Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-15 17:21:17 -05:00

First dynamic alignment version

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2020-05-05 10:33:14 +02:00
parent 8cbc12ef94
commit c5dce559cd
9 changed files with 255 additions and 135 deletions

View file

@ -693,7 +693,6 @@
:left (gpt/point (- 1) 0)
:right (gpt/point 1 0)))
(s/def ::direction #{:up :down :right :left})
(s/def ::loc #{:up :down :bottom :top})
;; --- Delete Selected

View file

@ -148,7 +148,6 @@
(update [_ state]
(let [page (get-in state [:workspace-pages page-id])
objects (get-in page [:data :objects])]
(println "Update snap data")
(-> state
(assoc :workspace-snap-data (snap/initialize-snap-data objects)))))))

View file

@ -68,6 +68,18 @@
(defn finish-transform [state]
(update state :workspace-local dissoc :transform))
(defn handler->initial-point [{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2] :as shape} handler]
(let [[x y] (case handler
:top-left [x1 y1]
:top [x1 y1]
:top-right [x2 y1]
:right [x2 y1]
:bottom-right [x2 y2]
:bottom [x2 y2]
:bottom-left [x1 y2]
:left [x1 y2])]
(gpt/point x y)))
;; -- RESIZE
(defn start-resize
[handler ids shape]
@ -78,11 +90,13 @@
;; Vector modifiers depending on the handler
handler-modif (let [[x y] (handler-modifiers handler)] (gpt/point x y))
point-snap (snap/closest-snap-point snap-data resizing-shapes point)
;; Difference between the origin point in the coordinate system of the rotation
deltav (-> (snap/closest-snap snap-data resizing-shapes (gpt/to-vec initial point))
deltav (-> (gpt/to-vec initial (if (= rotation 0) point-snap point))
(gpt/transform (gmt/rotate-matrix (- rotation)))
(gpt/multiply handler-modif))
;; Resize vector
scalev (gpt/divide (gpt/add shapev deltav) shapev)
@ -124,8 +138,8 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [initial (apply-zoom @ms/mouse-position)
shape (gsh/shape->rect-shape shape)
(let [shape (gsh/shape->rect-shape shape)
initial (handler->initial-point shape handler)
stoper (rx/filter ms/mouse-up? stream)
snap-data (get state :workspace-snap-data)
page-id (get state :current-page-id)
@ -184,9 +198,28 @@
;; -- MOVE
(declare start-move)
(defn start-move-selected
(ptk/reify ::start-move-selected
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [initial (apply-zoom @ms/mouse-position)
selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
stopper (rx/filter ms/mouse-up? stream)]
(->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/take-until stopper)
(rx/map apply-zoom)
(rx/map #(gpt/to-vec initial %))
(rx/map #(gpt/length %))
(rx/filter #(> % 0.5))
(rx/take 1)
(rx/map #(start-move initial selected)))))))
(defn start-move
[from-position ids]
(ptk/reify ::start-move
(update [_ state]
(-> state
@ -194,34 +227,21 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
page-id (get state :current-page-id)
shapes (mapv #(get-in state [:workspace-data page-id :objects %]) selected)
(let [page-id (get state :current-page-id)
shapes (mapv #(get-in state [:workspace-data page-id :objects %]) ids)
snap-data (get state :workspace-snap-data)
stoper (rx/filter ms/mouse-up? stream)
zero-point? #(= % (gpt/point 0 0))
initial (apply-zoom @ms/mouse-position)
position @ms/mouse-position
counter (volatile! 0)]
stopper (rx/filter ms/mouse-up? stream)]
(->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/take-until stopper)
(rx/map apply-zoom)
(rx/filter (complement zero-point?))
(rx/map #(gpt/to-vec initial %))
(rx/map (snap/closest-snap snap-data shapes))
(rx/map #(gpt/to-vec from-position %))
(rx/map (snap/closest-snap-move snap-data shapes))
(rx/map gmt/translate-matrix)
(rx/filter #(not (gmt/base? %)))
(rx/map #(set-modifiers selected {:displacement %}))
(rx/tap #(vswap! counter inc))
(rx/take-until stoper))
(->> (rx/create (fn [sink] (sink (reduced @counter))))
(rx/mapcat (fn [n]
(if (zero? n)
(rx/of (apply-modifiers selected))))))
(rx/map #(set-modifiers ids {:displacement %})))
(rx/of finish-transform)
(rx/of (apply-modifiers ids)
(defn- get-displacement-with-grid
"Retrieve the correct displacement delta point for the
@ -240,31 +260,60 @@
(defn- get-displacement
"Retrieve the correct displacement delta point for the
provided direction speed and distances thresholds."
[shape direction]
(case direction
:up (gpt/point 0 (- 1))
:down (gpt/point 0 1)
:left (gpt/point (- 1) 0)
:right (gpt/point 1 0)))
(s/def ::direction #{:up :down :right :left})
(defn move-selected
[direction align?]
(us/verify ::direction direction)
(us/verify boolean? align?)
(ptk/reify ::move-selected
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [pid (:current-page-id state)
selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
options (get-in state [:workspace-data pid :options])
shapes (map #(get-in state [:workspace-data pid :objects %]) selected)
shape (gsh/shapes->rect-shape shapes)
displacement (if align?
(get-displacement-with-grid shape direction options)
(get-displacement shape direction))]
(rx/of (set-modifiers selected displacement)
(apply-modifiers selected))))))
(let [same-event (js/Symbol "same-event")]
(ptk/reify ::move-selected
(-deref [_] direction)
(update [_ state]
(if (nil? (get-in state [:workspace-local :current-move-selected]))
(-> state
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :transform] :move)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :current-move-selected] same-event))
(watch [_ state stream]
(if (= same-event (get-in state [:workspace-local :current-move-selected]))
(let [selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
move-events (->> stream
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::move-selected))
(rx/filter #(= direction (deref %))))
stopper (->> move-events
(rx/debounce 100)
mov-vec (get-displacement direction)]
(->> move-events
(rx/take-until stopper)
(rx/scan #(gpt/add %1 mov-vec) (gpt/point 0 0))
(rx/map #(set-modifiers selected {:displacement (gmt/translate-matrix %)})))
(rx/of (move-selected direction align?)))
(rx/of (apply-modifiers selected)
(fn [state] (-> state
(update :workspace-local dissoc :current-move-selected))))
(rx/timer 100)
(rx/map (fn [] finish-transform)))))
;; -- Apply modifiers

