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Merge pull request #3628 from penpot/niwinz-develop-bugfixes-4

 Don't render not visible shapes on workspace
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro 2023-09-15 11:11:05 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit aa62b9d248
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
9 changed files with 119 additions and 107 deletions

View file

@ -275,21 +275,19 @@
[a b]
(mth/almost-zero? (- a b)))
;; FIXME: performance
(defn overlaps-rects?
"Check for two rects to overlap. Rects won't overlap only if
one of them is fully to the left or the top"
[rect-a rect-b]
(let [x1a (dm/get-prop rect-a :x)
y1a (dm/get-prop rect-a :y)
x2a (+ x1a (dm/get-prop rect-a :width))
y2a (+ y1a (dm/get-prop rect-a :height))
(let [x1a (:x rect-a)
y1a (:y rect-a)
x2a (+ (:x rect-a) (:width rect-a))
y2a (+ (:y rect-a) (:height rect-a))
x1b (:x rect-b)
y1b (:y rect-b)
x2b (+ (:x rect-b) (:width rect-b))
y2b (+ (:y rect-b) (:height rect-b))]
x1b (dm/get-prop rect-b :x)
y1b (dm/get-prop rect-b :y)
x2b (+ x1b (dm/get-prop rect-b :width))
y2b (+ y1b (dm/get-prop rect-b :height))]
(and (or (> x2a x1b) (s= x2a x1b))
(or (>= x2b x1a) (s= x2b x1a))

View file

@ -307,12 +307,12 @@
(defn overlaps?
"General case to check for overlapping between shapes and a rectangle"
[shape rect]
(let [stroke-width (/ (or (:stroke-width shape) 0) 2)
rect (-> rect
(update :x - stroke-width)
(update :y - stroke-width)
(update :width + (* 2 stroke-width))
(update :height + (* 2 stroke-width)))]
(let [swidth (/ (or (:stroke-width shape) 0) 2)
rect (-> rect
(update :x - swidth)
(update :y - swidth)
(update :width + (* 2 swidth))
(update :height + (* 2 swidth)))]
(or (not shape)
(cph/path-shape? shape)

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
(def current-project-id (mf/create-context nil))
(def current-page-id (mf/create-context nil))
(def current-file-id (mf/create-context nil))
(def current-vbox (mf/create-context nil))
(def active-frames (mf/create-context nil))
(def render-thumbnails (mf/create-context nil))

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.rect :as grc]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.ui.context :as ctx]
@ -49,15 +50,14 @@
(let [objects (obj/get props "objects")
active-frames (obj/get props "active-frames")
shapes (cph/get-immediate-children objects)
vbox (mf/use-ctx ctx/current-vbox)
;; vbox (mf/use-ctx ctx/current-vbox)
;; shapes (mf/with-memo [shapes vbox]
;; (if (some? vbox)
;; (filter (fn [shape]
;; (grc/overlaps-rects? vbox (dm/get-prop shape :selrect)))
;; shapes)
;; shapes))
shapes (mf/with-memo [shapes vbox]
(if (some? vbox)
(filter (fn [shape]
(grc/overlaps-rects? vbox (dm/get-prop shape :selrect)))
[:g {:id (dm/str "shape-" uuid/zero)}
[:& (mf/provider ctx/active-frames) {:value active-frames}

View file

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
(fdm/use-dynamic-modifiers objects (mf/ref-val node-ref) modifiers)
[:& frame-shape {:shape shape :ref node-ref}]))))
(defn root-frame-wrapper-factory
@ -86,9 +87,9 @@
thumbnail? (unchecked-get props "thumbnail?")
page-id (mf/use-ctx ctx/current-page-id)
frame-id (:id shape)
frame-id (dm/get-prop shape :id)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects @st/state)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects @st/state page-id)
node-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
root-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
(fns/use-node-store node-ref rendered-ref thumbnail? render-frame?)
(fdm/use-dynamic-modifiers objects (mf/ref-val node-ref) modifiers)

