mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 15:51:37 -05:00
✨ Improved intersection calculation
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 237 additions and 135 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
[app.common.path.commands :as upc]))
(def ^:const curve-curve-precision 0.1)
(def ^:const curve-range-precision 2)
(defn calculate-opposite-handler
"Given a point and its handler, gives the symetric handler"
@ -54,13 +55,18 @@
(gpt/add from-p move-v)))
(defn line-windup
[[_ to-p :as l] t]
[[from-p to-p :as l] t]
(let [p (line-values l t)
v (gpt/to-vec p to-p)]
cy (:y p)
ay (:y to-p)
by (:y from-p)]
(> (:y v) 0) 1
(< (:y v) 0) -1
:else 0)))
(> (- cy ay) 0) 1
(< (- cy ay) 0) -1
(< (- cy by) 0) 1
(> (- cy by) 0) -1
:else 0)))
;; https://medium.com/@Acegikmo/the-ever-so-lovely-b%C3%A9zier-curve-eb27514da3bf
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernstein_polynomial
@ -208,7 +214,7 @@
[root1 root2 root3])
(= discriminant 0)
(mth/almost-zero? discriminant)
(let [u1 (if (< q2 0) (mth/cubicroot (- q2)) (- (mth/cubicroot q2)))
root1 (- (* 2 u1) (/ a 3))
root2 (- (- u1) (/ a 3))]
@ -266,9 +272,7 @@
(solve-roots a b c d)))]
(->> coords
(mapcat coord->tvalue)
;; Only values in the range [0, 1] are valid
#_(filterv #(and (> % 0.01) (< % 0.99)))
(filterv #(and (>= % 0) (<= % 1)))))))
(defn command->point
@ -296,6 +300,33 @@
(gpt/point (-> cmd :params :c1x) (-> cmd :params :c1y))
(gpt/point (-> cmd :params :c2x) (-> cmd :params :c2y))]))
(defn command->selrect
(command->selrect command (:prev command)))
([command prev-point]
(let [points (case (:command command)
:move-to [(command->point command)]
;; If it's a line we add the beginning point and endpoint
:line-to [prev-point (command->point command)]
;; We return the bezier extremities
:curve-to (d/concat
(command->point command)]
(let [curve [prev-point
(command->point command)
(command->point command :c1)
(command->point command :c2)]]
(->> (curve-extremities curve)
(mapv #(curve-values curve %)))))
selrect (gpr/points->selrect points)]
(-> selrect
(update :width #(if (mth/almost-zero? %) 1 %))
(update :height #(if (mth/almost-zero? %) 1 %))))))
(defn content->selrect [content]
(let [calc-extremities
(fn [command prev]
@ -583,22 +614,25 @@
(curve-roots c2' :y)))
(defn ray-line-intersect
[point line]
[point [from-p to-p :as line]]
(let [ray-line [point (gpt/point (inc (:x point)) (:y point))]
[ray-t line-t] (line-line-crossing ray-line line)]
(when (and (some? line-t) (> ray-t 0) (>= line-t 0) (< line-t 1))
[[(line-values line line-t)
(line-windup line line-t)]])))
(let [ray-line-angle (gpt/angle (gpt/to-vec from-p to-p) (gpt/point 1 0))]
;; If the ray is paralell to the line there will be no crossings
(when (and (> (mth/abs (- ray-line-angle 180)) 0.01)
(> (mth/abs (- ray-line-angle 0)) 0.01))
(let [ray-line [point (gpt/point (inc (:x point)) (:y point))]
[ray-t line-t] (line-line-crossing ray-line line)]
(when (and (some? line-t) (> ray-t 0) (>= line-t 0) (<= line-t 1))
[[(line-values line line-t)
(line-windup line line-t)]])))))
(defn line-line-intersect
[l1 l2]
(let [[l1-t l2-t] (line-line-crossing l1 l2)]
(when (and (some? l1-t) (some? l2-t)
(> l1-t 0.01) (< l1-t 0.99)
(> l2-t 0.01) (< l2-t 0.99))
(>= l1-t 0) (<= l1-t 1)
(>= l2-t 0) (<= l2-t 1))
[[l1-t] [l2-t]])))
(defn ray-curve-intersect
@ -619,16 +653,23 @@
(defn line-curve-intersect
[l1 c2]
(let [curve-ts (->> (line-curve-crossing l1 c2)
(filterv #(let [curve-v (curve-values c2 %)
line-t (get-line-tval l1 curve-v)]
(and (> line-t 0.001) (< line-t 0.999)))))
(fn [curve-t]
