mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 23:08:24 -05:00
Merge pull request #371 from tokens-studio/rebase-ui-updates
Sets UI Updates
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 72 additions and 178 deletions
@ -215,6 +215,10 @@
(defn split-token-set-path [path]
(defn split-token-set-path [path]
(split-path path set-separator))
(split-path path set-separator))
(defn get-token-set-final-name [path]
(-> (split-token-set-path path)
(defn set-name->prefixed-full-path [name-str]
(defn set-name->prefixed-full-path [name-str]
(-> (split-token-set-path name-str)
(-> (split-token-set-path name-str)
@ -223,6 +227,11 @@
(let [path (get-path token-set set-separator)]
(let [path (get-path token-set set-separator)]
(set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path path)))
(set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path path)))
(defn get-prefixed-token-set-final-prefix [prefixed-path-str]
(some-> (get-token-set-final-name prefixed-path-str)
(defn set-name-string->prefixed-set-path-string [name-str]
(defn set-name-string->prefixed-set-path-string [name-str]
(-> (set-name->prefixed-full-path name-str)
(-> (set-name->prefixed-full-path name-str)
@ -235,6 +244,16 @@
(defn prefixed-set-path-final-group?
"Predicate if the given prefixed path string ends with a group."
(= (get-prefixed-token-set-final-prefix prefixed-path-str) set-group-prefix))
(defn prefixed-set-path-final-set?
"Predicate if the given prefixed path string ends with a set."
(= (get-prefixed-token-set-final-prefix prefixed-path-str) set-prefix))
(defn tokens-tree
(defn tokens-tree
"Convert tokens into a nested tree with their `:name` as the path.
"Convert tokens into a nested tree with their `:name` as the path.
Optionally use `update-token-fn` option to transform the token."
Optionally use `update-token-fn` option to transform the token."
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.common.types.tokens-list
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.time :as dt]))
(defn tokens-seq
"Returns a sequence of all tokens within the file data."
(vals (:tokens file-data)))
(defn- touch
"Updates the `modified-at` timestamp of a token."
(assoc token :modified-at (dt/now)))
(defn add-token
"Adds a new token to the file data, setting its `modified-at` timestamp."
[file-data token-set-id token]
(-> file-data
(update :tokens assoc (:id token) (touch token))
(d/update-in-when [:token-sets-index token-set-id] #(->
(update % :tokens conj (:id token))
(defn get-token
"Retrieves a token by its ID from the file data."
[file-data token-id]
(get-in file-data [:tokens token-id]))
(defn set-token
"Sets or updates a token in the file data, updating its `modified-at` timestamp."
[file-data token]
(d/assoc-in-when file-data [:tokens (:id token)] (touch token)))
(defn update-token
"Applies a function to update a token in the file data, then touches it."
[file-data token-id f & args]
(d/update-in-when file-data [:tokens token-id] #(-> (apply f % args) (touch))))
(defn delete-token
"Removes a token from the file data by its ID."
[file-data token-id]
(update file-data :tokens dissoc token-id))
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.common.types.tokens-theme-list
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.time :as dt]))
(defn- touch
"Updates the `modified-at` timestamp of a token set."
