mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 23:18:48 -05:00
Group/degroup feature improvements (#15)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 332 additions and 45 deletions
@ -372,43 +372,23 @@
(defn group-selected
(letfn [(update-shapes-on-page [state pid selected group]
(as-> (get-in state [:pages-by-id pid :shapes]) $
(remove selected $)
(into [group] $)
(assoc-in state [:pages-by-id pid :shapes] $)))
(-apply-update [_ state]
(let [pid (get-in state [:workspace :page])
selected (get-in state [:workspace :selected])]
(stsh/group-shapes state selected pid)))))
(update-shapes-on-index [state shapes group]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id] :as shape}]
(as-> shape $
(assoc $ :group group)
(assoc-in state [:shapes-by-id id] $)))
(valid-selection? [shapes]
(let [groups (into #{} (map :group shapes))]
(= 1 (count groups))))]
(-apply-update [_ state]
(let [shapes-by-id (get state :shapes-by-id)
sid (uuid/random)
pid (get-in state [:workspace :page])
selected (get-in state [:workspace :selected])
selected' (map #(get shapes-by-id %) selected)
group {:type :group
:name (str "Group " (rand-int 1000))
:items (into [] selected)
:id sid
:page pid}]
(if (valid-selection? selected')
(as-> state $
(update-shapes-on-index $ selected' sid)
(update-shapes-on-page $ pid selected sid)
(update $ :shapes-by-id assoc sid group)
(update $ :workspace assoc :selected #{}))
(defn degroup-selected
(-apply-update [_ state]
(let [pid (get-in state [:workspace :page])
selected (get-in state [:workspace :selected])]
(stsh/degroup-shapes state selected pid)))))
;; TODO: maybe split in two separate events
(defn duplicate-selected
@ -264,3 +264,111 @@
match (partial try-match-shape xf selrect)
shapes (get-in state [:pages-by-id page :shapes])]
(reduce match #{} (sequence xf shapes))))
(defn group-shapes
[state shapes page]
(letfn [(replace-first-item [pred coll replacement]
(into []
(take-while #(not (pred %)) coll)
(drop 1 (drop-while #(not (pred %)) coll)))))
(move-shapes-to-new-group [state page shapes new-group]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id group] :as shape}]
(-> state
(update-in [:shapes-by-id group :items] #(remove (set [id]) %))
(update-in [:pages-by-id page :shapes] #(remove (set [id]) %))
(clear-empty-groups shape)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id id :group] new-group)
(update-shapes-on-page [state page shapes group]
(as-> (get-in state [:pages-by-id page :shapes]) $
(replace-first-item (set shapes) $ group)
(remove (set shapes) $)
(into [] $)
(assoc-in state [:pages-by-id page :shapes] $)))
(update-shapes-on-group [state parent-group shapes group]
(as-> (get-in state [:shapes-by-id parent-group :items]) $
(replace-first-item (set shapes) $ group)
(remove (set shapes) $)
(into [] $)
(assoc-in state [:shapes-by-id parent-group :items] $)))
(update-shapes-on-index [state shapes group]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id] :as shape}]
(as-> shape $
(assoc $ :group group)
(assoc-in state [:shapes-by-id id] $)))
(let [sid (uuid/random)
shapes' (map #(get-in state [:shapes-by-id %]) shapes)
distinct-groups (distinct (map :group shapes'))
parent-group (cond
(not= 1 (count distinct-groups)) :multi
(nil? (first distinct-groups)) :page
:else (first distinct-groups))
group {:type :group
:name (str "Group " (rand-int 1000))
:items (into [] shapes)
:id sid
:page page}]
(as-> state $
(update-shapes-on-index $ shapes' sid)
(= :multi parent-group)
(-> $
(move-shapes-to-new-group page shapes' sid)
(update-in [:pages-by-id page :shapes] #(into [] (cons sid %))))
(= :page parent-group)
(update-shapes-on-page $ page shapes sid)
(update-shapes-on-group $ parent-group shapes sid))
(update $ :shapes-by-id assoc sid group)
(= :multi parent-group) $
(= :page parent-group) $
:else (assoc-in $ [:shapes-by-id sid :group] parent-group))
(update $ :workspace assoc :selected #{sid})))))
(defn degroup-shapes
[state shapes page]
(letfn [(empty-group [state page-id group-id]
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes-by-id group-id])
parent-id (:group group)
position (if (nil? parent-id)
(index-of (get-in state [:pages-by-id page-id :shapes]) group-id)
(index-of (get-in state [:shapes-by-id parent-id :items]) group-id))
reduce-func (fn [state item]
(if (nil? parent-id)
(-> state
(update-in [:pages-by-id page-id :shapes] #(drop-at-index position % item))
(update-in [:shapes-by-id item] dissoc :group))
(-> state
(update-in [:shapes-by-id parent-id :items] #(drop-at-index position % item))
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id item :group] parent-id))))]
(as-> state $
(reduce reduce-func $ (reverse (:items group)))
(if (nil? parent-id)
(update-in $ [:pages-by-id page-id :shapes] #(into [] (remove #{group-id} %)))
(update-in $ [:shapes-by-id parent-id :items] #(into [] (remove #{group-id} %))))
(update-in $ [:shapes-by-id] dissoc group-id))))
(empty-groups [state page-id groups-ids]
(reduce (fn [state group-id]
(empty-group state page-id group-id))
(let [shapes' (map #(get-in state [:shapes-by-id %]) shapes)
groups (filter #(= (:type %) :group) shapes')
groups-ids (map :id groups)
groups-items (remove (set groups-ids) (mapcat :items groups))]
(as-> state $
(empty-groups $ page groups-ids)
(update $ :workspace assoc :selected (set groups-items))))))
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
;; --- Shortcuts
(defonce ^:const +shortcuts+
{:ctrl+g #(rs/emit! (dw/toggle-flag :grid))
{:shift+g #(rs/emit! (dw/toggle-flag :grid))
:ctrl+g #(rs/emit! (uds/group-selected))
:ctrl+shift+g #(rs/emit! (uds/degroup-selected))
:ctrl+shift+m #(rs/emit! (dw/toggle-flag :sitemap))
:ctrl+shift+f #(rs/emit! (dw/toggle-flag :drawtools))
:ctrl+shift+i #(rs/emit! (dw/toggle-flag :icons))
@ -290,11 +290,8 @@
page (rum/react (focus-page (:page workspace)))
close #(rs/emit! (udw/toggle-flag :layers))
duplicate #(rs/emit! (uds/duplicate-selected))
move-up #(rs/emit! (uds/move-selected-layer :up))
move-down #(rs/emit! (uds/move-selected-layer :down))
move-top #(rs/emit! (uds/move-selected-layer :top))
move-bottom #(rs/emit! (uds/move-selected-layer :bottom))
group #(rs/emit! (uds/group-selected))
degroup #(rs/emit! (uds/degroup-selected))
delete #(rs/emit! (uds/delete-selected))
dragel (volatile! nil)]
@ -314,12 +311,9 @@
(rum/with-key key))))]]
[:li.layer-up {:on-click move-up} i/arrow-slide]
[:li.layer-top {:on-click move-top} i/arrow-end]
