dx) ocy (- dy)))))))
(-> state
(update-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :content-modifiers] merge modifiers)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :edit-path id :moving-handler] point))))))
(defn apply-content-modifiers []
(ptk/reify ::apply-content-modifiers
@ -174,15 +160,9 @@
content (get-in state (st/get-path state :content))
points (upg/content->points content)
opposite-index (upc/opposite-index content index prefix)
opposite-prefix (if (= prefix :c1) :c2 :c1)
opposite-handler (-> content (get opposite-index) (upc/get-handler opposite-prefix))
point (-> content (get (if (= prefix :c1) (dec index) index)) (upc/command->point))
handler (-> content (get index) (upc/get-handler prefix))
current-distance (when opposite-handler (gpt/distance (upg/opposite-handler point handler) opposite-handler))
match-opposite? (and opposite-handler (mth/almost-zero? current-distance))
snap-toggled (get-in state [:workspace-local :edit-path id :snap-toggled])]
@ -199,7 +179,7 @@
(+ start-delta-x (- (:x pos) (:x start-point)))
(+ start-delta-y (- (:y pos) (:y start-point)))
(and (not alt?) match-opposite?))))))
(not alt?))))))
(rx/concat (rx/of (apply-content-modifiers)))))))))
(declare stop-path-edit)
@ -106,15 +106,88 @@
(update :content (fnil conj []) command)
(defn prefix->coords [prefix]
(case prefix
:c1 [:c1x :c1y]
:c2 [:c2x :c2y]
(defn handler->point [content index prefix]
(when (and (some? index)
(some? prefix)
(contains? content index))
(let [[cx cy :as coords] (prefix->coords prefix)]
(if (= :curve-to (get-in content [index :command]))
(gpt/point (get-in content [index :params cx])
(get-in content [index :params cy]))
(gpt/point (get-in content [index :params :x])
(get-in content [index :params :y]))))))
(defn handler->node [content index prefix]
(if (= prefix :c1)
(upc/command->point (get content (dec index)))
(upc/command->point (get content index))))
(defn angle-points [common p1 p2]
(gpt/to-vec common p1)
(gpt/to-vec common p2))))
(defn calculate-opposite-delta [node handler opposite match-angle? match-distance? dx dy]
(when (and (some? handler) (some? opposite))
(let [;; To match the angle, the angle should be matching (angle between points 180deg)
angle-handlers (angle-points node handler opposite)
match-angle? (and match-angle? (<= (mth/abs (- 180 angle-handlers) ) 0.1))
;; To match distance the distance should be matching
match-distance? (and match-distance? (mth/almost-zero? (- (gpt/distance node handler)
(gpt/distance node opposite))))
new-handler (-> handler (update :x + dx) (update :y + dy))
v1 (gpt/to-vec node handler)
v2 (gpt/to-vec node new-handler)
delta-angle (gpt/angle-with-other v1 v2)
delta-sign (if (> (* (:y v1) (:x v2)) (* (:x v1) (:y v2))) -1 1)
distance-scale (/ (gpt/distance node handler)
(gpt/distance node new-handler))
new-opposite (cond-> opposite
(gpt/rotate node (* delta-sign delta-angle))
(gpt/scale-from node distance-scale))]
[(- (:x new-opposite) (:x opposite))
(- (:y new-opposite) (:y opposite))])))
(defn move-handler-modifiers
[content index prefix match-opposite? dx dy]
(let [[cx cy] (if (= prefix :c1) [:c1x :c1y] [:c2x :c2y])
[ocx ocy] (if (= prefix :c1) [:c2x :c2y] [:c1x :c1y])
opposite-index (upc/opposite-index content index prefix)]
[content index prefix match-distance? match-angle? dx dy]
(cond-> {}
(update index assoc cx dx cy dy)
(let [[cx cy] (prefix->coords prefix)
[op-idx op-prefix] (upc/opposite-index content index prefix)
(and match-opposite? opposite-index)
(update opposite-index assoc ocx (- dx) ocy (- dy)))))
node (handler->node content index prefix)
handler (handler->point content index prefix)
opposite (handler->point content op-idx op-prefix)
[ocx ocy] (prefix->coords op-prefix)
[odx ody] (calculate-opposite-delta node handler opposite match-angle? match-distance? dx dy)
hnv (if (some? handler)
(gpt/to-vec node (-> handler (update :x + dx) (update :y + dy)))
(gpt/point dx dy))]
(-> {}
(update index assoc cx dx cy dy)
(cond-> (and (some? op-idx) (not= opposite node))
(update op-idx assoc ocx odx ocy ody)
(and (some? op-idx) (= opposite node) match-distance? match-angle?)