View file

@ -112,6 +112,9 @@
(def selected-drawing-tool
(l/derived :drawing-tool workspace-local))
(def current-drawing-shape
(l/derived :drawing workspace-local))
(def selected-edition
(l/derived :edition workspace-local))

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
[uxbox.util.geom.path :as path]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [t]]
[uxbox.util.geom.snap :as snap]
[uxbox.common.uuid :as uuid]))
;; --- Events
@ -115,28 +116,30 @@
(rx/of handle-drawing-generic)))))
(def handle-drawing-generic
(letfn [(initialize-drawing [state point]
(letfn [(initialize-drawing [state point frame-id]
(let [shape (get-in state [:workspace-local :drawing])
shape (geom/setup shape {:x (:x point)
:y (:y point)
:width 1
:height 1})]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :drawing] (assoc shape ::initialized? true))))
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :drawing] (-> shape
(assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(assoc ::initialized? true)))))
(resize-shape [{:keys [x y] :as shape} initial point lock?]
(resize-shape [{:keys [x y] :as shape} initial snap-data point lock?]
(let [shape' (geom/shape->rect-shape shape)
shapev (gpt/point (:width shape') (:height shape'))
deltav (gpt/subtract point initial)
point-snap (snap/closest-snap-point snap-data [shape] point)
deltav (gpt/to-vec initial point-snap)
scalev (gpt/divide (gpt/add shapev deltav) shapev)
scalev (if lock? (let [v (max (:x scalev) (:y scalev))] (gpt/point v v)) scalev)]
(-> shape
(assoc-in [:modifiers :resize-vector] scalev)
(assoc-in [:modifiers :resize-origin] (gpt/point x y))
(assoc-in [:modifiers :resize-rotation] 0))))
(update-drawing [state initial point lock?]
(update-in state [:workspace-local :drawing] resize-shape initial point lock?))]
(update-drawing [state initial snap-data point lock?]
(update-in state [:workspace-local :drawing] resize-shape initial snap-data point lock?))]
(ptk/reify ::handle-drawing-generic
@ -145,15 +148,29 @@
stoper? #(or (ms/mouse-up? %) (= % :interrupt))
stoper (rx/filter stoper? stream)
initial @ms/mouse-position
snap-data (get state :workspace-snap-data)
mouse (->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/map #(gpt/divide % (gpt/point zoom))))]
(rx/map #(gpt/divide % (gpt/point zoom))))
page-id (get state :current-page-id)
objects (get-in state [:workspace-data page-id :objects])
frames (->> objects
(filter (comp #{:frame} :type))
(remove #(= (:id %) uuid/zero) ))
frame-id (->> frames
(filter #(geom/has-point? % initial))
(->> mouse
(rx/take 1)
(rx/map (fn [pt] #(initialize-drawing % pt))))
(rx/map (fn [pt] #(initialize-drawing % pt frame-id))))
(->> mouse
(rx/with-latest vector ms/mouse-position-ctrl)
(rx/map (fn [[pt ctrl?]] #(update-drawing % initial pt ctrl?)))
(rx/map (fn [[pt ctrl?]] #(update-drawing % initial snap-data pt ctrl?)))
(rx/take-until stoper))
(rx/of handle-finish-drawing)))))))

