Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-13 08:11:30 -05:00

Improved routing (now using volatile instead direct mutation).

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2016-02-24 17:18:55 +02:00
parent 94bdf67c17
commit b3f3d51dae

View file

@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
(:require [bidi.router]
[bidi.bidi :as bidi]
[goog.events :as events]
[cats.labs.lens :as l]
[uxbox.state :as s]
[uxbox.rstore :as rs]))
(def +router+ nil)
(defonce +router+ (volatile! nil))
(def ^:const route-l
(as-> (l/in [:route]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
;; Events
@ -17,22 +23,22 @@
(-apply-update [_ state]
(merge state
{:location handler}
(when route-params
{:location-params route-params})))))
(let [route (merge {:id handler}
(when route-params
{:params route-params}))]
(assoc state :route route)))))
(defn navigate
([name] (navigate name nil))
([name params]
{:pre [(keyword? name)]}
([id] (navigate id nil))
([id params]
{:pre [(keyword? id)]}
(-apply-effect [_ state]
(let [loc (merge {:handler name}
(let [loc (merge {:handler id}
(when params
{:route-params params}))]
(bidi.router/set-location! +router+ loc))))))
(bidi.router/set-location! @+router+ loc))))))
;; Router declaration
@ -41,22 +47,22 @@
(def ^:private page-route
[[bidi/uuid :project-uuid] "/" [bidi/uuid :page-uuid]])
(def ^:static
routes ["/" [["auth/login" :auth/login]
;; ["auth/register" :auth/register]
;; ["auth/recover" :auth/recover-password]
["dashboard/" [["projects" :dashboard/projects]
["elements" :dashboard/elements]
["icons" :dashboard/icons]
["colors" :dashboard/colors]]]
["workspace/" [[page-route :workspace/page]]]]])
(def ^:const routes
["/" [["auth/login" :auth/login]
["auth/register" :auth/register]
["auth/recover" :auth/recover-password]
["dashboard/" [["projects" :dashboard/projects]
["elements" :dashboard/elements]
["icons" :dashboard/icons]
["colors" :dashboard/colors]]]
["workspace/" [[page-route :workspace/page]]]]])
(defn init
(let [opts {:on-navigate #(rs/emit! (update-location %))
:default-location {:handler :dashboard/projects}}
:default-location {:handler :auth/login}}
router (bidi.router/start-router! routes opts)]
(set! +router+ router)))
(vreset! +router+ router)))
;; Public Api
@ -64,15 +70,13 @@
(defn go
"Redirect the user to other url."
([name] (go name nil))
([name params] (rs/emit! (navigate name params))))
([id] (go id nil))
([id params] (rs/emit! (navigate id params))))
(defn route-for
"Given a location handler and optional parameter map, return the URI
for such handler and parameters."
(bidi/path-for routes location))
([location params]
(apply bidi/path-for routes location (into []
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] [k v]))
(bidi/path-for routes id))
([id params]
(apply bidi/path-for routes id (into [] (mapcat (fn [[k v]] [k v])) params))))