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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-02-12 18:18:24 -05:00

Add minor improvements to srepl helpers

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2024-02-13 18:40:16 +01:00
parent 1415ed30b6
commit bc3d268f57
2 changed files with 14 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -29,6 +29,13 @@
(update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
(update :features disj "fdata/pointer-map" "fdata/objects-map"))))
(def sql:get-fdata-files
"SELECT id FROM file
WHERE deleted_at is NULL
AND (features @> '{fdata/pointer-map}' OR
features @> '{fdata/objects-map}')
ORDER BY created_at DESC")
(defn find-fdata-pointers
[{:keys [id features data] :as file} _]
(when (contains? features "fdata/pointer-map")

View file

@ -370,40 +370,11 @@
(def ^:private
(def sql:get-files
"SELECT id FROM file
WHERE created_at < ? AND deleted_at is NULL
WHERE deleted_at is NULL
ORDER BY created_at DESC")
(defn analyze-files
"Apply a function to all files in the database, reading them in
batches. Do not change data.
Emits rollback at the end of operation."
[on-file & {:keys [max-items start-at with-libraries?]}]
(letfn [(get-candidates [conn]
(cond->> (db/cursor conn [sql:get-file-ids (or start-at (dt/now))])
(some? max-items)
(take max-items)))
(process-file [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system} file-id]
(let [file (h/get-file system file-id)
libs (when with-libraries?
(->> (files/get-file-libraries conn file-id)
(into [file] (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(h/get-file system id))))
(d/index-by :id)))]
(if with-libraries?
(on-file file libs)
(on-file file))))]
(db/tx-run! (assoc main/system ::db/rollback true)
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(binding [h/*system* system]
(run! (partial process-file system)
(get-candidates conn)))))))
(defn process-file!
"Apply a function to the file. Optionally save the changes or not.
The function receives the decoded and migrated file data."
@ -435,11 +406,12 @@
"Apply a function to all files in the database"
[update-fn & {:keys [max-items
:or {max-jobs 1
max-items Long/MAX_VALUE
rollback? true}
rollback? true
query sql:get-files}
:as opts}]
(l/dbg :hint "process:start"
@ -483,7 +455,7 @@
(px/run! executor (partial process-file file-id idx (dt/tpoint)))
(inc idx))
(->> (db/cursor conn [sql:get-file-ids (or start-at (dt/now))])
(->> (db/cursor conn [query] {:chunk-size 1})
(take max-items)
(map :id)))