View file

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
on-resize (obj/get props "on-resize")
on-rotate (obj/get props "on-rotate")
current-transform (mf/deref refs/current-transform)
{:keys [x y width height rotation] :as shape} (geom/shape->rect-shape shape)
radius (if (> (max width height) handler-size-threshold) 4.0 4.0)
@ -112,34 +113,32 @@
(when (not (#{:move :rotate :resize} current-transform))
[:rect.main {:transform transform
:x (- x 1) :y (- y 1)
:width (+ width 2)
:height (+ height 2)
:style {:stroke "#1FDEA7"
:stroke-width "1"
:fill "transparent"}}])
[:rect.main {:transform transform
:x (- x 1) :y (- y 1)
:width (+ width 2)
:height (+ height 2)
:style {:stroke "#1FDEA7"
:stroke-width "1"
:fill "transparent"}}])
(when (not (#{:move :rotate} current-transform))
(for [[position [cx cy]] resize-handlers]
(let [tp (gpt/transform (gpt/point cx cy) transform)]
[:* {:key (name position)}
[:& rotation-handler {:key (str "rotation-" (name position))
:cx (:x tp)
[:& rotation-handler {:cx (:x tp)
:cy (:y tp)
:position position
:rotation (:rotation shape)
:zoom zoom
:on-mouse-down on-rotate}]
[:& control-item {:class (name position)
:on-click #(on-resize position %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx (:x tp)
:cy (:y tp)}]]))]))
[:& control-item {:class (name position)
:on-click #(on-resize position %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx (:x tp)
:cy (:y tp)}]])))]))
;; --- Selection Handlers (Component)
(mf/defc path-edition-selection-handlers
[{:keys [shape modifiers zoom] :as props}]
(letfn [(on-mouse-down [event index]

