mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:31:21 -05:00
✅ Move more touched tests to common
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 206 additions and 353 deletions
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
(defn add-rect
[file rect-label & {:keys [] :as params}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; :rect-label [:type :rect :name: Rect1]
(thf/add-sample-shape file rect-label
(merge {:type :rect
:name "Rect1"}
@ -18,6 +20,8 @@
(defn add-frame
[file frame-label & {:keys [] :as params}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; :frame-label [:type :frame :name: Frame1]
(thf/add-sample-shape file frame-label
(merge {:type :frame
:name "Frame1"}
@ -25,6 +29,9 @@
(defn add-frame-with-child
[file frame-label child-label & {:keys [frame-params child-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; :frame-label [:name: Frame1]
;; :child-label [:name: Rect1]
(-> file
(add-frame frame-label frame-params)
(thf/add-sample-shape child-label
@ -36,6 +43,9 @@
(defn add-simple-component
[file component-label root-label child-label
& {:keys [component-params root-params child-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component-label]
;; :child-label [:name: Rect1]
(-> file
(add-frame-with-child root-label child-label :frame-params root-params :child-params child-params)
(thf/make-component component-label root-label component-params)))
@ -43,6 +53,12 @@
(defn add-simple-component-with-copy
[file component-label main-root-label main-child-label copy-root-label
& {:keys [component-params main-root-params main-child-params copy-root-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:main-root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component-label]
;; :main-child-label [:name: Rect1]
;; :copy-root-label [:name: Frame1] #--> [Component :component-label] :main-root-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect1] ---> :main-child-label
(-> file
(add-simple-component component-label
@ -55,27 +71,98 @@
(defn add-component-with-many-children
[file component-label root-label child-labels
& {:keys [component-params root-params child-params-list]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component-label]
;; :child1-label [:name: Rect1]
;; :child2-label [:name: Rect2]
;; :child3-label [:name: Rect3]
(as-> file $
(add-frame $ root-label root-params)
(reduce (fn [file [label params]]
(reduce (fn [file [index [label params]]]
(thf/add-sample-shape file
(merge {:type :rect
:name "Rect1"
:name (str "Rect" (inc index))
:parent-label root-label}
(d/zip-all child-labels child-params-list))
(d/enumerate (d/zip-all child-labels child-params-list)))
(thf/make-component $ component-label root-label component-params)))
(defn add-component-with-many-children-and-copy
[file component-label root-label child-labels copy-root-label
& {:keys [component-params root-params child-params-list copy-root-params]}]
[file component-label main-root-label main-child-labels copy-root-label
& {:keys [component-params main-root-params main-child-params-list copy-root-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component-label]
;; :child1-label [:name: Rect1]
;; :child2-label [:name: Rect2]
;; :child3-label [:name: Rect3]
;; :copy-root-label [:name: Frame1] #--> [Component :component-label] :root-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect1] ---> :child1-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect2] ---> :child2-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect3] ---> :child3-label
(-> file
(add-component-with-many-children component-label
:component-params component-params
:root-params root-params
:child-params-list child-params-list)
:root-params main-root-params
:child-params-list main-child-params-list)
(thf/instantiate-component component-label copy-root-label copy-root-params)))
(defn add-nested-component
[file component1-label main1-root-label main1-child-label component2-label main2-root-label nested-head-label
& {:keys [component1-params root1-params main1-child-params component2-params main2-root-params nested-head-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:main1-root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component1-label]
;; :main1-child-label [:name: Rect1]
;; {:main2-root-label} [:name: Frame2] # [Component :component2-label]
;; :nested-head-label [:name: Frame1] @--> [Component :component1-label] :main1-root-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect1] ---> :main1-child-label
(-> file
(add-simple-component component1-label
:component-params component1-params
:root-params root1-params
:child-params main1-child-params)
(add-frame main2-root-label (merge {:name "Frame2"}
(thf/instantiate-component component1-label
(assoc nested-head-params
:parent-label main2-root-label))
(thf/make-component component2-label
(defn add-nested-component-with-copy
[file component1-label main1-root-label main1-child-label component2-label main2-root-label nested-head-label copy2-label
& {:keys [component1-params root1-params main1-child-params component2-params main2-root-params nested-head-params copy2-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:main1-root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component1-label]
;; :main1-child-label [:name: Rect1]
;; {:main2-root-label} [:name: Frame2] # [Component :component2-label]
;; :nested-head-label [:name: Frame1] @--> [Component :component1-label] :main1-root-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect1] ---> :main1-child-label
;; :copy2-label [:name: Frame2] #--> [Component :component2-label] :main2-root-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Frame1] @--> [Component :component1-label] :nested-head-label
;; <no-label> [:name: Rect1] ---> <no-label>
(-> file
(add-nested-component component1-label
:component1-params component1-params
:root1-params root1-params
:main1-child-params main1-child-params