(assoc token-set :modified-at (dt/now)))
(defn assoc-active-token-themes
[file-data theme-ids]
(assoc file-data :token-active-themes theme-ids))
(defn add-temporary-token-theme
[file-data {:keys [id name] :as token-theme}]
(-> file-data
(d/dissoc-in [:token-themes-index (:token-theme-temporary-id file-data)])
(assoc :token-theme-temporary-id id)
(assoc :token-theme-temporary-name name)
(update :token-themes-index assoc id token-theme)))
(defn delete-temporary-token-theme
[file-data token-theme-id]
(cond-> file-data
(= (:token-theme-temporary-id file-data) token-theme-id) (dissoc :token-theme-temporary-id :token-theme-temporary-name)
:always (d/dissoc-in [:token-themes-index (:token-theme-temporary-id file-data)])))
(defn add-token-theme
[file-data {:keys [index id] :as token-theme}]
(-> file-data
(update :token-themes
(fn [token-themes]
(let [exists? (some (partial = id) token-themes)]
exists? token-themes
(nil? index) (conj (or token-themes []) id)
:else (d/insert-at-index token-themes index [id])))))
(update :token-themes-index assoc id token-theme)))
(defn update-token-theme
[file-data token-theme-id f & args]
(d/update-in-when file-data [:token-themes-index token-theme-id] #(-> (apply f % args) (touch))))
(defn delete-token-theme
[file-data theme-id]
(-> file-data
(update :token-themes (fn [ids] (d/removev #(= % theme-id) ids)))
(update :token-themes-index dissoc theme-id)
(update :token-active-themes disj theme-id)))
(defn add-token-set
[file-data {:keys [index id] :as token-set}]
(-> file-data
(update :token-set-groups
(fn [token-set-groups]
(let [exists? (some (partial = id) token-set-groups)]
exists? token-set-groups
(nil? index) (conj (or token-set-groups []) id)
:else (d/insert-at-index token-set-groups index [id])))))
(update :token-sets-index assoc id token-set)))
(defn update-token-set
[file-data token-set-id f & args]
(d/update-in-when file-data [:token-sets-index token-set-id] #(-> (apply f % args) (touch))))
(defn delete-token-set
[file-data token-set-id]
(-> file-data
(update :token-set-groups (fn [xs] (into [] (remove #(= (:id %) token-set-id) xs))))
(update :token-sets-index dissoc token-set-id)
(update :token-themes-index (fn [xs] (update-vals xs #(update % :sets disj token-set-id))))))
@ -493,9 +493,6 @@
(def workspace-selected-token-set-path
(def workspace-selected-token-set-path
(l/derived wtts/get-selected-token-set-path st/state))
(l/derived wtts/get-selected-token-set-path st/state))
(def workspace-token-set-group-selected?
(l/derived wtts/token-group-selected? st/state))
(def workspace-ordered-token-sets
(def workspace-ordered-token-sets
(l/derived #(or (some-> % ctob/get-sets) []) tokens-lib))
(l/derived #(or (some-> % ctob/get-sets) []) tokens-lib))
@ -271,6 +271,11 @@
(mf/deps theme-state)
(mf/deps theme-state)
(fn [set-name]
(fn [set-name]
(swap! theme-state #(ctob/toggle-set % set-name))))
(swap! theme-state #(ctob/toggle-set % set-name))))
on-click-token-set (mf/use-callback
(mf/deps on-toggle-token-set)
(fn [prefixed-set-path-str]
(let [set-name (ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string prefixed-set-path-str)]
(on-toggle-token-set set-name))))
on-change-field (fn [field value]
on-change-field (fn [field value]
(swap! theme-state #(assoc % field value)))
(swap! theme-state #(assoc % field value)))
on-save-form (mf/use-callback
on-save-form (mf/use-callback
@ -322,7 +327,7 @@
{:token-sets token-sets
{:token-sets token-sets
:token-set-selected? (constantly false)
:token-set-selected? (constantly false)
:token-set-active? token-set-active?
:token-set-active? token-set-active?
:on-select on-toggle-token-set
:on-select on-click-token-set
:on-toggle-token-set on-toggle-token-set
:on-toggle-token-set on-toggle-token-set
:origin "theme-modal"
:origin "theme-modal"
:context sets-context/static-context}]]
:context sets-context/static-context}]]
@ -60,16 +60,8 @@
:default-value default-value}]))
:default-value default-value}]))
(mf/defc sets-tree-set-group
(mf/defc sets-tree-set-group
[{:keys [label tree-depth tree-path selected? collapsed? on-select editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
[{:keys [label tree-depth tree-path selected? collapsed? editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
(let [editing?' (editing? tree-path)
(let [editing?' (editing? tree-path)
(mf/deps editing? tree-path)
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(when-not (editing? tree-path)
(on-select tree-path))))
(mf/deps editing? tree-path)
(mf/deps editing? tree-path)
@ -80,33 +72,34 @@
{:position (dom/get-client-position event)
{:position (dom/get-client-position event)
:tree-path tree-path})))))]
:prefixed-set-path tree-path})))))
[:div {;; :ref dref
on-click (mf/use-fn
:role "button"
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(swap! collapsed? not)))]
[:div {:role "button"
:data-testid "tokens-set-group-item"
:data-testid "tokens-set-group-item"
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:set-item-group true
:selected-set selected?)