View file

@ -7,41 +7,56 @@
(def ^:private line-color "#D383DA")
(mf/defc snap-point [{:keys [point]}]
(let [{:keys [x y]} point
cross-width 3]
[:line {:x1 (- x cross-width)
:y1 (- y cross-width)
:x2 (+ x cross-width)
:y2 (+ y cross-width)
:style {:stroke line-color :stroke-width "1"}}]
[:line {:x1 (- x cross-width)
:y1 (+ y cross-width)
:x2 (+ x cross-width)
:y2 (- y cross-width)
:style {:stroke line-color :stroke-width "1"}}]]))
(mf/defc snap-line [{:keys [snap point]}]
[:line {:x1 (:x snap)
:y1 (:y snap)
:x2 (:x point)
:y2 (:y point)
:style {:stroke line-color :stroke-width "1"}
:opacity 0.4}])
(mf/defc snap-feedback []
(let [selected (mf/deref refs/selected-shapes)
shapes (mf/deref (refs/objects-by-id selected))
selected-shapes (mf/deref (refs/objects-by-id selected))
drawing (mf/deref refs/current-drawing-shape)
filter-shapes (mf/deref refs/selected-shapes-with-children)
current-transform (mf/deref refs/current-transform)
snap-data (mf/deref refs/workspace-snap-data)]
(when (not (nil? current-transform))
(for [shape shapes]
(for [point (snap/shape-snap-points shape)]
(let [frame-id (:frame-id shape)
shape-id (:id shape)
snaps (into #{}
(snap/get-snap-points snap-data frame-id filter-shapes point :x)
(snap/get-snap-points snap-data frame-id filter-shapes point :y)))]
(if (not-empty snaps)
[:* {:key (str "point-" (:id shape) "-" (:x point) "-" (:y point))}
[:circle {:cx (:x point)
:cy (:y point)
:r 2
:fill line-color}]
snap-data (mf/deref refs/workspace-snap-data)
shapes (if drawing [drawing] selected-shapes)]
(when (or drawing current-transform)
(for [shape shapes]
(for [point (snap/shape-snap-points shape)]
(let [frame-id (:frame-id shape)
shape-id (:id shape)
snaps (into #{}
(snap/get-snap-points snap-data frame-id filter-shapes point :x)
(snap/get-snap-points snap-data frame-id filter-shapes point :y)))]
(if (not-empty snaps)
[:* {:key (str "point-" (:id shape) "-" (:x point) "-" (:y point))}
[:& snap-point {:point point}]
(for [snap snaps]
[:circle {:key (str "snap-" (:id shape) "-" (:x point) "-" (:y point) "-" (:x snap) "-" (:y snap))
:cx (:x snap)
:cy (:y snap)
:r 2
:fill line-color}])
(for [snap snaps]
[:& snap-point {:key (str "snap-" (:id shape) "-" (:x point) "-" (:y point) "-" (:x snap) "-" (:y snap))
:point snap}])
(for [snap snaps]
[:line {:key (str "line-" (:id shape) "-" (:x point) "-" (:y point) "-" (:x snap) "-" (:y snap))
:x1 (:x snap)
:y1 (:y snap)
:x2 (:x point)
:y2 (:y point)
:style {:stroke line-color :stroke-width "1"}
:opacity 0.4}])])))))))
(for [snap snaps]
[:& snap-line {:key (str "line-" (:id shape) "-" (:x point) "-" (:y point) "-" (:x snap) "-" (:y snap))
:snap snap
:point point}])])))))))

View file

@ -306,13 +306,14 @@
:zoom zoom
:edition edition}])
[:& snap-feedback]
(when-let [drawing-shape (:drawing local)]
[:& draw-area {:shape drawing-shape
:zoom zoom
:modifiers (:modifiers local)}])
[:& snap-feedback]
(if (contains? flags :grid)
[:& grid])]