View file

@ -225,8 +225,8 @@
:spell-check false
:on-change on-filter-change}]
(when (and recent-fonts show-recent)
[:p.title (tr "workspace.options.recent-fonts")]
(for [[idx font] (d/enumerate recent-fonts)]
[:& font-item {:key (dm/str "font-" idx)

View file

@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
picking-color?]} wglobal
vbox' (mf/use-debounce 100 vbox)
page-id (mf/use-ctx ctx/current-page-id)
@ -323,12 +325,13 @@
:y (:y vbox 0)
:fill background}]
[:& (mf/provider use/include-metadata-ctx) {:value (debug? :show-export-metadata)}
[:& (mf/provider embed/context) {:value true}
;; Render root shape
[:& shapes/root-shape {:key page-id
:objects base-objects
:active-frames @active-frames}]]]]
[:& (mf/provider ctx/current-vbox) {:value vbox'}
[:& (mf/provider use/include-metadata-ctx) {:value (debug? :show-export-metadata)}
[:& (mf/provider embed/context) {:value true}
;; Render root shape
[:& shapes/root-shape {:key page-id
:objects base-objects
:active-frames @active-frames}]]]]]
{:xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"

View file

@ -409,16 +409,25 @@
(defn bounding-rect->rect
(when (some? rect)
{:x (or (.-left rect) (:left rect) 0)
:y (or (.-top rect) (:top rect) 0)
:width (or (.-width rect) (:width rect) 1)
:height (or (.-height rect) (:height rect) 1)}))
(or (.-left rect) (:left rect) 0)
(or (.-top rect) (:top rect) 0)
(or (.-width rect) (:width rect) 1)
(or (.-height rect) (:height rect) 1))))
(defn get-window-size
{:width (.-innerWidth ^js js/window)
:height (.-innerHeight ^js js/window)})
(defn get-computed-styles
(js/getComputedStyle node))
(defn get-property-value
[o prop]
(.getPropertyValue ^js o prop))
(defn focus!
[^js node]
(when (some? node)