:selected-set selected?)
:on-click on-click
:on-context-menu on-context-menu}
:on-context-menu on-context-menu
:on-double-click #(on-edit tree-path)}
[:> icon-button*
[:> icon-button*
{:on-click (fn [event]
{:class (stl/css :set-item-group-collapse-button)
(.stopPropagation event)
:on-click on-click
(swap! collapsed? not))
:aria-label (tr "labels.collapse")
:aria-label (tr "labels.collapse")
:icon (if @collapsed? "arrow-right" "arrow-down")
:icon (if @collapsed? "arrow-right" "arrow-down")
:variant "action"}]
:variant "action"}]
[:> icon*
{:id "group"
:class (stl/css :icon)}]
(if editing?'
(if editing?'
[:& editing-label
[:& editing-label
{:default-value label
{:default-value label
:on-cancel on-edit-reset
:on-cancel on-edit-reset
:on-create on-edit-reset
:on-create on-edit-reset
:on-submit #(on-edit-submit)}]
;; TODO Implement set group renaming
[:div {:class (stl/css :set-name)} label])]))
:on-submit (constantly nil)}]
[:div {:class (stl/css :set-name)
:on-double-click #(on-edit tree-path)}
(mf/defc sets-tree-set
(mf/defc sets-tree-set
[{:keys [set label tree-depth tree-path selected? on-select active? on-toggle editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
[{:keys [set label tree-depth tree-path selected? on-select active? on-toggle editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
@ -119,9 +112,7 @@
(fn [event]
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(when-not editing?'
(when-not editing?'
(on-toggle set-name)
(on-select tree-path))))
(on-select tree-path))))
(mf/deps editing?' tree-path)
(mf/deps editing?' tree-path)
@ -132,16 +123,17 @@
{:position (dom/get-client-position event)
{:position (dom/get-client-position event)
:tree-path tree-path})))))]
:prefixed-set-path tree-path})))))
on-checkbox-click (mf/use-fn
[:div {;; :ref dref
(fn [event]
:role "button"
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(on-toggle set-name)))]
[:div {:role "button"
:data-testid "tokens-set-item"
:data-testid "tokens-set-item"
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:selected-set selected?)
:selected-set selected?)
:on-click on-click
:on-click on-click
:on-double-click #(on-edit tree-path)
:on-context-menu on-context-menu
:on-context-menu on-context-menu
:aria-checked active?'}
:aria-checked active?'}
[:> icon*
[:> icon*
@ -155,9 +147,11 @@
:on-create on-edit-reset
:on-create on-edit-reset
:on-submit #(on-edit-submit set-name (ctob/update-name set %))}]
:on-submit #(on-edit-submit set-name (ctob/update-name set %))}]
[:div {:class (stl/css :set-name)} label]
[:div {:class (stl/css :set-name)
[:button {:on-click on-click
:on-double-click #(on-edit tree-path)}
:type "button"
[:button {:type "button"
:on-click on-checkbox-click
:class (stl/css-case :checkbox-style true
:class (stl/css-case :checkbox-style true
:checkbox-checked-style active?')}
:checkbox-checked-style active?')}
(when active?'
(when active?'
@ -170,9 +164,9 @@
[{:keys [set-path set-node tree-depth tree-path on-select selected? on-toggle active? editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]
[{:keys [set-path set-node tree-depth tree-path on-select selected? on-toggle active? editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]
:or {tree-depth 0}
:or {tree-depth 0}
:as props}]
:as props}]
(let [[set-prefix set-path'] (some-> set-path (ctob/split-set-str-path-prefix))
(let [[set-path-prefix set-fname] (some-> set-path (ctob/split-set-str-path-prefix))
set? (instance? ctob/TokenSet set-node)
set? (instance? ctob/TokenSet set-node)
set-group? (= ctob/set-group-prefix set-prefix)
set-group? (= ctob/set-group-prefix set-path-prefix)
root? (= tree-depth 0)
root? (= tree-depth 0)
collapsed? (mf/use-state false)
collapsed? (mf/use-state false)
children? (and
children? (and
@ -187,7 +181,7 @@
:active? active?