(update op-idx assoc ocx (- (:x hnv)) ocy (- (:y hnv)))))))
@ -88,7 +88,9 @@
(gpt/add position snap))
(->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/map check-path-snap))))
(rx/map check-path-snap)
(rx/with-latest merge (->> ms/mouse-position-shift (rx/map #(hash-map :shift? %))))
(rx/with-latest merge (->> ms/mouse-position-alt (rx/map #(hash-map :alt? %)))))))
(defn position-stream
[snap-toggled points]
@ -39,4 +39,3 @@
:base-props props
:elem-name "path"}])))
@ -53,22 +53,43 @@
:c2x (:x h2)
:c2y (:y h2)}))
(defn make-curve-to [to h1 h2]
(defn update-curve-to
[command h1 h2]
(-> command
(assoc :command :curve-to)
(assoc-in [:params :c1x] (:x h1))
(assoc-in [:params :c1y] (:y h1))
(assoc-in [:params :c2x] (:x h2))
(assoc-in [:params :c2y] (:y h2))))
(defn make-curve-to
[to h1 h2]
{:command :curve-to
:relative false
:params (make-curve-params to h1 h2)})
(defn apply-content-modifiers [content modifiers]
(defn update-handler
[command prefix point]
(let [[cox coy] (if (= prefix :c1) [:c1x :c1y] [:c2x :c2y])]
(-> command
(assoc-in [:params cox] (:x point))
(assoc-in [:params coy] (:y point)))))
(defn apply-content-modifiers
"Apply to content a map with point translations"
[content modifiers]
(letfn [(apply-to-index [content [index params]]
(if (contains? content index)
(cond-> content
(or (:c1x params) (:c1y params) (:c2x params) (:c2y params))
(= :line-to (get-in content [index :params :command])))
(= :line-to (get-in content [index :command])))
(-> (assoc-in [index :command] :curve-to)
(assoc-in [index :params] :curve-to) (make-curve-params
(get-in content [index :params])
(get-in content [(dec index) :params])))
(assoc-in [index :params]
(get-in content [index :params])
(get-in content [(dec index) :params]))))
(:x params) (update-in [index :params :x] + (:x params))
(:y params) (update-in [index :params :y] + (:y params))
@ -117,6 +138,7 @@
(mapv (fn [[index _]] index))))
(defn handler-indices
"Return an index where the key is the positions and the values the handlers"
[content point]
(->> (d/with-prev content)
@ -132,16 +154,24 @@
(defn opposite-index
"Calculate sthe opposite index given a prefix and an index"
[content index prefix]
(let [point (if (= prefix :c2)
(command->point (nth content index))
(command->point (nth content (dec index))))
handlers (-> (content->handlers content)
(get point))
point->handlers (content->handlers content)
opposite-prefix (if (= prefix :c1) :c2 :c1)]
(when (<= (count handlers) 2)
handlers (->> point
(point->handlers )
(filter (fn [[ci cp]] (and (not= index ci) (not= prefix cp)) )))]
(when (= (count handlers) 1)
(->> handlers
(d/seek (fn [[index prefix]] (= prefix opposite-prefix)))
(defn get-commands
"Returns the commands involving a point with its indices"
[content point]
(->> (d/enumerate content)
(filterv (fn [[idx cmd]] (= (command->point cmd) point)))))
@ -54,59 +54,113 @@
(reduce change-content $ handlers)
(remove-line-curves $))))
(defn line->curve
[from-p cmd]
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)
v (gpt/to-vec from-p to-p)
d (gpt/distance from-p to-p)
dv1 (-> (gpt/normal-left v)
(gpt/scale (/ d 3)))
h1 (gpt/add from-p dv1)
dv2 (-> (gpt/to-vec to-p h1)
(gpt/scale (/ d 3)))
h2 (gpt/add to-p dv2)]
(-> cmd
(assoc :command :curve-to)
(assoc-in [:params :c1x] (:x h1))
(assoc-in [:params :c1y] (:y h1))
(assoc-in [:params :c2x] (:x h2))
(assoc-in [:params :c2y] (:y h2)))))
(defn make-curve-point
"Changes the content to make the point a 'curve'. The handlers will be positioned
in the same vector that results from te previous->next points but with fixed length."