:component2-params component2-params
:main2-root-params main2-root-params
:nested-head-params nested-head-params)
(thf/instantiate-component component2-label copy2-label copy2-params)))
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
(ns common-tests.helpers.debug
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]))
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(defn dump-shape
"Dumps a shape, with each attribute in a line"
@ -15,19 +17,37 @@
(defn- stringify-keys [m keys]
(apply str (interpose ", " (map #(str % ": " (get m %)) keys))))
(defn- dump-page-shape
[shape keys padding]
(println (str/pad (str padding
(when (:main-instance shape) "{")
(or (thi/label (:id shape)) "<no-label>")
(when (:main-instance shape) "}")
(when keys
(str " [" (stringify-keys shape keys) "]")))
{:length 40 :type :right})
(if (nil? (:shape-ref shape))
(if (:component-root shape)
(str "# [Component " (or (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "<no-label>") "]")
(str/format "%s--> %s%s"
(cond (:component-root shape) "#"
(:component-id shape) "@"
:else "-")
(if (:component-root shape)
(str "[Component " (or (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "<no-label>") "] ")
(or (thi/label (:shape-ref shape)) "<no-label>")))))
(defn dump-page
"Dumps the layer tree of the page. Prints the label of each shape, and the specified keys.
Example: (thd/dump-page (thf/current-page file) [:id :touched])"
([page keys]
(dump-page page uuid/zero "" keys))
([page id padding keys]
(let [objects (vals (:objects page))
root-objects (filter #(and
(= (:parent-id %) id)
(not= (:id %) id))
(doseq [val root-objects]
(println padding (thi/label (:id val))
(when keys
(str "[" (stringify-keys val keys) "]")))
(dump-page page (:id val) (str padding " ") keys)))))
([page root-id padding keys]
(let [lookupf (d/getf (:objects page))
root-shape (lookupf root-id)
shapes (map lookupf (:shapes root-shape))]
(doseq [shape shapes]
(dump-page-shape shape keys padding)
(dump-page page (:id shape) (str padding " ") keys)))))
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
(ns common-tests.logic.components-touched-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[clojure.test :as t]
[common-tests.helpers.compositions :as tho]
@ -151,3 +150,81 @@
;; Check
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-upper
(let [;; Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:root2-params {:fills (thf/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (thf/get-shape file :copy2-root)
;; Action
update-fn (fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (thf/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-root)}
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; Get
copy2-root' (thf/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
fills' (:fills copy2-root')
fill' (first fills')]
;; Check
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-lower
(let [;; Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:nested-head-params {:fills (thf/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (thf/get-shape file :copy2-root)
;; Action
update-fn (fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (thf/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(:shapes copy2-root)
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; Get
copy2-root' (thf/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (thf/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy2-root')))
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; Check
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') #{:fill-group}))))
@ -21,337 +21,6 @@
(t/use-fixtures :each
{:before thp/reset-idmap!})
;; === Test touched ======================
(t/deftest test-touched-from-lib
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"
:fill-color clr/white
:fill-opacity 1})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/move-to-library :lib1 "Library 1")
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1)
(thp/id :lib1)))
[_group1 shape1']
(thl/resolve-instance state (thp/id :instance1))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1 #--> <Library 1> Rect 1
;; Rect 1* ---> <Library 1> Rect 1
;; #{:fill-group}
(let [[[group shape1] [c-group c-shape1] _component]
(thp/id :instance1))]
(t/is (= (:name group) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched group) nil))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape1) #{:fill-group}))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape1) clr/test))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape1) 0.5))
(t/is (= (:name c-group) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-group) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape1) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color c-shape1) clr/white))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity c-shape1) 1)))))]
(dch/update-shapes [(:id shape1')]
(fn [shape]
(merge shape {:fill-color clr/test
:fill-opacity 0.5})))
(t/deftest test-touched-nested-upper
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"
:fill-color clr/white
:fill-opacity 1})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1))
(thp/sample-shape :shape2 :circle
{:name "Circle 1"
:fill-color clr/black
:fill-opacity 0})
(thp/frame-shapes :frame1
[(thp/id :instance1)
(thp/id :shape2)])
(thp/make-component :main2 :component2
[(thp/id :frame1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance2
(thp/id :component2)))
[_instance2 _instance1 shape1' _shape2']
(thl/resolve-instance state (thp/id :instance2))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Group
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; Circle 1
;; Group #--> Group
;; Rect 1 @--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; Circle 1* ---> Circle 1
;; #{:fill-group}
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
;; [Group]
;; page1 / Group
(let [[[instance2 instance1 shape1 shape2]
[c-instance2 c-instance1 c-shape1 c-shape2] _component]