View file

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
(ns uxbox.util.geom.snap
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.set :as set]
[uxbox.util.math :as mth]
[uxbox.common.uuid :refer [zero]]
[uxbox.util.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.debug :refer [logjs]]))
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]))
(def ^:private snap-accuracy 8)
(def ^:private snap-accuracy 20)
(defn mapm
"Map over the values of a map"
@ -33,12 +33,44 @@
(gpt/point x (+ y height))
(gpt/point x (+ y (/ height 2)))})
(defn shape-snap-points [shape]
(if (= :frame (:type shape))
(frame-snap-points shape)
(let [modified-path (gsh/transform-apply-modifiers shape)
shape-center (gsh/center modified-path)]
(into #{shape-center} (:segments modified-path)))))
(defn- frame-snap-points-resize [{:keys [x y width height]} handler]
(case handler
:top-left (gpt/point x y)
:top (gpt/point (+ x (/ width 2)) y)
:top-right (gpt/point (+ x width) y)
:right (gpt/point (+ x width) (+ y (/ height 2)))
:bottom-right (gpt/point (+ x width) (+ y height))
:bottom (gpt/point (+ x (/ width 2)) (+ y height))
:bottom-left (gpt/point x (+ y height))
:left (gpt/point x (+ y (/ height 2)))))
(def ^:private handler->point-idx
{:top-left 0
:top 0
:top-right 1
:right 1
:bottom-right 2
:bottom 2
:bottom-left 3
:left 3})
(defn shape-snap-points-resize
[handler shape]
(let [modified-path (gsh/transform-apply-modifiers shape)
point-idx (handler->point-idx handler)]
#{(case (:type shape)
:frame (frame-snap-points-resize shape handler)
(:path :curve) (-> modified-path gsh/shape->rect-shape :segments (nth point-idx))
(-> modified-path :segments (nth point-idx)))}))
(defn shape-snap-points
(let [modified-path (gsh/transform-apply-modifiers shape)
shape-center (gsh/center modified-path)]
(case (:type shape)
:frame (frame-snap-points shape)
(:path :curve) (into #{shape-center} (-> modified-path gsh/shape->rect-shape :segments))
(into #{shape-center} (-> modified-path :segments)))))
(defn create-coord-data [shapes coord]
(let [process-shape
@ -62,10 +94,9 @@
(filter #(= :frame (:type %)))
(remove #(= zero (:id %)))
(reduce #(update %1 (:id %2) conj %2) frame-shapes))]
(logjs "snap-data"
(mapm (fn [shapes] {:x (create-coord-data shapes :x)
:y (create-coord-data shapes :y)})
(mapm (fn [shapes] {:x (create-coord-data shapes :x)
:y (create-coord-data shapes :y)})
(defn range-query
"Queries the snap-data within a range of values"
@ -117,39 +148,46 @@
;; Otherwise the root frame is the common
:else zero)))
(defn closest-snap
([snap-data shapes] (partial closest-snap snap-data shapes))
(defn- closest-snap
[snap-data shapes trans-vec shapes-points]
(let [;; Get the common frame-id to make the snap
frame-id (snap-frame-id shapes)
;; We don't want to snap to the shapes currently transformed
remove-shapes (into #{} (map :id shapes))
;; The snap is a tuple. The from is the point in the current moving shape
;; the "to" is the point where we'll snap. So we need to create a vector
;; snap-from --> snap-to and move the position in that vector
[snap-from-x snap-to-x] (search-snap shapes-points :x (get-in snap-data [frame-id :x]) remove-shapes)
[snap-from-y snap-to-y] (search-snap shapes-points :y (get-in snap-data [frame-id :y]) remove-shapes)
snapv (gpt/to-vec (gpt/point snap-from-x snap-from-y)
(gpt/point snap-to-x snap-to-y))]
(gpt/add trans-vec snapv)))
(defn closest-snap-point
[snap-data shapes point]
(closest-snap snap-data shapes point [point]))
(defn closest-snap-move
([snap-data shapes] (partial closest-snap-move snap-data shapes))
([snap-data shapes trans-vec]
(let [;; Get the common frame-id to make the snap
frame-id (snap-frame-id shapes)
;; We don't want to snap to the shapes currently moving
remove-shapes (into #{} (map :id shapes))
shapes-points (->> shapes
(let [shapes-points (->> shapes
;; Unroll all the possible snap-points
(mapcat shape-snap-points)
(mapcat (partial shape-snap-points))
;; Move the points in the translation vector
(map #(gpt/add % trans-vec)))
;; The snap is a tuple. The from is the point in the current moving shape
;; the "to" is the point where we'll snap. So we need to create a vector
;; snap-from --> snap-to and move the position in that vector
[snap-from-x snap-to-x] (search-snap shapes-points :x (get-in snap-data [frame-id :x]) remove-shapes)
[snap-from-y snap-to-y] (search-snap shapes-points :y (get-in snap-data [frame-id :y]) remove-shapes)
snapv (gpt/to-vec (gpt/point snap-from-x snap-from-y)
(gpt/point snap-to-x snap-to-y))]
(gpt/add trans-vec snapv))))
(map #(gpt/add % trans-vec)))]
(closest-snap snap-data shapes trans-vec shapes-points))))
(defn get-snap-points [snap-data frame-id filter-shapes point coord]
(let [value (coord point)
;; Search for values within 1 pixel
snap-matches (-> (get-in snap-data [frame-id coord])
(range-query (- value 0.5) (+ value 0.5))
(range-query (- value 1) (+ value 1))
(remove-from-snap-points filter-shapes))
snap-points (mapcat (fn [[v data]] (map (fn [[point _]] point) data)) snap-matches)]