:active? active?
:selected? (selected? tree-path)
:selected? (selected? tree-path)
:on-select on-select
:on-select on-select
:label set-path'
:label set-fname
:tree-path (or tree-path set-path)
:tree-path (or tree-path set-path)
:tree-depth tree-depth
:tree-depth tree-depth
:editing? editing?
:editing? editing?
@ -199,7 +193,7 @@
[:& sets-tree-set-group
[:& sets-tree-set-group
{:selected? (selected? tree-path)
{:selected? (selected? tree-path)
:on-select on-select
:on-select on-select
:label set-path'
:label set-fname
:collapsed? collapsed?
:collapsed? collapsed?
:tree-path (or tree-path set-path)
:tree-path (or tree-path set-path)
:tree-depth tree-depth
:tree-depth tree-depth
@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
.set-item-group {
cursor: unset;
.set-item-group-collapse-button {
cursor: pointer;
.set-name {
.set-name {
@include textEllipsis;
@include textEllipsis;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-grow: 1;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sets-context-menu
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sets-context-menu
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.data.tokens :as wdt]
[app.main.data.tokens :as wdt]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.store :as st]
@ -35,11 +36,13 @@
[:span {:class (stl/css :title)} title]])
[:span {:class (stl/css :title)} title]])
(mf/defc menu
(mf/defc menu
[{:keys [tree-path]}]
[{:keys [prefixed-set-path]}]
(let [{:keys [on-edit]} (sets-context/use-context)
(let [{:keys [on-edit]} (sets-context/use-context)
edit-name (mf/use-fn #(on-edit tree-path))
edit-name (mf/use-fn #(on-edit prefixed-set-path))
delete-set (mf/use-fn #(st/emit! (wdt/delete-token-set-path tree-path)))]
delete-set (mf/use-fn #(st/emit! (wdt/delete-token-set-path prefixed-set-path)))]
[:ul {:class (stl/css :context-list)}
[:ul {:class (stl/css :context-list)}
(when (ctob/prefixed-set-path-final-group? prefixed-set-path)
[:& menu-entry {:title "Add set to this group" :on-click js/console.log}])
[:& menu-entry {:title (tr "labels.rename") :on-click edit-name}]
[:& menu-entry {:title (tr "labels.rename") :on-click edit-name}]
[:& menu-entry {:title (tr "labels.delete") :on-click delete-set}]]))
[:& menu-entry {:title (tr "labels.delete") :on-click delete-set}]]))
@ -61,4 +64,4 @@
:ref dropdown-ref
:ref dropdown-ref
:style {:top top :left left}
:style {:top top :left left}
:on-context-menu prevent-default}
:on-context-menu prevent-default}
[:& menu {:tree-path (:tree-path mdata)}]]]))
[:& menu {:prefixed-set-path (:prefixed-set-path mdata)}]]]))
@ -245,11 +245,7 @@
[:div {:class (stl/css :sets-sidebar)}
[:div {:class (stl/css :sets-sidebar)}
[:& themes-header]
[:& themes-header]
[:div {:class (stl/css :sidebar-header)}
[:div {:class (stl/css :sidebar-header)}
[:& title-bar {:collapsable true
[:& title-bar {:title (tr "labels.sets")}
:collapsed (not @open?)
:all-clickable true
:title (tr "labels.sets")
:on-collapsed #(swap! open? not)}
[:& add-set-button {:on-open on-open
[:& add-set-button {:on-open on-open
:style "header"}]]]
:style "header"}]]]
[:& theme-sets-list {:on-open on-open}]]]]))
[:& theme-sets-list {:on-open on-open}]]]]))
Add table
Reference in a new issue