(let [curve-t (if (mth/almost-zero? curve-t) 0 curve-t)
curve-v (curve-values c2 curve-t)
line-t (get-line-tval l1 curve-v)]
(and (>= curve-t 0) (<= curve-t 1)
(>= line-t 0) (<= line-t 1))))))
;; Intersection line-curve points
intersect-ps (->> curve-ts
(mapv #(curve-values c2 %)))
line-ts (->> intersect-ps
(mapv #(get-line-tval l1 %)))]
[line-ts curve-ts]))
(defn curve-curve-intersect
@ -658,27 +699,51 @@
r2 (curve-range->rect c2 c2-from c2-to)]
(when (gpr/overlaps-rects? r1 r2)
(if (< (gpt/distance (curve-values c1 c1-from)
(curve-values c2 c2-from))
[(sorted-set (mth/precision c1-from 4))
(sorted-set (mth/precision c2-from 4))]
(let [p1 (curve-values c1 c1-from)
p2 (curve-values c2 c2-from)]
(let [c1-half (+ c1-from (/ (- c1-to c1-from) 2))
c2-half (+ c2-from (/ (- c2-to c2-from) 2))
(if (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) curve-curve-precision)
[{:p1 p1
:p2 p2
:d (gpt/distance p1 p2)
:t1 (mth/precision c1-from 4)
:t2 (mth/precision c2-from 4)}]
[c1-ts-1 c2-ts-1] (check-range c1-from c1-half c2-from c2-half)
[c1-ts-2 c2-ts-2] (check-range c1-from c1-half c2-half c2-to)
[c1-ts-3 c2-ts-3] (check-range c1-half c1-to c2-from c2-half)
[c1-ts-4 c2-ts-4] (check-range c1-half c1-to c2-half c2-to)]
(let [c1-half (+ c1-from (/ (- c1-to c1-from) 2))
c2-half (+ c2-from (/ (- c2-to c2-from) 2))
[(into (sorted-set) (d/concat [] c1-ts-1 c1-ts-2 c1-ts-3 c1-ts-4))
(into (sorted-set) (d/concat [] c2-ts-1 c2-ts-2 c2-ts-3 c2-ts-4))])))))]
ts-1 (check-range c1-from c1-half c2-from c2-half)
ts-2 (check-range c1-from c1-half c2-half c2-to)
ts-3 (check-range c1-half c1-to c2-from c2-half)
ts-4 (check-range c1-half c1-to c2-half c2-to)]
(let [[c1-ts c2-ts] (check-range 0.005 0.995 0.005 0.995)
c1-ts (remove-close-ts c1-ts)
c2-ts (remove-close-ts c2-ts)]
[c1-ts c2-ts])))
(d/concat [] ts-1 ts-2 ts-3 ts-4)))))))
(remove-close-ts [{cp1 :p1 cp2 :p2}]
(fn [{:keys [p1 p2]}]
(and (>= (gpt/distance p1 cp1) curve-range-precision)
(>= (gpt/distance p2 cp2) curve-range-precision))))
(process-ts [ts]
(loop [current (first ts)
pending (rest ts)
c1-ts []
c2-ts []]
(if (nil? current)
[c1-ts c2-ts]
(let [pending (->> pending (filter (remove-close-ts current)))
c1-ts (conj c1-ts (:t1 current))
c2-ts (conj c2-ts (:t2 current))]
(recur (first pending)
(rest pending)
(->> (check-range 0 1 0 1)
(sort-by :d)
(defn curve->rect
[[from-p to-p :as curve]]
@ -730,33 +795,39 @@
for example (split-line-to-ranges p c [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1] will split
the line into 4 lines"
[from-p cmd values]
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)]
(->> (conj values 1)
(mapv (fn [val]
(-> (gpt/lerp from-p to-p val)
#_(gpt/round 2)
(let [values (->> values (filter #(and (> % 0) (< % 1))))]
(if (empty? values)
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)
values-set (->> (conj values 1) (into (sorted-set)))]
(->> values-set
(mapv (fn [val]
(-> (gpt/lerp from-p to-p val)
#_(gpt/round 2)
(defn split-curve-to-ranges
"Splits a curve into several curves given the points in `values`
for example (split-curve-to-ranges p c [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1] will split
the curve into 4 curves that draw the same curve"
[from-p cmd values]
(if (empty? values)
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)
params (:params cmd)
h1 (gpt/point (:c1x params) (:c1y params))
h2 (gpt/point (:c2x params) (:c2y params))
values-set (->> (conj values 1) (into (sorted-set)))]
(->> (d/with-prev values-set)
(fn [[t1 t0]]
(let [t0 (if (nil? t0) 0 t0)
[_ to-p h1' h2'] (subcurve-range from-p to-p h1 h2 t0 t1)]
(upc/make-curve-to (-> to-p #_(gpt/round 2)) h1' h2'))))))))