[content point]
(let [content-next (d/enumerate (d/with-prev-next content))
(fn [command previous]
(if (= :line-to (:command command))
(let [cur-point (upc/command->point command)
pre-point (upc/command->point previous)]
(-> command
(assoc :command :curve-to)
(assoc :params (upc/make-curve-params cur-point pre-point))))
(let [make-curve-cmd (fn [cmd h1 h2]
(-> cmd
(update :params assoc
:c1x (:x h1) :c1y (:y h1)
:c2x (:x h2) :c2y (:y h2))))
(fn [command prefix handler]
(if (= :curve-to (:command command))
(let [cx (d/prefix-keyword prefix :x)
cy (d/prefix-keyword prefix :y)]
(-> command
(assoc-in [:params cx] (:x handler))
(assoc-in [:params cy] (:y handler))))
indices (upc/point-indices content point)
vectors (->> indices (mapv (fn [index]
(let [cmd (nth content index)
prev-i (dec index)
prev (when (not (= :move-to (:command cmd)))
(get content prev-i))
next-i (inc index)
next (get content next-i)
(fn [point next prev]
(let [base-vector (if (or (nil? next) (nil? prev) (= next prev))
(-> (gpt/to-vec point (or next prev))
(gpt/to-vec next prev))]
(-> base-vector
(gpt/multiply (gpt/point 100)))))
next (when (not (= :move-to (:command next)))
(hash-map :index index
:prev-i (when (some? prev) prev-i)
:prev-c prev
:prev-p (upc/command->point prev)
:next-i (when (some? next) next-i)
:next-c next
:next-p (upc/command->point next)
:command cmd)))))
redfn (fn [content [index [command prev next]]]
(if (= point (upc/command->point command))
(let [prev-point (if (= :move-to (:command command)) nil (upc/command->point prev))
next-point (if (= :move-to (:command next)) nil (upc/command->point next))
handler-vector (calculate-vector point next-point prev-point)
handler (gpt/add point handler-vector)
handler-opposite (gpt/add point (gpt/negate handler-vector))]
(-> content
(d/update-when index make-curve prev)
(d/update-when index update-handler :c2 handler)
(d/update-when (inc index) make-curve command)
(d/update-when (inc index) update-handler :c1 handler-opposite)))
(as-> content $
(reduce redfn $ content-next)
(remove-line-curves $))))
points (->> vectors (mapcat #(vector (:next-p %) (:prev-p %))) (remove nil?) (into #{}))]
(= (count points) 2)
(let [v1 (gpt/to-vec (first points) point)
v2 (gpt/to-vec (first points) (second points))
vp (gpt/project v1 v2)
vh (gpt/subtract v1 vp)
(fn [content {:keys [index prev-p next-p next-i]}]
(let [cur-cmd (get content index)
next-cmd (get content next-i)
;; New handlers for prev-point and next-point
prev-h (when (some? prev-p) (gpt/add prev-p vh))
next-h (when (some? next-p) (gpt/add next-p vh))
;; Correct 1/3 to the point improves the curve
prev-correction (when (some? prev-h) (gpt/scale (gpt/to-vec prev-h point) (/ 1 3)))
next-correction (when (some? next-h) (gpt/scale (gpt/to-vec next-h point) (/ 1 3)))
prev-h (when (some? prev-h) (gpt/add prev-h prev-correction))
next-h (when (some? next-h) (gpt/add next-h next-correction))
(cond-> content
(and (= :line-to (:command cur-cmd)) (some? prev-p))
(update index upc/update-curve-to prev-p prev-h)
(and (= :line-to (:command next-cmd)) (some? next-p))
(update next-i upc/update-curve-to next-h next-p)
(and (= :curve-to (:command cur-cmd)) (some? prev-p))
(update index upc/update-handler :c2 prev-h)
(and (= :curve-to (:command next-cmd)) (some? next-p))
(update next-i upc/update-handler :c1 next-h))))]
(->> vectors (reduce add-curve content)))
(let [add-curve
(fn [content {:keys [index command prev-p next-c next-i]}]
(cond-> content
(and (= :line-to (:command command)))
(update index #(line->curve prev-p %))
(and (= :line-to (:command next-c)))
(update next-i #(line->curve point %))))]
(->> vectors (reduce add-curve content))))))
(defn get-segments
"Given a content and a set of points return all the segments in the path
Add table
Reference in a new issue