Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-27 23:21:47 -05:00

Add top-rule interaction on scroll.

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2016-02-18 17:50:00 +02:00
parent 02db77dea7
commit b2da09f0c1
3 changed files with 74 additions and 61 deletions

View file

@ -142,13 +142,14 @@
[old-state state]
(let [[projectid pageid] (:rum/props state)]
(rs/emit! (dw/initialize projectid pageid))
(assoc state ::sub (::sub old-state))))
(def ^:static workspace
{:render workspace-render
:transfer-state workspace-transfer-state
:will-mount workspace-will-mount
:will-unmount workspace-will-unmount
:did-mount workspace-did-mount
:name "workspace"
:mixins [mx/static rum/reactive wshortcuts/mixin]}))

View file

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
(defonce scroll-s
(as-> scroll-b $
(rx/sample 10 $)
(rx/merge $ (rx/of (gpt/point)))
(rx/dedupe $)))
@ -121,11 +122,11 @@
;; Constants
(def ^:const viewport-width 4069)
(def ^:const viewport-height 2048)
(def ^:const viewport-width 4000)
(def ^:const viewport-height 2000)
(def ^:const canvas-start-x 600)
(def ^:const canvas-start-y 600)
(def ^:const canvas-start-scroll-x 550)
(def ^:const canvas-start-scroll-y 550)
(def ^:const canvas-scroll-padding 50)
(def ^:const canvas-start-scroll-x (- canvas-start-x canvas-scroll-padding))
(def ^:const canvas-start-scroll-y (- canvas-start-y canvas-scroll-padding))

View file

@ -13,47 +13,81 @@
(def ^:static step-size 10)
(def ^:static start-width wb/canvas-start-x)
(def ^:static start-height wb/canvas-start-y)
(def ^:static big-ticks-mod (/ 100 zoom))
(def ^:static mid-ticks-mod (/ 50 zoom))
(def ^:static scroll-left 0)
(def ^:static scroll-top 0)
;; TODO: refactor
(defn big-ticks-mod [zoom] (/ 100 zoom))
(defn mid-ticks-mod [zoom] (/ 50 zoom))
(defn h-line
[position value]
(< (mod value big-ticks-mod) step-size)
[:g {:key position}
[:line {:x1 position
:x2 position
:y1 5
:y2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}]
[:text {:x (+ position 2)
:y 13
:fill "#9da2a6"
:style {:font-size "12px"}}
(let [big-ticks-mod (big-ticks-mod 1)
mid-ticks-mod (mid-ticks-mod 1)
big-step? (< (mod value big-ticks-mod) step-size)
mid-step? (< (mod value mid-ticks-mod) step-size)]
[:g {:key position}
[:line {:x1 position
:x2 position
:y1 5
:y2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}]
[:text {:x (+ position 2)
:y 13
:fill "#9da2a6"
:style {:font-size "12px"}}
(< (mod value mid-ticks-mod) step-size)
[:line {:key position
:x1 position
:x2 position
:y1 10
:y2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}])
[:line {:key position
:x1 position
:x2 position
:y1 10
:y2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}])
[:line {:key position
:x1 position
:x2 position
:y1 15
:y2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}]))))
(def ^:const +ticks+
(concat (range (- (/ wb/viewport-width 2)) 0 step-size)
(range 0 (/ wb/viewport-width 2) step-size)))
(def ^:const +rule-padding+ 20)
(defn h-rule-render
[own sidebar?]
(println "h-rule-render")
(let [scroll (rum/react wb/scroll-a)
scroll-x (:x scroll)
scroll-y (:y scroll)
translate-x (- (- wb/canvas-scroll-padding) (:x scroll))]
(println (count +ticks+))
[:line {:key position
:x1 position
:x2 position
:y1 15
:y2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}])))
{:width wb/viewport-width
:height 20}
[:g {:transform (str "translate(" translate-x ", 0)")}
(for [tick +ticks+
:let [pos (* (+ tick wb/canvas-start-x wb/canvas-scroll-padding +rule-padding+) zoom)]]
(h-line pos tick))]])))
(def h-rule
{:render h-rule-render
:name "h-rule"
:mixins [mx/static rum/reactive]}))
(defn v-line
[position value]
@ -91,29 +125,6 @@
:x2 step-padding
:stroke "#9da2a6"}])))
(defn h-rule-render
[own sidebar?]
(let [width wb/viewport-width
ticks (concat (range (- step-padding start-width) 0 step-size)
(range 0 (- width start-width step-padding) step-size))]
{:width wb/viewport-width
:height 20}
[:rect {:x step-padding :y 0 :width width :height step-padding :fill "rgb(233, 234, 235)"}]
[:rect {:x 0 :y 0 :width step-padding :height step-padding :fill "rgb(233, 234, 235)"}]]
(for [tick ticks
:let [pos (* (+ tick start-width) zoom)]]
(h-line pos tick))]])))
(def h-rule
{:render h-rule-render
:name "h-rule"
:mixins [mx/static rum/reactive]}))
(defn v-rule-render
[own sidebar?]
(let [height wb/viewport-height