(let [values (->> values (filter #(and (> % 0) (< % 1))))]
(if (empty? values)
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)
params (:params cmd)
h1 (gpt/point (:c1x params) (:c1y params))
h2 (gpt/point (:c2x params) (:c2y params))
values-set (->> (conj values 0 1) (into (sorted-set)))]
(->> (d/with-prev values-set)
(fn [[t1 t0]]
(let [[_ to-p h1' h2'] (subcurve-range from-p to-p h1 h2 t0 t1)]
(upc/make-curve-to (-> to-p #_(gpt/round 2)) h1' h2')))))))))
(defn content-center
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
(if (> num to) to num)))
(defn almost-zero? [num]
(< (abs num) 1e-8))
(< (abs num) 1e-5))
(defonce float-equal-precision 0.001)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gsp]
[app.common.geom.shapes.rect :as gpr]
[app.common.path.commands :as upc]
[app.common.path.subpaths :as ups]))
@ -29,41 +30,6 @@
:c1x c2x :c1y c2y
:c2x c1x :c2y c1y)))))
(defn- split-command
[cmd values]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to (gsp/split-line-to-ranges (:prev cmd) cmd values)
:curve-to (gsp/split-curve-to-ranges (:prev cmd) cmd values)
(defn split [seg-1 seg-2]
(let [[ts-seg-1 ts-seg-2]
(and (= :line-to (:command seg-1))
(= :line-to (:command seg-2)))
(gsp/line-line-intersect (gsp/command->line seg-1) (gsp/command->line seg-2))
(and (= :line-to (:command seg-1))
(= :curve-to (:command seg-2)))
(gsp/line-curve-intersect (gsp/command->line seg-1) (gsp/command->bezier seg-2))
(and (= :curve-to (:command seg-1))
(= :line-to (:command seg-2)))
(let [[seg-2' seg-1']
(gsp/line-curve-intersect (gsp/command->line seg-2) (gsp/command->bezier seg-1))]
;; Need to reverse because we send the arguments reversed
[seg-1' seg-2'])
(and (= :curve-to (:command seg-1))
(= :curve-to (:command seg-2)))
(gsp/curve-curve-intersect (gsp/command->bezier seg-1) (gsp/command->bezier seg-2))
[[] []])]
[(split-command seg-1 ts-seg-1)
(split-command seg-2 ts-seg-2)]))
(defn add-previous
(add-previous content nil))
@ -77,57 +43,86 @@
(some? prev)
(assoc :prev (gsp/command->point prev))))))))
(defn- split-command
[cmd values]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to (gsp/split-line-to-ranges (:prev cmd) cmd values)
:curve-to (gsp/split-curve-to-ranges (:prev cmd) cmd values)
(defn split-ts [seg-1 seg-2]
(and (= :line-to (:command seg-1))
(= :line-to (:command seg-2)))
(gsp/line-line-intersect (gsp/command->line seg-1) (gsp/command->line seg-2))
(and (= :line-to (:command seg-1))
(= :curve-to (:command seg-2)))
(gsp/line-curve-intersect (gsp/command->line seg-1) (gsp/command->bezier seg-2))
(and (= :curve-to (:command seg-1))
(= :line-to (:command seg-2)))
(let [[seg-2' seg-1']
(gsp/line-curve-intersect (gsp/command->line seg-2) (gsp/command->bezier seg-1))]
;; Need to reverse because we send the arguments reversed
[seg-1' seg-2'])
(and (= :curve-to (:command seg-1))
(= :curve-to (:command seg-2)))
(gsp/curve-curve-intersect (gsp/command->bezier seg-1) (gsp/command->bezier seg-2))
[[] []]))
(defn split
[seg-1 seg-2]
(let [r1 (gsp/command->selrect seg-1)
r2 (gsp/command->selrect seg-2)]
(if (not (gpr/overlaps-rects? r1 r2))
[[seg-1] [seg-2]]
(let [[ts-seg-1 ts-seg-2] (split-ts seg-1 seg-2)]
[(-> (split-command seg-1 ts-seg-1) (add-previous (:prev seg-1)))
(-> (split-command seg-2 ts-seg-2) (add-previous (:prev seg-2)))]))))
(defn content-intersect-split
"Given two path contents will return the intersect between them"
[content-a content-b]
(if (or (empty? content-a) (empty? content-b))
[content-a content-b]
(let [cache (atom {})]
(letfn [(split-cache [seg-1 seg-2]
(contains? @cache [seg-1 seg-2])