[:li.layer-down {:on-click move-down} i/arrow-slide]
[:li.layer-end {:on-click move-bottom} i/arrow-end]
[:li.clone-layer {:on-click duplicate} i/copy]
[:li.group-layer {:on-click group} i/folder]
[:li.degroup-layer {:on-click degroup} i/ungroup]
[:li.delete-layer {:on-click delete} i/trash]]]])))
(def ^:static layers-toolbox
@ -305,3 +305,206 @@
;; (pprint expected)
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= result expected))))
;; Group Shapes
;; group a shape
(t/deftest group-shapes-1
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1}
2 {:id 2 :page 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4 3])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10"
:items [2] :id 4 :page 1}))]
(with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4)
cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)]
(let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected))))))
;; group two shapes
(t/deftest group-shapes-2
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1}
2 {:id 2 :page 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 4)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10"
:items [2 3] :id 4 :page 1}))]
(with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4)
cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)]
(let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2 3] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected))))))
;; group group
(t/deftest group-shapes-3
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2 3]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1}
2 {:id 2 :page 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 4])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 4)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10"
:items [2 3] :id 4 :page 1}))]
(with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4)
cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)]
(let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2 3] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected))))))
;; group shapes inside a group
(t/deftest group-shapes-3
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{4})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 3])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 4)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :items] [4])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 4] {:type :group :name "Group 10"
:items [2] :id 4 :page 1 :group 3}))]
(with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 4)
cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)]
(let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [2] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected))))))
;; group shapes in multiple groups
(t/deftest group-shapes-4
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [3 4]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :group 4}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}
4 {:id 4 :page 1 :type :group :imtes [3]}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{5})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [5])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :group] 5)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 2 :group] 5)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 5] {:type :group :name "Group 10"
:items [1 2] :id 5 :page 1})
(update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 3)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 4))]
(with-redefs [uuid.core/random (constantly 5)
cljs.core/rand-int (constantly 10)]
(let [result (ssh/group-shapes initial [1 2] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected))))))
;; Degroups
;; degroup a single group
;; degroup group
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-1
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [3]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :group 3}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [1 2]}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{1 2})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1 2])
(update-in [:shapes-by-id 1] dissoc :group)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id 2] dissoc :group)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 3))]
(let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [3] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup group inside a group
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-2
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [1])
(update-in [:shapes-by-id] dissoc 2)
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 1 :items] [3])
(assoc-in [:shapes-by-id 3 :group] 1))]
(let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [2] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup multiple groups not nested
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-3
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 2]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [3]}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [4]}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 1}
4 {:id 4 :page 1 :group 2}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3 4})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3 4])
(update :shapes-by-id dissoc 1)
(update :shapes-by-id dissoc 2)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id 4] dissoc :group))]
(let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [1 2] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup multiple groups nested (child first)
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-4
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3])
(update :shapes-by-id dissoc 1)
(update :shapes-by-id dissoc 2)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group))]
(let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [2 1] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup multiple groups nested (parent first)
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-5
(let [initial {:pages-by-id {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}}
:shapes-by-id {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}}
expected (-> initial
(assoc-in [:workspace :selected] #{3})
(assoc-in [:pages-by-id 1 :shapes] [3])
(update :shapes-by-id dissoc 1)
(update :shapes-by-id dissoc 2)
(update-in [:shapes-by-id 3] dissoc :group))]
(let [result (ssh/degroup-shapes initial [1 2] 1)]
(t/is (= result expected)))))
Add table
Reference in a new issue