(thp/id :instance2))]
(t/is (= (:name instance2) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance2) nil))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Circle 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape1) #{:fill-group}))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape1) clr/test))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape1) 0.5))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape2) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape2) clr/white))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape2) 1))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance2) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-instance2) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Circle 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape1) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color c-shape1) clr/black))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity c-shape1) 0))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape2) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color c-shape2) clr/white))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity c-shape2) 1)))))]
(dch/update-shapes [(:id shape1')]
(fn [shape]
(merge shape {:fill-color clr/test
:fill-opacity 0.5})))
(t/deftest test-touched-nested-lower-near
(t/async done
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"
:fill-color clr/white
:fill-opacity 1})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1))
(thp/sample-shape :shape2 :circle
{:name "Circle 1"
:fill-color clr/black
:fill-opacity 0})
(thp/frame-shapes :frame1
[(thp/id :instance1)
(thp/id :shape2)])
(thp/make-component :instance2 :component2
[(thp/id :frame1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance2
(thp/id :component2)))
[_instance2 _instance1 _shape1' shape2']
(thl/resolve-instance state (thp/id :instance2))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Group
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; Circle 1
;; Group #--> Group
;; Rect 1 @--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1* ---> Rect 1
;; #{:fill-group}
;; Circle 1 ---> Circle 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
;; [Group]
;; page1 / Group
(let [[[instance2 instance1 shape1 shape2]
[c-instance2 c-instance1 c-shape1 c-shape2] _component]
(thp/id :instance2))]
(t/is (= (:name instance2) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance2) nil))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Circle 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape1) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape1) clr/black))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape1) 0))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape2) #{:fill-group}))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape2) clr/test))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape2) 0.5))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance2) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-instance2) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Circle 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape1) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color c-shape1) clr/black))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity c-shape1) 0))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape2) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color c-shape2) clr/white))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity c-shape2) 1)))))]
(dch/update-shapes [(:id shape2')]
(fn [shape]
(merge shape {:fill-color clr/test
:fill-opacity 0.5})))
(t/deftest test-touched-nested-lower-remote
(t/async done
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"
:fill-color clr/white
:fill-opacity 1})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1))
(thp/sample-shape :shape2 :circle
{:name "Circle 1"
:fill-color clr/black
:fill-opacity 0})
(thp/frame-shapes :frame1
[(thp/id :instance1)
(thp/id :shape2)])
(thp/make-component :instance2 :component2
[(thp/id :frame1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance2
(thp/id :component2)))
[instance2 _instance1 _shape1' shape2']
(thl/resolve-instance state (thp/id :instance2))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Group
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1* ---> Rect 1
;; #{:fill-group}
;; Circle 1
;; Group #--> Group
;; Rect 1 @--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; Circle 1 ---> Circle 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
;; [Group]
;; page1 / Group
(let [[[instance2 instance1 shape1 shape2]
[c-instance2 c-instance1 c-shape1 c-shape2] _component]
(thp/id :instance2))]
(t/is (= (:name instance2) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance2) nil))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Circle 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape1) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape1) clr/black))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape1) 0))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape2) #{:fill-group}))
(t/is (= (:fill-color shape2) clr/test))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity shape2) 0.5))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance2) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-instance2) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Circle 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape1) nil))
(t/is (= (:fill-color c-shape1) clr/black))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity c-shape1) 0))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched c-shape2) #{:fill-group})))))]
(dch/update-shapes [(:id shape2')]
(fn [shape]
(merge shape {:fill-color clr/test
:fill-opacity 0.5})))
(dwl/update-component (:id instance2))
;; === Test reset changes ======================
(t/deftest test-reset-changes
Add table
Reference in a new issue