(first (get @cache [seg-1 seg-2]))
(loop [current (first content-a)
pending (rest content-a)
content-b content-b
new-content-a []]
(contains? @cache [seg-2 seg-1])
(second (get @cache [seg-2 seg-1]))
(if (not (some? current))
[new-content-a content-b]
(let [value (split seg-1 seg-2)]
(swap! cache assoc [seg-1 seg-2] value)
(first value))))
(let [[new-current new-pending new-content-b]
[segment content]
(loop [current current
pending pending
other (first content-b)
head-content []
tail-content (rest content-b)]
(loop [current (first content)
content (rest content)
result [segment]]
(if (not (some? other))
;; Finished recorring second content
[current pending head-content]
(if (nil? current)
(let [result (->> result (into [] (mapcat #(split-cache % current))))]
(recur (first content)
(rest content)
;; We split the current
(let [[new-as new-bs] (split current other)
new-as (add-previous new-as (:prev current))
new-bs (add-previous new-bs (:prev other))]
[content-a content-b]
(into []
(mapcat #(split-segment-on-content % content-b))
(if (> (count new-as) 1)
;; We add the new-a's to the stack and change the b then we iterate to the top
(recur (first new-as)
(d/concat [] (rest new-as) pending)
(first tail-content)
(d/concat [] head-content new-bs)
(rest tail-content))
;; No current segment-segment split we continue searching
(recur current
(first tail-content)
(conj head-content other)
(rest tail-content))))))]
(recur (first new-pending)
(rest new-pending)
(conj new-content-a new-current)))))))
[(split-content content-a content-b)
(split-content content-b content-a)])))
(defn is-segment?
@ -145,6 +140,40 @@
(gsp/curve-values 0.5)))]
(gsp/is-point-in-content? point content)))
(defn overlap-segment?
"Finds if the current segment is overlapping against other
segment meaning they have the same coordinates"
[segment content]
(letfn [(overlap-single?
(when (and (= (:command segment) (:command other))
(contains? #{:line-to :curve-to} (:command segment)))
(case (:command segment)
:line-to (let [[p1 q1] (gsp/command->line segment)
[p2 q2] (gsp/command->line other)]
(or (and (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 q2) 0.1))
(and (< (gpt/distance p1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 p2) 0.1))))
:curve-to (let [[p1 q1 h11 h21] (gsp/command->bezier segment)
[p2 q2 h12 h22] (gsp/command->bezier other)]
(or (and (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h11 h12) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h21 h22) 0.1))
(and (< (gpt/distance p1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h11 h22) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h21 h12) 0.1)))))))]
(some? (d/seek overlap-single? content))))
(defn create-union [content-a content-a-split content-b content-b-split]
;; Pick all segments in content-a that are not inside content-b
;; Pick all segments in content-b that are not inside content-a
@ -156,6 +185,7 @@
(defn create-difference [content-a content-a-split content-b content-b-split]
;; Pick all segments in content-a that are not inside content-b
;; Pick all segments in content b that are inside content-a
;; removing overlapping
(->> content-a-split (filter #(not (contains-segment? % content-b))))
@ -164,7 +194,8 @@
(->> content-b-split
(mapv reverse-command)
(filter #(contains-segment? % content-a)))))
(filter #(contains-segment? % content-a))
(filter #(not (overlap-segment? % content-a-split))))))
(defn create-intersection [content-a content-a-split content-b content-b-split]
;; Pick all segments in content-a that are inside content-b
Add table
Reference in a new issue