View file

@ -12,22 +12,21 @@
[app.main.fonts :as fonts]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[app.util.text-position-data :as tpd]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defn parse-text-nodes
"Given a text node retrieves the rectangles for everyone of its paragraphs and its text."
[parent-node direction text-node text-align]
(letfn [(parse-entry [^js entry]
(when (some? (.-position entry))
{:node (.-node entry)
:position (dom/bounding-rect->rect (.-position entry))
:text (.-text entry)
:direction direction}))]
(keep parse-entry)
(tpd/parse-text-nodes parent-node text-node text-align))))
(into []
(keep parse-entry)
(tpd/parse-text-nodes parent-node text-node text-align))))
(def load-promises (atom {}))
@ -40,76 +39,76 @@
(defn resolve-font
[^js node]
(let [styles (dom/get-computed-styles node)
font (dom/get-property-value styles "font")
font (if (or (not font) (empty? font))
;; Firefox 95 won't return the font correctly.
;; We can get the font shorthand with the font-size + font-family
(str/ffmt "% %"
(dom/get-property-value styles "font-size")
(dom/get-property-value styles "font-family"))
(let [styles (js/getComputedStyle node)
font (.getPropertyValue styles "font")
font (if (or (not font) (empty? font))
;; Firefox 95 won't return the font correctly.
;; We can get the font shorthand with the font-size + font-family
(dm/str (.getPropertyValue styles "font-size")
" "
(.getPropertyValue styles "font-family"))
font-id (dom/get-property-value styles "--font-id")]
font-id (.getPropertyValue styles "--font-id")]
(->> (fonts/ensure-loaded! font-id)
(p/fmap (fn []
(when-not ^boolean (dom/check-font? font)
(load-font font))))
(p/merr (fn [_cause]
(js/console.error (str/ffmt "Cannot load font %" font-id))
(p/resolved nil))))))
(-> (fonts/ensure-loaded! font-id)
(p/then #(when (not (dom/check-font? font))
(load-font font)))
(p/catch #(.error js/console (dm/str "Cannot load font " font-id) %)))))
(defn- process-text-node
(let [root (dom/get-parent-with-selector parent-node ".text-node-html")
paragraph (dom/get-parent-with-selector parent-node ".paragraph")
shape-x (d/parse-double (dom/get-attribute root "data-x"))
shape-y (d/parse-double (dom/get-attribute root "data-y"))
direction (.-direction ^js (dom/get-computed-styles parent-node))
text-align (.-textAlign ^js (dom/get-computed-styles paragraph))]
(mapcat #(parse-text-nodes parent-node direction % text-align))
(map #(-> %
(update-in [:position :x] + shape-x)
(update-in [:position :y] + shape-y))))
(seq (.-childNodes parent-node)))))
(defn- calc-text-node-positions
(when (some? shape-id)
(let [text-nodes (-> (dom/query (dm/fmt "#html-text-node-%" shape-id))
(dom/query-all ".text-node"))
load-fonts (->> text-nodes (map resolve-font))
(fn [parent-node]
(let [root (dom/get-parent-with-selector parent-node ".text-node-html")
paragraph (dom/get-parent-with-selector parent-node ".paragraph")
shape-x (-> (dom/get-attribute root "data-x") d/parse-double)
shape-y (-> (dom/get-attribute root "data-y") d/parse-double)
direction (.-direction (js/getComputedStyle parent-node))
text-align (.-textAlign (js/getComputedStyle paragraph))]
(->> (.-childNodes parent-node)
(mapcat #(parse-text-nodes parent-node direction % text-align))
(mapv #(-> %
(update-in [:position :x] + shape-x)
(update-in [:position :y] + shape-y))))))]
(-> (p/all load-fonts)
(fn []
(->> text-nodes (mapcat process-text-node))))))))
(let [text-nodes (-> (dom/query (dm/fmt "#html-text-node-%" shape-id))
(dom/query-all ".text-node"))]
(->> (p/all (map resolve-font text-nodes))
(p/fmap #(mapcat process-text-node text-nodes)))))
(defn calc-position-data
(when (some? shape-id)
(p/let [text-data (calc-text-node-positions shape-id)]
(->> text-data
(mapv (fn [{:keys [node position text direction]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} position
styles (js/getComputedStyle ^js node)
get (fn [prop]
(let [value (.getPropertyValue styles prop)]
(when (and value (not= value ""))
{:x x
:y (+ y height)
:width width
:height height
:direction direction
:font-family (str (get "font-family"))
:font-size (str (get "font-size"))
:font-weight (str (get "font-weight"))
:text-transform (str (get "text-transform"))
:text-decoration (str (get "text-decoration"))
:letter-spacing (str (get "letter-spacing"))
:font-style (str (get "font-style"))
:fills (transit/decode-str (get "--fills"))
:text text}))))))))
(letfn [(get-prop [styles prop]
(let [value (.getPropertyValue styles prop)]
(when (and (some? value) (not= value ""))
(transform-data [{:keys [node position text direction]}]
(let [styles (dom/get-computed-styles node)
position (assoc position :y (+ (dm/get-prop position :y)
(dm/get-prop position :height)))]
(into position (filter val)
{:direction direction
:font-family (dm/str (get-prop styles "font-family"))
:font-size (dm/str (get-prop styles "font-size"))
:font-weight (dm/str (get-prop styles "font-weight"))
:text-transform (dm/str (get-prop styles "text-transform"))
:text-decoration (dm/str (get-prop styles "text-decoration"))
:letter-spacing (dm/str (get-prop styles "letter-spacing"))
:font-style (dm/str (get-prop styles "font-style"))
:fills (transit/decode-str (get-prop styles "--fills"))
:text text})))]
(when (some? shape-id)
(->> (calc-text-node-positions shape-id)
(p/fmap (fn [text-data]
(mapv transform-data text-data)))))))